Error -1072824317 trying to use MSMQ with WCF - wcf

I have a Silverlight client which is talking to a WCF Service and performing some actions
Most of the time these actions will be quick, but often they wont be so I need a way of avoiding WCF timeouts by essentially passing the work onto its own "thread" server side and having a way for the client to know when the operation has completed
I have searched on here and found reference to the article below
I have downloaded the sample
It was targeting .NET 2 so I have updated it to 4.5 and the required IDesign folder didn’t exist in c:\program files so I have created it
Once I installed MSMQ and tried to run the client I get the error below
Message=An error occurred while opening the queue:Unrecognized error -1072824317 (0xc00e0003). The message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that the queue is available to open with the required access mode
Does anyone know what the problem is here? I am very new to MSMQ
I notice that this code is very old (2006), so is there a better way of doing this nowadays?


How to Call WCF service from biztalk

I am new to Biztalk (Stack Overflow as well) I want to receive an xml schema file containing 2 digits and send it to WCF service which will do some arithematic operation on them and give me answer in a file as well. I have tried a lot but unfortunately couldn't succeeded.
What I have done...
I created a service and host it to IIS. It is running fine. I have tested it through (WCFTestClient.exe). Then I have created a biztalk project and Consume WCF Service from generated items. Then I deployed the project. And configured Receive and Send ports accordingly but have no luck.....
I have solved problem myself. Actually I read error message in suspended service messages in Biztalk Administration Console and after some google I was able to solve the issue.

Ensuring (restart of) MSMQ WCF service hosted on IIS7.5 WAS

We have been tumbling, for more than a month now, with an issue where a wcf msmq service hosted in IIS7.5 (WAS) will stop processing messages from the queue.
We have been unable to narrow it down more than "at some point" it will stop processing messages from the queue. Calling the svc through a http browser call will start the processing again.
After reading really many articles, blogs and forum posts about this issue we have ensured the following: Security settings, protocol bindings and msmq/service naming, but alas: the service will still stop processing messages (at some point).
Encouraged by this article we seem to have now finally (almost) eliminated the problem for windows server 2008 r2 sp1 64 bit, but it still seems to appear on Windows 7 32 bit.
Now to get to my question: Can anyone tell me if there actually exists a guarentee (documentation on this would be appreciated) that a msmq WAS hosted wcf service will actually restart (under all conditions) on a IIS7.5 NOT running the AppFabric extension?
I am aware that this question is very compounded, but I'm hard pressed for documentation on why we should extend our OTS package with AppFabric to resolve this restart problem.
Best regards,
Are you're net.msmq endpoints actually using addresses that IIS can bind to a queue name? It's possible to use non-IIS compatible names in the config and WAS won't really ever be able to wake your application up because WAS will only ever register to queues following a path name it can resolve. In that case you need something like AppFabric or a "startup" script to actually activate your services so that they will bind to the queues in their own.

Error in log after windows restart when subscriber is installed as a service

I'm using NserviceBus 2.0 with pub/sub mode.
My subscribers are installed as a windows service.
However after computer restart I always get the following problem in log : "Problem in peeking a message from queue: ServiceNotAvailable".
After digging into source code I found that this is NserviceBus custom error and it occurs in MsmqTransport class. It seems like my subscriber's service is started before Msmq service. Bus this should be impossible because subscriber's service has Msmq as dependency.
After some time service is starting and working correctly. But I have several megabytes of errors in log. And sometimes service is not even starting.
Can anyone help me? I'm using Windows 7. Msmq is installed with NserviceBus utils.
You need to configure your service to be dependent on the MSMQ service. This is should be automatically taken care of if you're using the NServiceBus host.
Installing a Windows Service with dependencies
Have seen the same problem. Actually the impact was even worse since we used log4net and SmtpAppender. Took down the mailserver, ouch! Seems like this is fixed in NSB 3. It sets number of workerthreads to zero and logs "please reboot service". You can even execute own code when the error occurs. Config with lambda using OnCriticalError. We ended up patching the NSB 2 code, since we havent upgraded to NSB 3 yet. Handling MSMQExceptions, logging and stopping the process on errorcode ServiceNotAvailable like they already do when you don't have correct rights to queue. You should probably stop the service on any MSMQExceptions exept IOTimeout.

