Error importing gradle project with Android studio - intellij-idea

I've a problem importing a gradle project with Android Studio. I select the folder of my application and then choose "Import project for external_model" When i click next, i've an error fired in my console. That's the trace:
ERROR - com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue - Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.MouseEvent[MOUSE_RELEASED,(1084,751),absolute(1685,1041),button=1,modifiers=Button1,clickCount=1] on dialog0
java.lang.IllegalStateException: #NotNull method com/intellij/openapi/externalSystem/model/settings/LocationSettingType.getColor must not return null
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.model.settings.LocationSettingType.getColor(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.service.settings.GradleProjectSettingsControl.deduceGradleHomeIfPossible(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.service.settings.GradleProjectSettingsControl.resetExtraSettings(
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.service.settings.AbstractExternalProjectSettingsControl.reset(
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.service.settings.AbstractImportFromExternalSystemControl.reset(
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.service.project.wizard.AbstractExternalProjectImportBuilder.prepare(
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.service.project.wizard.SelectExternalProjectStepBase.initGradleSettingsControl(
at com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.service.project.wizard.SelectExternalProjectStepBase.updateStep(
at com.intellij.ide.util.newProjectWizard.AddModuleWizard.updateStep(
at com.intellij.ide.wizard.AbstractWizard.doNextAction(
at com.intellij.ide.util.newProjectWizard.AddModuleWizard.doNextAction(
at com.intellij.ide.wizard.AbstractWizard$5.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
I've tried to reinstall Android Studio, update it (0.1.1, 0.1.7, 0.1.8 versions)and always the same error.
I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and my JDK version is 1.6.0_26
I've also tried to install gradle 1.6 and add bin folder to my path, but it doesn't work.


React-native yarn android #homee/react-native-mapbox-navigation Execution failed for task ':homee_react-native-mapbox-navigation:compileDebugKotlin'

I have installed node package #homee/react-native-mapbox-navigation for quick turn-by-turn navigation in my react-native android app, but when I run yarn android, got below error:
> Configure project :homee_react-native-mapbox-navigation
WARNING:Software Components will not be created automatically for Maven publishing from Android Gradle Plugin 8.0. To opt-in to the future behavior, set the Gradle property android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation=true in the `` file or use the new publishing DSL.
> Task :homee_react-native-mapbox-navigation:compileDebugKotlin
> Task :homee_react-native-mapbox-navigation:compileDebugKotlin FAILED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
72 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 70 up-to-date
e: /home/cipto/Code/mapbox/mapboxnav/node_modules/#homee/react-native-mapbox-navigation/android/src/main/java/com/homee/mapboxnavigation/MapboxNavigationManager.kt: (11, 19): Unresolved reference: maps
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':homee_react-native-mapbox-navigation:compileDebugKotlin'.
> Compilation error. See log for more details
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
have been following the gude in readme at, by the way I installed the package which come from the github (latest version 2.00 master branch) by running this:
yarn add homeeondemand/react-native-mapbox-navigation#master
I have also try that package and got the same error, after I upgrade the kotlin version into 1.6.0, the error went away.

Gradle build doing nothing on WSL

I'm writing a Kotlin program, and using Gradle as the build system, as is customary in that language. I usually work on Windows, but it's time to start testing on Linux, so using WSL for that. Installed Gradle, cloned a copy of my code in WSL...
(base) a#DESKTOP-4B7M920:~/ayane$ gradle -version
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/usr/share/java/groovy-all.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Gradle 4.4.1
Build time: 2012-12-21 00:00:00 UTC
Revision: none
Groovy: 2.4.16
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.5 compiled on March 28 2019
JVM: 11.0.7 (Ubuntu 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04)
So far so good, that warning happens sometimes, doesn't seem to portend immediate trouble.
This is my build file, that works on Windows:
(base) a#DESKTOP-4B7M920:~/ayane$ cat build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.72"
repositories {
dependencies {
tasks.test {
testLogging {
events("passed", "skipped", "failed")
Here goes.
(base) a#DESKTOP-4B7M920:~/ayane$ gradle build
> Task :buildEnvironment
Root project
No dependencies
1 actionable task: 1 executed
<-------------> 0% WAITING
Uh? I could understand if it threw an error because some prerequisite or other was unavailable. But no error, just nothing? What's going on?
You are using the newest version at this time of the Kotlin plugin for Gradle (1.3.72). However, you are using a really old version of Gradle (4.4.1). As you can read from the Kotlin documentation:
The Kotlin Gradle plugin 1.3.72 works with Gradle 4.9 and later.
It is unfortunate that the plugin doesn't check for this and give a more proper error message instead of just silently doing nothing. I guess you could create an issue for Jetbrains on this if you like.
Just as has been mentioned in the comment to your question, I also highly recommend using the wrapper. It ensures that the project is built with a particular declared version of Gradle that you, the build author, has decided on. Otherwise, you will have to document how to set up the environment correctly, including what version of Gradle to install.
Same thing goes for Java: be sure to clearly document which version is required or supported.
As for building in WSL, the only issue I've ever had with it was a remote build cache not working. This was because I had configured Git to checkout with POSIX line endings (LF) for source files, whereas the cache were populated on a Windows machine using CRLF line endings). It doesn't sound like you are using that feature, but other than that, everything has been working fine for me in WSL.

