I am trying to convert a NSString to a date, add a day to it, then convert back to a string.
My code so far is this:
//convert curDate (from #property declaration) to NSDate
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSDate *dateFromString = [[NSDate alloc] init];
dateFromString = [dateFormatter dateFromString:curDate];
//add a day
dateFromString = [dateFromString dateByAddingTimeInterval:60*60*24*1];
//convert back to string (for use in URL string concatenation)
NSString *dateDisplay = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:dateFromString];
//set curDate to new date
curDate = dateDisplay;
It crashes to the stack at:
0x117f09b: movl 8(%edx), %edi
(not sure if that's useful).
Can anyone say why this is?
You should use NSDateComponents:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSDate *dateFromString = [dateFormatter dateFromString:self.curDate];
// Create components
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
dateComponents.day = 1;
// Get the calendar to add the components to a date
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDate *incrementedDate = [calendar dateByAddingComponents:dateComponents toDate:dateFromString options:0];
NSString *dateDisplay = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:incrementedDate];
//set curDate to new date
curDate = dateDisplay;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd-MM-yyyy"];
//add a day
NSDate *dateFromString = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:60*60*24*1];
//convert back to string (for use in URL string concatenation)
NSString *dateDisplay = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:dateFromString];
i want to convert nsstring to nsdate
i have string have this value
i want to convert it so i wrote this code
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate *startDate = [formatter dateFromString:_startTime];
_startTime have this value = 08:00:00
but startDate after i display it , it had this value
2000-01-01 06:00:00 +0000
Update I wrote this code
NSString *dateString = _startTime;
NSDateFormatter *formatter= [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
// this is imporant - we set our input date format to match our input string
// if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string, so be careful
[formatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate *startDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
// voila!
startDate = [formatter dateFromString:dateString];
i want the output be 08:00:00
You can't have NSDate without a date !
if you want to access the time from an NSDate you'll need to use NSDateComponents (or NSTimeInterval).
To access the time from your NSDate using NSDateComponents :
NSString *startTime = #"08:00:00";
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate *startDate = [formatter dateFromString:startTime];
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:(NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond) fromDate:startDate];
NSLog(#"%d:%d:%d", [components hour], [components minute], [components second]);
I don't get what's the purpose of changing the string _startTime, do you want to compare dates ?
Edit :
NSString *startTime = #"08:00:00";
NSString *endTime = #"23:00:00";
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate *startDate = [formatter dateFromString:startTime];
NSDate *endDate = [formatter dateFromString:endTime];
NSTimeInterval difference = [endDate timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate];
NSInteger temp = difference;
NSDate* newDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; (i < difference && [newDate compare:startDate] == NSOrderedDescending); ++i)
newDate = [startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:(temp - i*60*10)];
run this and use NSDateComponents to log what you want !
Use this code i think this one help you..
NSString *dateStr = #"08:00:00";
NSDateFormatter *datFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[datFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate* mydate = [datFormatter dateFromString:dateStr];
NSLog(#"date: %#", [datFormatter stringFromDate:mydate]);
i think this is what you really want...
I'm building an iPhone app to take times: a car has to get at a given time at a point, so if the car is sooner or later, gets points.
I need to obtain the most precise timing as I can, so I want to use milliseconds, but as far results are disappointing.
The time is typed on a TextField, let's say 12:17:22 and the code is the following:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone localTimeZone]];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
timeLegStart = [NSDate new];
timeLegStart = [dateFormatter dateFromString:setStartTime.text];
NSLog(#"timeLegStart = %#",timeLegStart);
The output is 1970-01-01 11:17:22 +0000, and I'd like it to be 12:17:22:000
Set your NSDateFormatter's properties like this (replacing with your time zone info):
NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSLocale *locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"pt_BR"];
[dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:#"America/Sao_Paulo"]];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH':'mm':'ss' 'z"];
[dateFormatter setLocale:locale];
The problem here is that NSDate comprises of date and time and they are not separately available. When you are giving the input date with time specs only it load the calendar start date values with the time you provided and creates a date. Hence here comes the date as output.
Actually there is no problem to work with that.
You can use the same formatter to get the time retrieved back:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone localTimeZone]];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate* timeLegStart = [NSDate new];
timeLegStart = [dateFormatter dateFromString:#"12:12:12"];
NSLog(#"timeLegStart = %#",[dateFormatter stringFromDate:timeLegStart]);
It will give you:
timeLegStart = 12:12:12
EDIT : when logging NSDate it will be in GMT format only.Since you set the timezone to local there date will be always displayed like what you got.
