Understanding how to map events in xaml - xaml

I don't know C# events very well so I have difficulties in understanding some code I found in internet
Inside the code behind of a view file there is the following method:
public void SavingMesBoxClosedHandler(object sender, object args)
The DisplayMessageBox class is derived form FrameworkElement and defines the following event:
public delegate void MessageBoxClosedHandler(object sender, object args);
public event MessageBoxClosedHandler DialogClosed;
Inside the xaml of the view:
// some dependency properties here
I thought I could use only dependency properties, while DialogClosed is an event.
Which is the magic to map a method of the view to an event in DisplayMessageBox class using only its name ?
Why don't I have to use a binding ?
Is there an easy way to assign a viewmodel method as the event handler of DialogClose ?
May be I didn't use the correct terms in my last question. To put in other words I want to call a method inside my viewmodel, not in the view as in the example I reported above.

You don't have to use only dependency properties in XAML. You can use normal properties just as well. Dependency properties are a necessity when you use DataBinding, as you point out. In the case you mention there seems to be no need to use DataBinding because you will not use different handlers depending on your DataContext. If you want to stick to the MVVM pattern and keep the event handling logic in your view model, you can use EventTrigger: http://www.kunal-chowdhury.com/2010/11/using-eventtrigger-in-xaml-for-mvvm-no.html


How to use a global InkToolbar for multiple InkCanvas controls?

So I have a ListView made up of multiple InkCanvas controls (which basically are pages of a document). Now I would like to use a global InkToolbar for all of my pages (the InkCanvas controls). However, InkToolbar only allows to bind to a single TargetInkCanvas object and I am not really sure how I can get around that and design my pages so they all share the same InkToolbar.
How to use a global InkToolbar for multiple InkCanvas controls?
InkToolbar only allows to bind to a single TargetInkCanvas in xaml code with x:bind scheme. If you do want a global InkToolbar, please try to set TargetInkCanvas in the code behind when you use the specific InkCanvas.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
inkToolbar.TargetInkCanvas = MyInkCanvas;
Ok so I found a workaround. The solution is rather unelegant but it does work. It is possible to handle pointer input in an InkCanvas prior to processing. This can be done
using CoreInkIndependentInputSource class as follows:
CoreInkIndependentInputSource core = CoreInkIndependentInputSource.Create(inkCanvas.InkPresenter);
core.PointerEntering += PointerEntering;
Then in my PointerEntering event handler, I can change propagate the signal that the current canvas should be bound to the InkToolbar (in my case I had to use VisualTreeHelper to propagate the information to the parent ListView).

Troubleshooting Win8 Apps: When are my XAML-defined Page fields initialized?

I'm trying the MVVM pattern and I've run into a problem.
Here's how I instantiate my model:
...(omitted boiler plate generated lines here)
<local:TextGameClientModel x:Name="textGameClientModel"/>
But when I try to use it, I get a NullReferenceException because this.textGameClientModel is NULL:
public MainPage()
this.textGameClientModel.runsPublished += textGameClientModel_runsPublished;
I've also tried the same line in the Page's OnNavigateTo handler, and also in the OnLoaded handler, but with the same result.
Where is the right place to hook up my event handler?
(Please don't let my code-behind in an MVVM project distract you from the question. My use of a RichTextBox has forced me to color outside the lines a little.)
I actually wrote an answer about the WPF Creation Steps fairly recently, however that's not the problem in this case.
In this case, you are setting the DataContext in your XAML, however that's not the same as setting the textGameClientModel property
You need to do something like this to set the property equal to your DataContext first
this.textGameClientModel = this.DataContext as GameClientModel;
or simply cast your DataContext as your class to setup the event
((GameClientModel)this.DataContext).runsPublished += textGameClientModel_runsPublished;
As a side note, I never recommend hardcoding the DataContext into a UserControl like you have. By doing so, you are preventing any other DataContext from getting passed to the UserControl, which kind of defeats one of the biggest advantages of WPF/MVVM, which is having separate UI and data layers.

