Oracle Joins with multiple values to one value - sql

I am trying to join between the two tables On one column with one value and other column with multiple values.
For ex. table1 column varieties table2 Items
Fruits vegetables,spinach,fruits
Is there any way I can join like this:
select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on t1.varieties in t2.items
Thanks in Advance

It sounds like you have a comma delimited list in the column t1.items. This is bad database design. The right design is to have a separate association table.
However, you can do the join using like:
select *
from table1 t1 left join
table2 t2
on ','||t1.items||',' like '%,'||t2.varieties||',%'
Note that this puts a delimited at the beginning and end of the list and then searches for words surrounded by the delimited. This prevents "apple" from matching "pineapple".


T-SQL - Include table name (or alias) concatenated with column name in result set?

Using SSMS when joining 3+ tables and using SELECT *, I'm wondering if there is an easy way (dynamic) to include the table name & column name in the result set without having to type out all the desired columns.
For example:
FROM Table1 t1
LEFT JOIN Table2 t2 ON t2.keyA = t1.keyA
LEFT JOIN Table3 t3 ON t2.keyB = t3.keyB
Trying to produce output like
Table1-Column1, Table2-Column1, Table3-Column1
t1.Column1, t2.Column1, t3.Column1
If you have a lot of column, there's is an easy way to do it, but not dynamically. If you have only a few columns, doesn't worth a try and do it manually.
Take a look at theses two methods :
First method (drag'n'drop columns) isn't useful in your case cause we need to have all column aligned on different lines. The second (generating the create table script) is the one we need.
Generate the create table for table1 and copy-paste the columns needed from table1 into your query, and repeat for table2 and table3. Make sure they are all aligned in the same editor column.
Then, "the magic trick", simply press and hold the Alt key, click between the coma and the first letter of the first column name of t1 and drag to select the lines between the first column of t1 to the last column of t1. Type "t1.". That's it. repeat for t2 and t3.
This is not sql-server related, nor SSMS, but works with any decent editor supporting multiline editing.

How does JOIN work exactly in SQL

I know that joins work by combining two or more tables by their attributes, so if you have two tables that both have three columns and both have column INDEX, if you use table1 JOIN table2 you will get a new table with 5 columns, but what if you do not have a column that is shared by both table1 and table2? Can you still use JOIN or do you have to use TIMES?
Join is not a method for combining tables. It is a method to select records (and selected fields) from 2 or more tables where every table in the query must carry a field that can be matched to a field in another table in the query. The matched fields need not have the same name, but must carry the same type of data. Lacking this would be like trying to create meaning from joining a list of license plates of cars in NYC, with height data from lumberjacks in Washington state -- not meaningful.
Select, h.home_address, h.home_phone, w.work_address,
from home h, work w
where h.employee_id = w.emp_id
As long as both columns: employee_id and emp_id carry the same information this query will work
In Microsoft Access, to get five rows from a three column table joined to a two column table, you'd use:
SELECT Table1.*, Table2.* FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1;
You can query whatever you want, and join whatever you want, though.
If your one table is a list of people, and your other is a list of cars, and you want to see what people have names that are also models of cars, you can do:
SELECT Table1.Name, Table1.Age, Table2.Make, Table2.Year
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Name = Table2.Model;
Only when Name is the same as Model will it show a record.
This is the same idea for joining tables in any relational DBMS I've used.
You are right you can join two tables even if they do not have shared column.
Join uses primary to prevent mistakes on inserting or deleting when user trying to insert record that does not has a parent one or some thing like this.
join methods has many types you can view them here:
LEFT JOIN: select all records from first table, then selecting all records from second table that fulfilling the condition after ON clause.
you can't join the tables if they do not share a common column. If you can find a 3rd table that has common columns with table1 and table2 you can get them to join that way. so join table2 and tabl3 on a common column and than join table3 back to table1 on a common column.

