Can't understand some basic REST stuff - api

Suppose my model is:
I have a collection /users/
I want the Users to be retrieved by /users/{id} and not /users/${nickname}, because in some more complex cases, there could be no "logical unique constraint".
So the basic JSON payload I could use is for exemple:
id: 123,
nickname: 'someUserName'
Nothing fancy here.
POST on /users/
As far as I know, an user as an identifier. It is part of the resource representation, so it should be in the payload (?).
Put what if I want to generate the ID myself on the backend, using a DB sequence for exemple?
Then my payload becomes:
nickname: 'someUserName'
Is this appropriate?
What is supposed to be the output of this POST? Nothing? Just a header referencing the resource location, including the ID?
GET on /users/id
When we get the resource, we load its content as JSON:
id: 123,
nickname: 'someUserName'
PUT on /users/id
As far as I know, the payload used on this method is supposed to "override" the resource content. If we wanted partial updates, we would have used PATCH.
But what if I do:
PUT /users/123
id: 456,
nickname: 'someUserName'
Does this mean that we want to update the id of a resource?
Isn't it kind of redundant to use the id in both the URI and the payload?
Actually I don't really know how to handle the id.
I don't know if I am supposed to use the same resource representation in all POST / PUT / DELETE operations.
I don't know if the id should be part of the unique(?) resource representation.
But if the id is not part of the representation, then when I list the users, using GET /users/, if the ids are not returned, then I don't know how the client can get the user ids...
Can someone help me? :)

First of all
It is not REST if you don't use HATEOAS
I hope you understand this, I'll come back to that at the very end.
POST on /users/
It perfectly ok to not use an ID in the POST payload. If an ID is present react with an error message, so developers understand they are doing wrong.
Therefore only the nickname as a payload is perfectly valid if you don't have anything else in your user resource
The output of your server should include three important things:
HEADER: A status code indicating success or failure (usually 201 Created)
HEADER: The location of the newly created resource (just Location: /path/to/resource)
BODY: A representation of the created resource. Give back a complete payload like on a GET!
perfectly valid
your analysis regarding PUT/PATCH matchs the spec, the new resource should be identical to the payload meaning the user wishes to change the id if it differs. if a payload contains values which shouldn't be changed (like the ID) you have two possibilities:
Ignore the ID in the payload
Return an error
In both cases inform the user about what you did and what went wrong. I prefer to send/get a 400 Bad Request. If a privileged user could change the ID but the particular user can't an 403 Forbidden may be more appropriate.
Also make sure to document your APIs behaviour. You may allow the ID to be omitted in your API. Don't forget to treat IDs given in a POST payload in a consistent way!
Overall questions
REST operates over Resources.
/users/ is an example for an collection of resources
/users/{id} is an example for a single resource
You should always use the exact same representation in each and every response. If for some reason it is more appropriate to give only a snippet of the information add metadata (link) pointing to the full resource representation.
The ID is always present except in the first POST request of an user.
POST implies that the future location of the resource is not known and has to be provided by the server.
This also means that GET /users/ should return the IDs for each resource.
As always in APIs return strict and be forgiving in requests. document your behaviour so users can learn.
The true beauty of REST comes to daylight if you implement HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State). Part of this means that you should sugar your representations with useful tag/link combinations. This way clients never have to construct an url anymore.
An Example using HAL for your user representation would be:
"_links:" {
"self": { "href": "http://yourrest/users/123" }
"id": "123"
"nickname": "someUserName"
A nice wrapup of using HAL was written by Matthew Weier O'Phinney in his blog when he developed a ZF2 REST Module (first entry is completly zf free, only explaining HAL).

