How to add a new project in Trac via Bitanami hosting - trac

I have launched a TRAC demo server in cloud using Bitnami hosting. I just want to check how to work with multiple projects in TRAC. Now I can see only one project in the demo server and no options are there to add new project.
Bitnami wiki explains how to create a new project in windows/mac via cmd but I can't find any info about project creation in cloud. Can somebody help me with this?

It's not fully clear what you understand of "projects"; that term is ambiguous. But there are 2 possibilities:
On the level of Apache and its Trac instances:
bitnami-trac-1.0.1\apache2\conf\httpd.conf contains an include of bitnami-trac-1.0.1\apps\trac\conf\trac.conf and you can add another <Location> of a new Trac instance there. This will allow to run multiple Tracs within one Apache. See this Trac wiki about MultipleProject for details. Basically, first you need to create a second Trac instance (with its database) by calling bitnami-trac-1.0.1\apps\trac\Scripts\trac-admin.exe from Bitnami command line shell.
On the level of Trac and its plugins:
you may want to setup several "user projects" within one running Trac instance. Read this Trac wiki about MultipleProjects/SingleEnvironment for details. Basically, you'll need to install and setup a plugin called SimpleMultiProjectPlugin.

You need to access your machine and use the command line. Take a look at the documentantion for accessing your server:


Deploying multiple/single instances of a website

We have an ASP.NET website that we want to deploy (and remove) multiple instances of the site on the same IIS machine.
We also have a few number of customers that need to install the product on their system.
I was hoping WIX would be able to handle this, but it appears you can only have one instance installed at a time.
What options are available to me? Right now we use FinalBuilder to setup a generic "install package" which uses a batch file that a user populated with their environment settings, and uses tools like sed and awk to update config files and more scripts to deploy to IIS.
It works, but it's very cumbersome. I was hoping to find more of a GUI/command line interface to replace this process.
It sounds like MSDeploy will work for your use case. It can deploy multiple instances to the same IIS instance and can also delete instances.
The following post is specifically about service versioning but you could use the same technique to install several instances of a web app.

Apache Brooklyn and LDAP against Microsoft Active Directory

I am trying to configure Apache Brooklyn to use the LDAPSecurityProvider against a Windows Active Directory.
I am testing the connection with Apache Directory Studio and it works with the provided credentials.
Screenshot of Apache Directory Studio and the LDAP tree
But when I Configure Apache Brooklyn to use LDAP against the AD it does not work and creates no error logs.
My brooklyn property file is here:,X-BIND-PASSWORD=Password123,X-COUNT-LIMIT=1000
The LDAP support is documented at - your example configuration looks good (very similar to that).
However, the docs say it will then construct something like:
LDAP://cn=John Smith,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
(With the "ou" value being configurable).
Looking at your screenshot, it seems you'd need something like that below (though it isn't expanded to see a full user example):
LDAP://cn=John Smith,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com
Unfortunately that isn't currently supported in Brooklyn.
The workaround would be store your users under "ou" intead.
The LDAP integration code is pretty simple (and low on logging):
It would be reasonably easy to update the Java to support your use-case.
Do you want to either have a go at creating a pull request for that (, or opening a jira issue at to describe the requirements and someone can take a look?
I had the same problem and solved it by creating my own LdapSecurityProvider for ActiveDirectory. Create a new Class which extends the and override the getUserDN Method.
Brooklyn uses the com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory so you can find a detailed documentation under

Gerrit permission to review a specific path

Im currently working on a big project with more then one team.
Lets say in the project there are some modules that each team working on.
In addition we are using gerrit for sometime now and there is something i couldn't find out.
My question is the following:
Is there a way to tell Gerrit that only specific people/group(on Gerrit) will have permission to review code (+2) on specific path/module on the project?
This is possible, and can be achieved by using the Gerrit OWNERS Plugin. I haven't configured this plugin myself, but we use this in our codebase to protect certain areas of code.
Every folder that needs protection contains a file named OWNERS that has the following structure.
inherited: true
Here is the link to a readme for the plugin. Hope you can figure out how to configure it.
I think you can do this by making two separate commits. You can later add the group that you want to review the code on that specific path using gerrit interface.

Can I change gerrit authentication type from openid to ldap?

We in our team are planning to use gerrit. So, to get introduced, I did set up a server, used open-id for authentication and created some test-users and test-projects in it.
Now we are ready to use it. But we actually prefer LDAP for real use.
So, can I change my authentication system from open-id from LDAP? What will happen to current users then?
I want to clear test projects and changes. How can I do them?
Can I complete delete existing gerrit setup and initiate a fresh setup in same machine? (I tried extracting the jar in different folder, but I faced some problems in it)
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 as my server.
Please help.
Delete the database (you're not using the H2 database anymore, but some MySQL or PostgreSQL server, don't you?) plus the directory where Gerrit is running (the -d parameter, see docs). Additionally, remove the git repos, if you configured them to be located on a different path.
Then all your data is gone and you can start from scratch.

Migrating from one Trac instance to another

I want to move tickets from one trac instance to another. Is there some utility that will help me do this? The current instance is running on my server using a sqllite db. The instance that I want to move to is on sourcerepo. Are there any utilities that can help me migrate these tickets?
Since sourcerepo also provides a redmine installation, I wouldn't mind if I could move tickets from trac to redmine.
Take a look at what the Trac wiki has to say about migrating data between Trac installations.