Uncrustify to always remove space between type and * or & - uncrustify

I want Uncrustify to generate this no matter what:
So that all of the following (if any) are converted to the above:
TCHAR * p;
I also want:
TCHAR* f( TCHAR* p )
And I don't want:
TCHAR * f( TCHAR * p )
TCHAR *f( TCHAR *p )
Same for &.
Thank you all.

No in time, of cause, but maybe someone will need.
sp_before_ptr_star{ Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
As I could understand, in your case
You also may need


uncrustify: function definition argument indenting on separate line

I have this:
char *
int a;
int b;
I want this:
char *
int a;// indented
int b;// indented
The indenting works for function body code but I cannot find an option to make this style of argument (old style code being resurrected) indented.
Which directive can do this? I have tried all that seem remotely appropriate.

C++ Builder Function error [bcc32 - Ambiguity error] inside dll file

I am creating a currency converter Win32 program in Embarcadero C++Builder. I wrote a function for transforming date from format specified on user PC to YYYY-MM-DD format. I need that part because of API settings.
When I have this function inside my project it works fine, but I need to have that function inside a DLL.
This is how my code looks like:
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE void __fastcall DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime DateTime, System::Word &Year, System::Word &Month, System::Word &Day);
extern "C" UnicodeString __declspec (dllexport) __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat) {
Word dan, mjesec, godina;
UnicodeString datum, datum_dan, datum_mjesec, datum_godina;
DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
if (dan<=9 && mjesec<=9) {
if (dan<=9 && mjesec>9) {
if (dan>9 && mjesec<=9) {
if (dan>9 && mjesec>9) {
return datum_godina+"-"+datum_mjesec+"-"+datum_dan;
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
I've included SysUtils.hpp and declared DecodeDate() function, without those lines I have a million errors. But with code looking like this, I am getting this error, which I can't get rid of:
[bcc32 Error] File1.cpp(30): E2015 Ambiguity between '_fastcall System::Sysutils::DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime,unsigned short &,unsigned short &,unsigned short &) at c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\19.0\include\windows\rtl\System.SysUtils.hpp:3466' and '_fastcall DecodeDate(const System::TDateTime,unsigned short &,unsigned short &,unsigned short &) at File1.cpp:25'
Full parser context
File1.cpp(27): parsing: System::UnicodeString __stdcall datum(System::TDateTime)
Can you help me to get rid of that error?
The error message is self-explanatory. You have two functions with the same name in scope, and the compiler doesn't know which one you want to use on line 30 because the parameters you are passing in satisfy both function declarations.
To fix the error, you can change this line:
DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
To either this:
System::Sysutils::DecodeDate(dat, godina, mjesec, dan);
Or this:
dat.DecodeDate(&godina, &mjesec, &dan);
However, either way, you should get rid of your extern declaration for DecodeDate(), as it doesn't belong in this code at all. You are not implementing DecodeDate() yourself, you are just using the one provided by the RTL. There is already a declaration for DecodeDate() in SysUtils.hpp, which you are #include'ing in your code. That is all the compiler needs.
Just make sure you are linking to the RTL/VCL libraries to resolve the function during the linker stage after compiling. You should have enabled VCL support when you created the DLL project. If you didn't, recreate your project and enable it.
BTW, there is a MUCH easier way to implement your function logic - instead of manually pulling apart the TDateTime and reconstituting its components, just use the SysUtils::FormatDateTime() function or the TDateTime::FormatString() method instead, eg:
UnicodeString __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat)
return FormatDateTime(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"), dat);
UnicodeString __stdcall datum(TDateTime dat)
return dat.FormatString(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"));
That being said, this code is still wrong, because it is not safe to pass non-POD types, like UnicodeString, over the DLL boundary like you are doing. You need to re-think your DLL function design to use only interop-safe POD types. In this case, change your function to either:
take a wchar_t* as input from the caller, and just fill in the memory block with the desired characters. Let the caller allocate the actual buffer and pass it in to your DLL for populating:
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall datum(double dat, wchar_t *buffer, int buflen)
UnicodeString s = FormatDateTime(_D("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd"), dat);
if (!buffer) return s.Length() + 1;
StrLCopy(buffer, s.c_str(), buflen-1);
return StrLen(buffer);
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
wchar_t buffer[12] = {};
datum(SomeDateValueHere, buffer, 12);
// use buffer as needed...
int len = datum(SomeDateValueHere, NULL, 0);
wchar_t *buffer = new wchar_t[len];
int len = datum(SomeDateValueHere, buffer, len);
// use buffer as needed...
delete[] buffer;
allocate a wchar_t[] buffer to hold the desired characters, and then return a wchar_t* pointer to that buffer to the caller. Then export a second function that the caller can pass the returned wchar_t* back to you so you can free it correctly.
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) wchar_t* __stdcall datum(double dat)
UnicodeString s = FormatDateTime("yyyy'-'mm'-'dd", dat);
wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[s.Length()+1];
StrLCopy(buffer, s.c_str(), s.Length());
return buffer;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall free_datum(wchar_t *dat)
delete[] dat;
extern "C" int _libmain(unsigned long reason)
return 1;
wchar_t *buffer = datum(SomeDateValueHere);
// use buffer as needed...

