How to check if async/await really async? -

I have built a certain application( service ) based on async/await new keywords in c# 5.0 using WebApi which it self cool, I have create a call from Oracle db Http_Request, but i have tested and it's not really feels right, how can I unit test the async matter if this?
public async Task<WebResponse> Post(Customer customer)
if (!customer.ReturnSuccess()) throw new ArgumentNullException("customer");
_logger.Info(string.Format("Customer validation request - date = {0} \n {1}\t\n", DateTime.Now, customer));
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => _service.EvaluateCustomer(customer));
catch (Exception e)
_logger.ErrorException("Error", e);
return null;

Do not Unit Test language features - they are already tested by someone who has much more money than you. Test your business logic instead.
Read msdn about async/await behaviour here:
The method runs synchronously until it reaches its first await
expression, at which point the method is suspended until the awaited
task is complete. In the meantime, control returns to the caller of
the method, as the example later in this topic shows.

I agree with Cheburek in general: don't waste your time unit testing things like await and Task.Run.
However, if you want to ensure your method is properly waiting for EvaluateCustomer, then you inject a service that is under your control and ensure Post only completes after EvaluateCustomer completes:
public async Task PostWaitsForEvaluateCustomer()
var finishEvaluateCustomer = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var service = new MyFakeService(finishEvaluateCustomer)
EvaluateCustomer = _ => finishEvaluateCustomer.WaitOne();
var objectUnderTest = new MyObject(service);
Task postTask = objectUnderTest.Post(..);
await postTask;


Efficient thread use on high traffic ASP.NET Core Web API with processing timeout

My ASP.NET Core Web API (Linux) endpoint needs to serve a high volume of concurrent requests. If the request takes more than 200ms then it should abort and return a custom piece of JSON. The code is all awaitable. The request must always return HTTP 200 and the HTTP request timeout cannot be reduced from 30 secs to 200ms.
What is the most efficient way to accomplish what I want? Should I use a Task? Should I use Task.Wait or Task.WaitAsync? Or should the work methods run in the HTTP request thread, periodically check Stopwatch.Elapsed and throw a timeout exception?
This is my current code:
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
// Processing part 1
var result1 = await DoWorkPart1("Param1");
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested())
// Processing part 2
var result2 = wait DoWorkPart2(result1);
return result2;
}).Unwrap(); // Return lambda task, not outer task
// Is it better to use WaitAsync?
if (task.IsCompleted) // Result within timeout
if (task.Exception == null) // Success
return Ok(task.Result);
return Ok(new FailedObject() { Reason = ReasonEnum.UnexpectedError };
else // Timeout
return OK(new FailedObject() { Reason = ReasonEnum.TookTooLong };
What is the most efficient way to accomplish what I want?
I recommend using CancellationTokens to cancel. With a very short timeout like 200ms, you might just want to create a CancellationTokenSource with that timeout and ignore the CancellationToken provided to you by ASP.NET, which handles situations like clients disconnecting early.
Should I use a Task? Should I use Task.Wait or Task.WaitAsync? Or should the work methods run in the HTTP request thread, periodically check Stopwatch.Elapsed and throw a timeout exception?
I would say none of these. Instead, pass the CancellationToken down as far as you possibly can, ideally right to the lowest-level APIs your asynchronous code is calling.
If some of those APIs ignore their cancellation tokens, or if it's possible they may complete synchronously (e.g., due to caching), then adding cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); in-between steps is a good idea.
Side note: Don't use StartNew.
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));
// Processing part 1
var result1 = await DoWorkPart1("Param1", cts.Token);
// Processing part 2
var result2 = wait DoWorkPart2(result1, cts.Token);
return Ok(result2);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return OK(new FailedObject() { Reason = ReasonEnum.TookTooLong };
return Ok(new FailedObject() { Reason = ReasonEnum.UnexpectedError };

