Gain maximization on trees - optimization

Consider a tree in which each node is associated with a system state and contains a sequence of actions that are performed on the system.
The root is an empty node associated with the original state of the system. The state associated with a node n is obtained by applying the sequence of actions contained in n to the original system state.
The sequence of actions of a node n is obtained by queuing a new action to the parent's sequence of actions.
Moving from a node to another (i.e., adding a new action to the sequence of actions) produces a gain, which is attached to the edge connecting the two nodes.
Some "math":
each system state S is associated with a value U(S)
the gain achieved by a node n associated with the state S cannot be greater than U(S) and smaller than 0
If n and m are nodes in the tree and n is the parent of m, U(n) - U(m) = g(n,m), i.e., the gain on the edge between n and m represents the reduction of U from n to m
See the figure for an example.
My objective is the one of finding the path in the tree that guarantees the highest gain (where the gain of a path is computed by summing all the gains of the edges on the path):
Path* = arg max_{path} (sum g(n,m), for each adjacent n,m in path)
Notice that the tree is NOT known at the beginning, and thus a solution that does not require to visit the entire tree (discarding those paths that for sure do not bring to the optimal solution) to find the optimal solution would be the best option.
NOTE: I obtained an answer here and here for a similar problem in offline mode, i.e., when the graph was known. However, in this context the tree is not known and thus algorithms such as Bellman-Ford would perform no better than a brute-fore approach (as suggested). Instead, I would like to build something that resembles backtracking without building the entire tree to find the best solution (branch and bound?).
EDIT: U(S) becomes smaller and smaller as depth increases.

As you have noticed, a branch and bound can be used to solve your problem. Just expand the nodes that seem the most promising until you find complete solutions, while keeping track of the best known solution. If a node has a U(S) lower than the best known solution during the process, just skip it. When you have no more node, you are done.
Here is an algorithm :
pending_nodes <- (root)
best_solution <- nothing
while pending_nodes is not empty
Drop the node n from pending_nodes having the highest U(n) + gain(n)
if n is a leaf
if best_solution = nothing
best_solution <- n
else if gain( best_solution ) < gain( n )
best_solution <- n
end if
if best_solution ≠ nothing
if U(n) + gain(n) < gain(best_solution)
stop. best_solution is the best
end if
end if
append the children of n to pending_nodes
end if
end while


BFS bad complexity

I am using adjacency lists to represent graph in OCaml. Then I made the following implementation of a BFS in OCaml starting at the node s.
let bfs graph s=
let size = Array.length graph in
let seen = Array.make size false and next = [s] in
let rec aux = function
|[] -> ()
|t::q -> if not seen.(t) then begin seen.(t) <- true; aux (q#graph.(t)) end else aux q
in aux next
size represents the number of nodes of the graph. seen is an array where seen.(t) = true if we've seen the node t, and next is a list of the node we need to see.
The thing is that normally the time complexity for BFS is linear (O( V +E)) yet I feel like my implementation doesn't have this complexity. If I am not mistaken the complexity of q#graph.(t) is quite big since it's O(| q |). So my complexity is quite bad since at each step I am concatenating two lists and this is heavy in time.
Thus I am wondering how can I adapt this code to make an efficient BFS? The problem (I think) comes from the implementation of a Queue using lists. Does the complexity of the Queue module in OCaml takes O(1) to add an element? In this case how can I use this module to make my bfs work, since I can't do pattern matching with Queue just as easily as list?
the complexity of q#graph.(t) is quite big since it's O(| q |). So my complexity is quite bad since at each step I am concatenating two lists and this is heavy in time.
You are absolutely right – this is the bottleneck of your BFS. You should be happily able to use the Queue module, because according to operation of insertion and taking elements is O(1).
One of the differences between queues and lists in OCaml is that queues are mutable structures, so you will need to use non pure functions like add, take and top that respectively insert element in-place, pop element from the front and return first element.
If I am not mistaken the complexity of q#graph.(t) is quite big since it's O(| q |).
That is indeed the problem. What you should be using is graph.(t) # q. The complexity of that is O(| graph.(t) |).
You might ask: What difference does that make?
The difference is that |q| can be anything from 0 to V * E. graph.(t) on the other hand you can work with. You visit every vertex in the graph at most once so overall the complexity will be
O(\Sum_V |grahp.(v))
The sum of all edges of each vertex in the graph. Or in other words: E.
That brings you to the overall complexity of O(V + E).