scanf("%[^\n]",command) inside while loop

I want to have an infinite loop
getting command each loop,
and this is my code
while ( 1 )
char * command[100];
printf("---| ");
scanf( "%[^\n]",command);
for some reason it only inputs once and
the loop doesnt terminate with asking the input.
what did i do wrong here?
The definition should be
char command[100];
And not char *command[100] - this is a array of 100 char pointers.
Also scanf() is not easy to use, I would use fgets(command, sizeof(command), stdin);
and then remove the newline.
while ( 1 )
char command[100];
printf("---| ");
scanf( "%s", command);

programatic way to find ELF aux header (or envp) in shared library code?

I'm looking for a programatic way to find the powerpc cpu type on Linux. Performing some google searches associated an answer suggesting the mfpvr instruction I found that this is available in the ELF AUX header, and sure enough I can obtain the POWER5 string for the machine I'm running on with the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elf.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv, char **envp )
/* walk past all env pointers */
while ( *envp++ != NULL )
/* and find ELF auxiliary vectors (if this was an ELF binary) */
#if 0
Elf32_auxv_t * auxv = (Elf32_auxv_t *) envp ;
Elf64_auxv_t * auxv = (Elf64_auxv_t *) envp ;
char * platform = NULL ;
for ( ; auxv->a_type != AT_NULL ; auxv++ )
if ( auxv->a_type == AT_PLATFORM )
platform = (char *)auxv->a_un.a_val ;
if ( platform )
printf( "%s\n", platform ) ;
return 0 ;
In the shared library context where I want to use this info I have no access to envp. Is there an alternate programatic method to find the beginning of the ELF AUX header?
You can get if from /proc/self/auxv file
According to man proc /proc/self/auxv is available since kernel level 2.6.0-test7.
Another option - get some (existing) environment variable - let say HOME,
or PATH, or whatever. Please note that you'll get it's ADDRESS. From here you can go back and find previous env variable, then one before it, etc. After that you can likewise skip all argv arguments. And then you get to the last AUXV entry. Some steps back - and you should be able find your AT_PLATFORM.
EDIT: It looks like glibc now provides a programatic method to get at this info:
glibc-headers-2.17-106: /usr/include/sys/auxv.h : getauxinfo()
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned long v = getauxval( AT_PLATFORM ) ;
printf( "%s\n", (char *)v ) ;
return 0 ;

Optimizing a Bit-Wise Manipulation Kernel

I have the following code which progressively goes through a string of bits and rearrange them into blocks of 20bytes. I'm using 32*8 blocks with 40 threads per block. However the process takes something like 36ms on my GT630M. Are there any further optimization I can do? Especially with regard to removing the if-else in the inner most loop.
__global__ void test(unsigned char *data)
__shared__ unsigned char dataBlock[20];
__shared__ int count;
count = 0;
unsigned char temp = 0x00;
for(count=0; count<(streamSize/8); count++)
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
if(blockIdx.y >= i)
temp |= (*(data + threadIdx.x*(blockIdx.x + gridDim.x*(i+count)))&(0x01<<blockIdx.y))>>(blockIdx.y - i);
temp |= (*(data + threadIdx.x*(blockIdx.x + gridDim.x*(i+count)))&(0x01<<blockIdx.y))<<(i - blockIdx.y);
dataBlock[threadIdx.x] = temp;
//do something
It's not clear what your code is trying to accomplish, but a couple obvious opportunities are:
1) if possible, use 32-bit words instead of unsigned char.
2) use block sizes that are multiples of 32.
3) The conditional code may not be costing you as much as you expect. You can check by compiling with --cubin --gpu-architecture sm_xx (where xx is the SM version of your target hardware), and using cuobjdump --dump-sass on the resulting cubin file to look at the generated assembly. You may have to modify the source code to loft the common subexpression into a separate variable, and/or use the ternary operator ? : to hint to the compiler to use predication.