SQL query - Joining a many-to-many relationship, filtering/joining selectively - sql

I find myself in a bit of an unworkable situation with a SQL query and I'm hoping that I'm missing something or might learn something new. The structure of the DB2 database I'm working with isn't exactly built for this sort of query, but I'm tasked with this...
Let's say we have Table People and Table Groups. Groups can contain multiple people, and one person can be part of multiple groups. Yeah, it's already messy. In any case, there are a couple of intermediary tables linking the two. The problem is that I need to start with a list of groups, get all of the people in those groups, and then get all of the groups with which the people are affiliated, which would be a superset of the initial group set. This would mean starting with groups, joining down to the people, and then going BACK and joining to the groups again. I need information from both tables in the result set, too, so that rules out a number of techniques.
I have to join this with a number of other tables for additional information and the query is getting enormous, cumbersome, and slow. I'm wondering if there's some way that I could start with People, join it to Groups, and then specify that if a person has one group that is in the supplied set of groups (which is done via a subquery), then ALL groups for that person should be returned. I don't know of a way to make this happen, but I'm thinking (hoping) that there's a relatively clean way to make this happen in SQL.
A quick and dirty example:
AND GROUPID IN (subquery)
--This gets me all people affiliated with groups,
-- but now I need all groups affiliated with those people...
And then I can return information from p and g2 in the result set. You can see where I'm having trouble. That's a lot of joining on some large tables, not to mention a number of other joins that are performed in this query as well. I need to be able to query by joining PEOPLE to GROUPS, then specify that if any person has an associated group that is in the subquery, it should return ALL groups affiliated with that entry in PEOPLE. I'm thinking that GROUP BY might be just the thing, but I haven't used that one enough to really know. So if Bill is part of group A, B, and C, and our subquery returns a set containing Group A, the result set should include Bill along with groups A, B, and C.

The following is a shorter way to get all the groups that people in the supplied group list are in. Does this help?
Select g.*
From Linking_B b
Join Linking_B b2
On b2.PersonId = b.PersonId
Join Group g
On g.GroupId = b2.GroupId
Where b.Groupid in (SubQuery)

I'm not clear why you have both Linking_A and Linking_B. Generally all you should need to represent a many-to-many relationship between two master tables is a single association table with GroupID and PersonId.
I often recommend using "common table expressions" [CTE's] in order to help you break a problem up into chunks that can be easier to understand. CTE's are specified using a WITH clause, which can contain several CTE's before starting the main SELECT query.
I'm going to assume that the list of groups you want to start with is specified by your subquery, so that will be the 1st CTE. The next one selects people who belong to those groups. The final part of the query then selects groups those people belong to, and returns the columns from both master tables.
WITH g1 as
, p1 as
from g1
join Linking a1 on g1.groupID=a1.groupID
join People p on p.personID=a1.personID )
SELECT p1.*, g2.*
from p1
join Linking a2 on p2.personID=a2.personID
join Groups g2 on g2.groupID=a2.groupID

I think I'd build the list of people you want to pull records for first, then use that to query out all the groups for those people. This will work across any number of link tables with the appropriate joins added:
with persons_wanted as
--figure out which people are in a group you want to include
select p.person_key
from person p
join link l1
on p.person_key = l1.person_key
join groups g
on l1.group_key = g.group_key
where g.group name in ('GROUP_I_WANT_PEOPLE_FROM', 'THIS_ONE_TOO')
group by p.person_key --we only want each person_key once
--now pull all the groups for the list of people in at least one group we want
select p.name as person_name, g.name as group_name, ...
from person p
join link l1
on p.person_key = l1.person_key
join groups g
on l1.group_key = g.group_key
where p.person_key in (select person_key from persons_wanted);