WCF Service hangs and clients receive a ServiceModel.CommunicationException

My application has 50 service endpoints (such as /mysite/myService.svc). It's hosted in IIS. Intermittently (once every two or three days) a service stops responding. It's never the same service that hangs. While a service is hung, some of the other services work fine and some other are also hung.
All clients (from different computers) get this error:
Message: An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to
This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP
protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being
aborted by the server (possibly due to the service shutting down).
See server logs for more details.
No exceptions are raised by the server when the client attempts to call the service that is hung. All I have is that error on the client side.
I have to manually recycle the application pool to fix the problem.
Do you know what could be the cause? How can I investigate this issue? I'm willing to take a memory dump of the worker process when a service is hung but I would not know what to search for in the dump.
Update (Aug 13 2009): I have almost ruled out the idea that the server runs out of connections (see comment in Shiraz Bhaiji's answer). I might have a new lead: I log all server-side exceptions in a log file. So in theory, when this occurs on the client, no exceptions are raised on the server; otherwise I'd have proof of that in my logs. But what if an error does occur on the server but is happening at a low level where exceptions are not routed to my exception handling code? I have posted this question about scenarios where low level exceptions cannot be handled. I'll keep you informed of the progress of my investigation.
Sounds like you are running out of connections.
By default WCF has a timeout and therefore holds a connection open for 10 mins.
When you recycle the app pool all connections are closed, and therefore things work again.
To fix it check your code to make sure that you close connections / dispose of proxies.
To resolve this, we set establishSecurityContext to False on the binding.
I have not come across this particular issue but would suggest to turn on tracing/message logging for the WCF service in the config for the service and/or the client app (if you have control over that). I've done this in the last few days for a service that I needed to troubleshoot.
The MSDN link here is a good starting point.
Also see the table in this post for the varying levels of trace detail you can configure. There are several levels which can go from exception only logging to full message details. It is quite quick to set this up in the app.config file.
To parse the log file output use the SvcTraceViewer.exe that comes with the Windows SDK, which if you have it installed should be located in this folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin

Strange WCF Error - IIS hosted - context being aborted

I have a WCF service that does some document conversions and returns the document to the caller. When developing locally on my local dev server, the service is hosted on ASP.NET Development server, a console application invokes the operation and executes within seconds.
When I host the service in IIS via a .svc file, two of the documents work correctly, the third one bombs out, it begins to construct the word document using the OpenXml Sdk, but then just dies. I think this has something to do with IIS, but I cannot put my finger on it.
There are a total of three types of documents I generate. In a nutshell this is how it works
SQL 2005 DB/IBM DB2 -> WCF Service written by other developer to expose data. This service only has one endpoint using basicHttpBinding
My Service invokes his service, gets the relevant data, uses the Open Xml Sdk to generate a Microsoft Word Document, saves it on a server and returns the path to the user.
The word documents are no bigger than 100KB.
I am also using basicHttpBinding although I have tried wsHttpBinding with the same results.
What is amazing is how fast it is locally, and even more that two of the documents generate just fine, its the third document type that refuses to work.
To the error message:
An error occured while receiving the HTTP Response to This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP Protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the server shutting down). See server logs for more details.
I have spent the last 2 days trying to figure out what is going on, I have tried everything, including changing the maxReceivedMessageSize, maxBufferSize, maxBufferPoolSize, etc etc to large values, I even included:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="120"/>
To see maybe if IIS was choking because of that.
Programatically the service does nothing special, it just constructs the word documents from the data using the Open Xml Sdk and like I said, locally all 3 documents work when invoked via a console app running locally on the dev server, i.e. http://localhost:3332/myService.svc
When I host it on IIS and I try to get a Windows Forms application to invoke it, I get the error.
I know you will ask for logs, so yes I have logging enabled on my Host.
And there is no error in the logs, I am logging everything.
Basically I invoke two service operations written by another developer.
MyOperation calls -> HisOperation1 and then HisOperation2, both of those calls give me complex types. I am going to look at his code tomorrow, because he is using LINQ2SQL and there may be some funny business going on there. He is using a variety of collections etc, but the fact that I can run the exact same document, lets call it "Document 3" within seconds when the service is being hosted locally on ASP WebDev Server is what is most odd, why would it run on scaled down Cassini and blow up on IIS?
From the log it seems, after calling HisOperation1 and HisOperation2 the service just goes into la-la land dies, there is a application pool (w3wp.exe) error in the Windows Event Log.
Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.1830, stamp 42435be1, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.3311, stamp 49c5225e, debug? 0, fault address 0x00015dfa.
It's classified as .NET 2.0 Runtime error.
Any help is appreciated, the lack of sleep is getting to me.
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
I had this message appearing:
An error occured while receiving the HTTP Response to This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP Protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the server shutting down). See server logs for more details.
And the problem was that the object that I was trying to transfer was not [Serializable]. The object I was trying to transfer was DataTable.
I believe word documents you were trying to transfer are also non serializable so that might be the problem.
Yes, we'd want logs, or at least some idea of what you're logging. I assume you have both message and transport logging on at the WCF level.
One thing to look at is permissions. When you run under Cassini the web server is running as the currently logged in user. This hides any SQL or CAS permission problems (as, lets be honest, your account is usually a local administrator). As soon as you publish to IIS you are now running under the application pool user, which is, by default, a lot more limited.
Try turning on IIS debug dumps and following the steps in KB919789
Fyi, I changed IIS 6 to work in IIS 5.0 Isolation mode and everything works. Odd.
I had the same error when using an IEnumerable<T> DataMember in my WCF service. Turned out that in some cases I was returning an IQueryable<T> as an IEnumerable<T>, so all I had to do was add .ToList<T>() to my LINQ statements.
I changed the IEnumerable<T> to IList<T> to prevent making the same mistake again.