Word add-in, custom layout - vba

Is it possible to create a custom layout, existing ones are:
Print layout
Full Screen reading
Web layout
These can be found in the View Ribbon under the group Document Views.
My aim is to get my own layout button in either the existing View Ribbon (if it is possible to modify it) or add a new layout to my custom Ribbon.
Thanks in advance!

This answer is going to provide information on how to change standard settings of any view type control and associate these changes with certain document. This will not work with all documents and will not change the control action for whole Word Application but for one document. Operation could be repeated for few document and almost all Word button.
Important! I'm not using English version of Office application therefore some description will not match exactly to what you have. Tried and tested for Word 2010.
There are following steps to go:
Open new document- one where control should work according to your private expectations.
Go to View >> Macros >> Show list of macros
In the combo-box below middle of the Macro window choose something like Word application commands (or Word macros or similar). As a result you get list of lots of macros names.
You need to guess which of the macro is associated with ribbon control you are going to change. Use common sense and logic to find it. Sometimes two or three seems to match and possibly you will need to make a try.
A) let's try to change behaviour of draft/pending/working view ribbon control. one rounded red below:
B) find macro ViewNormal (but not ViewDraft)
C) select this macro on the list
Change back on the combo-box list to your document (while keeping your chosen macro selected)
Press Create button on the right in the macro window. You will be moved to VBA Editor to the following code:
Sub ViewNormal()
' ViewNormal Makro
' Zmienia widok edycji na normalny
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView
ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
End If
End Sub
This code is responsible for working of chosen ribbon control.
First, let's check if we can take control of ribbon button- add MsgBox "Control taken" at the end of the code, before End sub. Back to Word App and press button on the ribbon which result should be- setting of chosen view and our message box.
Now you need to change your code accordingly to set your view as you need. Use VBA for that.
Save document as .Docm and all the changes will be applied to the document each time you press chosen ribbon button.


Word document text boxes "remember" what was in them previously

I am using a VBA userform to randomly generate values to be sent into a Word document to provide random questions on various math topics (for my students).
This seems to work well except that when I exit the userform (me.hide) and the values are sent and focus is back in the document, the previous values are still briefly visible every time I move the mouse.
This only happens for an instant. The correctly sent values appear if there is no mouse (or window slider) activity taking place. If I view another application and do some activity there and then return to the Word document the display is fine as well.
The flipping of values is visually annoying. Has anyone out there encountered a similar issue?
To reproduce:
Create a Word document with an ActiveX Textbox and button. The button activates a userform which also contains a Textbox and a button to send the Textbox value back to the Textbox in the document.
In my case, when the button in the document is clicked the form opens and the value does get returned to the Word document, but when rolling the mouse or moving the slider at the edge of the window the previous value in the text box briefly flickers into view. Here is the code from the document button:
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
ThisDocument.TextBox1.Value = TextBox1.Value
End Sub
I am using Word 2016 and Windows 10.
I tried to use the "new" Word textboxes but I do not know how to communicate with them from a userform. It is so simple using the "old" text boxes.
ActiveX controls were designed for VBA UserForms. It's possible to insert them on the surface of a Word document or Excel spreadsheet, but they don't always behave optimally. Content controls (and the legacy form fields), on the other hand are designed for the surface of a Word document.
In order to write to a content control you can use code like this:
Closer to what you're trying to do with identifying the content controls could be:
ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle(TextBox1.Name).Item(1).Range.Text = TextBox1.Value
Why it's so complicated: The team that designed content controls wanted to avoid the problems people ran into with bookmarks and form fields, that a name could not be duplicated in a document. It's possible to give the same name to multiple content controls. So it's not possible to identify a content control using Document.ContentControls("name").
Instead, Document.SelectContentControlByTitle needs to be used, which returns an array of content controls. If there's only one (or if you want only one), then you can add on .Item([index]) to get the single content control directly.
Rather than type in a static name, you can query the UserForm's textbox control for its name, if that makes things easier for you.

Modify Context menus

I have the following code to add a menu item on the Word 2013 right click menu:
Sub CreateMenuItem()
Dim MenuButton As CommandBarButton
With CommandBars("Text")
Set MenuButton = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
With MenuButton
.Caption = ChrW(&H2714) '"Correct"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "InsertMark"
End With
End With
End Sub
The issue is that the new menu item is not displayed when I right click on a Text box or a table.
How do I remove a menu item that is not used by me, for example "Translate"
Please Assist
Word provides a completely different CommandBar object for each context-sensitive menu, rather than dynamically changing the contents of a single menu. That means you need to make the change for each context in which your command should appear.
You can generate a list of CommandBars by looping the collection and writing the various properties out (for example, in a new document). Then you have to inspect that list, pick out the likely candidates, run your code then see if you guessed correctly.
You want to be very careful where these changes are SAVED in Word. If you don't specify it specifically, Word could save the change in one place and delete it (assuming you "undo" your changes) in a different one. This can really muck up the Word configuration and make users extremely unhappy. So always use Application.CustomizationContext at the beginning of code that changes the CommandBars. The CustomizationContext can be any Document or Template object.
NOTE: The CommandBars object is actually deprecated as of Word 2010. From Word 2013 onwards the context menus should be customized using Ribbon XML. Just saying... It's possible that in a future version your code will no longer work.

