what is mapping in sql? - sql

how to map tables in sql?
i have three tables . i want to map this tables using sql queries.
student 'table1'
Studnt_id password
123 5525
124 2233
student_info 'table 2'
Studnt_id student_name subject marks
123 gautam maths 90
124 gaurav maths 85
student_personal_info 'table 3'
firstname lastname address
gautam jethva banglore, karnataka
gaurav rathod jamnagar , gujarat
i want to map this three table and show in the result id, student_name , lastname,subject, marks, address

You need to JOIN (map) tables together; Jeff Atwood has a great overview of how these work in his article, "A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins"
In your example above, you should be able to use the studn_id column to link the tables student ('table1') and student_info ('table2') together. The third may be trickier as it doesn't appear to have a guaranteed key back to either of the first two tables.
SELECT S.student_name, S.subject, S.marks
FROM student S
INNER JOIN student_info SI ON S.Studnt_id = SI.Studnt_id
Will give you all the rows in student that have a matching row in student_info
However, linking the third table, student_personal_info is much harder. Your issue here is that there doesn't seem to be a unique way of pulling in the rows in this table for a specific student - you could try joining on name, but this isn't guaranteed to be unique.
The table student_personal_info really should have the column Studnt_id in it to make unique selection of rows for a specific student possible. Given your specific example, however, the following will work:
SELECT S.student_name, S.subject, S.marks, SPI.lastname, SPI.address
FROM student S
INNER JOIN student_info SI ON S.Studnt_id = SI.Studnt_id
INNER JOIN student_personal_info SPI ON SI.student_name = SPI.firstname
However, if more than one student shares the same first name, you'll get multiple matches.


SQL question: how to find rows that share all of the same rows in a composite table?

I'm working on my SQL project using the Oracle database for class, and I'm asked a question that I see far too often.
You have three tables:
The question I keep finding is of a similar type: Find the names of the students that attend in all of the classes that "John" (or anyone else) attends.
John attends three classes, so I have to find the students that also attend those three classes (could be more, but those three must be there). However, I won't always know how many classes John (or whoever) attends, so it can't be hardcoded like that.
FROM attendance jclass
INNER JOIN student on jclass.SNO = student.SNO
WHERE student.SNAME = 'John';
This gets me the classes that John attends. I tried to add the identifier for the other students:
FROM student
INNER JOIN attendance on student.SNO = attendance.SNO
INNER JOIN class on attendance.CNO = class.CNO
WHERE student.SNAME <> 'John'
AND class.CNO IN (SELECT jclass.CNO
FROM attendance jclass
INNER JOIN student on jclass.SNO = student.SNO
WHERE student.SNAME = 'John');
However, this only gets me the students that appear in at least one of John's classes, rather than all of them. I can see why it's doing this, but I'm not sure how to fix it. It's the one big struggle I'm having with SQL.
Here is one way - assuming SNO is primary key in the first table, CNO is primary key in the second table, and (SNO, CNO) is (composite) primary key in the third table, and that the input student is given by a unique identifier (first name is distinctly NOT a unique identifier, so the problem stated in terms of giving "John" as the input makes no sense). Here I assume the "special" student is identified by SNO = 1001; you can make 1001 into a variable, or change it to a subquery that selects a (unique!!) SNO based on some other inputs.
I didn't try to make the query as efficient as possible, or use features you most likely haven't seen in your class. Rather, I tried to make it as elementary and as readable as possible.
select sno
from attendance
where cno in (select cno from attendance where sno = 1001)
group by sno
having count(*) = (select count(*) from attendance where sno = 1001)
The strategy is simple: the subquery in the in condition finds the classes attended by the "special" student, then from the attendance table we select only rows for those classes. Group by student, and count. Keep only the students for whom the count is equal to the total count for the "special" student. Note the last condition is about groups, not about input rows, so it belongs in the having clause.

How to link tables correctly in SQL to add roles to staff?