SQL query wrong index when where on join

I have a query with joins that is not using the index that would be the best match and I am looking for help to correct this.
I have the following query:
from purchaselines
left join vendors on vendors.id = purchaselines.vendorId
left join contacts on contacts.id = vendors.contactId
left join equipment on equipment.id = purchaselines.equipmentId
where contacts.id = 12345
The table purchaselines has an index on the column vendorId, which is the proper index to use. When the query is run, I know the value of contacts.id which is joined to vendors.contactId which is joined to purchaselines.vendorId.
What is the proper way to run this query? Currently, no index is used on the table purchaselines.
If you are intending to query a specific contact, I would put THAT first since that is the primary basis. Additionally, you had left-joins to the other tables (vendors, contacts, equipment). So by having a WHERE clause to the CONTACTS table forces the equation to become an INNER JOIN, thus REQUIRING.
That said, I would try to rewrite the query as (also using aliases for simplified readability of longer table names)
contacts c
join vendors v
on c.id = v.contactid
join purchaselines pl
on v.id = pl.vendorid
join equipment e
on pl.equipmentid = e.id
c.id = 12345
Also notice the indentation of the JOINs helps readability (IMO) to see how/where each table gets to the next in a more hierarchical manner. They are all regular inner JOIN context.
So, the customer ID will be the first / fastest, then to vendors by that contact ID which should optimize the join to that. Then, I would expect the purchase lines to have an index on vendorid optimizing that. And finally, the equipment table on ITs PK.
FEEDBACK Basic JOIN clarification.
JOIN is just the explicit statement of how two tables are related. By listing them left-side and right-side and the join condition showing on what relationship is between them is all.
Now, in your data example, each table is subsequently nested under the one prior. It is quite common though that one table may link to multiple other tables. For example an employee. A customer could have an ethnicity ID linking to an ethnicity lookup table, but also, a job position id also linking to a job position lookup table. That might look something like
employee e
join ethnicitiy eth
on e.ethnicityid = eth.id
join jobPosition jp
on e.jobPositionID = jp.id
Notice here that both ethnicity and jobPosition are at the same hierarchical level to the employee table scenario. If, for example, you wanted to further apply conditions that you only wanted certain types of employees, you can just add your logical additional conditions directly at the location of the join such as
join jobPosition jp
on e.jobPositionID = jp.id
AND jp.jobPosition = 'Manager'
This would get you a list of only those employees who are managers. You do not need to explictily add a WHERE condition if you already include it directly at the JOIN/ON criteria. This helps keeping the table-specific criteria at the join if you ever find yourself needing LEFT JOINs.

SQLZOO #12 -- confused about multiple select & join statements

I am attempting to answer question #12 on sqlzoo.net
(http://sqlzoo.net/wiki/More_JOIN_operations). I couldn't figure out the answer on my own but I did manage to find the answer online.
12: Which were the busiest years for 'John Travolta', show the year and the number of movies he made each year for any year in which he made more than 2 movies.
movie JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid
JOIN actor ON actorid=actor.id
WHERE name='John Travolta'
movie JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid
JOIN actor ON actorid=actor.id
WHERE name='John Travolta'
GROUP BY yr) AS t)
One of parts that I do not fully understand is the multiple joins:
FROM movie
JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid
JOIN actor ON actorid=actor.id
Is Actor being joined only with Movie, or is actor being joined with Movie JOIN Casting?
I am trying to find a website that explains complex join statements as my attempted answer was far from correct (missing many sections). I think subselect statements with multiple complex join statements is a bit confusing at the moment. But, I could not find a good website that breaks the information up to help me form my own queries.
The other part I don't fully understand is this:
movie JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid
JOIN actor ON actorid=actor.id
WHERE name='John Travolta'
GROUP BY yr) AS t)
3. What is the above code trying to find?
Ok, glad you are not afraid to ask, and I'll do my best to help clarify what is going on... Please excuse my re-formatting of the query to my mindset of writing queries. It better shows the relationships of where things are coming from (my perspective), and may help you too.
A few other things about my rewrite. I also like to use alias references to the tables so every column is qualified with the table (or alias) it originates from. It prevents ambiguity, especially for someone who does not know your table structures and relationships between tables. (m = alias to movie, c = alias for casting, a = alias for actor tables). For the sub query, and to keep alias confusion clear, I suffixed them with 2, such as m2, c2, a2.
movie m
JOIN casting c
ON m.id = c.movieid
JOIN actor a
ON c.actorid = a.id
a.name = 'John Travolta'
COUNT(m.title) = ( SELECT MAX(t.movieCount)
( SELECT m2.yr,
COUNT(m2.title) AS movieCount
movie m2
JOIN casting c2
ON m2.id = c2.movieid
JOIN actor a2
ON c2.actorid = a2.id
a2.name='John Travolta'
m2.yr ) AS t
First, look at the outermost query (aliases m, c, a ) and the innermost query (aliases m2, c2, a2) are virtually identical.
The query has to run from the deepest query first... in this case the m2, c2, a2 query. Look at it and see what IT is going to deliver. If you ran that, you would get every year he had a movie and the number of movies... starting result from their sample data goes from 1976 all the way to 2010. So far, nothing complex unto itself (about 20 rows). Now, since each table may have an alias, each sub query (such as this MUST have an alias, so that is why the "as t". So, there is no true table, it is wrapping the entire query's result set and assigning THAT the alias of "t".
So now, go one level up in the query also wrapped in parens...
SELECT MAX(t.movieCount)
FROM (EntireSubquery as t)
Although abbreviated, this is what the engine is doing. Looking at the subquery result given an alias of "t" and finding the maximum "movieCount" value which is the count of movies that were done in a given year. In this case, the actual number is 3 and we are almost done.
Now, to the outermost query... again, this was virtually identical to the innermost query. The only difference is the HAVING clause. This is applied after all the grouping per year is performed. Then it is comparing ITs row result set count per year to the 3 value result of the SELECT MAX( t.movieCount )...
So, all the years that had only 1 or 2 movies are excluded from the result, and only the one year that had 3 movies are included.
Now, to clarify the JOINs. Each table should have a relationship with one or more tables (also known as linking tables, such as the cast table that has both a movie and actors/actresses. So, think of the join as how to I put the tables in order so that each one can touch a piece to the other until I have them all chained together. In this case
Movie -> Casting linked by the movie ID, then Casting -> actor by the actor ID, so that is how I do it visually hierarchically... I am starting FROM the Movie table, JOINing to the cast table based ON Movie ID = Cast Movie ID. Now, from the Casting table joined to the Actor table based on the common Actor ID field
movie m
JOIN casting c
ON m.id = c.movieid
JOIN actor a
ON c.actorid = a.id
Now, this is a simple relationship, but you COULD have one primary table with multiple child-level tables. You could join multiple tables based on the respective data. Very simple sample to clarify the point. You have a student table going to a school. A student has a degree major, an ethnicity, an address state (assuming an online school and students can be from any state). If you had lookup tables for degrees, ethnicity and states, you might come up with something like...
students s
join degrees d
on s.degreemajor = d.degreeID
join ethnicity e
on s.ethnicityID = e.id
join states st
on s.homeState = st.stateID
Notice the hierarchical representation that each table is directly associated under that of the student. Not all tables need to be one deeper than the last.
So, there are many sites out there, such as the w3schools as offered by Mark, but learn to dissect small pieces at a time... what are the bare minimum tables to get from point-A to point-Z and draw the relationships. THEN, tare down based on requirement criteria you are looking for.
The correct answer would be:
SELECT yr, COUNT(title)
FROM movie m
JOIN casting c ON m.id=c.movieid JOIN actor a ON c.actorid=a.id
WHERE name='John Travolta'
HAVING COUNT(title) > 2;
The answer you found (which seems to be a mistake on the sqlzoo site) is looking for any year that has a count equal to the year with the highest count.
I used table aliases in the query above to clear up how the tables are joined. Movie is joined to casting and casting is joined to actor.
The subquery that confuses you is listing each year and a count of movies for that year that star John Travolta. It's not needed if you're answering the question as written.
As for learning resources, make sure you have the basics down. Understand everything at http://w3schools.com/sql. Try searching for "sql joining multiple tables" in your favorite search engine when you're ready for more.

