Extract multiple decimal numbers from string in T-SQL - sql

I have a table in SQL Server Management Studio with columns containing ranges of numbers as strings. I am trying to find a way to extract the numeric values from the string and insert them into a new table.
For example, in the table I have the value 12.45% - 42.32% as a string. I'd like to be able to get 12.45 and 42.32 and insert them into a new table with columns min_percent and max_percent.
I found several ways to extract a single numeric value from a string using SQL, and also tried modifying the function from Extract numbers from a text in SQL Server (which returns multiple integers, but not decimals), but so far I haven't been able to get it working. Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Assuming your data is consistent, this should work fine, and has the added advantage of being easier on the eyes. Also consider decimal if you're going for precision.
cast(left(r, charindex('%', r) - 1) AS float) as minVal,
cast(replace(right(r, charindex('-', r) - 1), '%', '') as float) AS maxVal
from ( select '22.45% - 42.32%' as r ) as tableStub

The function is quite close. You just use numeric and add the point:
with C as
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as decimal(16,2)) as Number,
stuff(s.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '') as Value
from (select #String+' ') as S(Value)
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9,.]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9,.]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
union all
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as decimal(16,2)),
stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '')
from C as S
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9,.]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9,.]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
where patindex('%[0-9,.]%', S.Value) > 0
select Number
from C

Here is a brute force approach using the string operations available in SQL Server:
with t as (
select '12.45% - 42.32%' as val
select cast(SUBSTRING(val, 1, charindex('%', val) - 1) as float) as minval,
cast(replace(substring(val, len(val) - charindex(' ', reverse(val))+2, 100), '%', '') as float) as maxval
from t


Extracting numbers separately from string column

I have a table stat that is VARCHAR type and would like to grab all the numbers within it individually. For example, if a specific record in the column has the value 12 to 24 MONTHS Fl then I would like to grab 12 and 24 separately. I've seen other posts where the numbers end up grouped together and would be 1224 in this case, but how could I do the aforementioned separating of the numbers? Given that I do not know the number of digits in each of the numbers, I was wondering how best to do this. Thanks
For an example like 12 to 24 months APY1.8semi the output would need to be 12,24 and 1.8, but to be clear there are only whole numbers and there aren't any . characters in the column.
I shamelessly copied this answer from another post but made a small modification to preserve your spaces. This one is essentially replacing letters with the # symbol, then replacing the # symbol.
select id, REPLACE(TRANSLATE([comments], 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+()- ,#+', '##################################'), '#', ' ')
from my_data
(No column name)
12 24
12 24 1.8
Or if you would prefer results as a tall table, then you could apply the string_split function.
select id, value from (
select id, ca.value
from my_data
cross apply string_split (REPLACE(TRANSLATE([comments], 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+()- ,#+', '##################################'), '#', ','), ',')ca
where value <> ''
First we create this function.
create function [dbo].[GetNumbersFromText](#String varchar(2000))
returns table as return
with C as
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as decimal(10,2)) as Number,
stuff(s.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '') as Value
from (select #String+' ') as S(Value)
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9.]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9.]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
union all
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as decimal(10,2)),
stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '')
from C as S
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9.]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9.]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
where patindex('%[0-9.]%', S.Value) > 0
select number
from C
Then we use it in our query.
select string_agg(number, ', ') as result from GetNumbersFromText('12 to 24 months APY1.8semi')
12.00, 24.00, 1.80

SQL Server - Extract text from a given string field

What is the best method to extract the text from the string field below?
I am trying to extract the ProjectID numbers (91, 108, 250) below but am struggling because the ProjectIDs are either 2 or 3 integers long and are within different parts of the string.
Row Parameter
1 ProjectID=91&GroupID=250&ParentID=1
2 ProjectID=108&GroupID=250&ParentID=35
3 GroupID=1080&ProjectID=250&ParentID=43
4 ProjectID=250
Any help would be much appreciated.
SQL Server is kind of lousy on string functionality. Here is one method:
select left(v1.p, patindex('%[^0-9]%', v1.p + ' ') - 1)
from (values ('ProjectID=91&GroupID=250&ParentID=1'),
) v(parameter) cross apply
(values (stuff(v.parameter, 1, charindex('ProjectID=', v.parameter) + 9, ''))
) v1(p);
Or split the string and look for a match:
select stuff(s.value, 1, 10, '')
from (values ('ProjectID=91&GroupID=250&ParentID=1'),
) t(parameter) cross apply
string_split(t.parameter, '&') s
where s.value like 'ProjectId=%';
Here is a db<>fiddle.
substring ( #Parameter,
CHARINDEX('ProjectID', #Parameter) + 10,
CHARINDEX('&', #parameter, CHARINDEX('ProjectID', #Parameter)) -
(CHARINDEX('ProjectID', #Parameter) + 10))
from table

How to work with reverse and split in a select in SQL Server 2008?

