Isolated Storage in silverlight application - non consistent behavior - silverlight-4.0

I have a silverlight application which hosted in web site.
I store some information in .txt file isolated storage, in order to load it next time the application called.
Here I have a strange problem: sometimes the application doesn't find the file!
I checked what exactly happens, and discover that the isolated storage (I checked on Windows 7) composed of set of folders, their names seem as keys/guids.
when the application doesn't find the file, for some reason it goes to another key/guid folder, not to the folder the application saved the file on!
I read about it throughout the net, and understand that the key/guid folders created by microsoft according its security policy.
the code I used to create the isolated storage is:
IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForSite();
I tried also
IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
-the same problem.
what can I do?
I'll be glad to detail more, if necessary.
thanks a lot!

I found the problem- the website which hosts the silverlight application create two domains- one with www and another without.
this was created the two isolated storages, and cause the confusion.


How can I to know the details of user who deleted files in my shared folder in windows8

recently I have created a share folder (in windows8) in my organization where everyone has to submit their work. But later I found some one deleting files of others.
From now onward I want keep an eye on the shared folder. Is there any way to save the logs in shared folders. I tried using windows event logs but I am not able to find what I want.Please some one help me.
Windows may log certain authentication events in the Security event-log, however this will only contain useful information if you used local user accounts and gave each person their own local user account (but if you did that, you could prevent them from deleting each others' files).
However Windows does not log SMB share file activity. The Shares list in MMC/Computer Management only lists currently active/open shares too.
All I can suggest is to avoid this from happening in future by either tightening security by creating user-accounts for each person and giving them their own shared directory which only they (and you) have write-access to. Another alternative is to have a program running in the background on your computer that monitors the shared folder for new files and when it detects a file has been placed it moves it away to an inaccessible directory elsewhere.

Imageresizer remote reader plugin not working on live site

I have followed the imageresizer's troubleshooting for when images do not appear as they are listed here:
Potential causes:
You are using the .jpg.ashx syntax, and you did not register the HttpModule properly in both places of your Web.config file.
You are using the .jpg.ashx syntax, but you're not using a query string. You should drop the '.ashx' unless you actually want to process the file.
You are using ASP.NET MVC, but do not have the MvcRoutingShim plugin installed.
You have Precompilation enabled, and are using an image provider. This is caused by a long-standing bug in the .NET framework.
However, everything works perfectly in my local development environment. I have the MvcRoutingShim plugin installed and all the correct web.config references. On the live site, all images referenced by either just a querystring OR the RemoteReaderPlugin.Current.CreateSignedUrl procedure are not found.
All images are resulting in a 404 error.
Any ideas?
The answer: DiskCache(ConfigurationError): Not working: Your NTFS Security permissions are preventing the application from writing to the disk cache
Please give user read and write access to directory "C:\inetpub\wwwroot{site}\imagecache" to correct the problem. You can access NTFS security settings by right-clicking the aformentioned folder and choosing Properties, then Security.

VB.Net File.Copy/File.Move with different credentials

Ideally I'd like to be able to copy/move between an accessible folder on my local drive and a network share that I don't have permission to access (but the application would).
I am using impersonation to give me access to the files in the network share but using System.IO File.Move or File.Copy forces me to use the same credentials for each location. Is there a way around this?
What I believe you could do is something like this.
Do the impersonation to allow the selection of files. Copy the files to a location that the app can get to.
Stop the impersonation then have the application copy the file from the temp location to the desired end result.
We have done this before in our applications, it isn't elegant, but it works perfectly!
We've done something similar to what Mitchel Sellers is doing, except that we don't have a location that both identities can read from. We are reading blocks of data into memory using the local context and writing them out while impersonating the remote user.

Relative paths in WCF service hosted in IIS

I'm throwing together a quick data service in WCF to be accessed by a public Silverlight 2.0 application. As my data is very static and relatively simple I'd like to just store it in local XML files (which is made easier as there are a VERY limited number of people who will ever edit it).
I'm wondering what the best way to find a relative path from within my service will be. In traditional ASP.NET I could use the Server.MapPath....within this WCF service nothing similar is available. This solution will ultimately be hosted at a hosting provider I have no control over so I can't hardcode any fixed locations. I'd much rather just get a relative path to some XML files in my AppData folder.
Any suggestions?
You could try using Environment.CurrentDirectory or AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
Try using HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath.
The WCF services still have access to a lot of the same things as your ASP.NET pages (since, in the end there is still an HTTP request and response). You can still use Server.MapPath like so:
You could store the files in IsolatedStorage instead of in your folder for the application. Look at the example on the linked page to see how it works.
First, add an operation to the service to return the current directory. Have the new operation just return Environment.CurrentDirectory. In the client, check to see if you are surprised by what the current directory was. Adjust as needed.