How to test with Response.OnCompleted delegate in a finally block

I have the following netcore 2.2 controller method that I am trying to write an xUnit integration test for:
private readonly ISoapSvc _soapSvc;
private readonly IRepositorySvc _repositorySvc;
public SnowConnectorController(ISoapSvc soapSvc, IRepositorySvc repositorySvc)
_soapSvc = soapSvc;
_repositorySvc = repositorySvc;
public async Task<IActionResult> Accept([FromBody] XDocument soapRequest)
var response = new CreateRes
Body = new Body
Response = new Response
Status = "Accepted"
return Ok(response);
// After the first API call completes
Response.OnCompleted(async () =>
// Run the close method
await Close(soapRequest);
The catch block runs and does the things it needs to, then the finally block runs and does things it needs to do after the request in the catch finishes per design.
Close has been both a private method . It started as a public controller method but I don't need to expose it for function so moved it to private method status.
Here's an integration test I started with the intention of just testing the try portion of the code:
public async Task AlwaysReturnAcceptedResponse()
// Arrange------
// Build mocks so that we can inject them in our system under tests constructor
var mockSoapSvc = new Mock<ISoapSvc>();
var mockRepositorySvc = new Mock<IRepositorySvc>();
// Build system under test(sut)
var sut = new SnowConnectorController(mockSoapSvc.Object, mockRepositorySvc.Object);
var mockRequest = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\..\\mockRequest.xml");
// Act------
// Form and send test request to test system
var actualResult = await sut.Accept(mockRequest);
var actualValue = actualResult.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(actualResult);
// Assert------
// The returned object from the method call should be of type CreateRes
I am super new to testing... I've been writing the test and feeling my way through the problem. I started by entering the controller method not really knowing where it would go. The test works through the try method, and then an exception is thrown once it hits the delegate in the finally block.
It looks like my test will have to run through to the results of the finally block unless there is a way to tell it to stop with the catch blocks execution?
That's fine, i'm learning, but the problem with that approach for me now is that the HttpResponse's Response.OnCompleted delegate in the finally block returns null when my test is running and I haven't been successful at figuring out what I can do to not make it null - because it is null, it throws this when my unit test is executing -
System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
*One thought that occurred was that if I was to make the private Close method a public controller method, and then make the Accept method not have the finally block, I could create a third controller method that does the try finally action by running the two controller methods and then just test the individual controller methods that are strung together with the third. However, it doesn't feel right because I would be exposing methods just for the sake of unit testing and I don't need Close to be exposed.
If the above idea is not the right approach, I am wondering what is, and if I just need to test through end to end, how I would get over the null httpresponse?
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you, SO community!
EDIT - Updated Test that works after the accepted answer was implemented. Thanks!
public async Task AlwaysReturnAcceptedResponse()
// Arrange------
// Build mocks so that we can inject them in our system under tests constructor
var mockSoapSvc = new Mock<ISoapSvc>();
var mockRepositorySvc = new Mock<IRepositorySvc>();
// Build system under test(sut)
var sut = new SnowConnectorController(mockSoapSvc.Object, mockRepositorySvc.Object)
// Supply mocked ControllerContext and HttpContext so that finally block doesnt fail test
ControllerContext = new ControllerContext
HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext()
var mockRequest = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\..\\mockRequest.xml");
// Act------
// Form and send test request to test system
var actualResult = await sut.Accept(mockRequest);
var actualValue = actualResult.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(actualResult);
// Assert------
// The returned object from the method call should be of type CreateRes
Curious what you are doing in the Close method against the input parameter.
Does it have to happen after response is being sent? It might not always happen as you would expect, see here.
Regardless though, during runtime core runtime sets a lot of properties on the controller including ControllerContext, HttpContext, Request, Response etc.
But those won't be available in unit testing since there is no core runtime there.
If you really want to test this, you'll have to mock them.
Here is the ControllerBase source code.
As we can see, ControllerBase.Response simply returns ControllerBase.HttpContext.Response, and ControllerBase.HttpContext is a getter from ControllerBase.ControllerContext. This means you'll have to mock a ControllerContext (and the nested HttpContext as well as HttpResponse) and assign it to your controller in the setup phase.
Furthermore, the OnCompleted callback won't get called in unit test either. If you want to unit test that part, you'll have to trigger it manually.
Personally I think it's too much hassle beside the open bug I mentioned above.
I would suggest you move the closing logic (if it's really necessary) to a IDisposable scoped service and handle that in the Dispose instead - assuming it's not a computation heavy operation which can impact the response latency.

