Sort sencha touch dataview list - sencha-touch-2

I have a Ext.dataview.List that is linked to a store that is sorted by date DESC.
When I run the app the list is in the correct date sorted order.
When I add a new item it always gets added to the bottom of the list rather than in the correct sorted order. When I refresh the app the order is sorted correctly again.
I am adding an item to the list:
var myStore = Ext.getStore('myStore');
Ext.create('Ext.dataview.List', {
fullscreen: true,
itemTpl: '{title}',
store: Ext.getStore('myStore')
How do I add an item to the store and get the list to sort itself so that the item is in the correct place?

I tried using:
myStore.sort('date', 'DESC');
They did not work. This fixed the issue though:

You have to manually sort the store after adding the model. Try this:
var myStore = Ext.getStore('myStore');
//Also note that the sync() method is only when you're using a localStorage proxy
myStore.sort('date', 'DESC');


AnyColumn option added as new column in Dojo enhanced grid view

I am working on dojo enhanced grid view. I am able to display the grid in UI. But AnyColumn option is added as new column.
Any help will be appreciated...
Here is the Code
var mygrid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: "grid",
store: gridStore, //Data store passed as input
structure: gridStructure, //Column structure passed as input
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true,
initialWidth: width,
canSort : true,
plugins: {
filter: {
//Filter operation
isServerSide: true,
disabledConditions : {"anycolumn" : ["equal","less","lessEqual","larger","largerEqual","contains","startsWith","endsWith","equalTo","notContains","notEqualTo","notStartsWith","notEndsWith"]},
setupFilterQuery: function(commands, request){
if(commands.filter && commands.enable){
//filter operation
}, dojo.byId("mydatagrid"));
First, do not use EnhancedGrid, instead use either dgrid or gridx.
I think by default anycolumn is added to the dropdown. If you want to remove then, I would suggest to
Register for click event on the filter definition
Iterate through the drop-down and remove the first entry which is anyColumn
or you can also try something like
dojo.forEach(this.yourgrid.pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
Updated answer is. I know this is not the elegant way of doing it but it works.
//reason why I'm showing the dialog is that _cboxes of the filter are empty initially.
dojo.forEach(dijit.byId('grid').pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
var theSelect = dropdownbox._colSelect;
//Closing the dialog after removing Any Column

Using dgrid/dstore's REST store with a filter

I would like to extend dstore/Rest to take a parameter that is used to filter the store. This article suggests this is the desired method to alter the query of a dstore:
new MyExtendedRestStore({color: 'red'});
I would like the internals of MyExtendedRestStore to alter the GET query so that color would now be set in the filter so any refresh calls would stick to adding color=red to the query. If I understand this correctly, it should also force the dstore/Trackable mixin to obey the filter.
In dgrid 0.4, instances using OnDemandList or Pagination can accept any collection - whether it be a root store, or a collection generated as a result of performing operations on that store. filter is one such operation.
In your case you state you want the grid to always show only red items, so you could very easily pass the grid a filtered collection, and no custom extension of Rest is required:
var TrackableRestStore = declare([ Rest, Trackable ]);
var store = new TrackableRestStore({ target: '...' });
var filteredCollection = store.filter({ color: 'red' });
var grid = new OnDemandGrid({
collection: filteredCollection,
columns: ...
This is also discussed towards the end of dgrid's Grids and Stores tutorial.

Sencha Touch 2: Load a List from a store.queryBy result

I had a List that used to work when it was bound directly to a store but now I want that list to get it's data from a queryBy on the original store.
Looking at the documentation is seems like setItems should do what I want.
var myStore = Ext.getStore('myStoreData');
var myData = myStore.queryBy(function(item) {
return item.get('status') !== null;
// At this point myData looks valid and has the data I want.
// Ext.apply.create.Class {all: Array[5], items: Array[5], keys: Array[5], indices: Object, map: Object…}
I keep getting the error "Object [object Object] has no method 'getItemId'". I tried various other incantations but without success. I also took a look at setData and add but without success.
After getting Thiem's answer I just ended up creating a function that would create a filtered copy of an existing store and then just setting the List store to that. Code below for others edification...
storeCopy: function(store, filterBy) {
var records = [];
var allRecords = null;
allRecords= store.queryBy(filterBy);
allRecords= store.queryBy(function(){return true;});
var rec = r.copy();
var store2 = new{
recordType: store.recordType
return store2;
Thanks all.
setItems method does a totally different thing. For example, says you have an Ext.Container which consists of a form, some fields, and some interaction buttons. These things are call child components, or items of the container. They are oftenly declared in the items config of the parent container and setItems is designed to programmatically set the value of that config. So it has nothing to do with the store logic.
In your situation, here is one of the solutions:
Create a store instance which contains filtered data.
Use this command: yourList.setStore('yourFilteredStore')
And it should reload... hope this helps

