SQL BETWEEN return empty rows even if value exist - sql

what am I doing wrong with my sql query? It always return an empty rows even if there is a value exist.
Here is my query:
FROM users
WHERE user_theme_id IN ( 9735, 9325, 4128 )
AND ( user_date_created BETWEEN '2013-06-04' AND '2013-06-10' );
I tried to cut my original query one by one, I got a result. Here is the first one:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_theme_id IN (9735, 9325, 4128 );
I got 3 rows for this result. See attached snapshot:
Now, the next query that I run is this:
FROM users
WHERE user_date_created BETWEEN '2013-06-04' AND '2013-06-10';
I do get 3 results on this. See attached snapshot:
By the way, this sql that uses BETWEEN should suppose return 4 rows but it only return 3. It doesn't return the data which has the created date of 2013-06-10 08:27:43
What am I doing wrong with my original query Why does it always return an empty rows?

If you are getting results by separately running different where clauses doesn't guarantee that AND 2 where clauses will return an answer.
There has to be intersection of rows to get result while AND.
You should validate your data and see if overlapping exists.

I have able to make it work by not using the SQL BETWEEN operators but instead COMPARISON OPERATORS like: >= || <=
I have read it from W3schools.com, the SQL between can produce different results in different databases.
This is the content:
Notice that the BETWEEN operator can produce different result in different databases!
In some databases, BETWEEN selects fields that are between and excluding the test values.
In other databases, BETWEEN selects fields that are between and including the test values.
And in other databases, BETWEEN selects fields between the test values, including the first test value and excluding the last test value.
Therefore: Check how your database treats the BETWEEN operator!
That is what happened in the issue that I am facing. The first field was being treated as part of the test values and the 2nd field was being excluded. Using the comparison operators give accurate result.


Nested NULLIF with ISDATE to eliminate records

I have a column (datatype nvarchar(max), not my choice, legacy) with various different uses to the end user dependent on other factors.
I was trying to narrow down to certain specific data within that column given earlier clauses within some sample (but highly representative) data I noticed that the remaining data was either a 1,2,3,4, or a date
I initially added some nested NULLIF along with an IS NOT NULL
AND NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF([ColumnName],'1'),'2'),'3'),'4') IS NOT NULL
The 1 is as a string because in the global data there are some strings so removing the single brackets creates an implied conversion to int which many records would fail. This got me down to 25 records in my sample, the records with dates and the target records
I then thought I'd add an ISDATE to isolate those records
This then returned 60k or so records, which was not the behaviour I expected.
I ran the following queries to see if there was any incompatibility with the two commands inline but the returned as expected
SELECT NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),1)
returned NULL.
SELECT NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),'1')
in case it didn't like a string, but returned NULL.
SELECT NULLIF(NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),'1'),'2')
in case it didn't like the nest, but returned NULL.
So why does it not NULL the values that present as dates, and also why does it negate the other NULLIF commands in the outer parts of the nest?
Turns out I'm an idiot
I forgot to catch all the times that the ISDATE() returned a 0, so it was returning all the values that the NULLIFs were trying to catch
AND ISDATE(ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF([2nd Ref],'1'),'2'),'3'),'4'),'06/01/2022')) = 0
So changing the order here helped, creating NULLs for the expected values, changing those into a known date, then returning where it isn't a date
That should now work as expected. Oh well, someone might one day find it useful
edit: There are a couple of records that still have dates in them, I will also use the TRYCONVERT as Jeroen suggested

GCP Bigquery - query empty values from a record type value

I'm trying to query all resources that has empty records on a specific column but I'm unable to make it work. Here's the query that I'm using:
cost AS cost
service.description = 'BigQuery' ;
Here's the results:
As you can see, I'm getting everything with that query, but as mentioned, I'm looking to get resources with empty records only for example record 229,230 so on.
Worth to mention that schema for the column I'm trying to query is:
project.labels RECORD REPEATED
The above was mentioned because I tried using several combinations of WHERE but everything ends up in error.
To identify empty repeated record - you can use ARRAY_LENGTH in WHERE clause like in below example
WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH(project.labels) = 0

PDO SQL issue displaying multiple rows when using COUNT()

To display my results from PDO, I always use following PHP code for example:
$STH = $DBH->prepare("SELECT logo_id, guess_count, guessed, count(id) AS counter FROM guess WHERE user_id=:id");
while($row = $STH->fetch()){
Now the issue is that I only get one result. I used to use $STH->rowCount() to check the amount of rows returned, but this method isn't really advised for SELECT statements because in some databases it doesn't react correctly. So I used the count(id) AS counter, but now I only get one result every time, even though the value of $row['counter'] is larger than one.
What is the correct way to count the amount of results in one query?
If you want to check the number of rows that are returned by a query, there are a couple of options.
You could do a ->fetchAll to get an array of all rows. (This isn't advisable for large result sets (i.e. a lot of rows returned by the query); you could add a LIMIT clause on your query to avoid returning more than a certain number of rows, if what you are checking is whether you get more than one row back, you would only need to retrieve two rows.) Checking the length of the array is trivial.
Another option is to run a another, separate query, to get the count separately, e.g.
SELECT COUNT(1) AS counter FROM guess WHERE user_id=:id
But, that approach requires another round trip to the database.
And the old standby SQL_CALC_ROUND_ROWS is another option, though that too can have problematic performance with large sets.
You could also just add a loop counter in your existing code:
$i = 0;
while($row = $STH->fetch()){
print "fetched row count: ".$i;
If what you need is an exact count of the number of rows that satisfy a particular predicate PRIOR to running a query to return the rows, then the separate COUNT(1) query is likely the most suitable approach. Yes, it's extra code in your app; I recommend you preface the code with a comment that indicates the purpose of the code... to get an exact count of rows that satisfy a set of predicates, prior to running a query that will retrieve the rows.
If I had to process the rows anyway, and adding LIMIT 0,100 to the query was acceptable, I would go for the ->fetchAll(), get the count from the length of the array, and process the rows from the array.
You have to use GROUP BY. Your query should look like
SELECT logo_id, guess_count, guessed, COUNT(id) AS counter
FROM guess
WHERE user_id=:id
GROUP BY logo_id, guess_count, guessed

SQL MIN() returns multiple values?