Currently I have a staff table with columns:
Staff_Id, first_name, Surname.
My second table is:
Id, management_role.
When I link the tables each staff member gets added to every management role. So for example a person in first table called Jim is added three times as manager, supervisor, intern and this happens for every staff.
Some things to consider that are your ID columns are primary keys for their respective tables. If not are every value in the column is unique? Also are ids not
From your description you might be using a cross join here. The thing you need is inner join so it joins the matching id's together.
So you can do
FROM staff_table as st
INNER JOIN management_table as mt
ON st.Staff_Id = mt.ID

Need Help in Writing SQL Query Distribute Single Columns into Multiple Columns according to Detail Table

As pictures says it all I need. I have two tables named "tblPerson" which stores all types of person names (like Student, Parent, Teachers, Staff Members) and their is another table named "tblStudents" as given in picture which stores Students details in the form of IDs (IDs given in the tblPerson). So, i need output I mentioned in the picture.
So, Please help writing a query for this.
In Advance, Bundle of Prays and Thanks
Simple JOIN will do things:
SELECT st.personName stdName,
fa.personName fatherName
FROM tblStudent s
LEFT JOIN tblPerson st
ON st.id = s.stdName
LEFT JOIN tblPerson fa
ON fa.id = s.fatherName
stdName fatherName
Hamdan Shahid
Sarah William
Robert William

Returning duplicated values only once from a join query

I'm trying to extract info from a table in my database based on a persons job. In one table i have all the clients info, in another table linked by ID_no their job title and the branches theyre associated with. the problem I'm having is when i join both tables I'm returning some duplicates because a person can be associated with more than one branch.
I would like to know how to return the duplicated values only once, because all I care about for the moment is the persons id number and what their job title is.
FROM dbo.employeeinfo AS ll
LEFT OUTER JOIN employeeJob AS lly
ON ll.id_no = lly.id_no
WHERE lly.job_category = 'cle'
I know Select Distinct will not work in this situation since the duplicated values return different branches.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm using sql server 2008 by the way
*edit to show result i would like
------ ll. ll. lly. lly.
rec_ID --employeeID---Name-----JobTitle---Branch------
1 JX100 John cle london
2 JX100 John cle manchester
3 JX690 Matt 89899 london
4 JX760 Steve 12345 london
I would like the second record to not display because i'm not interested in the branch. i just need to know the employee id and his job title, but because of how the tables are structured it's returning JX100 twice because he's recorded as working in 2 different branches
You must use SELECT DISTINCT and specify you ONLY want person id number and job title.
I don't know exactly your fields name, but I think something like this could work.
SELECT DISTINCT ll.id_no AS person_id_number,
lly.job AS person_job
FROM dbo.employeeinfo AS ll LEFT OUTER JOIN
employeeJob AS lly ON ll.id_no = lly.id_no
WHERE lly.job_category = 'cle'

SQL Server query to know if an id in a column equals to other in another column

I’ve been hours trying to build this query and I need your help so I can make it.
This is table Students (made out of inner joins):
SpecialtyChosenID StudentID Subject SubjectSpecialtyID
5ABFB416-8137 15 Math A1EBF3CB-E899
5ABFB416-8137 15 English A1EBF3CB-E899
The info in it means that a student with id no. 15 has chosen an specialty with id 5ABFB416-8137
The two subjects he has passed (Math and English) belong to a specialty with id A1EBF3CB-E899
What would be the query to know if the passed subjects belong to the specialty chosen by the student??
Counting the number of subjects with the same SubjectSpecialtyID as SpecialtyChosenID and vice versa could do.
Thanks a lot
You can do a self join. This finds the number of subjects taken by the student that match the student's chosen specialities.
SELECT l.SpecialtyChosenID, l.StudentID, Count(Distinct r.Subject) FROM Students l
LEFT JOIN Students r ON (l.StudentID=r.StudentID AND l.SpecialityChosenID=r.SubjectSpecialityID)
GROUP BY l.SpecialtyChosenID, l.StudentID
However, this is quite inefficient using the table structure given. If you have a table listing students with their specialities, and another with subjects and specialities, and a third relating students with subjects, it would be better to build this query from the base data, rather than from the derived data.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE SpecialtyChosenID = SubjectSpecialtyID
If you only need the list of matching subjects and you have the SpecialtyChosenID you can do something like
SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE SubjectSpecialtyID = SpecialityChosenID
CASE WHEN SpecialtyChosenID = SubjectSpecialtyID THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS specialty