Create a 350000 column csv file by merging smaller csv files - sql

I have about 350000 one-column csv files, which are essentially 200 - 2000 numbers printed one under another. The numbers are formatted like this: "-1.32%" (no quotes). I want to merge the files to create a monster of a csv file where each file is a separate column. The merged file will have 2000 rows maximum (each column may have a different length) and 350000 columns.
I thought of doing it with MySQL but there is a 30000 column limit. An awk or sed script could do the job but I don't know them all that well and I am afraid it will take a very long time. I could use a server if the solution requires to. Any suggestions?

This python script will do what you want:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os
import sys
import codecs
fhs = []
count = 0
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
count += 1
while count > 0:
delim = ''
for fh in fhs:
line = fh.readline()
if not line:
count -= 1
line = ''
delim = ','
for fh in fhs:
Call it with all the CSV files you want to merge and it will print a new file to stdout.
Note that you can't merge all files at once; for one, you can't pass 350,000 file names as arguments to a process and secondly, a process can only open 1024 files at once.
So you'll have to do it in several passes. I.e. merge files 1-1000, then 1001-2000, etc. Then you should be able to merge the 350 resulting intermediate files at once.
Or you could write a wrapper script which uses os.listdir() to get the names or all files and calls this script several times.


Python - Compare two csv file - based on Column

I am trying to compare two CSV files, most of the time it will have same data but order of data will not be the same. Eg
csv file1
CSV File2
so I want to use third column as Primary key to compare other values. Report the difference. Is this possible to do it in Robotframework or Panda?
If you are making use of robotframework you need to do the following,
install robotframework-csvlib
Use Built-in Collections
Input from your question
csv file1
csv file2
My Solution
In the below approach, we are first reading csv into list of lists for both csv files and then comparing all the list of list items by making use of Collections KW List Should Contain Sub List, here, notice that we are passing an argument "values=True" which compares the value as well.
Code that compares 2 csv files
*** Settings ***
Library CSVLib
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Test CSV
${list1}= read csv as list csv1.csv
log to console ${list1}
${list2}= read csv as list csv2.csv
log to console ${list2}
List Should Contain Sub List ${list1} ${list2} values=True
(rf1) C:\Users\kgurupra>robot s1.robot
Test CSV .[['C1,C2,C3'], ['AAA,111,A1A1'], ['BBB,222,B2B2'], ['CCC,333,C3C3']]
..[['C1,C2,C3'], ['CCC,333,C3C3'], ['BBB,212,B2B2'], ['AAA,111,A1A1']]
Test CSV | FAIL |
Following values were not found from first list: ['BBB,212,B2B2']
S1 | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Output: C:\Users\kgurupra\output.xml
Log: C:\Users\kgurupra\log.html
Report: C:\Users\kgurupra\report.html
Assuming you've imported your CSV files as pandas DataFrames you can do the following to merge the two while retaining fundamental differences:
df = csv1.merge(csv2, on='<insert name primary key column here>',how='outer')
Adding the suffixes option allows you to more clearly differentiate between identically named columns from each file:
df = csv1.merge(csv2, on='<insert name>',how='outer',suffixes=['_csv1','_csv2'])
After that it depends on what kind of differences you are looking to spot but perhaps a starting point is:
df['difference_1'] = df['column1_csv1'] == df['column1_csv2']
this will create a boolean column which indicates True if observations are the same and False otherwise.
But there are nearly endless options for comparison.

How to skip duplicate headers in multiple CSV files having indetical columns and merge as one big data frame

I have copied 34 CSV files having identical columns in google colab and trying to merge as one big data frame. However, each CSV has a duplicate header which needs to be skipped.
The actual header anyway will be skipped while concatenating, as my CSV files having identical columns correct?
dfs = [pd.read_csv(path.join('/content/drive/My Drive/',x)skiprows=1) for x in os.listdir('/content/drive/My Drive/') if path.isfile(path.join('/content/drive/My Drive/',x))]
df = pd.concat(dfs)
Above code throwing below error.
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 1: invalid continuation byte
Below code working for sample files,but need an efficient way to skip dup headers and merged into one data frame.Please suggest.
Have you considered using glob from the standard library?
Try this
path = ('/content/drive/My Drive/')
allFiles = glob.glob("*.csv")
dfs = [pd.read_csv(f,header=None,error_bad_lines=False) for f in allFiles]
#or if you know the specific delimiter for your csv
#dfs = [pd.read_csv(f,header=None,delimiter='yourdelimiter') for f in allFiles]
df = pd.concat(dfs)
Try this, the most generic script for concatenating multiple 'n' csv files in a specific path with a common file name format!
def get_merged_csv(flist, **kwargs):
return pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f,**kwargs) for f in flist], ignore_index=True)
path = r"C:\Users\Jyotsna\Documents"
fmask = os.path.join(path, 'Detail**.csv')
df = get_merged_csv(glob.glob(fmask), index_col=None)
If you want to skip some fixed rows and/or columns in each of the files before concatenating, edit the code accordingly on this line!
return pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f, skiprows=4,usecols=range(9),**kwargs) for f in flist], ignore_index=True)

how to split large text files into smaller text files using vba?