Finding minimum distance in a binary search tree

I have a binary search tree in which I am trying to find the minimum distance using the following characteristic:
distance = [a + b - x]
where a and b are nodes and x is a value given by the user. I'm not sure how to do this. I thought I would start at the root of the tree and then use in order traversal to index all the nodes and then maintain a separate array that I can then compare all the absolute values but this seems inefficient.......

calculating binary tree internal nodes

I could find a question related to full binary tree.
A full binary tree is a rooted tree in which every internal node has exactly two children. How many internal
nodes are there in a full binary tree with 500 leaves?
I feels the answer as 250. Please explain
Take any two leaves and combine them to create an internal node. Now, you can increase by one the number of internal nodes and delete the two used leaves, which transforms than internal node in a new leaf.
Thus, if we call f(n) the number of internal nodes with n leaves, the previous argument leads us to f(n) = 1 + f(n - 1), where f(2) = 1. Therefore, f(n) = n - 1.
Thus, for 500 the result is 499.
If full binary tree (T) has 500 leaves (L), then the number of internal nodes is I = L – 1 i.e I = 500 - 1.
Result is 499.

Binary Search Tree Minimum Value

I am new to binary search tree data structure. One thing I don't understand is why the leftest node is the smallest
/ \
5 12
/ \ / \
1 6 0 14
In the above instance, 0 is the smallest value not 1.
Let me know where I got mixed up.
Thank you!
That tree is not binary search tree.
Creating a binary search tree is a process which starts with adding
You can do it with array.
First there is no element so make it root.Then start adding elements as node.If the new value is bigger than before add it array[2 x n + 1] (call index of the last value: n). If it is smaller than before add it to array[2 x n]. So all values left of any node is smaller than it and all values right of any node is bigger than it. Even 10 and 6's place.6 cannot be 11.(at your tree,it isn't actually.).That's all !
For a tree to be considered as a binary search tree, it must satisfy the following property:
... the key in each node must be greater than all keys stored in the left sub-tree, and smaller than all keys in right sub-tree
The tree you posted is not a binary search tree because the root node (10) is not smaller than all keys in the right sub-tree (node 0)
I'm not really sure of your question, but binary search works by comparing the search-value to the value of the node, starting with the root node (value 10 here). If the search-value is less, it then looks at the left node of the root (value 5), otherwise it looks next at the right node (12).
It doesn't matter so much where in the tree the value is as long as the less and greater rule is followed.
In fact, you want to have trees set up like this (except for the bad 0 node), because the more balanced a tree is (number of nodes on left vs. number of nodes on right), the faster your search will be!
A tree balancing algorithm might, for example, look for the median value in a list of values and make that the value of the root node.

Finding cycles in a graph (not necessarily Hamiltonian or visiting all the nodes)

