SharpRepository + OptimisticConcurrency - ravendb

Wondering if there is any way to set the save/update operation of a repository to use optimistic concurrency? Haven't seen any method to do this? Or maybe it's configured this way by default?

I'm assuming you are talking about the RaveDbRepository based on the question.
Unfortunately, right now there isn't a way to do that. Many of the RavenDb specific needs can't currently be addressed through using SharpRepository to interface with it, but we would like to get to that point.
Currently, a document store is used to instantiate the RavenDbRepository which is then used to create the IDocumentSession (by calling documentStore.OpenSession()). Since the flag for using optimistic concurrency is on the session itself there currently isn't a great way to handle this.
Please post an issue on GitHub for us about this and we'll look into making it happen. Off the top of my head we have some options:
Allow public or protected access to IDocumentSession so that you could access the session directly or in an inherited class and set that flag.
Allow the ability to instantiate a RavenDbRepository from a IDocumentSesison instead of a DocumentStore, so that the settings could be made while creating the repository.
Somehow work these into the default conventions, though I'm not sure how.


Using selection strategies with a cache in Curator

The page on Service Discovery using apache curator ( introduces the following concepts:
The main abstraction class is ServiceProvider. It encapsulates the discovery service for a particular named service along with a provider strategy. A provider strategy is a scheme for selecting one instance from a set of instances for a given service. There are three bundled strategies: Round Robin, Random and Sticky (always selects the same one). ServiceProviders are allocated by using a ServiceProviderBuilder.
Each of the above query methods calls ZooKeeper directly. If you need more than occasional querying of services you can use the ServiceCache. It caches in memory the list of instances for a particular service. It uses a Watcher to keep the list up to date. You allocate a ServiceCache via the builder returned by ServiceDiscovery.serviceCacheBuilder().
I can see how to use the Provider strategies with a ServiceProviderBuilder, but there's no equivalent method on the ServiceCacheBuilder, and the only relevant method available on the ServiceCache class itself is getInstances(), which gets all instances.
How can I use a provider strategy with a ServiceCache?
#simonalexander2005 I was just looking in the code and it turns out that ServiceProvider internally already uses a serviceCacheBuilder. TBH - I've either forgotten about this or it got put in by another committer - I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm very sorry about the runaround here. Also, the documentation must be updated to reflect this - I'll open an issue for this today. I'm sure this be maddening to you, again sorry for this. The good news, though, is that with ServiceProvider you automatically get caching.
Frankly, the docs on this are really bad. It would be fantastic if someone could give a pull request with better docs...
Notice that ServiceCache implements InstanceProvider. Also notice that ProviderStrategy.getInstance() has as its argument InstanceProvider. Therefore, you can pass a ServiceCache instance to whichever ProviderStrategy you want to use.
I hope this helps.

#RepositoryEventHandler only invoked via HTTP - why?

when I use a #RepositoryEventHandler then its methods are only invoked when the call into the repository comes in via HTTP.
Any reason why? OK, it is called Spring Data REST, but wouldn't it be VERY useful to invoke the handler too, when I call my Repo directly, not via HTTP?
Any way to invoke the handler when called directly (some magic AOP-stuff)?
Thank you
The reason for that is that the different persistence mechanisms covered by the different Spring Data modules already ship with event mechanisms. Depending on the one you use you now get a different mechanism to use.
Unfortunately this can't be unified as e.g. with JPA not all persistence operations need to go through the repository in the first place, as JPA automatically flushes all changes that were made to an attached instance on EntityManager flush. In this case even AOP on the repository instance doesn't help.
So you're basically left with two choices:
The events exposed by Spring Data REST for all repositories (as we basically don't make use of the automatic change tracking in JPA).
The store specific event mechanisms that will make sure that the persistence mechanism exposes events as documented.
I don't know if the solution I put below from other stackoverflow questions would seen as acceptable by #Olivier-drotbohm, but from:
SpringDataRest #RepositoryEventHandler not running when Controller is added
#RepositoryEventHandler events stop with #RepositoryRestController
you could inject/autowire the "ApplicationEventPublisher" and fire the BeforeCreateEvent/AfterCreateEvent manually to trigger the RepositoryEventHandler.
This is not a perfect solution, but I hope it is good enough for you (and we tested it: it works).

NServiceBus Endpoint Routing Injection

I am trying to inject my own IRouteMessagesToEndpoints in NServiceBus with structure map as I need to redirect various messages to different endpoints depending on some business logic (not via namespace/assembly/type). This would allow it to fire using bus.Send(); and be configured to our requirements. I thought this was possible, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried using the Configure.Component() and ObjectFactory.Configure() for the injection, and both run without any exception, but when I debug my implementation of the interface the breakpoint does not hit.
My question is, can it be done this way (there's nothing on the internet that covers this)? I notice that the EndPointRouter in the GatewayReceiver has a setter, but I cannot work out how to access the property.
Unfortunately, even though IRouteMessagesToEndpoints is a public interface at the moment is not possible to replace the default implementation, sorry!
Please raise an issue about it in so we can discuss it better.

What's the best practice for setting last modified and who modified using NHibernate?

In my application I have a situation where we need to capture the when a record was created and modified and what user performed those actions. So I might have an object something like:
public class Product
int Id;
int Name;
DateTime CreatedOn;
int CreatedByUserId;
DateTime LastModifiedOn;
int LastModifiedByUserId;
What's the best practice for handling these in NHibernate? Via using an interceptor something like what's described here?
I don't think there's a "best" practice, but the use of event listeners is more common for this. There's a good example at
One thing you'll need to consider is that you need to store that userId somewhere. I'm currently doing that by assigning a static property on the listener on startup. It's not pretty, but it gets the job done.
I agree with Diego that I don't think there's a best practice. It depends on your application context. In Diego's link, and to use event listeners at the persistence (nHibernate) level, it needs to know how to lookup the current user. This may not make sense depending on your application. For example, if you're writing an ASP.NET MVC app, do you really want your persistence layer to depend on HttpContext to know the user? Yes, you could pass in some type of strategy, but this doesn't seem like it's always going to be the right thing to do.
I think it's perfectly valid to have your service layer construct the object and add the creator itself. Then pass the whole object, with the creator already hydrated, down to nHibernate to persist. The creator would be saved to the database the same way as any other property.

nhibernate and sessions, please clarify

I am building a web application, and whenever I make a database call I need a session.
I understand creating a session object is very expensive.
I am following the repository pattern here:
He uses something called a UnitOfWork to get the session.
For a web application, shouldn't I be storing the Session in Request.Items collection? So its only created once per request?
Do I really need UofW?
The session IS the unit of work - its basically used to store changes until you flush them to the db. Save a static session factory at startup, and use that to create one session per web request - Request.Items seems a valid place to put the session.
The repository pattern is a wrapper over the unit of work. The repository pattern differs from the UoW pattern in that repo.Save(obj) should save the obj to the db straight away, while the UoW waits for a flush.
My advice would be to skip the repository pattern and use the ISession directly (see
In the case of NHibernate the key class is the SessionFactory, which SessionProvider is taking care of for you (if you implement it like that). Keep the SessionFactory alive, and it handles the sessions for you.
I've also seem people save the SessionFactory in their IoC.
Use this to manage your sessions:
It manages and gives you access to a single session that's used across the entire application.