StackExchange.Redis transaction methods freezes

I have this code to add object and index field in Stackexchange.Redis.
All methods in transaction freeze thread. Why ?
var transaction = Database.CreateTransaction();
//this line freeze thread. WHY ?
await transaction.StringSetAsync(KeyProvider.GetForID(obj.ID), PreSaveObject(obj));
await transaction.HashSetAsync(emailKey, new[] { new HashEntry(obj.Email, Convert.ToString(obj.ID)) });
return await transaction.ExecuteAsync();
Commands executed inside a transaction do not return results until after you execute the transaction. This is simply a feature of how transactions work in Redis. At the moment you are awaiting something that hasn't even been sent yet (transactions are buffered locally until executed) - but even if it had been sent: results simply aren't available until the transaction completes.
If you want the result, you should store (not await) the task, and await it after the execute:
var fooTask = tran.SomeCommandAsync(...);
if(await tran.ExecuteAsync()) {
var foo = await fooTask;
Note that this is cheaper than it looks: when the transaction executes, the nested tasks get their results at the same time - and await handles that scenario efficiently.
Marc's answer works, but in my case it caused a decent amount of code bloat (and it's easy to forget to do it this way), so I came up with an abstraction that sort of enforces the pattern.
Here's how you use it:
await db.TransactAsync(commands => commands
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...))
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...))
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...)));
Here's the implementation:
public static class RedisExtensions
public static async Task TransactAsync(this IDatabase db, Action<RedisCommandQueue> addCommands)
var tran = db.CreateTransaction();
var q = new RedisCommandQueue(tran);
if (await tran.ExecuteAsync())
await q.CompleteAsync();
public class RedisCommandQueue
private readonly ITransaction _tran;
private readonly IList<Task> _tasks = new List<Task>();
public RedisCommandQueue Enqueue(Func<ITransaction, Task> cmd)
return this;
internal RedisCommandQueue(ITransaction tran) => _tran = tran;
internal Task CompleteAsync() => Task.WhenAll(_tasks);
One caveat: This doesn't provide an easy way to get at the result of any of the commands. In my case (and the OP's) that's ok - I'm always using transactions for a series of writes. I found this really helped trim down my code, and by only exposing tran inside Enqueue (which requires you to return a Task), I'm less likely to "forget" that I shouldn't be awaiting those commands at the time I call them.
I and our team were bitten by this issue several times, so I created a simple Roslyn analyzer to spot such problems.

Async WCF Service with multiple async calls inside

I have a web service in WCF that consume some external web services, so what I want to do is make this service asynchronous in order to release the thread, wait for the completion of all the external services, and then return the result to the client.
With Framework 4.0
public class MyService : IMyService
public IAsyncResult BeginDoWork(int count, AsyncCallback callback, object serviceState)
var proxyOne = new Gateway.BackendOperation.BackendOperationOneSoapClient();
var proxyTwo = new Gateway.BackendOperationTwo.OperationTwoSoapClient();
var taskOne = Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(proxyOne.BeginGetNumber, proxyOne.EndGetNumber, 10, serviceState);
var taskTwo = Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(proxyTwo.BeginGetNumber, proxyTwo.EndGetNumber, 10, serviceState);
var tasks = new Queue<Task<int>>();
return Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks.ToArray(), innerTasks =>
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(serviceState);
int sum = 0;
foreach (var innerTask in innerTasks)
if (innerTask.IsFaulted)
if (innerTask.IsCompleted)
sum = innerTask.Result;
public int EndDoWork(IAsyncResult result)
return ((Task<int>)result).Result;
catch (AggregateException ex)
throw ex.InnerException;
My questions here are:
This code is using three threads: one that is instanced in the
BeginDoWork, another one that is instanced when the code enter
inside the anonymous method ContinueWhenAll, and the last one when
the callback is executed, in this case EndDoWork. Is that correct or
I’m doing something wrong on the calls? Should I use any
synchronization context? Note: The synchronization context is null
on the main thread.
What happen if I “share” information between
threads, for instance, the callback function? Will that cause a
performance issue or the anonymous method is like a closure where I
can share data?
With Framework 4.5 and Async and Await
Now with Framework 4.5, the code seems too much simple than before:
public async Task<int> DoWorkAsync(int count)
var proxyOne = new Backend.ServiceOne.ServiceOneClient();
var proxyTwo = new Backend.ServiceTwo.ServiceTwoClient();
var doWorkOne = proxyOne.DoWorkAsync(count);
var doWorkTwo = proxyTwo.DoWorkAsync(count);
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return doWorkOne.Result + doWorkTwo.Result;
But in this case when I debug the application, I always see that the code is executed on the same thread. So my questions here are:
3.. When I’m waiting for the “awaitable” code, is that thread released and goes back to the thread pool to execute more requests?
3.1. If So, I suppose that when I get a result from the await Task, the execution completes on the same thread that the call before. Is that possible? What happen if that thread is processing another request?
3.2 If Not, how can I release the thread to send it back to the thread pool with Asycn and Await pattern?
Thank you!
1. This code is using three threads: one that is instanced in the BeginDoWork, another one that is instanced when the code enter inside the anonymous method ContinueWhenAll, and the last one when the callback is executed, in this case EndDoWork. Is that correct or I’m doing something wrong on the calls? Should I use any synchronization context?
It's better to think in terms of "tasks" rather than "threads". You do have three tasks here, each of which will run on the thread pool, one at a time.
2. What happen if I “share” information between threads, for instance, the callback function? Will that cause a performance issue or the anonymous method is like a closure where I can share data?
You don't have to worry about synchronization because each of these tasks can't run concurrently. BeginDoWork registers the continuation just before returning, so it's already practically done when the continuation can run. EndDoWork will probably not be called until the continuation is complete; but even if it is, it will block until the continuation is complete.
(Technically, the continuation can start running before BeginDoWork completes, but BeginDoWork just returns at that point, so it doesn't matter).
3. When I’m waiting for the “awaitable” code, is that thread released and goes back to the thread pool to execute more requests?
3.1. If So, I suppose that when I get a result from the await Task, the execution completes on the same thread that the call before. Is that possible? What happen if that thread is processing another request?
No. Your host (in this case, ASP.NET) may continue the async methods on any thread it happens to have available.
This is perfectly safe because only one thread is executing at a time.
P.S. I recommend
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return result[0] + result[1];
instead of
var result = await Task.WhenAll(doWorkOne, doWorkTwo);
return doWorkOne.Result + doWorkTwo.Result;
because Task.Result should be avoided in async programming.

