ElasticSearch - Determining maximum shard size - size

Hopefully this question isn't out of date, but I haven't found a clear answer anywhere yet. According to one of the ES presentations from last year (http://www.elasticsearch.org/videos/big-data-search-and-analytics/), there's a "maximum" size for a shard. I'm trying to determine this for my application, but as far as I can tell, I haven't hit it yet. Does anyone know what the behavior of a single-shard index that's reached its maximum? Do inserts fail, or is it just that the index becomes unusable?

To test this myself, I indexed all the English articles in Wikipedia (without any history information) in a single elasticsearch shard. The elasticsearch data folder grew to ~42GB at the end of the test. Lessons learned are:
indexing speed will not be affected by the size of the shard. Mind you, I did not try indexing with more than one thread at a time, but single thread indexing speed was more or less constant for the duration of the test
querying speed on the other hand was drastically affected by shard size. Especially once you try to query with more than one user at a time. The exact numbers will depend heavily on the power of your machine, data structure and how many threads are querying. To give you an idea, with elasticsearch running on my dev machine, querying the Wikipedia shard with 25 concurrent users resulted in an average response time of 3.5 seconds (with peaks towards half a minute).
My conclusion is that a shard too large will not make elasticsearch fail just from indexing. Querying the large shard may be too slow for your needs, or, in certain situations, even break elasticsearch with an OutOfMemoryException (for example a big faceted query).
This answer is based on my own investigation. Full story can be read on my blog:


Rapidly changing large data processing advise

My team has the following dilemma that we need some architectural/resources advise:
Note: Our data is semi-structured
Over-all Task:
We have a semi-large data that we process during the day
each day this "process" get executed 1-5 times a day
each "process" takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours
semi-large data = ~1 million rows
each row gets updated anywhere from 1-10 times during the process
during this update ALL other rows may change, as we aggregate these rows for UI
What we are doing currently:
our current system is functional, yet expensive and inconsistent
we use SQL db to store all the data and we retrieve/update as process requires
Unsolved problems and desired goals:
since this processes are user triggered we never know when to scale up/down, which causes high spikes and Azure doesnt make it easy to do autoscale based on demand without data warehouse which we are wanting to stay away from because of lack of aggregates and other various "buggy" issues
because of constant IO to the db we hit 100% of DTU when 1 process begins (we are using Azure P1 DB) which of course will force us to grow even larger if multiple processes start at the same time (which is very likely)
yet we understand the cost comes with high compute tasks, we think there is better way to go about this (SQL is about 99% optimized, so much left to do there)
We are looking for some tool that can:
Process large amount of transactions QUICKLY
Can handle constant updates of this large amount of data
supports all major aggregations
is "reasonably" priced (i know this is an arguable keyword, just take it lightly..)
Apache Spark
we don't have ton of experience with HDP so any pros/cons here will certainly be useful (does the use case fit the tool??)
seems promising.. Seems fast and has all aggregations we need..
Azure Data Warehouse
too many various issues we ran into, just didn't work for us.
Any GPU-accelerated compute or some other high-end ideas are also welcome.
Its hard to try them all and compare which one fits the best, as we have a fully functional system and are required to make adjustments to whichever way we go.
Hence, any before hand opinions are welcome, before we pull the trigger.

Optaplanner - large datasets with millions of rows

There are a couple of threads discussing the scalability of Optaplanner, and I am wondering what's the recommended approach to deal with very large datasets when it comes to millions of rows?
As this blog discussed I am already using heuristic (Simulated Annealing + Tabu Search). The search space of cloud balancing problem is c^p, but the feasible space is unknown/NP-complete.
The problem I am trying to solve is similar to cloud balancing. But the main difference is in the input data, besides a list of computers and a list of processes, there is also a big two dimensional 'score list/table' which has the scores for each possible combinations that needs to be loaded into memory.
In other words, except for the constraints between computers and processes that the planning needs to satisfy, different valid combinations yield various scores and the higher the score the better.
It's a simple problem but when it comes to hundreds of computers, 100k+ processes and the score table has a million+ combinations, it needs a lot of memory. Even though I could allocate more memory to increase the heap size, the planning could become very slow and struggling, as the steps are sorted with custom planning variable/entity comparator classes.
A straight-forward solution is to divide the dataset into smaller subsets, run each of them individually and then combine the results, so that I could have multiple machines to run at the same time and each machine runs on multi-threads. The biggest drawback of this approach is the result produced is far away from optimal.
I am wondering is there any other better solutions?
The MachineReassignment example also has a big "score combination" matrix. OptaPlanner doesn't care about that - those are just problem facts and the DRL quickly matches the combination(s) that is picked for an assignment. The Solver.solve() causes no big memory consumption or performance impact.
However, loading the problem in your code (before calling Solver.solve()) does cause a huge memory consumption: Understand that if n = 20k, then n² = 400m and an int takes of up 4 bytes, so for 20 000 elements that matrix is 1.6 GB in its most efficient uncompressed form int[][] (both in Java and C++!). So for 20k reserve 2GB RAM, for 40k reserve 8GB RAM for 80k reserve 32 GB RAM. That scales badly.
As for dealing with these big problems, I use combinations of techniques such as Nearby Selection (see my blog article on that), Partitioned Search (what you described, it will be supported out of the box in 7, but I 've implemented it for customers in a CustomPhase), Limited Selection Construction Heuristics (need to research that further, the plumbing is there, usually overkill), ... Partitioned Search does indeed exclude optimal solutions, but above 10k planning entities the trade-off quality vs time taking clearly favors Partitioned Search given a reasonable solving time (minutes/hours/days instead of millenia). The trick is to keep the size of each partition big enough, above 1k entities (hence the use NearbySelection). Score calculation speed also matters a lot, of course.