Word Macro to add predefined content at the end of document on click of button

I have an document in word, which has some fields to be filled, and an button to which I want to assign a macro. When that button is clicked, that same form with empty fields needs to be appended to the end of document, including the button (which can be clicked again and do the same thing).
Here is the document I have:
The main problem with what you want to do is dynamically linking the button to the macro code to be executed. The most obvious type of button to use is the legacy ActiveX control in the Ribbon's Developer tab. But that requires its own procedure entry in the document's ThisDocument class module. While it's possible to add code to modules "on the fly" this involves disabling a security option.
A more straignt forward approach is to use the MacroButton field. This creates a clickable text within the document. It can display text or a graphic (so that it looks like a button) and is assigned the name of any public Sub that takes no parameters:
{ MACROBUTTON NameOfMacro Click here }
Ctrl+F9 to insert the field code brackets; Alt+F9 to toggle between field code and field result.
Graphics in Word 2010 and later:* The was a change to the graphics engine in Word 2010 which affects the behavior of graphics objects in the MacroButton field. Clicking the object triggers the Ribbon utility for working with graphics - the field code no longer "hides" the graphic. There are a number of ways you can work around this:
Use an IncludePicture field (which works with the old graphics format) to bring in an outside picture file. Once the linked picture is in the field it can be converted to a static picture by selecting the IncludePicture field and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F9. Word respects the old graphic format and the picture is click-able.
{ MacroButton NameOfMacro {IncludePicture "C:\\Path\\picture.jpg" } }
Use the old *.doc file format. Note that this will restrict some of the things that can be done with the document, but it will force use of the old graphics engine.
Instead of a MacroButton field, use the WindowBeforeDoubleClick event or WindowSelectionChange event to run the code.
*With the exception of unlinking the IncludePicture field (which I discovered myself), this information came from this discussion on the Microsoft Answers site
If you want to run the macro with a single rather than a double-click (the default) you need to run the following line of code. This applies to the entire Word application and needs to be run everytime Word restarts. You could put it in an AutoNew macro in the template / AutoOpen macro in the document:
Application.Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
The simplest way to store the entire content you want to insert repeatedly is as a Building Block (formerly known as AutoText).
BuildingBlocks are stored in templates. If your document is being created from a template, that would be the logical place. Another possibility would be a special template you use for this purpose. Normal.dotm can also be used but keep in mind this does sometimes get removed.
(Note: if you're using a template for the document that would also be the best place to store the macro attached to the macro button.)
Once this is set up, all your code needs to do is insert the BuidlingBlock at the end of the document.

Make a ribbon button reference the macro in a new workbook instance rather than in the source template

I have a macro-enabled Excel template which contains a ribbon button pointing to a macro sub. The button assignment still points to the source template, however, instead of the sub in the new document. If I create a document and then move or delete the template, I'm no longer able to use the button in the new document:
I've noticed that the ribbon button seems have the macro's source template path hard-coded, and there isn't any place I can find in ribbon customization UI to change it:
I'm certain this has been asked before, but I've tried a number of different ways of searching for it without coming up with anything.
I found this which talks about a button on a form, not a ribbon, and I found this which seems to be generating "shapes" programmatically and assigning their action; neither of these two are relevant.
This is the closest I've found, but whereas the QAT customization tab has the option for setting the target:
the ribbon customization tab does not have that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Add a button to Word 2010 for a macro at document level, not installation level

I created a macro for a document. I want a button so that anyone can run the macro easily.
I only want the button to appear on that document, and when I share the document the button appears.
I tried using the built-in File -> Options method to add the button, but the result is that
a) the button isn't shown when I send the document to others
b) it appears when I open any Word document
With the code in "ThisDocument" you can add a "button" to the document rather than the ribbon.
"This is all instituted through the use of a field code.
It may be a bit of a misnomer to refer to the result of this field code as a "button," because no graphics are involved whatsoever, although you can create your own graphic and embed it into the field.
The syntax for the field code is: MacroButton MacroName Display"
If the final document should not have a button, you could revise the code to first generate a new document without the button.