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate* timeLegStart = [NSDate new];
timeLegStart = [dateFormatter dateFromString:#"12:12:12"];
NSLog(#"timeLegStart = %#",timeLegStart);
Will give you:
2000-01-01 12:12:12 +0000
Well, I've sorted it out this way:
- (void)fijaTiempoInicio
//getting current day
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:~ NSTimeZoneCalendarUnit fromDate:[NSDate date]];
[dateComponents setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:#"Europe/Spain"]];
NSDate *currentDate = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateFromComponents:dateComponents];
//extracting year, month and day from current date
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[df setDateFormat:#"dd"];
NSString *currentDayString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[df stringFromDate:currentDate]];
[df setDateFormat:#"MM"];
NSString *currentMonthString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[df stringFromDate:currentDate]];
[df setDateFormat:#"yyyy"];
NSString *currentYearString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [df stringFromDate:currentDate]];
NSDateFormatter *ft = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[ft setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone localTimeZone]];
[ft setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
NSString *tempDate = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%#-%# %#",currentYearString,currentMonthString,currentDayString,txtTiempoInicioTramo.text];
NSLog(#"tempDate= %#",tempDate);
startTime = [ft dateFromString:tempDate];
NSLog(#"startTime= %#",startTime);
Then, anothe method calculate the difference between two NSDates, which is a figure in milliseconds -a float
- (IBAction)btnCapturarTiempo:(id)sender
NSDateFormatter *formatCarTime = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[formatCarTime setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
[formatCarTime setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:#"Europe/Madrid"]];
carTime = [NSDate date];
difference = [carTime timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime];
labelTiempoCoche.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",difference];
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Convert NSDate to NSString
convert string to nsdate
Currently I have this code. It's for adding events to the calendar.
event.startDate = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:86400];
event.endDate = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:90000];
What I need is the code to add to a spesific start date and end date, and that's where NSString comes in handy. But I've had no luck converting it so far.
Refer this code :
NSString to NSDate
NSString *dateString = #"01-02-2010";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
// this is imporant - we set our input date format to match our input string
// if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string, so be careful
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSDate *dateFromString = [[NSDate alloc] init];
// voila!
dateFromString = [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
[dateFormatter release];
NSDate convert to NSString:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSString *strDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSLog(#"%#", strDate);
[dateFormatter release];
Hope it helps you
convert NSDate to NSString as
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
NSString *string = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date];
[dateFormatter release];
That's an example if you need the format like “Nov 23, 1937”:
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.dateStyle= NSDateFormatterMediumStyle;
NSString* string= [formatter stringFromDate: date];
Check out the reference for other styles. If you need another style that hasn't a constant, you can use the date format, in this case it's:
formatter.dateFormat= #"MMM dd, yyyy"; // same as medium style
But the preferred way is to use the style, use the format only if there isn't a propert style.
I have a UIDatePicker and I m getting the selected date from it in yyyy-MM-dd format.Now I want to convert it to MM/dd/yyyy format ..How can i do it ?
NSDateFormatter *df=[[[NSDateFormatter alloc]init] autorelease];
df.dateFormat = #"yyyy-MM-dd";
NSArray *temp=[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[df stringFromDate:DatePicker.date]] componentsSeparatedByString:#""];
[dateString2 release];
dateString2= [[NSString alloc]initWithString:[temp objectAtIndex:0]];
Im getting 2012-10-30 but I want 10/30/2012.
See Instruction or introduction with every line
NSString *str = #"2012-10-30"; /// here this is your date with format yyyy-MM-dd
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; // here we create NSDateFormatter object for change the Format of date..
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd"]; //// here set format of date which is in your output date (means above str with format)
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString: str]; // here you can fetch date from string with define format
dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd/MM/yyyy"];// here set format which you want...
NSString *convertedString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date]; //here convert date in NSString
NSLog(#"Converted String : %#",convertedString);
df.dateFormat = #"MM/dd/yyyy";
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
Just to see how it ends up:
NSDateFormatter* df = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc]init] autorelease];
df.dateFormat = #"MM/dd/yyyy";
NSString* dateString = [df stringFromDate:datePicker.date]; // Don't use leading caps on variables
NSLog(#"%#", dateString);
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
The original accepted answer does a few things extra:
1) It allocates two NSDateFormatter instances which is not required. NSDateFormatter is expensive to create.
