I've been tasked with a report that will show a bar chart where the X-axis is the hours of the shift, so 1-8 along the bottom. The bars are the number of transactions accomplished per hour. So the bar chart would easily let you see that in the first hour we've processed 30 orders, hour 2 we've processed 25, and so on, to the end of the shift.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to actually create this report though. Is my only option to do something like this (understand this is just pseudo-code, don't bother commenting on syntax issues):
create table #temp
Hour int,
Units int
insert into #temp
SELECT 1 as Hour, sum(Units) Units
FROM orders
WHERE DateCreated >= '6/14/2013 08:00:00' AND DateCreated < '6/14/2013 09:00:00'
insert into #temp
SELECT 2 as Hour, sum(Units) Units
FROM orders
WHERE DateCreated >= '6/14/2013 09:00:00' AND DateCreated < '6/14/2013 10:00:00'
insert into #temp
SELECT 3 as Hour, sum(Units) Units
FROM orders
WHERE DateCreated >= '6/14/2013 11:00:00' AND DateCreated < '6/14/2013 12:00:00'
.. and so on ..
select * from #temp
Also, this is in a stored procedure that the report calls.
Is there a better way to do this? Should I be just sending the entire day's data to the report and somehow handling it there? Any insights would be appreciated.
SELECT DATEPART(hh, DateCreated) AS hour, sum(Units) Units
FROM orders
WHERE DateCreated >= '6/14/2013' AND DateCreated < '6/15/2013'
GROUP BY DATEPART(hh, DateCreated)
Read more about DATEPART() here.
You can of course add more groupings for day, week, whatever you want:
SELECT DATEPART(dd, DateCreated) AS day, DATEPART(hh, DateCreated) AS hour, sum(Units) Units
FROM orders
WHERE DateCreated >= '6/10/2013' AND DateCreated < '6/15/2013'
GROUP BY DATEPART(dd, DateCreated), DATEPART(hour, DateCreated)
I have a small question about SQL Server: how to get the last 30 days information from this column from table1:
With the above data, I would need something like day count within 30 days.
I have tried
SELECT * FROM table1
SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE updated_at BETWEEN DATETIME('now', '-30 days') AND DATETIME('now', 'localtime')
Would need your expertise to help me with this query
Thank you!
SELECT otherColumns
, DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), updated_at) AS updated_at
FROM table1
) b
I think this will help you
If you want a count of updates by day for 30 (or so) days, then:
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, updated_at) as dte, COUNT(*)
FROM table1
Note that SQLite date/time functions (which your code uses) are very peculiar to to SQLite. So are SQL Server's -- although I personally find them easier to remember.
This is similar but not equal to my previous question
That was about how to summarize log-items per day.
I use this SQL.
[DateLog] = CONVERT(DATE, LogDate),
[Sum] = COUNT(*)
FROM PerfRow
ORDER BY [DateLog];
Now I want to improve that to summarize over an arbitary time period.
So instead of sum per day, sum per hour or 5 minutes.
Is this possible ?
I use SQL Server 2008 R2
You can round LogDate using DATEADD and DATEPART and then group by that.
Example (groups by five second intervals):
[DateLog] = DATEADD(ms,((DATEPART(ss, LogDate)/5)*5000)-(DATEPART(ss, LogDate)*1000)-DATEPART(ms, LogDate), LogDate),
[Sum] = COUNT(*)
SELECT LogDate = '2013-01-01 00:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT LogDate = '2013-01-01 00:00:04' UNION ALL
SELECT LogDate = '2013-01-01 00:00:06' UNION ALL
SELECT LogDate = '2013-01-01 00:00:08' UNION ALL
SELECT LogDate = '2013-01-01 00:00:10'
) a
GROUP BY DATEADD(ms,((DATEPART(ss, LogDate)/5)*5000)-(DATEPART(ss, LogDate)*1000)-DATEPART(ms, LogDate), LogDate)
Very closely related to SQL - Select most 'active' timespan fromdb but different question.
"I have a table of transactions. In this table I store the transaction datetime in UTC. I have a few months of data, about 20,000 transactions a day."