Where are the best locations to write an error log in Windows?

Where would you write an error log file, say ErrorLog.txt, in Windows? Keep in mind the path would need to be open to basic users for file write permissions.
I know the eventlog is a possible location for writing errors, but does it work for "user" level permissions?
EDIT: I am targeting Windows 2003, but I was posing the question in such a way as to have a "General Guideline" for where to write error logs.
As for the EventLog, I have had issues before in an ASP.NET application where I wanted to log to the Windows event log, but I had security issues causing me heartache. (I do not recall the issues I had, but remember having them.)
Have you considered logging the event viewer instead? If you want to write your own log, I suggest the users local app setting directory. Make a product directory under there. It's different on different version of Windows.
On Vista, you cannot put files like this under c:\program files. You will run into a lot of problems with it.
In .NET, you can find out this folder with this:
And the Event Log is fairly simple to use too:
Text files are great for a server application (you did say Windows 2003). You should have a separate log file for each server application, the location is really a matter of convention to agree with administrators. E.g. for ASP.NET apps I've often seen them placed on a separate disk from the application under a folder structure that mimics the virtual directory structure.
For client apps, one disadvantage of text files is that a user may start multiple copies of your application (unless you've taken specific steps to prevent this). So you have the problem of contention if multiple instances attempt to write to the same log file. For this reason I would always prefer the Windows Event Log for client apps. One caveat is that you need to be an administrator to create an event log - this can be done e.g. by the setup package.
If you do use a file, I'd suggest using the folder Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData rather than SpecialFolder.ApplicationData as suggested by others. LocalApplicationData is on the local disk: you don't want network problems to stop you from logging when the user has a roaming profile. For a WinForms application, use Application.LocalUserAppDataPath.
In either case, I would use a configuration file to decide where to log, so that you can easily change it. E.g. if you use Log4Net or a similar framework, you can easily configure whether to log to a text file, event log, both or elsewhere (e.g. a database) without changing your app.
The standard location(s) are:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MyApp
C:\Documents and Settings\%Username%\Application Data\MyApp
(aka %UserProfile%\Application Data\MyApp) which would match your user level permission requirement. It also separates logs created by different users.
Using .NET runtime, these can be built as:
followed by:
MyAppDir = IO.Path.Combine(AppDir,'MyApp')
(Which, hopefully, maps Vista profiles too).
Personally, I would suggest using the Windows event log, it's great. If you can't, then write the file to the ApplicationData directory or the ProgramData (Application Data for all users on Windows XP) directory.
The Windows event log is definitely the way to go for logging of errors. You're not limited to the "Application" log as it's possible to create a new log target (e.g. "My Application"). That may need to be done as part of setup as I'm not sure if it requires administrative privileges or not. There's a Microsoft example in C# at
Windows 2008 also has Event Log Forwarding which can be quite handy with server applications.
I agree with Lou on this, but I prefer to set this up in a configuration file like Joe said. You can use
file value="${APPDATA}/Test/log-file.txt"
("Test" could be whatever you want, or removed entirely) in the configuration file, which causes the log file to be written to "/Documents and Settings/LoginUser/Application
Data/Test" on Windows XP and to "/Users/LoginUser/AppData/Roaming/Test on Windows Vista.
I am just adding this as I just spent way too much time figuring how to make this work on Windows Vista...
This works as-is with Windows applications. To use logging in web applications, I found Phil Haack's blog entry on this to be a great resource:
%TEMP% is always a good location for logs I find.
Going against the grain here - it depends on what you need to do. Sometimes you need to manipulate the results, so log.txt is the way to go. It's simple, mutable, and easy to search.
Take an example from Joel. Fogbugz will send a log / dump of error messages via http to their server. You could do the same and not have to worry about the user's access rights on their drive.
I personally don't like to use the Windows Event Log where I am right now because we do not have access to the production servers, so that would mean that we would need to request access every time we wanted to look at the errors. It is not a speedy process unfortunately, so your troubleshooting is completely haulted by waiting for someone else. I also don't like that they kind of get lost within the ones from other applications. Sure you can sort, but it's just a bit of a nucance scrolling down. What you use will end up being a combination of personal preference coupled along with limitations of the enviroment you are working in. (log file, event log, or database)
Put it in the directory of the application. The users will need access to the folder to run and execute the application, and you can check write access on application startup.
The event log is a pain to use for troubleshooting, but you should still post significant errors there.
EDIT - You should look into the MS Application Blocks for logging if you are using .NET. They really make life easy.
Jeez Karma-killers. Next time I won't even offer a suggestion when the poster puts up an incomplete post.