Using LIKE in a JOIN query

I have two separate data tables.
This is Table1:
Customer Name Address 1 City State Zip
ACME COMPANY 1 Street Road Maspeth NY 11777
This is Table2:
Customer Active Account New Contact
ACME Y John Smith
I am running a query using the JOIN where only include rows where the joined fields from both tables are equal.
I am joining Customer Name from Table1 and Customer from Table2. Obviously no match. What I am trying to do is show results where the first 4 characters match in each table so I get a result or match. Is this possible using LIKE or LEFT?
Yes, that's possible.
But I doubt, that every name in table 2 only has 4 letters, so here's a solution where the name in table2 is the beginning of the name in table1.
Concat the string with a %. It's a placeholder/wildcard for "anything or nothing".
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.CustomerName LIKE CONCAT(Table2.Customer, '%');
Concatenating of strings may work differently between DBMS.
It probably is, though this might depend on the Database you are using. For example, in Microsoft SQL, it would work to use somthing like this:
FROM [Table1] INNER JOIN [Table2]
ON LEFT([Table1].[Customer Name],4) = LEFT([Table2].[Customer],4)
Syntax may be different if using other RDBMS. What are you trying this on?
Seems like this should work:
Select *
From Table1, Table2
Where Table1.CustomerName Like Cat('%',Trim(Table2.CustomerName),'%')
If you are only trying to match first four Characters you can use following :
SELECT --your columns
FROM Table1 T1
JOIN Table T2
SUBSTRING ( T1.CustomerName ,1, 4) = SUBSTRING ( T2.Customer ,1, 4)

SQL Join for cell content, not column name

I read up on SQL Join but as far as I understand it, you can only join tables which have a column name in common.
I have information in two different tables, but the column name is different in each. I need to pull information on something which is only in one of the tables, but also need information from the other. So was looking to join/merge them.
Here is what I mean..
The cell content 18599 in column from_pin_id also pertains to content in another table:
My question is how do I merge the two table details so that it recognizes 18599 is referring to the same thing, so that I can pull content on it from other columns in TABLE2?
I've looked through the codes on W3 but cannot find anything to what I need, as mentioned above, it seems to be just for joining tables with a common column:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
JOIN table2
ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
You can write as :
select * from table1
where from_pin_id in
select from_pin_id
from table1
select id
from table2
Intersect operator selects all elements that belong to both of the sets.
Change the table names and the columns that you select as needed.
SELECT, table1.owner_user_id, table1.from_pin_id, table2.board_id
FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.from_pin_id =
GROUP BY id, owner_user_id, from_pin_id, board_id

Oracle rename columns from select automatically?

I have 2 tables with the following fields.
Select t1.*,
from table1 t1,
join table2 t2 on table1.DD = table2.EE
My data columns back with the following column names:
AA, BB, CC, DD, **AA_1**, **CC_1**, EE
I don't want the column names like that. I want them to have the table name prefixed in the names of common (or all columns). I could fix this with:
select t1.AA as t1_AA, t1.BB as t1_BB, t1.CC as t1_CC, t1.DD as t1_DD,
t2.AA as t2_AA, t2.CC as t2_CC, t2.EE as t2_EEE
from table1 t1,
inner join table2 t2
on table1.DD = table2.EE
But that means every select everywhere becomes 500 lines longer. Is there a magic way to do this in oracle? Basically I want to write my code like
select t1.* as t1_*, t2.* as t2_*
from table1 t1,
inner join table2 t2
on table1.DD = table2.EE
But of course that is not valid SQL
In Oracle SELECT syntax, there is currently no way to assign column aliases to multiple columns based on some expression. You have to assign an alias to each individual column.
Is there a magic way to do this in oracle?
Not that I'm aware of. Your options amount to:
Address the column naming scheme - you'd need to use ALTER TABLE statements like:
ALTER TABLE table_name
RENAME COLUMN old_name to new_name;
Use column aliases
You could use views to save on the work & effort of defining column aliases, but it's not a recommended practice because of the bad performance when layering views on top of one another.
Is creating a view an option?
What is the software you're using that does this to you? I don't see this behavior in SQL*Plus or PL/SQL Developer in 10g. PL/SQL won't let you build a cursor with this ambiguity in it.
Try this
select t1.AA "t1_AA", t2.AA "t2.AA"
from table1 t1,
inner join table2 t2
on table1.DD = table2.EE
As he said before, you need to do it per column