How can I wait for an async WCF service to complete?

The question pretty much sums it up. I have a WCF service, and I want to wait until it finished to do something else, but it has to be until it finishes. My code looks something like this. Thanks!
private void RequestGeoCoordinateFromAddress(string address)
GeocodeRequest geocodeRequest = new GeocodeRequest();
GeocodeServiceClient geocodeService = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
geocodeService.GeocodeCompleted += new EventHandler<GeocodeCompletedEventArgs>(geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted);
// Make the geocode request
//if (geocodeResponse.Results.Length > 0)
// results = String.Format("Latitude: {0}\nLongitude: {1}",
// geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Latitude,
// geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Longitude);
// results = "No Results Found";
// wait for the request to finish here, so I can do something else
// DoSomethingElse();
private void geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted(object sender, GeocodeCompletedEventArgs e)
bool isErrorNull = e.Error == null;
Exception error = e.Error;
double altitude = e.Result.Results[0].Locations[0].Latitude;
double longitude = e.Result.Results[0].Locations[0].Longitude;
SetMapLocation(new GeoCoordinate(altitude, longitude));
catch (Exception ex)
// TODO: Remove reason later
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find address. Reason: " + ex.Message);
There is a pattern, supported by WCF, for a call to have an asynchronous begin call, and a corresponding end call.
In this case, the asynchronous methods would be in the client's interface as so:
interface GeocodeService
// Synchronous Operations
[OperationContract(AsyncPattern = false, Action="tempuri://Geocode", ReplyAction="GeocodeReply")]
GeocodeResults Geocode(GeocodeRequestType geocodeRequest);
// Asynchronous operations
[OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, Action="tempuri://Geocode", ReplyAction="GeocodeReply")]
IAsyncResult BeginGeocode(GeocodeRequestType geocodeRequest, object asyncState);
GeocodeResults EndGeocode(IAsyncResult result);
If you generate the client interface using svcutil with the asynchronous calls option, you will get all of this automatically. You can also hand-create the client interface if you aren't using automatically generating the client proxies.
The End call would block until the call is complete.
IAsyncResult asyncResult = geocodeService.BeginGeocode(geocodeRequest, null);
// Do something else with your CPU cycles here, if you want to
var geocodeResponse = geocodeService.EndGeocode(asyncResult);
I don't know what you've done with your interface declarations to get the GeocodeAsync function, but if you can wrangle it back into this pattern your job would be easier.
You could use a ManualResetEvent:
private ManualResetEvent _wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private void RequestGeoCoordinateFromAddress(string address)
_wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// wait for maximum 2 minutes
// at that point the web service returned
private void geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted(object sender, GeocodeCompletedEventArgs e)
Obviously doing this makes absolutely no sense, so the question here is: why do you need to do this? Why using async call if you are going to block the main thread? Why not use a direct call instead?
Generally when using async web service calls you shouldn't block the main thread but do all the work of handling the results in the async callback. Depending of the type of application (WinForms, WPF) you shouldn't forget that GUI controls can only be updated on the main thread so if you intend to modify the GUI in the callback you should use the appropriate technique (InvokeRequired, ...).
Don't use this code with Silverlight:
private ManualResetEvent _wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private void RequestGeoCoordinateFromAddress(string address)
_wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// wait for maximum 2 minutes
// at that point the web service returned
private void geocodeService_GeocodeCompleted(object sender, GeocodeCompletedEventArgs e)
When we call _wait.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)), we are blocking the UI thread, which means the service call never takes place. In the background, the call to geocodeService.GeocodeAsync is actually placed in a message queue, and will only be actioned when the thread is not executing user code. If we block the thread, the service call never takes place.
Synchronous Web Service Calls with Silverlight: Dispelling the async-only myth
The Visual Studio 11 Beta inludes C# 5 with async-await.
See Async CTP - How can I use async/await to call a wcf service?
It makes it possible to write async clients in a 'synchronous style'.
I saw one guy did use ManualReset and waitAll, but he had to wrap all code inside of ThreadPool..
It is very bad idea...thought it works