How would change
select datepart(hour, the_column) as [hour], count(*) as total
from t
group by datepart(hour, the_column)
order by total desc
so that I can select the specific year, month, day, hour, minute, and second that was the most 'active'.
To clarify, I'm not looking for which hour or minute of the day was most active. Rather, which moment in time was the most active.
DATEPART(year, the_column) as year
,DATEPART(dayofyear,the_column) as day
,DATEPART(hh, the_column) as hour
,DATEPART(mi,the_column) as minute
,DATEPART(ss, the_column) as second
,count(*) as count from t
Group By
DATEPART(year, the_column)
, DATEPART(dayofyear,the_column)
, DATEPART(hh, the_column)
, DATEPART(mi,the_column)
, DATEPART(ss, the_column)
order by count desc
If minute resolution is enough:
select top 1 cast(the_column as smalldatetime) as moment, count(*) as total
from t
group by cast(the_column as smalldatetime)
order by total desc
I need some help doing a date calculation.
I have something that Expires every X number of days away from its Create Date
So, if the Create Date was 4/22 and the Expiration days were set to 10 it would expire
5/2, 5/12, 5/22, 6/1 etc...
I need to be able to tell people when their item is going to expire within 5 days
So for 5/2, I need to add this item to a count if the current date is between 4/27 and 5/2.
This is in SQL.
All we have are the RunDate, the CreateDate and the ExpirationDays
I've done the math calc to roughly get the Expiration date, but if it gets a remainder it's not helpful, and I don't want to skew anyone's answer by posting what I think it should be. I've tried quite a few ways and am getting a little desperate.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I did the math for this and it looks like this
CreateDate + (((RunDate - CreateDate)/ExpireDays)*ExpireDays)) Between Rundate-1 and Rundate +5
But this gives me arithmetic overflow in SQL, so I'm not sure what to do...
In MySql you could do something
(ExpirationDays - (DATEDIFF(NOW(), CreateDate) % ExpirationDays)) > 5;
For SQL Server you would do it a little different:
#expiringDays - (DATEDIFF(dd, ml.CreateDate, #date) % #expiringDays) > 5;
With Expirations As
Select Cast('2011-04-22' As datetime) As CreateDate, 10 As ExpirationDays
Union All
Select DateAdd( d, ExpirationDays, CreateDate ), ExpirationDays
From Expirations
Where CreateDate <= DateAdd(d,10,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) --(arbitary end date)
Select *
From Expirations
And CreateDate <= DateAdd(d,5,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
Using similar logic to the math you used in your updated post:
With Expirations As
Select Cast('2011-04-22' As datetime) As CreateDate, 10 As ExpirationDays
Union All
Select DateAdd( d, ExpirationDays, CreateDate ), ExpirationDays
From Expirations
Where CreateDate <= DateAdd(d,10,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) --(arbitary end date)
Select *
From Expirations
Where CreateDate >= DateAdd(d, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
And CreateDate <= DateAdd(d, 5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
I am trying to figure out how to compare the current day's data to the same data from a week ago, 2 weeks, etc. Let's say I have a table called "Order" with 2 columns:
Order table
OrderID int identity
OrderDate datetime
If today, is Monday, I would like to be able to compare the number of orders from today to the previous Mondays for an entire year. Is this possible with a single SQL Server query? I'm using SQL 2008 if it makes a difference.
select CAST (OrderDate as date) as [Date], COUNT(*)
from Orders
where OrderDate > DATEADD(YEAR,-1, getdate())
group by CAST (OrderDate as date)
SELECT [ColumnsYouWant]
FROM [OrderTable]
WHERE datepart(weekday, OrderDate) = datepart(weekday, getdate())
AND OrderDate >= dateadd(yyyy, -1, getdate())
This gives you Monday order counts by week number:
select year(OrderDate) as Year,
DATEPART(WEEK, OrderDate) as Week,
COUNT(*) as MondayOrderCount
from Order
where DATEPART(WEEKDAY, OrderDate) = 2
group by year(OrderDate), DATEPART(WEEK, OrderDate)
order by Year, Week