How to configure Jenkins login with google apps - authentication

I had installed Jenkins in Ubuntu machine and making build successfully. I want to have authentication with help of Google apps. I feel it would be better, I searched the plugin respective to this, but i can't find it. whether this can be attained by means of plugin or otherways? Please do let me know the ways to do. Thanks in advance

Now that Google deprecated support for OpenID, you can use Google Login Plugin which works well with Google Apps.

In Jenkins by default user authentication is not enabled but we can establish the user authentication from the Global Security section. We have to create users for team members and it maintains all user in its own database. But we can also configure Jenkins with Google OAuth. So, if you are leveraging Google services and already have users on it. The users can login to Jenkins and perform their task.
To implement Google OAuth we'll recommend jenkinsci/google-login-plugin ( this is a Jenkins plugin which lets you login to Jenkins with your Google account. Also allows you to restrict access to accounts in a given Google Apps domain.
I am assuming that we have already installed Jenkins server and have admin right to make changes in it. The whole configuration is divided into three easy steps.
1. Get Google OAuth Credentials
To use this plugin, you must obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google Developers Console ( These don't need to belong to a special account, or even one associated with the domain you want to restrict logins to.
Instructions to create the Client ID and Secret:
Login to the Google Developers Console
Create a new project, in the pop-up window specify your project
name it can be any name which is more meaning full to you, eg:
Jenkins OAuth. In this project we will generate authantication
credentials to enable OAuth API.
On the left sidebar under APIs & Services (API Manager) ->
Credentials, Create credentials, OAuth client ID (It will genrate API
credentials and these credentails are required to configure in
Jenkins in last step).
As we are going to integrate this in Jenkins and it is a web
service, the application type should be "Web Application"
Register Jenkins URI from where we allowed to access the Google
APIs. We have to provide Jenkins server detail. You can replace your
JENKINS_ROOT_URL = with your own Jenkins URI. This will be the landing page of your Jenkins server.
Once you hit this page it will be redirected to google for the
The authorized redirect URIs is required to redirect you after
successful login. It is the combination of your Jenkins landing page
and a suffix string to validate you are a logged in user. As we want
to land user to Jenkins dashboard, so it has the same URI which we
mentioned in the previous step and don’t forget to include
securityRealm/finishLogin at the end. So the authorized redirect
URLs should result like this
Copy and save Client ID and Client Secret, these credential
will be used to enable Google APIs in Jenkins (Security Realm
2. Install Google Login Plugin
In Jenkins there is no mechanism to configure OAuth but there are many plugins are available and we are using Google Login plugin. We can easily install this plugin from Manage Jenkins –> Manage Plugins –> Available and search for “Google Login”. Select the plugin. There is no need to restart to install this plugin. This plugin allows for the register Google OAuth and performs authentication.
3. Configure Jenkins
In this step, we will setup Google security credentials in installed plugin. Navigate to Manage Jenkins –> Configure Global Security and select Login with Google under Security Realm paste credentials (Client ID and secret) generated in the first step. In the last field do not forget to enter your domain name it allows you to restrict access to given domain name.
Immediately after saving changes Jenkins will allow access to all users in your domain. Now, try to login into your Jenkins it will redirect you to Google Authentication page. If everything is set up properly you will be logged in but just in case you’re still facing any problem go back and check each step. The logged in user can do anything and if you want to restrict users you can implement Role Strategy Plugin ( security.

You can achieve Single Sign On with Google Apps using the OpenID Plugin. It's very easy to set up, you basically install the plugin, select "Google Apps SSO (with OpenID)" and enter your domain. Note that users will have to have a google apps account to login after that.
Tip: you might consider using it in combination with the Role Strategy Plugin

I used a command line browser called elinks to sign in to their html mail server
Use shift in Elinks to copy and paste.
I switched a text message script from one jenkins box to another and had to do this to get Google to let me use that IP.