I'm interpreting your descriptions as saying that the id is not part of the resource, it's a unique identifier of the resource. In that case, it should not be part of the payload for any operation.
POST /users with payload {"nickname": "somebody"} would create a new resource with a URL returned in the Location header. That URL would presumably look like /users/123 but from the client's point of view there's no reason to expect that. It could look like /something/else/entirely.
GET /users/123 would (assuming that URL was returned by an earlier POST) return the payload {"nickname": "somebody"}.
PUT /users/123 would (with the same assumption as above) replace the resource with the payload you send with the PUT, say {"nickname": "somebody else"}.
If you want the client to be able to name a resource, then you'd also let PUT /users/123 create a new resource with that URL.
I know of no common RESTful way to rename a resource. I suppose a POST with the old URL as part of the query part or the body would make sense.
Now, suppose I'm wrong and you do want id to be part of the resource itself. Then every payload would include it. But from the client's point of view, there should be no assumption that "id": 123 implies that the URL would be /users/123.
Finally, all of this is from a fairly purist point of view. There is value to thinking of URLs as the only real identifier of a resource, but it's not awful to break that rule and have the client use logic to create the URLs.


REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?

I have a doubt when I'm designing a REST API.
Consider I have a Resource "Customer" with two elements in my server, like this:
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall."
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy."
And I want to make an endpoint, that will accept a GET request with a query. The query will provide a parameter with a value that will make an algorithm count how many occurrences for this text are there in all of its parameters.
So if we throw this request:
GET {baseURL}/customers?letters=ry
I should get something like
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall.",
count : 3
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy.",
count : 0
Count parameter can not be included in the resource scheme as will depend on the value provided in the query, so the response objects have to be enriched.
I'm not getting a list of my resource but a modified resource.
Although it keeps the idempotent condition for GET Method, I see it escapes from the REST architecture concept (even the REST beyond CRUD).
Is it still a valid endpoint in a RESTful API? or should I create something like a new resource called "ratedCustomer"?
REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?
TL;DR: yes.
Longer answer...
A successful GET request returns a representation of a single resource, identified by the request-target.
The fact that the information used to create the representation of the resource comes from multiple entities in your domain model, or multiple rows in your database, or from reports produced by other services... these are all implementation details. The HTTP transfer of documents over a network application doesn't care.
That also means that we can have multiple resources that include the same information in their representations. Think "pages in wikipedia" that duplicate each others' information.
Resource identifiers on the web are semantically opaque. All three of these identifiers are understood to be different resources
We human beings looking at these identifiers might expect /A?enriched to be semantically closer to /A than /B, but the machines don't make that assumption.
It's perfectly reasonable for /A?enriched to produce representations using a different schema, or even a different content-type (as far as the HTTP application is concerned, it's perfectly reasonable that /A be an HTML document and /A?enriched be an image).
Because the machines don't care, you've got additional degrees of freedom in how you design both you resources and your resource identifiers, which you can use to enjoy additional benefits, including designing a model that's easy to implement, or easy to document, or easy to interface with, or easy to monitor, or ....
Design is what we do to get more of what we want than we would get by just doing it.

RESTful API Design: PUT or POST for creating many-to-many relationships?