I found the below query very useful for an application I'm working on. However, I wanna replace the values for a select in a table.
WITH data AS
select Value, REVERSE(Value) AS ReverseValue from (values
('texttext/21/812/21a'), ('texttext/6/163/38a'), ('texttext/53/7a/a2'), ('text/t/e/xt/53/7a/a2')
), split AS
Value, ReverseValue,
reverse(substring(ReverseValue, 1, P1.Pos - 1)) AS Forth,
reverse(substring(ReverseValue, P1.Pos + 1, P2.Pos - P1.Pos - 1)) AS Third,
reverse(substring(ReverseValue, P2.Pos + 1, P3.Pos - P2.Pos - 1)) AS Second,
reverse(substring(ReverseValue, p3.Pos + 1, len(ReverseValue))) AS First
from data
cross apply (select (charindex('/', ReverseValue))) as P1(Pos)
cross apply (select (charindex('/', ReverseValue, P1.Pos+1))) as P2(Pos)
cross apply (select (charindex('/', ReverseValue, P2.Pos+1))) as P3(Pos)
select Value, First + '-' + Forth + Third + Second AS NewValue from split
So instead of (values ('texttext/21/812/21a') (...) i want something like (select myfield from myutable). Any ideas of how to do that? Thanks.
Just replace the values in the first CTE:
WITH data AS (
select myfield, REVERSE(myfield) AS ReverseValue
from mytable
. . .

Extract string between after second / and before -

I have a field that holds an account code. I've managed to extract the first 2 parts OK but I'm struggling with the last 2.
The field data is as follows:
I need to get the string between the second "/" and the "-" and after the "-" .Both fields have variable lengths, so I would be looking to output 0 and 0 on the first record, BDG001 and 0 on the second record and 0 and X001 on the third record.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
CREATE TABLE #tab(col VARCHAR(1000));
INSERT INTO #tab VALUES ('812330/50110/0-0'),('812330/50110/BDG001-0'),
r = RIGHT(col, CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(col))-1)
FROM #tab
sub1 = LEFT(r, CHARINDEX('-', r)-1),
sub2 = RIGHT(r, LEN(r) - CHARINDEX('-', r))
FROM cte;
or even simpler:
,sub1 = SUBSTRING(col,
LEN(col) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(col)) + 2,
,sub2 = RIGHT(col, CHARINDEX('-', REVERSE(col))-1)
FROM #tab;
Using PARSENAME SQL SERVER 2012+ (if your data does not contain .):
sub1 = PARSENAME(REPLACE(REPLACE(col, '/', '.'), '-', '.'), 2),
sub2 = PARSENAME(REPLACE(REPLACE(col, '/', '.'), '-', '.'), 1)
FROM #tab;
...Or you can do this, so you only go from left side to right, so you don't need to count from the end in case you have more '/' or '-' signs:
SUBSTRING(columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName) + 1) + 1,
CHARINDEX('-', columnName) - CHARINDEX('/' , columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName) + 1) - 1) AS FirstPart,
SUBSTRING(columnName, CHARINDEX('-' , columnName) + 1, LEN(columnName)) AS LastPart
FROM table_name
One method way is to download a split() function off the web and use it. However, the values end up in separate rows, not separate columns. An alternative is a series of nested subqueries, CTEs, or outer applies:
select t.*, p1.part1, p12.part2, p12.part3
from table t outer apply
(select t.*,
left(t.field, charindex('/', t.field)) as part1,
substring(t.field, charindex('/', t.field) + 1) as rest1
) p1 outer apply
(select left(p1.rest1, charindex('/', p1.rest1) as part2,
substring(p1.rest1, charindex('/', p1.rest1) + 1, len(p1.rest1)) as part3
) p12
where t.field like '%/%/%';
The where clause guarantees that the field value is in the right format. Otherwise, you need to start sprinkling the code with case statements to handle misformated data.

Selecting between quotes (") in SQL Server 2012

I have a table holding IDs in one column and a string in the second column like below.
1 abc"11444,12,13"efg"14,15"hij"16,17,18,19"opqr
2 ahsdhg"21,22,23"ghshds"24,25"fgh"26,27,28,28"shgshsg
3 xvd"3142,32,33"hty"34,35"okli"36,37,38,39"adfd
Now I want to have the following result
1 11444,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
2 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,28
3 3142,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
How can I do that?
Thanks so much
Here is one way (maybe not the best, but it seems to work). I am NOT a SQL guru...
First, create this SQL Function. It came from: Extract numbers from a text in SQL Server
create function [dbo].[GetNumbersFromText](#String varchar(2000))
returns table as return
with C as
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int) as Number,
stuff(s.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '') as Value
from (select #String+' ') as S(Value)
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
union all
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int),
stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '')
from C as S
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
where patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value) > 0
select Number
from C
Then, you can do something like this to get the results you were asking for. Note that I broke the query up into 3 parts for clarity. And, obviously, you don't need to declare the table variable and insert data into it.
COLUMN01 int,
COLUMN02 varchar(max)
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES (1, 'abc"11444,12,13"efg"14,15"hij"16,17,18,19"opqr')
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES (2, 'ahsdhg"21,22,23"ghshds"24,25"fgh"26,27,28,28"shgshsg')
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES (3, 'xvd"3142,32,33"hty"34,35"okli"36,37,38,39"adfd')
SELECT COLUMN01, (select ',' + number as 'data()' from dbo.GetNumbersFromText(Column02) for xml path('')) as COLUMN02 FROM #tbl
) t
) tt
1 11444,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
2 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,28
3 3142,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
I know you want to do it using SQL. But ones I had nearly the same problem and getting this data to a string using a php or another language, than parsing is a way to do it. For example, you can use this kind of code after receiving the data into a string.
function clean($string) {
$string = str_replace(' ', '-', $string); // Replaces all spaces with hyphens.
$string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $string); // Removes special chars.
return preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $string); // Replaces multiple hyphens with single one.
For more information you might want to look at this post that I retrieved the function: Remove all special characters from a string
As I said this is an easy way to do it, I hope this could help.