Automated UI testing on remote computers without installing anything remotely - testing

Which options do we have to do automated UI testing on remote computers connected via RDP, if I don't want to install anything on the remote computer?
My only idea is to open the rdp session always in the same way and use recorded mouse and key strokes, but there are some disadvantages, e.g. I assume it's slow?
Anyways, do you know any open source or proprietary tools I can use? Best would be that I have to install nothing on the remote machine and play the record on my local machine.

Starting with UFT 11.50 (previously known as QTP) there is support for image based testing.
You can have one machine with UFT installed and replay on other machines via RDP using Insight UFT's image based automation solution.

eggPlant Functional allows you to automate the UI of any app on Windows machines using an RDP connection. It's pretty fast assuming you are connecting over a decent network, and you don't need to install anything additional on the target machine.


How does selenium behave without an "active session"

I've been working with Selenium for a few years already.
I started with some little stuff in Java and in my previous job I did a project using C# bindings with SpecFlow framework, page objects model, I dealt with complex locators, some JavascriptExecutor even some browsermobproxy work, bottom line I have some experience with Selenium.
Still there is something that is not clear to me.
Is Selenium expected to work properly when there is no "interactive session" into the machine that is running the code ?
Let's say that I connect into remote desktop to a machine in the cloud (Let's say Amazon or Azure), I develop a script and schedule a windows job to run it on the next 10 minutes, then I disconnect from the remote desktop session, the machine is on but no user is connected to it in remote desktop.
Will the script work ? Or depends what does it do ? Might some of the actions not work (Script might include changing the window size, sending keystrokes both through selenium sendkeys and by OS level actions) ? Can we ensure that any script that we developed and works OK while we are connected to the machine will also work when I'm not ?
I hope the question is clear, if not I can maybe explain further
Thanks !!!
Yes, Selenium can run on the cloud machine even though you are not connected to it. It should work without any issue.
As per my knowledge cloud machines are protected by firewall which blocks almost all the ports. You may need to get permission to use the default selenium ports like 4444 or 5555.
Also, may need to increase wait time because the cloud machines are slow in performance compared to normal physical desktop.
Usually cloud machines are linux based, you need to consider the environment as well.

Running tests on VM does not work unless window is open

We are attempting to do our testing remotely, so we set up some Virtual Machines to run our GUI tests and to free up our local machines. What we were hoping for was to have the tests run just like they would on a physical machine, however they seem to require an active Remote Desktop Connection up in order to run properly. These tests are written using LeanFT and it is a windows app so this is not mobile GUI testing.
Is there a certain way to configure this VM to set it up properly for automated GUI testing that does not require an active Remote Desktop Connection? It seems as if its sharing the controls on our physical machine..
Or am I completely wrong here.. Is a Remote Machine different than a Virtual Machine? Thanks!
It's possible to run a GUI test without an active Remote Desktop Connection
I achieved this with leanft through the following 2 steps:
Configure how you execute your tests
Whether you're running via a Jenkins slave or through another kind of "listener" (maybe ssh, or bamboo, etc.), you need to configure this listener to start after a specific user is logged on.
In my case I was running through the Jenkins slave, so I've configured the startup of the slave to launch as soon the user logged in.
Tell windows to login the user when the computer starts. You can achieve that via the following registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
The core requirement is that you need to have an active session (regardless of whether you are using Jenkins, TeamCity, Grid or other tools to launch the tests).
For your virtual machine, you will need to have access to the console. For VMWare vSphere, there is a native client or website. For VMWare Workstation or VirtualBox, these automatically display.
Using the console access, log into the system and set it up to never log out or sleep or hibernate. This is a variety of OS settings that you can look up.
Essentially, these boxes need to always be logged in. With this setup, you need to be sure access to these systems is controlled so that you don't have random people logging in / or logging out.

Citrix Automation using UIPath

I am working in different kind of UI Automation and need to explore Citrix automation, can anybody suggest any live example for citrix automation so that i can give it a try and explore.
Install UiPath CE.
Get access to another computer via Remote Desktop. Maybe boot one up via AWS or Azure.
Try to automate a program on the remote machine from your own machine via UiPath (which is installed on your own machine).
And as Poof commented, only Image (i.e. Click Image) and Hotkeys are usable. But if you use the Citrix Recording option, that should remove any activities that is not usable :)

How to simulate that someone is "watching" the monitor?

I am automating web-application tests that are driven by Selenium architecture in Windows VMs, connecting via Windows Remote Desktop. It became known to me that Flash/SWF and other in-browser elements behave differently if the VM window is opened/shown (all is cool) and when the window is closed (or maybe even minimized). Which means that browsers/plugins engage some optimization if no one watches the screen (I might be wrong with that - if so - please correct me).
As a (working) workaround, installing VNC (and logging into it at least once before running the tests) helps. From that moment noone needs to "watch" the monitor.
I think that the same functionality/system calls is used by (for example) movie players that cancel the screensaver during the film watching.
The question is if any special daemon was written for those purposes, so I won't need to connect to those machines by VNC, but only to run the daemon.
Update: - meanwhile found this utility, checking if it will do the job. Advices are still welcomed.
Update N2: the utility above doesn't do the job.
What you experience is the standard render optimization: The OS will ignore all rendering commands if the window isn't visible.
My guess is that VM tools "minimize" the whole desktop to save memory as long as no one is connected.
On Unix, I'd write a small script which runs the VNC viewer when the tests are started.
[EDIT] What you're looking for is a kind of /dev/null device for VNC connections.
Here is a solution that might work: Download the sources for the TightVNC Java Viewer (license: GPL) and remove all the rendering code.
That should allow you to start a headless VNC client for your tests.

Online product demo environment for Windows applications

I'm looking for a way to allow potential customers to try my application before they buy it.
The product is a windows forms application that requires an SQL Server database to operate.
Although I have a functional demo that the customer can install on their network, I want to make it easier for them by have them "play" with it at my environment.
I remember Microsoft had (has?) something similar. I was testing Visual Studio a few years ago in a virtual environment where I was connecting to a server at Microsoft.
They setup the environment this way so when a user logs off after using it rollback his actions. Or to explain it better: when a user logins it starts with a new, clean environment.
So any projects I've created testing Visual Studio were lost after I logged off.
Any suggestions?
Some solutions that come to mind:
Provide remote access
You could provide access to a running instance of your application via some sort of remote connection protocol, e.g. via RDP or via VNC.
For example, there is a Java VNC client which can run as a Java applet; you could put that on a webpage and have it connect to a VNC session you host on your servers.
Or use Windows Terminal Server, and allow connection via RDP.
Both solutions of course have the drawback that people need to open the appropriate ports, if they are behind a firewall. There might be ways around that, however (e.g. you can run VNC over HTTP).
VM image
A completely different solution: Provide a ready-to-run VM image (for VMWare, VirtualBox or similar) of your application, including server and everything. You would need a demo version of your app though, plus getting redistribution rights for all the proprietary components (Windows OS, SQL server) might get hairy.
Offer videos
Often people do not really need to actually use the app; they are mainly interested to see how it works. So maybe it is enough to host videos of the app in operation. That allows you to put in some advertising for your features, and lets you show the users what they might miss when testing on their own.