xp_sendmail using table variable as #query SQL Server 2000 - sql

I am trying to send a resultset via email using xp_sendmail.
I need to send the email when an earlier executed query has any results.
Got the query results into a table variable/temp table and then
in xp_sendmail, using
Declare #table_var table(...)
..query execution..
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail #recipients = 'xx#xx.com',
#query = 'select * from #table_var'
it gives error saying that
#table_var must be declared.
Even if I use temporary table, the message I get is
cannot reference object in tempdb database.
Any ideas on this?
Thanks in advance

You'll need to use a real table for this. Try..
If exists (select * from sys.tables where name = 'mytable')
drop table mytable
Create Table mytable table(...)
..query execution..
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail #recipients = 'xx#xx.com',
#query = 'select * from mydatabase.dbo.mytable'


How to use a variable in "Select [some calculations] insert into #NameOfTheTableInThisVariable"?

I have a procedure in which there are calculations being done and the final result is inserted into a permanent table. I want to remove the permanent table and I cannot use Temp table as well. So i want to use a dynamic table name, which is stored in a variable:
Current scenario:
Insert into xyz_table
Select col1,col2,sum(col3)
from BaseTable
(In reality, there are lot of columns and a lot of calculations)
What I want:
Select col1,col2,sum(col3) into #DynamicTableName
from BaseTable
where the name of the table would be dynamic in nature i.e.,
#DynamicTableName = 'xyz ' + cast(convert(date,getdate()) as nvarchar)+' '+convert(nvarchar(5),getdate(),108)
It will have date and time in its name every time the procedure is run.
I want to use this name in the "Select * into statement"
How can I achieve this?
i tried it with the some short code. But since my procedure has a lot of calculations and UNIONS , I cannot use that code for this. Any help would be appreciated.
declare #tablename nvarchar(30)= 'xyz ' + cast(convert(date,getdate()) as nvarchar)+' '+convert(nvarchar(5),getdate(),108)
declare #SQL_Statement nvarchar(100)
declare #SQL_Statement2 nvarchar(100)
declare #dropstatement nvarchar(100)
SET #SQL_Statement = N'SELECT * Into ' +'['+#tablename +'] '+'FROM '+ 'dimBranch'
print #SQL_Statement
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQL_Statement
SET #SQL_Statement= N'select * from ' + '['+#tablename + '] '
print #SQL_Statement
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQL_Statement
set #dropstatement = 'DROP TABLE' + '['+#tablename + '] '
PRINT #dropstatement
exec sp_executesql #dropstatement
Reason why I want this is because I use this procedure in ETL job as well as in SSRS report. And if someone runs the package and the SSRS report at the same time, the incorrect or weird data gets stored in the table. Therefore I need a dynamic name of the table with date and time.
You can't parameterize an identifier in SQL, only a value
select * from table where column = #value
select * from #tablename where #columnname = #value
The only thin you can do to make these things dynamic is to build an sql string and execute it dynamically, but your code is already doing this with sp_executesql
More telling is your complaint at the bottom of your question, that if the procedure is invoked simultaneously it gives problems. Perhaps you should consider using local table variables for temporary data storage that the report is using rather than pushing data back into the db
DECLARE #temp TABLE(id INT, name varchar100);
INSERT INTO #temp SELECT personid, firstname FROM person;
-- work with temp data
select count(*) from #temp;
--when #temp goes out of scope it is lost,
--no other procedure invoked simultaneously can access this procedure'a #temp
Consider a local temp table, which is automatically session scoped without the need for dynamic SQL. For example:
INTO #YourTempTable
FROM dimBranch;
The local temp table will automatically be dropped when the proc completes so there is no need for an explict drop in the proc code.

