INSERT into table without specifying Column names - sql

I want to insert value by not specifying column names
using SQL Server, I have tried this but it is not working..please help
VALUES( 1,1,KEYBOARD,1,15,5,75)

As long as you have the right number of columns in your INSERT statement, and as long as all the values except KEYBOARD are some numeric data type, and as long as you have suitable permissions, this should work.
SQL requires single quotes around text values.
But not using column names isn't a good practice. It's not unheard of for people to change the order of columns in a table. Changing the order of columns isn't a good practice, either, but some people insist on doing it anyway.
If somebody does that, and swaps the 5th and 7th columns in your table, your INSERT statement will still succeed--both those columns are numeric--but the INSERT will screw up your data.

Why would you want to do this? Not specifying column names is bad coding practice.
In your case, though, keyboard needs to be surrounded by single quotes:
If you just don't want to type the column names, you can get them easily in SQL Server Management Studio. Open the "Object Browser", open the database, and choose "Tables". Choose the Invoice table. One of the options is "Columns".
Just click on the "Columns" name (no need to open it) and drag it into a query window. It will insert the list of columns.

yes you can directly insert values into table as follows:
insert into `schema`.`tablename` values(val1,val2,val3);

you forget to include the single quotes in keyboard,text required single quotes in sql


ORA-01722! Why can't I INSERT a NUMBER into a NUMBER data field without getting this error?

Can someone tell me what is going on here?
So I have a simple table location and it only has two columns; one is a number and the other varchar2.
I'm simply trying to insert some data into the locations table so I can get cracking with the other larger datasets but keep getting this damn error every time.
Error starting at line : 7 in command -
INSERT INTO location
VALUES (1, 'Head Office')
Error report -
ORA-01722: invalid number
NOTE: Before down-voting, YES - I have seen others posting about this but is usually for something less obvious than my situation where they are trying to enter a string into a number field or a number into a string field!
In my case however, the data in the INSERT statement is a number AND the data type is also NUMBER!
CREATE TABLE location(
locName VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO location
VALUES (1, 'Head Office');
The error code can be seen above there where I first mentioned it.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. It may be worth mentioning that the ID field in 'location' table is being used as a FOREIGN KEY in a separate table 'employees'. I have however, checked that the data types matched!
EDIT #1: I'm using ORACLE SQL Developer
Always include the columns when doing an insert:
INSERT INTO location (locId, locname)
VALUES (1, 'Head Office');
From your description of the problem, this should not actually fix it. This is just a good habit.
The above is correct SQL for your table. If the error continues to happen it is probably coming from a trigger on the table.
Think like its stupid, you are getting number error from "head office" not from 1. Actually you are trying to insert string into number.
If you dont want to write column names to insert you should totally define all values in insert in place as located in table. I assume your table structure is
So your insert should be like below
insert into table values (1,'head office')
I hope you understand shortcut logic

Insert several values into one column of a SQL table

I have a list of about 22,000 ids that I would like to insert into one SQL table. The table contains only one column which will contain all of the 22,000 ids.
How can I populate the column with all of these values in one query? Thanks.
It depends (as usual) where you have the values.
If the values reside in a table it is just insert into <yourTargetTable> select <yourColumns> from <yourSourceTable>.
If you have the values in a file, one way could be to load it with bteq's .importcommand. See an example here
Other options: SQL-Assistant, TD-Studio, TPT, Easy Loader ...
Serach for teradata import data from text file and you'll get a lot of answers.

Need Help using a loop to perform a mass insert in SQL

First off, i should say up front that i am not a very strong SQL person, so please be gentle :)
I need to perform about 400 inserts into a particular table. The data that i will be using for these inserts, i can collect from a SELECT statement that runs off a different table. I only need the data from 1 column from this table.
So, im hoping someone can help me write the SQL that will basically take the list of id's that are returned from my select, and use that list to do a mass insert into another table.
In psuedocode, something like this:
Select BankID from BankTable; - this returns 300 rows
Insert Into AccountTable -- this will add all 300 rows into the 2nd table
thanks in advance guys...
Very simple, you basically said it. :-)
INSERT Into AccountTable (BankId, SecondColumn) SELECT BankId,'XXX' as staticText FROM BankTable;
It can be done in one statement:
Insert Into AccountTable (bankid)
Select BankID from BankTable
This assumes that the column in AccountTable is also named bankid; if not, just set the name appropriately in the parenthesis.
Keep in mind your INSERT statement must include the columns if the select statement does not match your table definition precisely.
INSERT AccountTable (BankID)
FROM BankTable
For multiple columns simply include the column list:
INSERT AccountTable (BankID, BankName)
SELECT BankID, BankName
FROM BankTable
You can also run into type conversion issues if the data types of the columns don't match (i.e. integer fields won't take alpha characters, etc.), but it is not a necessity that the column names match. Just get the order of columns and types right and you should be good.

vbscript/sql adding a column to an insert statement

I am trying to add an additional column and value to an existing insert query - both integers, and running into trouble.
Anything to look out for?
you don't give much to go in in your question:
I am trying to add an additional
column and value to an existing insert
query - both integers, and running
into trouble.
Anything to look out for?
it is best practice to list all columns you intend to include values for in the list of columns, so make sure you add them there, as well as the VALUES list:
insert into YourTable (col1, col2,..., newCol1, newCol2)
VALUES (1,2,...,new1, new2)
make sure the you get the column names spelled correct and that the table actually has those new columns in it.
make sure the column name sequence is the same as your insert data sequence.
(ColumnName1,ColumnName2) VALUES (1,'data')
(ColumnName1,ColumnName2,ColumnNameNEW) VALUES (1,'data','newcolumndata')
Notice both the new column name and the new data are in the third position in the sequence.

Multiple row INSERT into SQL, from text file

I have a table with 3 columns, 2 of which are auto-incrementing. I have a text file with various content that I would like to insert into the 3rd column. In that text, values are separated as such:
"value1", "value2", "value3", "etc",
How would I go about inserting all those values into a specific column, while being able to use the above format for my initial content(or something similar that I could do by a "replace all"), hopefully with a single command in phpmyadmin?
Let me know if my question is not clear!
Thanks in advance
Use a regular expression to convert each value into a full Insert query on a separate row:
INSERT INTO mytable (column3) VALUES ('value1')
Something like this should do it:
Match: "\([^"]*\)",
Replace with: INSERT INTO mytable (column3) VALUES ('\1') \n
First, I would if at all possible get that text file in the right format which would be 1 column with each value on a separate line. Other wise, you need to first write a function to split the data into sometype of one column temp table and then insert by joining to the table. If the text file is in a reasonable format instead of a comma delimited mess, then you can directly insert it in a bulk operation in most databases.