Recovering Jenkins admin account overshadowed by GitHub OAuth

The use case is a sudo for a dual-role user who wants to switch user accounts to perform Jenkins administrative tasks when no GitHub account is authorized as a local Jenkins admin and GitHub OAuth Plugin manages authentication (overshadowing Jenkins built-in authentication form).
More info
A power user with two roles (Jenkins admin and DevOps) wants to perform some administrative task (like adding an access token to Jenkins keyring), but none of the linked GitHub accounts (that can be authenticated by Jenkins using its GitHub OAuth Plugin) is authorized as Jenkins admin (using Matrix Authorization Strategy). Is the admin account effectively locked out, because Jenkins GitHub OAuth Plugin does not let us log in with local Jenkins admin rights? If so, then shouldn't this situation be prevented by the GitHub OAuth Plugin, ensuring that at least one GitHub user has retained Jenkins admin role?
Side note: out of all alternatives such as (over)shadowing, hiding, or obscuring, the first sounded the most exciting, but feel free to fix the term if necessary.
I managed to turn off security, i.e. escalate to admin... using Jenkins own interface. But wait, there's more: I was led there by... Jenkins' security tip.
Just go to:
(then change Security Realm to "None" and Authorization to "Anyone can do anything").
Key take-away: never run Jenkins without proper air-gapping.

Is there a way to implement a web single sign on with BrightSpace platform?

I have a website were we are using Auth0 as Identity provider, now we are going to offer courses for our users, we want to integrate our site with the BrightSpace (desire2learn) LMS platform. The idea is to create the enrollment use case using their API in our site (create the user account), after that we want the user to have access to the LMS, avoiding the user to login again when passes from our site to the d2l platform site.
How should be the authentication flow to implement something like SSO in this case?
Basically, D2L Brightspace does support seamless login via an external redirect to your identify provider; however, the institution using Brightspace will need to work with their assigned D2L Implementation team in order to have SAML configured properly.

Does Keycloak support some form of middleman authentication?

I'm using keycloak to let my users authenticate with my application. And i am trying to migrate some functionality to a few plugins, e.g. a wordpress plugin. For these plugins i want to use a generic solution so I found the following authentication process from Microsoft ( and Adobe (
I managed to hack my way around the process to get this working with keycloak. But at this moment I'm a bit concerned about the security risk that go with this process.
The process in steps
the (plugin) client asks to backend server to generate a code to identify the user.
the (plugin) client start polling the backend for an authentication code (no response yet, since the user is not logged in yet).
the plugin opens a browser window or tab with the keycloak loginpage. Everything is the same as the normal process, but this time we add an redirect uri with the code generated in step one, which identifies the user.
once the user is logged in the user gets redirected in the browser to an endpoint where the code from step one is linked to the access token retrieved in this step.
the polling from step 2 now returns the access token to the (plugin) client.
The reason I need to poll for the access token is because I want to make a generic login process for all client.
In short, I want to know what the security risks are, given the steps above. Also I can not seem to find any information of keycloak that they want to implement such feature. Does anyone know if they want to implement this, since many other plugins do offer tis feature to authenticate outside the plugin with a popup window and retrieving the accesstoken by "polling" the server.
Thanks for the help.

Pygsheets - non-interactive oauth authentication

I'm attempting to use Apache Airflow and pygsheets to upload to various Team Drives. When using oauth authentication, because it's an Airflow task, there's no interactive terminal for inputting the authorization code returned by Google.
I know that using a service account would typically work, but unfortunately, we're unable to give Google Drive access to users outside of our organization (so no
Is there any way to use oauth in a non-interactive manner?
You can authorize the account locally and then copy the generated credentials file to the server. Then use that file for authorization, it won't ask for code again.

What kind of application do I register for a web application that can run at an arbitrary URL?

We made a CMS that allows users to connect to Google Analytics via a connector. I'm in the process of porting this connector to OAuth2 and am wondering what kind of application I need to register.
The issue is that the CMS is installed by our clients at arbitrary URL so we don't know the complete set of redirect URLs that I would need to register a Web Server application. Google's OAuth won't let me redirect to an arbitrary URL that I pass in during the authorization request?
Would registering an installed application and then using the urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob special redirect URI be best? Seems like this allows the user copy/paste their authorization code from the browser back into our application.
Thanks in advance!
Indeed the installed application will allow users to copy and paste and not register. This is appropriate if the clients are end users of your application, and not say, configuring it as a plugin which will then provide web services to the client's users (where such users will then be prompted via the OAuth2 consent dialog). In the latter case you probably want to ask your clients to register their own web site as web application with Google and use a configuration tool for your CMS application to set the client's redirect URLs.
Why the distinction? Because in the first case the consent action is about your relationship with your clients, but in the latter case it expresses trust between your clients and their users. For instance, you don't want your CMS application to be disabled for abuse because one of your clients has misbehaved, as it'd affect all your clients. However, if you intermediated the consent you made it difficult for Google to understand the distinction.