I am using SQL server 2005, querying with Web Developer 2010, and the min function appears to be returning more than one value (for each ID returned, see below). Ideally I would like it to just return the one for each ID.
SELECT Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
MIN(Production.WorksOrderOperations.OperationNumber) AS Expr1,
FROM Production.WorksOrderOperations
INNER JOIN Production.Resources
ON Production.WorksOrderOperations.ResourceID = Production.Resources.ResourceID
INNER JOIN Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View
ON Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber = Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View.WorksOrderNumber
WHERE Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber IN
( SELECT WorksOrderNumber
FROM Production.WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View AS WorksOrderExcel_ExcelExport_View_1
WHERE (WorksOrderSuffixStatus = 'Proposed'))
AND Production.Resources.ResourceCode IN ('1303', '1604')
GROUP BY Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
If you can get your head around it, I am selecting certain columns from multiple tables where the WorksOrderNumber is also contained within a subquery, and numerous other conditions.
Result set looks a little like this, have blurred out irrelevant data.
http://i.stack.imgur.com/5UFIp.png (Wouldn't let me embed image).
The highlighted rows are NOT supposed to be there, I cannot explicitly filter them out, as this result set will be updated daily and it is likely to happen with a different record.
I have tried casting and converting the OperationNumber to numerous other data types, varchar type returns '100' instead of the '30'. Also tried searching search engines, no one seems to have the same problem.
I did not structure the tables (they're horribly normalised), and it is not possible to restructure them.
Any ideas appreciated, many thanks.
The MIN function returns the minimum within the group.
If you want the minimum for each ID you need to get group on just ID.
I assume that by "ID" you are referring to Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber.
You can add this as a "table" in your SQL:
(SELECT Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber,
FROM Production.WorksOrderOperations
GROUP BY Production.WorksOrderOperations.WorksOrderNumber)

SQL - How to insert a subquery into a query in order to retrieve unique values

I am writing reports using Report Builder 3, and I need some help with an sql query to get unique values.
Using the following sample data:
I need to be able to get one single value for feeBudRec returned for each feeRef. The value of each feeBudRec is always the same for each individual feeRef (eg for every data row for feeRef LR01 will have a feeBudRec of 1177).
The reason why I need to get a single feeBudRec value for each feeRef is that I need to be able to total the feeBudRec value for each feeRef in a feePin (eg for feePin LEE, I need to total the feeBudRec values for LR01 and PS01, which should be 1177 + 1957 to get a total of 3134; but if I don't have unique values for feeBudRec, it will add the values for each row, which would bring back a total of 11756 for the 8 LEE rows).
My experience with writing SQL queries is very limited, but from searching the internet, it looks like I'll need to put in a subquery into my SQL query in order to get a single unique feeBudRec figure for each feeRef, and that a subquery that gets a minimum feeBudRec value for each feeRef should work for me.
Based on examples I've found, I think the following subquery should work:
SELECT a.feeRef, a.feeBudRec
SELECT uvw_EarnerInfo.feeRef, Min(uvw_EarnerInfo.feeBudRec) as AvailableTime
FROM uvw_EarnerInfo
) as x INNER JOIN uvw_EarnerInfo as a ON a.feeRef = x.feeRef AND a.feeBudRec = x.AvailableTime;
The problem is that I have no idea how to insert that subquery into the query I'm using to produce the report (as follows):
LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_WoffTimeByTime
ON uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeId = uvw_WoffTimeByTime.TimeId
ON uvw_EarnerInfo.feeRef = uvw_RB_TimeLedger.feeRef
uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeDate >= #TimeDate
AND uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeDate <= #TimeDate2
If that subquery will get the correct results, can anyone please help me with inserting it into my report query. Otherwise, can anyone let me know what I will need to do to get a unique feeBudRec value for each feeRef?
Depends on the exact schema, but assuming the uvw_EarnerInfo lists the Pin, Ref, and Rec without duplicates, try adding an extra column (after personOccupation) on the end of your query such as :
feeBudRecSum = (Select SUM(FeeBudRec) From uvw_EarnerInfo x
where x.feePin = uvw_EarnerInfo.feePin
Group By x.FeePin)
Note that you would not Sum these values in your report. This column should have the total you are looking for.
The key to Report Builder is to get your query correct from the offset and let the wizard then structure your report for you. It takes all the hard work out of structuring your report manually.
I haven't used Report Builder for a while now but in the query builder of the report displaying the graphical representation of your query you should be able to drag and drop columns in and out of the query set. Dragging a column upwards and out of the box (showing your columns) would have the effect of causing your report to break on this column.
If you restructure this way you will probably have to run the report generator again to regenerate the report and restructure it.
Once you are happy with the structure you can then begin to add the summary columns.