Select into #temp table got an error

I have complicated store procedure and get the data into the #temp table that is worked fine. However when I filter the data from this temp table then I got the error, 'Invalid object name '#temp_2'. After the data in #temp_2 table, I also need to open into cursor. Would someone tell me how to solve it.
There is my script:
DECLARE #sql varchar(500)
IF #strLocations=''
SET #sql='SELECT * into #temp_2 from #temp_1'
SET #sql='SELECT * into #temp_2 from #temp_1 t where t.Location_id in ( ' + #strLocations + ')'
EXEC (#sql)
select * from #temp_2
EXEC creates a new session to execute the statements. When the session ends, any local temporary tables created in it are destroyed (i.e. dropped). You will have to create the temporary table before your EXEC statement.

Select from temp table fails

I'm inserting data into a temp table and querying the temp table fails
SET #SQLQuery = 'SELECT Top 100 *
INTO #tempTable
FROM ' + #origDB + '.dbo.' + #origTable + ' o WITH (NOLOCK) '
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLQuery
and when I try to query the temp table , like so
select * from #tempTable
I get the following error :
Invalid object name '#tempTable'.
Courtesy of MSDN
The problem that you have is with the scope. The TEMP table is creatd at the scope of the EXEC() method and hence it is not available after the function returns. To fix this, create your temp table before calling EXEC() and use an INSERT INTO instead of SELECT INTO.
As others have said, the scope of a temporary table is limited to the session context in which it is created - a stored procedure runs in its own context.
You could use a global temporary table ##tempTable, but it's generally a bad idea as it would be available to other sessions than the one creating it.

SQL SELECT results INTO temp table using query string

I am trying to write some dynamic SQL queries that select results into a temp table with a query string. It looks like follows:
DECLARE #SQL Varchar(4000)
SET #SQL = 'SELECT * INTO #tmp_tab FROM dbo.sometable'
It doesn't give any error to run the code, but when I want to select from #tmp_tab, it says the table doesn't exist.
So I am wondering if there is any special syntax for it, or dynamic SQL doesn't support such operation?
Many thanks.
Maybe it has something to do with access. If you create a global temp table, it will work.
DECLARE #SQL Varchar(4000)
SET #SQL = 'SELECT * INTO ##tmp_tab FROM dbo.batch'
SELECT * FROM ##tmp_tab

Insert result of executing dynamic query into a table

I have a dynamic query #strQuery which on executing gives a result with lots of column.
I want to insert the result from this dynamic query into a temporary table .
I am doing this because I want to perform some filtering on the temporary table and get required result .
A similar question was asked on previous thread HERE
in which a temporary table is created first and then data inserted using INSERT INTO.
I want to avoid this step due to long list of columns and also the datatypes of fields is not known to me.
select * into #tmh from
Error Message
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'.
How to do this ? Is it possible to be done in this way ? If not , please specify some other alternative to get store the result on executing dynamic query into a table.
I have faced this situation before and here is what I did:
DECLARE #strQuery nVarchar(100)
SET #strQuery='SELECT * into [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable] FROM YourTable'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #strQuery
SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
It works fine. Don't ask me why a FQ table name and not #temptable. I have no idea. It does not work. The only way I could get it working was using [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
proceed like this
select t1.name,t1.lastname from(select * from table)t1.
where "select * from table" is your dyanmic query. which will return result which you can use as temp table t1 as given in example .
You can use variables in your current execution context, set by the Dynamic SQL with the OUTPUT option. Sample code below.
SET #Amount = NULL
SET #SQL = ('SELECT #amt=100' )
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL #SQL, N'#amt MONEY OUTPUT', #amt=#Amount OUTPUT
SELECT #Amount
Yes you can make a new dynamic query containing the original query with the insert like this:
declare #strNewQuery varchar(max)
set #strNewQuery ='select * into #tmh from ('+#strQuery+') as t'
I used this to work around - with out dynamic query
This uses a table variable to receive data to procedure
Even joins can be applied to it
select * into #itemPhantom from #tbl_items_upload
select * from #itemPhantom
select #itemPhantom.itemreference from #itemPhantom left join phantom on phantom.name=#itemPhantom.PhantomName