For designing and creating a RESTful API the following question occurs:
The API supports GET (for queries), POST (for creating), PUT (for updates) and DELETE (for deleting).
Lets assume in the database we have an article and a shop both already existing.
Now we need a rest call to link the article instance to the shop instance. Which of the following solutions is the best / most clean REST design:
/shop/id/article/id/ --> with POST
/shop/id/article/id/ --> with PUT
/shoparticlerelation/ --> with POST (object with ids in body)
/shoparticlerelation/ --> with PUT (object with ids in body)
If there is no clear answer or all solutions are equally good this may also be a valid answer if there is a clear argumentation why.
I presume in this situation you already have a collection of shops and a collection of articles, and you just wish to link two together.
One option is to expose a more db like 'resource' that presents this link, and have operations like
POST /shopArticleLinks HTTP/1.1
{ "shop" : xxx,
"article: YYY
I would personally look to expose it as a property of the shops and/or articles in a more natural manor, like
PUT /shop/<ID> HTTP/1.1
{ /* existing details */
"articles": [ /* list of articles */ ]
I've used JSON there, but of course use what ever format you want to use. I've also stuck with using PUT as you stated, but keep in mind that with PUT you should send a full replacement for the new modified version, PATCH can be used to send partial updates, but then you need to consider how you want do that, may something like
PATCH /shops/<ID>/articleLinks HTTP/1.1
{ "add" : [],
"remove : []
Don't forget that server side you can look at what articles are being refereed to and ensure they have a proper back pointer.
Additional thoughts
Regarding the second method, where you expose the link as a property of the shop and/or article resources. Keep in mind that it is perfectly acceptable (and in this case rather appropriate) that when you update the links in a given shop that the links in the corresponding articles are also updated.
You cannot use this because at the moment you want to link them, this endpoint doesn't (or at least shouldn't) yet exist. It is the action of linking them together that should define this endpoint.
You should not use this because a shoparticlerelation is not a resource / entity. Usually with rest, every named url segment represents a resource that can be CRUD-ed. /shops is a good example and so is /articles but this one isn't.
I suggest the following:
Define the following endpoints
/shops for POSTing new shops
/shops/id for operating on a single shop
/articles for POSTing new articles
/articles/id for operating on a single article
Then to link them together you can do a so called PATCH request, to update a shop's articles, or an article's shops:
PATCH /shops/1 HTTP/1.1
"attribute": "articles",
"operation": "add",
"value": "8" // the article id
PATCH /articles/9 HTTP/1.1
"attribute": "shops",
"operation": "add",
"value": "1" // the shop id
Based on your comments I made the assumption that an Article model has a list of Shops as attribute, and vice-versa, making this approach valid.
A PATCH request is used to modify an existing resource by specifying how and what to update. This is different from a PUT because a PUT replaces the entire resource with values from the request, however PATCH is only used to modify (not replace) a resource.

RESTful web service: create new resource by combining other resources: provide IDs or URIs?

When obtaining a collection of items from a RESTful web service (via GET), the representation of each single item (e.g. in JSON) usually contains the item's resource identifier. This can either be the ID of the resource or the entire URI which usually contains the ID.
This identifier (ID or URI) is required in case the client needs to further interact with the remote resource representing the single item. Many people seem to consider it good practice to provide the entire URI and not only the ID, so that the client has nothing to do with URI construction (for example, this is what Miguel Grinberg writes in this article).
But what should be done in case multiple items are to be combined in order to create a new resource? Then the client needs to tell the server which items are to be combined. And eventually, the server requires a list of IDs for processing the request. Assuming that the client retrieved URIs for each item in the first place -- where would you perform the URI parsing in order to extract the raw IDs again: in the client or in the server?
Example: the client retrieved a collection of pages in a GET request. Each page item identifies itself with an URI (containing the ID):
"pages": [
"content": "bla bla",
"uri": "/pages/1"
"content": "that is no interesting content",
"uri": "/pages/2"
Now assume that the client instructs the server to create a new resource combining multiple pages: a book, built by pages 1 and 2. The POST request body can either contain IDs or URIs:
"title": "A Boring Book",
"pages": [1, 2]
"title": "A Boring Book",
"pages": ["/pages/1", "/pages/2"]
In the first case, the clients needs to know the structure of the URI and extract the ID before sending the request. In the second case the server needs to extract the ID from the URI.
On the one hand, I like the idea of resources being represented on the client side by URIs only. On the other hand, I also like to keep things simple and pragmatic and why should we send entire URIs to the server when the context is clear and only the IDs are needed (the book creation does not directly act on page resources)?
What would you prefer and why? Or do you think that this is really not too important?
Do you think the following approach would be a good compromise? Client-side extraction of the ID from the URI by parsing the URI from right to left and extracting the number after the rightmost slash, i.e. assuming a certain URI structure without the need to hardcode the entire path.
I think that clients should receive absolute URLs from the server and only use these without any kind of modification. Therefore, I would even go one step further beyond your last example:
"title" : "A Boring Book",
"pages" : [ "http://.../pages/1", "http://.../pages/2" ]
Only the server should be responsible to extract Ids from URLs if necessary.

