I have a small view which renders cjuidatepicker widget.
$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(
// 'model' => $model,
'attribute' => 'start_date',
// 'value' => $model->start_date,
'options' => array(
'showButtonPanel' => true,
'changeYear' => true,
'dateFormat' => 'yy-mm-dd',
while this renders nicely without using a layout, but when I put this view in my project layout, the datepicker refuses to show up.
I have no ideas where to look for this, all the css and js are loading similarly in layout and without layout.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Having dealt my fair share with the datepicker, I'm willing to bet money on that the root to your problem is an error in your javascript. Try to comment out all included javascript in your layout and see what happens. For example, maybe you have jQuery included twice, or some code section missing a closing bracket. Basically any js error will throw datepicker off it's game. Just check the js console in your favorite browser.
I had multiple versions of jquery being loaded and that created quite a mess. Yii jquery was different from the template jquery version being used. Brought both of them to an agreement and boom!!
I am using EchMultiselect to create a multiple select.
'model' => $modelCtas,
'dropDownAttribute' => 'CATServiceID',
'data' => $data,
'dropDownHtmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'width:378px;',
It works fine, but it doesn’t collapse and the close button is not working.
I get the JQuery error TypeError: m.easing[this.easing] is not a function.
What could be the issue.?
To fix this issue you need to make sure:
1) jQuery UI is used in your project.
2) if jQuery UI its include, Then you have an error in jQuery UI version, this ext is tested on Yii 1, so that make sure you are include truth version for jQuery UI if you using Yii2, or upgrade ext if you are in Yii 1 version.
I've installed Yii2 together with Smarty for my views.
Smarty itself is working, but I can't figure out how to use the bootstrap widgets with smarty, nor find any examples.
With the default Yii renderer the widgets work great, and lots of examples are available. But when using Smarty templates documentation is nearly non existing.
How would I define this example with Smarty ?
echo Alert::widget([
'options' => [
'class' => 'alert-info',
'body' => 'Alert widget',
Obviously the first thing would be
{use class="yii\bootstrap\Alert"}
But I can't find an example of how to define the widget itself.
You should simply try this :
{use class='#yii\bootstrap\Alert' type='function'}
{Alert body='Alert widget' options=['class' => 'alert-info']}
Read more : http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-tutorial-template-engines.html#importing-static-classes-using-widgets-as-functions-and-blocks
After changing config/web.php and adding:
'globals' => ['html' => '\yii\helpers\Html'],
'uses' => ['yii\bootstrap'],
in the view section, it works.
{use class='yii\bootstrap\Alert' type='function'}
{Alert body='Alert' options=['class' => 'alert-info']}
So without the # soju suggested.
Sorry real new to yii, but where do i put the yii-booster 2.0 files?
I tried putting all the files into the extensions/bootstrap folder.
I then edited config/main.php and added this
'bootstrap' => array(
'class' => 'bootstrap.components.Bootstrap',
// 'fontawesome',
where I have a theme in themes/bootstrap which I took from my previous installation of http://www.cniska.net/yii-bootstrap/
but I'm getting this error
Bootstrap and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "register".
from the theme you got from http://www.cniska.net/yii-bootstrap/
try removing this in themes/bootstrap/views/layout/main.php
Is there a way to configure Yii such that it will no longer load any Javascript out of the Assets folder?
Make your own AssetManager or extend current
class DummyAssetManager extends CApplicationComponent {
public function publish(){}
add into components array in
You should consult the manual for a detailed description of
the assetManager options
I think you can try following option in your config/main.php
'components' => array(
'assetManager' => array(
'linkAssets' => true,
This will make asset files symbolic links to your original js/css sources. See linkAssets for more details on it.
If your PHP<5.3, or the OS it's running on doesn't support symbolic links, you won't be able to use 'linkAssets' option, in this case you can try:
'components' => array(
'assetManager' => array(
'forceCopy' => true,
This should update asset folder on every request. These two options are usually used during development process (btw, you can't use both) and should be removed from production.
PS: if you're sure that you haven't explicitly enabled ckeditor somewhere in your code and you're confident about your assetmanager calls throughout the code, check your layout and page for widgets that require this CKeditor, as Yii can't preload 'stuff' just randomly, it can be triggered by some preloaded component/extension or yii widget.
I've been working on Yii-based application. And I've faced with weird thing...
What I'm trying to do is to add input(type=file) into form. Form is created via form builder(CForm class). But input is not going to appear.
My code. Controller/action:
$form=new CForm('path.to.forms.my-form', $model);
$this->render('view', array('form'=>$form));
echo $form
Form config:
return array(
'attributes' => array(
'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',
'elements' => array(
'name' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'image' => array(
'type' => 'file',
'buttons' => array(
'save' => array(
'type' => 'submit',
'label' => 'Save',
public $image;
// ....
public function rules()
return array(
array('image', 'file', 'types'=>'png', 'on'=>'my-scenario'),
With code above I expected to see two fields - text and file. But only text one appears.
If I change file validator to, say, required - it works, but I need file validator.
I'm using Yii version 1.1.13.
The most intresting that code above works as expected with earlier Yii(1.1.9). Is this a known bug in new version? If yes - is there a solution? or do I have to rollback to previous version?
Thanks in advance.
If you add a second validator (one for file and one for required) does it work?
No, it doesn't. I believe I found why. See bellow.
It seems to be caused by this line in CForm..
Yes, correct. Yesterday, armed with debugger I went deeper:)
CFormElement::getVisible() eventually calls CModel::isAttributeSafe() and CModel::getSafeAttributeNames().
CForm::getSafeAttributeNames() gets all model validators and leaves only safe ones. As we can see CFileValidator is not safe.
So, it doesn't matter how many safe validators(required or any other) have attribute assigned. CForm::getSafeAttributeNames() removes it from whitelist if there is at least one unsafe(file).
File validator is unsafe since 1.1.12 version. That is why it worked perfectly for me in 1.1.9 :)
Hence the problem is in CFileValidator(or at least connected with it) and not in CForm.
The only one solution I can see so far is creating own validator extended from CFileValidator marked safe and using it instead of built in. But I can't even imagine what problems it may cause(I believe Yii developers had a good reason for making it unsafe).
I hope this will be helpful for somebody.
array('image', 'file', 'safe'=>true, 'types'=>'png', 'on'=>'my-scenario')
this validation rule(explicit safe=true) also works.
If you add a second validator (one for file and one for required) does it work? I ran into this recently myself.
It seems to be caused by this line in CForm:
The getVisible checks the active validators for this current model scenario and leaves out any inputs that aren't used in the current validator rules. I've ended up commenting things out in our custom CForm model for our system, but if let me know if you find something that works better for you.
Issue has been posted on github