Needing 2 different ID's from the same ID Table

I am pulling reports for my company and am needing to pull a specific report that I am having trouble with. We are using SQL Server 2012 and I am pulling the SQL reports.
What I need is to pull a simple report:
Group Name, List of Members in the group; Supervisor of the group.
However, the problem is that the supervisor as well as the members and the group name all come from one table in order to get the relevant information. Currently here is my SQL code below:
-- This is the select portion deciding the columns needed.
-- These are the tables that the query is pulling from.
FROM db..groups AS G
LEFT OUTER JOIN db..contact AS C
ON G.group_id=C.contact_id
INNER JOIN db..contact AS C2
ON G.member=C2.contact_id
This pulls the first portion:
The group name, then the first name of a member in that group, and then the last name of a member in that group.
However, I am having trouble getting the supervisor portion. This portion uses the table db.contact under the column supervisor_id as a foreign key. The supervisor_id uses the same unique id as the normal contact_id, but in the same table. Some contact_ids have supervisor_id's that are other contact_id's from the same table, hence the foreign key.
How can I make it so I can get the contact_id that is equal to the supervisor_id of the contact_id that is equal to the group_id?
Taking a quick stab at this while we wait for details
You know you need groups and I'm assuming you don't care about Groups that have no members. Thus Groups INNER JOINed to Contact. This generates your direct group membership. To get the supervisor, you then need to factor in the Supervisor on the specific Contact row.
You might not have a boss, or your boss might be yourself. It's always interesting to see how various HR systems record this. In my example, I'm assuming the head reports to no one instead of themselves.
, C.first_name
, C.last_name
-- this may produce nulls depending on outer vs inner join below
, CS.first_name AS supervisor_first_name
, CS.last_name AS supervisor_last_name
dbo.Groups AS G
dbo.Contact AS C
ON C.contact_id = G.member
dbo.Contact AS CS
ON CS.contact_id = C.supervisor_id;
Depending on how exactly you wanted that data reported, there are various tricks we could use to report that data. In particular, GROUPING SETS might come in handy.