insert in sencha touch data store

Could someone please explain how the insert works to add a record in a datastore
with tha fields: "title", "info" and "price"?
because i tried some things and none of them work. and the sencha website doesnt make it very clear.
Adding a new item to an existing Store isn't that hard actually.
First of you will need to configure your model and store. In your question you name the fields 'title, 'info' and 'price'.
Ext.regModel('myModel', {
fields: [
{name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{name: 'title', type: 'string' },
{name: 'info', type: 'string' },
{name: 'price', type: 'int' }
Next you configure the store that will hold the data, based on the above model. I think that, in your case, it should be a model without any data preloaded via, for example, JSON?
So lets make a localstorage (empty store). The Store consists of the model (myModel), you give it a storeID (so that you can later on reference the store by this ID). The proxy is localstorage and the unique ID of the Store will be the ID field of the Model.
var myStore = new{
model: "myModel",
storeId: "myStoreID",
proxy: {
type: "localstorage",
id: "id"
Now, suppose you have some kind of Form (in which the user can add input a title, info and price, and you want to add these items to the existing store on submittal.
Within the handler of the submittal button you now have to 'call' the store, and perform the add function on it. Within this add function you will have to define the params (the model params) and the data to insert.
Below I have used a mixture of fixed data and a variable to insert.
myStoreID.add({ title: "Mijn Titel", info: "Informatie, price: prijsvar });
The store will now be filled will now be filled with an extra data-record which you can use. Lets say for example that the store is attached to a dataview, then you can perform:
The above isn't a full tutorial, but I think this will help you along?
Just an update of the YDL answer.
As per the dataView should be related to the updated store, the last sentence dataView.update() should not be needed, due to the automatic update of the views related to a store when it change.
new Ext.DataView({
store: MyStore,
itemSelector: 'div.thumb',
tpl: thumbTpl
later, if I do the following, the new item should be displayed in views (List, DataView, etc.) that have MyStore as store.
Milton Rodríguez.
If you are trying to pass in an object that was returned from a getValue() on your form, make sure that you run a
after you have called the add() method, or you wont see it in your browsers local store.
It is Very easy try these
// first get those values and store in locally
var A_select1=Ext.getCmp('select1').getValue(); // get value
localStorage.setItem("Adult1_select1",A_select1); // set localStore
var AdultSalutation={
'Adult1_select1':A_select1, // assign the value
var AdultSalutationstore = Ext.getStore('Adult_AdultSalutationstore'); // get store
AdultSalutationstore.add(AdultSalutation); // add object
AdultSalutationstore.sync(); // sync
AdultSalutationstore.load(); // load

How to refresh datagrid

I create dojox.grid.datagrid and I fill content from array like on example last example on page. During time, I change value of that array in code. How to refresh content of that grid ? How to load new data from changed array ?
To change values in the grid, you will need to change the value in the grid's store. The grid data is bound to the store data, and the grid will update itself as needed.
So the key is to understand Dojo's data api and how stores work in Dojo. Rather than manipulating the data directly in the grid, manipulate it in the store.
Ideally, the store is your array that you manipulate as the application runs and you should not be needing to sync the array to the grid. Just use the ItemFileWriteStore as your data holder unless thats not possible.
Also, using the dojo data identity api makes it much simple to find items in the grid if that is possible. Assuming you know when an item is updated, deleted, or changed in your application you should be able to modify the grid store as needed when the action happens. This is definitely the preferred approach. If you can't do that you will have to do a general fetch and use the onComplete callback to manually sync your arrays which will be very slow and won't scale well, in which case you may as well just create a new store all together and assign it to the grid with grid.setStore(myNewStore)
Here is a fiddle with a basic create, update, and delete operation:
These examples all take advantage of declaring an identity when creating the store.
var store = new{
data: {
identifier : 'planet',
items: itemList
//If the store is not in your scope you can get it from the grid
var store =;
//fetchItemByIdentity would be faster here, but this uses query just to show
//it is also possible
store.fetch({query : {planet : 'Zoron'},
onItem : function (item ) {
var humans = store.getValue(item, 'humanPop');
humans += 200;
store.setValue(item, 'humanPop', humans);
store.newItem({planet: 'Endron', humanPop : 40000, alienPop : 9000});
} catch (e) {
//An item with the same identity already exists
store.fetchItemByIdentity({ 'identity' : 'Gaxula', onItem : function (item ) {
if(item == null) {
//Item does not exist
} else {
The following code snippet can be used to update the grid:
var newStore = new{data: {... some new data ...});
var grid = dijit.byId("gridId");
Dogo data grid reference guide (add/remove rows example, updating grid data examples )
(I suppose you already have a working grid and you want to completely change the grid's store)
Create a new datastore with your new value :
dataStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore:new Memory({ data: data.items }) });
(data is the reponse from an ajax request for me)
Change your grid's store with the new one : = dataStore;
Render :
This Will update Grid Store and refresh the View of the Grid in latest Version of Dojo 1.9 = store;
I had a server-side filtered EnhancedGrid, which was refreshing happily by changing the store, and shown in the other answers.
However I had another EnhancedGrid that would not refresh when a filter was applied. It may have been to do with the fact it was filtered client side (but data still coming from server using JsonRest store), but I don't really know the cause. Eitherway, the solution was to refresh with the following code:
It's hacky and strange, but if it all else fails...
with this i can update a specifi row. this example is for a treegrid.
var idx = this.treeGrid.getItemIndex(item);
if(typeof idx == "string"){
}else if(idx > -1){