Changing, what text receive lexer in editor - netbeans-7

For my application on NetBeans-Platform I need, that lexer in my editor recolor the whole text or the whole line, after editing. Now, to nextToken() comes only last edited text, but there not enough for me.
How I can do, that my lexer will get the whole text or the whole line from editor?


Setting keyboard format (bold, italic etc.) for to be written later texts

To describe shortly, i have a "Bold" button for example. When the user touches this button, the texts will writen later will be Bold. So when the user writes by keyboard, the texts will be bold. I tried setSpan but I gave up because it wanted a start and end, and there would be trouble if the user wanted to change the initial letter of the text he had written before for example i think. Maybe it happens with this too but I don't know. Is there any library or a way for this?

How to set text alignment line by line in TextEdit?

I'm writing an app using qml, and text messages have bi direction languages too.
I want to each line starts with appropriate alignment like below image.
I know i can split lines and set direction but i want to know if here is a better solution, because the QTextEdit handle this itself.

Text jumbled in reading from multiple line highlights using PDF box API

We have used the above algorithm suggested in the link to read the highlighted text from PDF files. It works fine with single line highlights.
However, text read from multiple line highlights is incorrect. Final text read from highlight is completely jumbled with neighboring lines text.
Help us in resolving the above issue. - Thanks, label or textbox right-aligned

OK, here's a problem i have. Searching the net did not help much.
In, you can right-align the text on a label. The label however has automatic word-wrap capabilities so it seems impossible to display a text in the label (of constant size) and always view the last part of the text.
I'm placing a folder name in the label and i'm always interested in seeing the last part of the text. As is now, if the path name is too large, i keep seeing the i.e. "C:\Documents and Settings" part, which i don't care to see. In VB6 when you right-align the text in a label, it displays the last part and if the text doesn't fit, it just cuts the text at the beginning. In VB.NET if the text is too large to fit in the label, word-wrap kicks in so you end up seeing the first part of the text only.
When using a textbox, even if it's right-aligned, if the text doesn't fit it just shows as much as possible from the START of the text (instead of from the END since it's right-aligned.)
Is there a way to achieve a similar behavior in VB.NET as in VB6's label?

Sitecore: Forcing pasting as unformatted text

Is there a good way to force pasting as text inside Rich Text Fields inside Sitecore? I know there's a "Paste as Text" button in the Rich Text Editor itself, but content authors are almost definitely going to just hit Ctrl+V or Right-Click->Paste to put the text in, and if that content came from Word, all hell breaks loose with the markup. The workaround we have so far is to paste into notepad and then to copy that text and paste it into the Rich Text Field, but that solution is inelegant and I hate it.
Thank you for your time.
Take a look at the setting
<property name="StripFormattingOnPaste">None</property>
Located in the file /sitecore/shell/radcontrols/editor/ConfigFile.xml
Last time I had a requirement similar to yours, I went in there and made the change and it worked fine. Should still work, unless they changed something :-)