Adding sub module to project causing gradle build failures in Android studio 3.0 with gradle version 4.1

I added sub module library vertical-stepper-form version 0.9.8, while I set dependency of this library on my app module. I was able to do it successfully.
I am using Android Studio 3.0 with gradle version 4.1, few of the classes in project are in kotlin and others in java
When I started gradle sync it gave me this error. The gradle is not building and showing below issues :
Information:Gradle tasks [:vertical-stepper-form:generateDebugSources,
:app:generateInstallDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:mockableAndroidJar]
D:\Devavrata\project/package/src/main/res/abc.xml Error:error:
attribute 'com.spireon.install:src' not found.
Error:attribute 'com.spireon.install:src' not found. Error:failed
linking file resources. Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for
details Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for
details AAPT2 error:
check logs for details Error:Execution failed for task
Failed to execute aapt Information:BUILD FAILED in 24s Information:7 errors Information:0 warnings Information:See complete output in
What I have already tried :
I tried with changing import lines in xml also changing the android:src and srcCompat properties. Along with build/project cleaning and invalidating the cache.
Changing this line in
Let me know if anyone has faced this issue

Android Gradle - Gitlab CI - Docker - CMake - NullPointerException

I'm trying to get simple Android Unit Tests to run on Gitlab CI, but I'm having troubles getting things to build correctly in the CI Docker image. I have the master project which pulls from a Library project. The Library has C code in it, so I need to use CMake to get it to build. All of this is working locally on my windows machine when using Android Studio. However, once I move to the CI server, things break with the following error:
Using incremental javac compilation for :Library debug.
Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.
Checking the license for package CMake 3.6.3155560 in /android-sdk-linux/licenses
License for package CMake 3.6.3155560 accepted.
Preparing "Install CMake 3.6.3155560 (revision: 3.6.3155560)".
"Install CMake 3.6.3155560 (revision: 3.6.3155560)" ready.
Finishing "Install CMake 3.6.3155560 (revision: 3.6.3155560)"
Installing CMake 3.6.3155560 in /android-sdk-linux/cmake/3.6.3155560
"Install CMake 3.6.3155560 (revision: 3.6.3155560)" complete.
"Install CMake 3.6.3155560 (revision: 3.6.3155560)" finished.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':Library'.
> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
* Try:
Run with --debug option to get more log output.
* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.ProjectConfigurationException: A problem occurred configuring project ':Library'.
at org.gradle.configuration.project.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.addConfigurationFailure(
at org.gradle.configuration.project.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.notifyAfterEvaluate(
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy15.afterEvaluate(Unknown Source)
at org.gradle.configuration.project.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.notifyAfterEvaluate(
... 56 more
Total time: 1 mins 25.384 secs
Stopped 0 worker daemon(s).
Received result Failure[value=org.gradle.initialization.ReportedException: org.gradle.internal.exceptions.LocationAwareException: A problem occurred configuring project ':Library'.] from daemon DaemonInfo{pid=39, address=[1f3b75f9-7080-48b5-b298-0e6136640a0a port:41964, addresses:[/]], state=Busy, lastBusy=1496784783851, context=DefaultDaemonContext[uid=0e3eadf0-a7bd-4ede-9eb8-0c2a96ebef58,javaHome=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64,daemonRegistryDir=/root/.gradle/daemon,pid=39,idleTimeout=10800000,daemonOpts=-Xmx1536m,-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8,,-Duser.language=en, -Duser.variant]} (build should be done).
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
Judging by the line
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
it looks like it is a problem with the CMake. But it looks like it is installed and the licence is accepted as noted by the output at the start of that block above.
Can anyone give me some pointers on what is the problem?
* Is it that gradle doesn't know where CMake was installed?
* Is it a problem perhaps with the NDK?
* Or perhaps where I can find the source code for and
My searches have been unfruitful.
I can provide more about my setup upon request. (i.e. android project, docker image, gitlab-ci.yml, etc.)
Well, mbertin commented on Feb 2 at here that by using a lower gradle build tool, it solved the problem for him. (i.e. classpath '
After giving it an attempt, my build script got passed that error! (anyone know why?)
Thanks for the emotional support Stack Overflow! You are the best!

Android studio 2.2 gradle plugin for instant run error

I am using android studio 2.2 and getting the below error while trying to build the project
Error:Cause: cannot be cast to groovy.lang.GroovyObject
I added classpath ''
in my top level gradle
My project has 11 modules and compilesdk version is 23,buildtools version is 24.0.2
How can I build the fix the issues and build the project
I met the same problem。
“Your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins... ”as the console reminders。
So you should check your buildscript{dependencies{}} in build.gradle file。
Like this:
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath ''
and I update the sign plugin from sign:0.2.0 to sign:0.1.0,then it's ok。So you should find the incompatible plugin and update it。