Do web servers need to verify browser client certificates? - ssl

I'm implementing an SSL layer for a web server project. I'm using polarSSL, though I think this question is a general SSL question.
When I get a connection to my server from a client I configure the SSL protcol like this:
ssl_set_endpoint( &mSsl, SSL_IS_SERVER );
ssl_set_authmode( &mSsl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE );
E.g. I'm not verifying the connection from the client. Do I need to do this?
Most browsers don't have client side certificates - though some do (I think). Is there any need or advantage for the server to verify the client? This is for a service where I would happily serve the data to a client that had no client side certificate at all.

Client-side authentication in SSL/TLS is used when it's required for the server to know its client. For example, it's widely used in banking, to access custom corporate servers etc.
In opposite, the common web server is intended to serve wide audience and not care about who's coming in. So client-side authentication is not used unless you know that you need it.


How to procect API from man in the middle attacks

I will build a cross platform application (WP8, IOS, Android) and those apps will use
my server to make API requests.
My server also will call different type of APIs (google, facebook, etc) and return some results.
And application owner does not has to be logged in to make those calls.
If there is man in the middle, he can track api calls and use it for his own usage drain my quota against api services I am using.
I only want phone who has application be able to make those calls.
What would be the best way to detect api calls to my server should come from my application?
You can use SSL to prevent man in the middle attacks but there really isn't a way that you can be 100% certain that you are communicating with your application.. You can make it harder to do by requiring some sort of access token or using custom encryption but if somebody can decompile your app they can do whatever they want.
In your specific case you should use HTTPS and in the client, not only check that you are using an HTTPS connection, but that the certificate presented by the server and its certificate chain are the ones you expect.
If you fail to do so, you could still perform a MITM attack. For example:
The MITM proxy could act as the client to the server and use an HTTP connection to serve the contents to the real client.
The MITM proxy could act as the client to the server and use a self-signed SSL certificate to present the real client an HTTPS connection.

Secure WCF service, what sort of authentication needed in addition to SSL protocol?

I have a server with SSL certificate and would like to implement a WCF service with username authentication. Can anyone point me to a simple current example?
I find lots that use the 509 certificate and I don't understand why that additional piece would be needed. I don't think I want to give the certificate I have for the SSL to the client either.
I think to use SSL is just setting up the web.config appropriately with wshttpbinding and using https: in the uri that calls the service.
In this case I will have only one or two users (applications at the client actually) that need to use the service so I don't see the overhead for building a database for the store for lots of login credentials or anything like that. I've read you can pass the credentials in the request header. I hope I can just have the service itself check them without tons of overhead.
I'm really struggling to get how a simple authenticate can work for a service but I know I need something in addition to the service being SSL encrypted.
Edit: Hummm having read more I get the impression that using https binding for the message circumvents any notion of username credentials without something mysterious with certificates going on. I hope I haven't wasted money on the ssl certificate for the server at this point.
Can the IP of the requestor be used to allow the service for a known client only?
If you only need a couple of users, then use the inbuilt Windows authentication - create Windows user accounts, put the right security option in your binding config and you're done. If you're using SOAP from a non-windows client you'll have to perform some tricks to make it communicate properly (typically we found using NTLM authentication from PHP client required the use of curl rather than the PHP SOAP client library, but I understand that if you use AD accounts this becomes much easier).
WCF docs have a full description of auth options for you.

WCF with HTTPS and Windows Phone 8

I am working on a small service accessed from a client on Windows Phone 8 and/or WinRT device that requires a moderate amount of security. My goal is to create a service that runs in Windows Azure.
My application requires authentication that verifies two things:
1) Authenticity of the client
2) User credentials of the client
Step 1) I need be certain to a fair degree that the application calling the service is, in fact, my client application.
Step 2) The user needs to have an account in the system that can be authenticated. I can implement the authentication by simply making a Login() method in the interface (unless there is a better way). However, for this, the communication between the client and the server needs to be secure as I do not want my username+password combo unencrypted.
My current view is that implementing it as a WCF service would probably be the way to go as I might have further interest into porting to other platforms on the client-side and a quick look showed me that this is somewhat supported.
However, as I am new to all these certificate shenanigans, my question is whether I can use self-signed certificates for securing my connection? Only my server and my client need to be able to verify the authenticity. Furthermore, any pointers to exactly how this is done in the WP8 + Windows Azure case?
Another deal is that assuming that a nifty hacker breaks open my program from the client hardware, can he take the certificate and use it to create his own client to login with (his) username/password and performing actions performed by my original client? Or is there a way to prevent this on the client side? In other words, can my server be sure of the authenticity of the client software based on having a valid certificate signed by me?
Step 1 is pretty much impossible. No matter what attestation method you use in code it can be duplicated in code by another programme.
Step 2 doesn't require WCF, although you can use it with basic auth. It's just as easy to expose a RESTful service with WebAPI which supports basic auth as well. Securing the communication is the same for either WCF or WebAPI - use SSL.
WCF does not like self signed certificates, and configuring it to use them does away with some of the security, depending on how you do it. Given that SSL certs from trusted CAs start at around $10 it would be a false economy not to get one. Azure webworkers support SSL certs, and support for Azure Web Sites is coming, although with no firm date.
Finally a client certificate in managed code can be reasonably easily extracted, so you cannot rely on it to identify client code.

SSL Settings : Ignore Client Certificates

I'm a little bit confused about what the client certificates all about.
I have set to "IGNORE" the client certificates on my SSL Settings. But i'm worrying if its ok or not. Can someone explain to me the difference or importance/advantages of those three.
and Which one is most used/advisable?
Client certificates are used for client side authentication of an SSL connection.
Usually the default is to not request a client certificate since a server may server thousands of clients and the only way to be able to do client authentication (and would make sense) is for the server and clients to be part of the same PKI infrastructure (which practically means part of the same organization).
So unless you are asking about your browser it is ok. There is no vulnerability to fear on your side. The worse thing that could happen is that you would not be able to connect to sites that actually do client authentication

How and when to use ClientCert in CFHTTP tag?

The ColdFusion documentation is weak on how and when to use it. What does it do? How does one use it?
Update: it seems to be broken, as outlined in Washing Client Certs in ColdFusion with SOAP – Part 2.
problems with CFHTTP handling SSLv3 sessions
Client certificates are a bit of a pain because of the overhead involved in using it.
As Jura says, you'll need a target server that uses client certificates as a mechanism for authentication. This server side piece does not need to be CF-based. The web server (IIS, for example) would be set up to require this. This is part of the SSL/TLS protocol, not specific to any language at the application level.
You would use this if the server you are requesting a resource from requires client certificates. The administrator of that server would need to give you the client certificate and private key ahead of time. As mentioned by user349433, this is commonly a PKCS12 (.p12 or .pfx) file.
The server will validate that the client certificate is "trusted" and if it is, it will allow the TLS/SSL handshake to proceed, and CF will be able to write the HTTP request on top of it.
The use case today is to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, but because of the overhead involved with certificate distribution, revokation, etc. it's not terribly common.
If you want to know more about it, check out TLS 1.1 specification:
You are using client certificate in case if the target server uses that mechanism for authentication. You'll need to obtain specific client certificate from the service provider in order to be able to connect to the service. It's been used for some internet banking applications back in days I believe. Not sure what is the use case today for it, may be distributed corporate networks where you need to connect to corporate server over internet in a highly secure manner?