2) It is better to release date formatters explicitly when you are done with them rather than a deferred release using autorelease.
//get datepicker date (NSDate *)
NSDate *datePickerDate = [myDatePicker date];
//create a date formatter
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
//set its format as the required output format
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
//get the output date as string
NSString *outputDateString = [formatter stringFromDate:datePickerDate];
//release formatter
[formatter release];
- (void)showTime {
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"HH:mm:ss"];
// you label
_time.text = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:now];
- (void)showDate {
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
// you label
_date.text = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:now];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString *str = #"2012-10-30"; /// here this is your date with format yyyy-MM-dd
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; // here we create NSDateFormatter object for change the Format of date..
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd"]; //// here set format of date which is in your output date (means above str with format)
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString: str]; // here you can fetch date from string with define format
dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"dd/MM/yyyy"];// here set format which you want...
NSString *convertedString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date]; here convert date in NSString
NSLog(#"Converted String : %#",convertedString);
I use a code with options NSISO8601DateFormatWithDashSeparatorInDate:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSString * stringformat = [NSDateFormatter dateFormatFromTemplate:#"MMddy" options:NSISO8601DateFormatWithDashSeparatorInDate locale:[NSLocale systemLocale]];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:stringformat];
NSDate *d = [NSDate date]; // or set your date
NSLog(#"date in format %#", [dateFormatter stringFromDate:d]); // date in format 2018-06-20
I want to see what is getting stored in an NSDate, so I am using NSLog, but it's showing (null), whereas if I print the string stf2, it's showing the proper value.
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"YYYY-MM-dd"];
NSDateFormatter *formatter1 = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MMM dd, yyyy"];
NSString *stf2 = [[pact.date componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"date %#",stf2);
NSDate *date_ = [formatter dateFromString:stf2];
pact.date = [formatter1 stringFromDate:date_];
NSLog(#"date %#",[NSDate date_]);
There are two specific problems in the code you've presented in the question.
Format Reset
First you do,
[formatter setDateFormat:#"YYYY-MM-dd"];
and then you initialize the second formatter followed by resetting the first formatter's format,
NSDateFormatter *formatter1 = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MMM dd, yyyy"];
To emphasize
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MMM dd, yyyy"];
This should've been formatter1 but is formatter.
Date Format
If you look at the format you've use YYYY-MM-dd, it looks fine. But apparent YYYY have a different purpose and can be different from our usual calendar year. You should use the lowercase y instead.
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd"];
And I don't think you meant this but
NSLog(#"date %#",[NSDate date_]);
should be
NSLog(#"date %#", date_);
you need to correct the dateformatter by setting proper date formatter. first do this
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-dd-MM"];
//it should be in the way as your string is. like if your string is 2011-Jun- 27 then fromatter should be
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd"];
set the formatter as per your string's date format. then get the date back from this line
NSDate *date_ = [formatter dateFromString:stf2];
Assuming "stf2" is your string, then perhaps your object formatter is nil.
Below functions will be helpful to you.
"getDateTimeFromString" will take date and time as argument and it will return NSDate object.\
-(NSDate *)getDateTimeFromString :(NSString *)tempDate :(NSString *)tempTime{
NSString *dateValue = [tempDate stringByAppendingFormat:#" %#",tempTime];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"];
NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc] init];
date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateValue];
NSTimeZone* sourceTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:#"GMT"];
NSTimeZone* destinationTimeZone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone];
NSInteger sourceGMTOffset = [sourceTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:date];
NSInteger destinationGMTOffset = [destinationTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:date];
NSTimeInterval interval = destinationGMTOffset - sourceGMTOffset;
NSDate* destinationDate = [[[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:interval sinceDate:date] autorelease];
return date;
"getDateStringFromDate" will take NSDate as argument and it will return NSString.
So, you can NSLog that value.
-(NSString *)getDateStringFromDate :(NSDate *)dateValue{
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd"];
NSDateFormatter *timeFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[timeFormat setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
[timeFormat setDateFormat:#"HH:mm a"];
NSString *theDate = [dateFormat stringFromDate:dateValue];
"theDate: |%#| \n"
"theTime: |%#| \n"
, theDate, theTime);*/
return theDate;
Hope you will get the answer.