BigQuery interactive query response times degradation since 2/19/16

For the Google BigQuery infrastructure folks: we've been running a set of short running interactive queries for many months now averaging about 5 seconds to complete. Starting Friday 2/19 these response times have been rising steadily (SQL has not changed and we're dealing with a steady stream of data we're querying using a sliding window)
Is this a global BigQuery issue you are aware of?
edit: more granular response times:
There is good news and bad news; the good news is that the query took only 0.5 seconds to execute. The bad news is that it took 191 seconds to find the files where the data was stored.
We have a couple of performance regressions that cause high tail latency for resolving paths. Tables (like yours) where the data is stored in many paths will see worse performance.
This is performance issue is exacerbated by the fact that you're using time-range decorators, which mean that our efforts to optimize the file layout doesn't work as well.
We are starting the roll-out of a fix to the underlying performance problem this afternoon; it will likely take at least a week for it to take effect everywhere. I'll update this answer once it is complete (if I forget, please remind me)
In the mean time, you may get faster results by removing the time-range decorators from your queries. You are already filtering by time, so the queries should still be correct. Of course, this may mean that the queries cost a bit more to run.

How to optimize indexation on elasticsearch?

I am trying to understand how indexing can be optimized on elasticsearch. Let me clarify my needs;
I have two indices rigth now. Lets say, indexA and indexB ( Two indices can be seen approximately same size)
I have 6 machines dedicated to elasticsearch (we can say exactly the same hardware)
The most important part of my elasticsearch usage is on writing since I am doing heavy writing on real time.
So my question is, how I can I optimize the writing operation using those 6 machines ?
Should I separate machines into two part like 3 machines for indexA and 3 machines for indexB ?
Should I use all of 6 machines in order to index indexA and indexB ?
What else should I need to give attention in order to optimize write operations ?
Thank you in advance
It depends, but let me take to a direction as per your problem statement which led to following assumptions:
you want to do more write operations (not worried about search performance)
both the indices are in the same cluster
in future more systems can get added
For better indexing performance first thing is you may want to have single shard for your index (unless you are using routing). But since you have 6 servers having single shard will be waste of resources so you can assign 3 shard to each of indexA and indexB. This is for current scenario but it is recommended to have ~10 shards(for future scalibility and your data size dependent)
Turn off the replica (if possible as index requests wait for the replicas to respond before returning). Though in production environment it is highly recommended to have at least one replica for high availability.
Set refresh rate to "-1" or at least to a larger figure say "30m". (You will lose NRT search if you do so but as you have mentioned you are concerned about indexing)
Turn of index warmers if you have any.
avoid using "doc_values" for your field mapping. (though it is beneficial for reducing memory footprint during search time it will increase your index time as it prepares field values during indexing)
If possible/not required disable "norms" in your mapping
Lastly read this.
Word of caution: some of the approach above will impact your search performance.

High disk IO rate

My rails application always reaches the threshold of the disk I/O rate set by my VPS at Linode. It's set at 3000 (I up it from 2000), and every hour or so I will get a notification that it reaches 4000-5000+.
What are the methods that I can use to minimize the disk IO rate? I mostly use Sphinx (Thinking Sphinx plugin) and Latitude and Longitude distance search.
What are the methods to avoid?
I'm using Rails 2.3.11 and MySQL.
did you check if your server is swapping itself to death? what does "top" say?
your Linode may have limited RAM, and it could be very likely that it is swapping like crazy to keep things running..
If you see red in the IO graph, that is swapping activity! You need to upgrade your Linode to more RAM,
or limit the number / size of processes which are running. You should also add approximately 2x the RAM size as Swap space (swap partition).
Since your question is too vague to answer concisely, this is generally a sign of one of a few things:
Your data set is too large because of historical data that you could prune. Delete what is no longer relevant.
Your tables are not indexed properly and you are hitting a lot of table scans. Check with EXAMINE on each of your slow queries.
Your data structure is not optimized for the way you are using it, and you are doing too many joins. Some tactical de-normalization would help here. Make sure all your JOIN queries are strictly necessary.
You are retrieving more data than is required to service the request. It is, sadly, all too common that people load enormous TEXT or BLOB columns from a user table when displaying only a list of user names. Load only what you need.
You're being hit by some kind of automated scraper or spider robot that's systematically downloading your entire site, page by page. You may want to alter your robots.txt if this is an issue, or start blocking troublesome IPs.
Is it going high and staying high for a long time, or is it just spiking temporarily?
There aren't going to be specific methods to avoid (other than not writing to disk).
You could try using a profiler in production like NewRelic to get more insight into your performance. A profiler will highlight the actions that are taking a long time, however, and when you examine the specific algorithm you're using in that action, you might discover what's inefficient about that particular action.