Is this a valid REST API?

I am designing an API.
There's the user profile, accessible at (resp.
Now, the user's profile will be dynamic.
So we will allow an API function to add a new profile attribute.
Is the following a valid REST API URL for this?
Indeed, to retrieve a specific user, the user's id would be appended to the .../users/ URL.
Now if I use the "attributes" element after /users/, would that somehow break the user id pattern for the URL?
I'd like to keep the base URL to be api/v1/users though, because logically I am modifying the users profile still...
EDIT: The attributes would be added valid for all profiles, it's independent of a user. Say the profile has "name", "surname", "email", and I want to add "address" to all profiles (Of course I know that users with a missing "address" field would not get the new attribute)
What is a good practice to address such an issue?
I think the id should be kept in the URL because you are adding the attributes to a specific user, right?
It is an acceptable solution to use the /api/v1/users/attributes as long as the :id cannot be the text: "attributes". However I recommend to create your own media type, microformat, or microdata for the attributes, because it is rather a type than a resource.
I think you should check these links:
If the user can set what attributes she can have, only then should you use a resource for attributes. But then each user should have one. But I don't think using resources will be necessary, microdata and microformats both contain more than enough person description attributes...
Some update after 5 months:
Now if I use the "attributes" element after /users/, would that
somehow break the user id pattern for the URL?
From the perspective of the client that "id pattern" does not exist. The client follows links by checking the semantics annotated to them. So REST clients are completely decoupled from the URI structure of the actual REST API (aka. uniform interface constraint). If your pattern breaks, then it is completely a server side, link generation and routing issue, which is not a client side concern.
Say the profile has "name", "surname", "email", and I want to add
"address" to all profiles. What is a good practice to address such an
Address is an optional field in this case and probably a sub-resource, because it can have further fields, like city, postal code, street, etc... You can add address separately, for example with PUT /users/123/address {city: "", street: "", ...} or you can add those fields to your user form, and add a partial update to the user, like PATCH /users/123 {address: {city: "", street: "", ...}} if only the address changes.
In case you want to update every resource in the entire collection I would send a PATCH request to /users.
While it is a valid URI, I would suggest avoiding POST In my opinion, it violates the principle of least surprise when a collection endpoint has a child node which is not a member of the collection. If you want to track user attributes as shared by all users, then that's a separate collection, perhaps /user-attributes.
POST /user-attributes
"name": "Email Address",
"type": "String",
GET /user-attributes would return all the possible attributes, and GET /user-attributes/{id} would return all the metadata around an attribute.
If there's no metadata, then #inf3rno's suggestion to just PUT the attribute up and let the server deal with it is definitely worth considering.
This all presupposes you need to manage attributes through the API. If not, I agree with #inf3rno that media types are the way to go. Of course, in that case you may want a media type for the user-attributes resource ..

Should we always validate resource id in url and body in HTTP PUT request?

Suppose I am updating a employee record
url - /api/employees/10
body -
id : 10,
name : xyz
Should I validate for the employee id in url is same as in response? Because one employee can hit the url himself but update the data of another employee by sending another value in the PUT body.
If you have to validate, it's likely that you want to use POST. A POST is not idempotent and you are supposed to manage the change.
PUT is idempotent, and it just creates a resource. It implies that you don't actually care what id 10 is and whether it is a new id or an existing id. You just replace id 10 with the resource you supply. You only use PUT when you know what the uri should be.
Yes, if the representation of the object in the body contains its own key, you should validate that it matches the key from the URL. It's an error for the client to try to PUT an object at /api/employees/10 that isn't a valid value for employee #10's record, so you should check for that and report it as an error just as you would check that the object has correct syntax.
I believe that the best error code to return in this case is 422 Unprocessable Entity, but I might be wrong about that.
Another thing you can do instead is don't include the key at all in the body. However I find that keeping the key in makes sense for consistency with the way the same type of object is represented in other parts of the API (possibly embedded inside other objects). This is especially true when using XML (although it looks like you are using JSON here).