SQL Query, return all children in a one-to-many relationship when one child matches

I'm working on enhancing a query for a DB2 database and I'm having some problems getting acceptable performance due to the number of joins across large tables that need to be performed to get all of the data and I'm hoping that there's a SQL function or technique that can simplify and speed up the process.
To break it down, let's say there are two tables: People and Groups. Groups contain multiple people, and a person can be part of multiple groups. It's a many-to-many, but bear with me. Basically, there's a subquery that will return a set of groups. From that, I can join to People (which requires additional joins across other tables) to get all of the people from those groups. However, I also need to know all of the groups that those people are in, which means joining back to the Groups table again (several more joins) to get a superset of the original subquery. There are additional joins in the query as well to get other pieces of relevant data, and the cost is adding up in a very ugly way. I also need to return information from both tables, so that rules out a number of techniques.
What I'd like to do is be able to start with the People table, join it to Groups, and then compare Groups with the subquery. If the Groups attached to one person has one match in the subquery, it should return ALL Group items associated with that person.
Essentially, let's say that Bob is part of Group A, B, and C. Currently, I start with groups, and let's say that only Group A comes out of the subquery. Then I join A to Bob, but then I have to come back and join Bob to Group again to get B and C. SQL example:
SELECT p.*, g2.*
ON link1.LISTID = link.LISTID
ON link2.LISTID = link3.LISTID
g.GROUPID IN (subquery)
Yes, the linking tables aren't ideal, but they're basically normalized tables containing additional information that is not relevant to the query I'm running. We have to start with a filtered Group set, join to People, then come back to get all of the Groups that the People are associated to.
What I'd like to do is start with People, join to Group, and if ANY Group that Bob is in returns from the subquery, ALL should be returned, so if we have Bob joined to A, B, and C, and A is in the subquery, it will return three rows of Bob to A, B, and C as there was at least one match. In this way, it could be treated as a one-to-many relationship if we're only concerned with the Groups for each Person and not the other way around. SQL example:
SELECT p.*, g.*
ON link.LISTID = link1.LISTID
--SQL function, expression, or other method to return
--all groups for any person who is part of any group contained in the subquery
The number of joins in the first query make it largely unusable as these are some pretty big tables. The second would be far more ideal if this sort of thing is possible.
From the question, I think you are querying hierarchical data. DB2 provides facility to deal with such data. There are two clauses Start with and Connect by in DB2 which will be useful. They are explained here.

Select based on the number of appearances of an id in another table

I have a table B with cids and cities. I also have a table C that has these cids with extra information. I want to list all the cids in table C that are associated with ALL appearances of a given city in Table B.
My current solution relies on counting the number of times the given city appears in Table B and selecting only the cids that appear that many times. I don't know all the SQL syntax yet, but is there a way to select for this kind of pattern?
My current solution:
SELECT Agents.aid
FROM Agents, Customers, Orders
WHERE (Customers.city='Duluth')
AND (Agents.aid = Orders.aid)
AND (Customers.cid = Orders.cid)
GROUP BY Agents.aid
HAVING count(Agents.aid) > 1
It only works because I know right now with the HAVING statement.
Thanks for the help. I wasn't sure how to google this problem, since it's pretty specific.
EDIT: I'm pinpointing my problem a bit. I need to know how to determine if EVERY row in a table has a certain value for a field. Declaring a variable and counting the rows in a sub-selection and filtering out my results by IDs that appear that many times works, but It's really ugly.
There HAS to be a way to do this without explicitly count()ing rows. I hope.
Not an answer to your question, but a general improvement.
I'd recommend using JOIN syntax to join your tables together.
This would change your query to be:
SELECT Agents.aid
FROM Agents
ON Agents.aid = Orders.aid
INNER JOIN Customers
ON Customers.cid = Orders.cid
WHERE Customers.city='Duluth'
GROUP BY Agents.aid
HAVING count(Agents.aid) > 1
What variant of SQL are you using?
To start with, you can (and should) use JOIN instead of doing it in the WHERE clause, e.g.,
select Agents.aid
from Agents
join Orders on Agents.aid = Orders.aid
join Customers on Customers.cid = Orders.cid
where Customers.city = 'Duluth'
group by Agents.aid
having count(Agents.aid) > 1
After that, I'm afraid I might be a little lost. Using the table names in your example query, what (in English, not pseudocode) are you trying to retrieve? For example, I think your sample query is retrieving the PK for all Agents that have been involved in at least 2 Orders involving Customers in Duluth.
Also, some table definitions for Agents, Orders, and Customers might help (then again, they might be irrelevant).
I'm not sure if I understood you problem, but I think the following query is what you want:
FROM customers b
INNER JOIN orders c USING (cid)
WHERE b.city = 'Duluth'
FROM customers b2
WHERE b2.city = b.city
AND b2.cid <> cid);
Probably you will need some indexes on these columns.