I have a database textfile.
It is large text file about 387,480 KB. This file contains table name, headers of the table and values. I need to split this file into multiple files each containing table creation and insertion with a file name as table name.
Please can anyone help me??
I don't see how Excel will open a 347MB file. You can try to load it into Access, and do the split, using VBA. However, the process of importing a file that large may fragment enough to blow Access up to #GB, and then it's all over. SQL Server would handle this kind of job. Alternatively, you could use Python or R to do the work for you.
### Python:
import pandas as pd
for i,chunk in enumerate(pd.read_csv('C:/your_path/main.csv', chunksize=3)):
### R
mydata = read.csv("annualsinglefile.csv")
# If you want 5 different chunks with same number of lines, lets say 30.
# Chunks = split(mydata,sample(rep(1:5,30))) ## 5 Chunks of 30 lines each
# If you want 100000 samples, put any range of 20 values within the range of number of rows
First_chunk <- sample(mydata[1:100000,]) ## this would contain first 100000 rows
# Or you can print any number of rows within the range
# Second_chunk <- sample(mydata[100:70,] ## this would contain last 30 rows in reverse order if your data had 100 rows.
# If you want to write these chunks out in a csv file:
# write.csv(Second_chunk,file="Second_chunk.csv",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)

How to run same syntax on multiple spss files

I have 24 spss files in .sav format in a single folder. All these files have the same structure. I want to run the same syntax on all these files. Is it possible to write a code in spss for this?
You can use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES user submitted command to do this or write your own macro. So first lets create some very simple fake data to work with.
*FILE HANDLE save /NAME = "Your Handle Here!".
*Creating some fake data.
1 2
3 4
SAVE OUTFILE = "save\X1.sav".
SAVE OUTFILE = "save\X2.sav".
SAVE OUTFILE = "save\X3.sav".
*Creating a syntax file to call.
DO IF $casenum = 1.
PRINT OUTFILE = "save\TestProcess_SHOWN.sps" /"FREQ X Y.".
Now we can use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES command to specify the sav files in the folder and apply the TestProcess_SHOWN.sps syntax to each of those files.
*Now example calling the syntax.
Another (less advanced) way is to use the command INSERT. To do so, repeatedly GET each sav-file, run the syntax with INSERT, and sav the file. Probably something like this:
get 'file1.sav'.
insert file='syntax.sps'.
save outf='file1_v2.sav'.
dataset close all.
get 'file2.sav'.
insert file='syntax.sps'.
save outf='file2_v2.sav'.
etc etc.
Good luck!
If the Syntax you need to run is completely independent of the files then you can either use: INSERT FILE = 'Syntax.sps' or put the code in a macro e.g.
Define !Syntax ()
* Put Syntax here
You can then run either of these 'manually';
get file = 'file1.sav'.
insert file='syntax.sps'.
save outfile ='file1_v2.sav'.
get file = 'file1.sav'.
save outfile ='file1_v2.sav'.
Or if the files follow a reasonably strict naming structure you can embed either of the above in a simple bit of python;
Begin Program.
imports spss
for i in range(0, 24 + 1):
syntax = "get file = 'file" + str(i) + ".sav.\n"
syntax += "insert file='syntax.sps'.\n"
syntax += "save outfile ='file1_v2.sav'.\n"
print syntax
End Program.

How can I delete a specific line (e.g. line 102,206,973) from a 30gb csv file?

What method can I use to delete a specific line from a csv/txt file that is too big too load into memory and edit manually?
My question is actually an indirect solution to a problem related with importing csv into sql databases.
I have a series of 10-30gb csv files I want to import and populate an sqlite table from within R (Since they are too large to import as data frames as a whole into R). I am using the 'RSQlite' package for this.
A couple fail because of an error related to one of the lines being badly formatted. The populating process is then cancelled. R returns the line number which caused the process to fail.
The error given is:
./csvfilename line 102206973 expected 9 columns of data but found 3)
So I know exactly the line which causes the error.
I see 2 potential 'indirect' solutions which I was hoping someone could help me with.
(i) Deleting the line causing the error in 20+gb files. e.g. line 102,206,973 in the example above.
I am not concerned with 'losing' the data in line 102,206,973 by just skipping or deleting it. However I have tried and failed to somehow access the csv file and to remove the line.
(ii) Using sqlite directly (or anything else?) to import an csv which does allow you to skip lines or an error.
Although not likely to be related directly to the solution, here is the R code used.
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=name_of_table)
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name ="currentdata", value = csvfilename, row.names = FALSE, header = TRUE)
To delete a specific line you can use sed:
sed -e '102206973d' your_file
If you want the replacement to be done in-place, do
sed -i.bak -e '102206973d' your_file
This will create a backup names your_file.bak and your_file will have the specified line removed.
$ cat a
$ sed -i.bak -e '3d' a
$ cat a
$ cat a.bak