Impala jdbc driver work with Pentaho Designer - pentaho

I have some trouble to get impala jdbc driver working with Pentaho Designer.
I got the jdbc driver from cloudera website. After extracting the drivers and put them under lib/jdbc, I set up connection via Generic Database.
The custom connection url is: jdbc:hive2://;auth=noSasl
The custom driver class name is: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
I tried a simple query like "SELECT count(*) FROM table_1;", and got an error: "ParentException:
java.sql.SQLException: Method not supported"
Any ideas?

Matt from Pentaho submitted pull request to apache repository on github:
This pull request contains implementation of all needed methods in JDBC driver for Pentaho tools. I fetched his commit, built jar and copied it into libext/JDBC directory instead of jar from Cloudera website. Driver still misses lot of methods, but is able to perform basic operations on Impala.

Pentaho does not support impala in previous versions. If you are using 4.4.2 PDI,you can use it for instaview.
Impala will be officially support in pentaho 5.0 and its already been released.


Error while running hive on windows server 2012

While running hive on windows server 2012 I am getting an error of class cast type. Searched about it but can not find the concrete solution if anyone can help. Sharing the screen shot might help analyzing the situation.
Hadoop & beeline is install and running well but connection to hive can not be done.

Pentaho 6.0.1 connection to Mapr 5.0.1

I am trying to connect Pentaho DI to Mapr. While creating a connection I get the following error
Unable to load the {0}Shim.
I am using Pentaho Enterprise edition.
Has anyone faced similar issue.
Have you installed the pentaho-mapr .jar file in the lib folder of PDI?, for example if you want to connect to mysql database then first you probably need to install the mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar file

how to install jdbc driver for sql server

Hi I am new to eclipse ; I am trying to do example of nhibernate ; I downloaded sqljdbc4jar and uzipped it but when I double click to install it is not installing and no messages on windows 7 why it is not installing.however in windows 8 i am getting messages: cannot launch this type of file file types that contain executable code like exe ..cannot be launched
Try downloading JDBC driver for SQL Server from this Microsoft website:
This Binary Code is: Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server
Make sure you follow the installation instruction on the same link, to probably install it.

Unable to edit alias properties in SQuirreL SQL Client Version 3.5.0?

I'm unable to edit the properties for my DEV alias. The connection to my oracle 11g db is fine, I just need to 'trim the fat' so I don't load everything from the schema. I'm using the Oracle Thin Driver. Anyone have any suggestions?
I had this problem in 3.4.x and 3.5.x versions of SQuirrel with the Oracle plugin and JDBC Thin drivers. I don't know if it's a problem with the OCI drivers.
The problem was introduced when I updated my driver jars from version to
Use the Oracle jars, and the alias properties should work again.

Updating JDBC driver in Eclipse for Derby 10.9

So I am running into an issue right now.... and I need your help. I am trying to get a Derby JDBC driver setup in Eclipse. The Derby driver I downloaded was 10.9, but the Driver that is in Eclipse says it is "System Version 10.2".
I went to Window -> Preferences, Data Management, Connectivity, Driver Definition, then created a new one. I select the latest version of the Derby Embedded JDBC Driver, which is 10.2. I then include the derby.jar file in the JAR List then click OK.
Then, in Eclipse again, I go to "Data Source Explorer" then right click on Database Connections -> New... I select Derby, then select the Driver I just used, add a user/pass, then click Finish.
It creates the DB just fine... But when I use the following code I get an errror:
String host = "jdbc:derby:C:\\Users\\Samson\\MyDB;create=true";
String user = "admin";
String pass = "admin";
try {
java.sql.Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(host, user, pass);
} catch (SQLException e) {
The error is:
ERROR XSLAN: Database at C:\Users\Samson\MyDB has an incompatible format with the current version of the software. The database was created by or upgraded by version 10.9.
So it seems like it is trying to connect to this 10.9 database with a 10.2 driver for some reason but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas? Thanks!!
Edit: Okay so the above code is placed within a Java Servlet if that helps. I created a new project called "DBConnect" and placed the lib for derby inside it and created a simple program to connect to the DB and it worked just fine. So it's related to my Servlet.
Edit2: Nothing like being an idiot in your first post to StackOverflow. I have to update the Derby driver in Geronimo as it is only using 10.2 instead of 10.9.
Edit3: On my work PC it is giving me the same issue. For some reason whenever I create a regular Java project it works fine, but whenever I try to use a Java Servlet to connect to this database I still get the error. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to it.
Edit4: Looks like the Geronimo installation is using, but I still have no clue how to actually get it updated. Going to try and just download the 10.8 driver for now and deal with this at a later time.
Edit5: Yeah it looks like I can't really use the Data Source Explorer in Eclipse for some reason. I have installed and I can get my servlet to save/read from the DB just fine, but when I try to connect using the Data Source Explorer it just doesn't even show the Table I created.
Edit6: Sigh... Well 10.8 did, in fact, work. I just wasn't looking in the right Schema. I feel like an idiot.
I went ahead and installed derby 10.8 instead of 10.9 and it seems to be working just fine now. Geronimo was setup to use 10.8 instead of 10.9.