I have graph like one in Figure 1 (the first image) and want to connect the red nodes to have cycle, but cycles do not have to be Hamiltonian like Figure 2 and Figure 3 (the last two images). The problem has much bigger search space than TSP since we can visit a node twice. Like the TSP, it is impossible to evaluate all the combinations in a large graph and I should try heuristic, but the problem is that, unlike the TSP, the length of cycles or tours is not fixed here. Because, visiting all the blue nodes is not mandatory and this cause having variable length including some of the blue nodes. How can I generate a possible "valid" combination every time for evaluation? I mean, a cycle can be {A, e, B, l, k, j, D, j, k, C, g, f, e} or {A, e, B, l, k, j, D, j, i, h , g, C, g, f, e}, but not {A, e, B, l, k, C, g, f, e} or {A, B, k, C, i, D}.
The final goal is to evaluate which cycle is optimal/near optimal considering length and risk (see below). So I am not only going to minimize the length but minimizing the risk as well. This cause not being able to evaluate risk of cycle unless you know all its nodes sequence. Hope this clarifies why I can not evaluate new cycle at the middle of its generating process.
We can:
generate and evaluate possible cycles one by one;
or generate all possible cycles and then do their evaluation.
Definition of the risk:
Assume cycle is a ring which connects primary node (one of the red nodes) to all other red nodes. In case of failure in any part (edge) of the ring, no red nodes should be disconnected form the primary node (this is desired). However there are some edges we have to pass twice (due to not having Hamiltonian cycle which connects all the red nodes) and in case of failure in those edges, some of red nodes may be totally disconnected. So risk of cycle is summation of the length of risky edges (we have twice in our ring/tour) multiplied by number of red nodes we lose in case of cutting each risky edge.
A real example of 3D graph I am working on including 5 red nodes and 95 blue nodes is in below:
And here is link to Excel sheet containing adjacency matrix of the above graph (the first five nodes are red and the rests are blue).
Upon a bit more reflection, I decided it's probably better to just rewrite my solution, as the fact that you can use red nodes twice, makes my original idea of mapping out the paths between red nodes inefficient. However, it isn't completely wasted, as the blue nodes between red nodes is important.
You can actually solve this using a modified version of BFS, as more-less a backtracking algorithm. For each unique branch the following information is stored, most of which simply allows for faster rejection at the cost of more space, only the first two items are actually required:
The full current path. (list with just the starting red node)
The remaining red nodes. (initially all red nodes)
The last red node. (initially the start red node)
The set of blue nodes since last red node. (initially empty)
The set of nodes with a count of 1. (initially empty)
The set of nodes with a count of 2. (initially empty)
The algorithm starts with a single node then expands adjacent nodes using BFS or DFS, this repeats until the result is a valid tour or is the node to be expanded is rejected. So the basic psudoish code (current path and remaining red points) looks something like below. Where rn is the set of red nodes, t is the list of valid tours, p/p2 is a path of nodes, r/r2 is a set of red nodes, v is the node to be expanded, and a is a possible node to expand to.
function PATHS2HOME(G,rn)
create a queue Q
create a list t
p = empty list
v ← rn.pop()
r ← rn
add v to p
while Q is not empty
p, r ← Q.dequeue()
if r is empty and the first and last elements of p are the same:
add p to t
v ← last element of p
for all vertices a in G.adjacentVertices(v) do
if canExpand(p,a)
p2 ← copy(p)
r2 ← copy(r)
add a to the end of p2
if isRedNode(a) and a in r2
remove a from r2
Q.enqueue( (p2,r2) )
return t
The following conditions prevent expansion of a node. May not be a complete list.
Red nodes:
If it is in the set of nodes that have a count of 2. This is because the red node would have been used more than twice.
If it is equal to the last red node. This prevents "odd" tours when a red node is adjacent to three other blue nodes. Thus say the red node A, was adjacent to blue nodes b, c and d. Then you would end a tour where part of the tour looks like b-A-c-A-d.
Blue nodes:
If it is in the set of nodes that have a count of 2. This is because the red node would have been used more than twice.
If it is in the set of blue nodes since last red node. This is because it would cause a cycle of blue nodes between red nodes.
Possible optimizations:
You could map out the paths between red nodes, use that to build something of a suffix tree, that shows red nodes that can be reached given the following path Like. The benefit here is that you avoid expanding a node if the path that expansion leads to red nodes that have already been visited twice. Thus this is only a useful check once at least 1 red node has been visited twice.
Use a parallel version of the algorithm. A single thread could be accessing the queue, and there is no interaction between elements in the queue. Though I suspect there are probably better ways. It may be possible to cut the runtime down to seconds instead of hundreds of seconds. Although that depends on the level of parallelization, and efficiency. You could also apply this to the previous algorithm. Actually the reasons for which I switched to using this algorithm are pretty much negated by
You could use a stack instead of a queue. The main benefit here is by using a depth-first approach, the size of the queue should remain fairly small.