Use locator to manage multiple view-viewmodel pairs in Panorama Page

I'm new to Silverlight/MVVM. I tried some example of MVVM Light, it looks great.
For my scenario, I want to create a Panorama Page, for each Panorama Item, showing my usercontrol, a item list for a customer.
I've built usercontrol(view), viewmodel and WCF service model and works well in a single Panorama Item(Only use first customer).
Also, I use Locator of MVVM Light shown in MIX10 demo, it enables me to make design time data for Expression Blend.
My viewmodel will receive a parameter of customer ID then exchange data with WCF based on this ID.
And the customer list also comes from WCF. So I can't actually makes viewmodels in Locator's static constructor.
If viewmodels are built in runtime by calling Locator, how to make data binding?
The only way I think about is to make viewmodel object in usercontrol's constructor and make it datacontext.
Is there a better solution?
If you want to keep the same declarative model in the XAML, you can put a CurrentCustomerViewModel property on the locator and then set property to the right viewmodel before you navigate to the page.
Personally though for pages like that I typically put a viewmodel factory method on the locator (so it can cache them, etc) and call it from the OnNavigatedTo method, something like this.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
string id = NavigationContext.QueryString["customerID"];
vm = ViewModelLocator.GetCustomerViewModel(id);
DataContext = vm;
Then I just use Blend's sample data capabilities for design time data. This way also helps support pinning the page to the start screen since that will be the entry point to the app and I won't necessarily get a good chance to set the "CurrentCustomerVM" property anyway.

ShowDialog a RadWindow with MVVMLight

I have a functional MVVM patterned SL app with a RadWindow (essentially a ChildWindow), that I would like to remove the code-behind in my view that shows the window using its ShowDialog. Both the main view and the window is bound to the same ViewModel if that helps.
The button has both a ViewModel command using a MVVMLight RelayCommand to handle setting state as well as the event handler in the View.
The ultimate solution/pattern will be reused 20+ times so something better than code-behind would be great.
private void Button_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = new RadWindowTest.Controls.ChildWindow1();
window.Closed += new System.EventHandler<Telerik.Windows.Controls.WindowClosedEventArgs>(window_Closed);
In this case I would suggest you implement DialogService. This service you can inject into your view model, for testing you will have to inject an instance that does not depend on the view, thus maintaining testability. You can use the ViewModelLocator to make this service available to your application.
Another approach would be to implement a ViewBase class that implements an interface that allows you to display the dialog. This interface is now used by the ViewModel to display a dialog. Again to test you need to provide a different implementation of the interface. A sample can be found here.
Both ideas revolve around the same concept of factoring out the function that shows the dialog. In order to strictly de-couple the View and the ViewModel you will have to think about how the ViewModel specifies which dialog has to be shoen, and how the dialog resut or dialog model is returned to the calling ViewModel.
Which approach is better is open to your judgement. Personally I prefer the first approach as I do not have to inherit the views from a common base class.
PS: Use a command to get to the point in your ViewModel where you want to show the dialog. Using a dialog service should need no code behind.

When should a class use its own getters/setters vs accessing the members directly?

When generating setters and getters in Eclipse one of the options is to use the getters and setters within the class rather than accessing the class members directly. Is this level of class internal encapsulation useful or is it taking a good idea one step too far?
DUPE: Should you use accessor properties from within the class, or just from outside of the class?
I think it's a good idea if you want the potential side-effects to occur - validation, logging etc. (In C# I'd like to be able to declare a variable and property and say that the only access to the variable is through the property.)
Occasionally you may well find you need to set the variable directly precisely because you don't want the side-effects. For instance, you may need to set two variables together, and both the "before" and the "after" states are valid, but setting either property individually would make validation blow up.
It can be useful, if you allow derived classes to re-define your getters. So, using getters even from inside the class will keep your design extensible.
In my opinion this is something that needs to be defined in the coding guidelines.
The short answer is "it depends" :)
Eric Lippert has an excellent article on Automatic vs. Explicit properties that deals with this issue, albeit from a slightly different angle.
Essentially, the question you need to ask is:
"From within the class, [are] the desired semantics of accessing this ... property different from the desired semantics of accessing the property from the outside?"
If the semantics are the same, your class should use its own properties. If the semantics are different, your class will need to directly manipulate the backing fields.
It's useful for example when you have setters which do extra actions like setting a dirty flag or notifying observers.
For getters you may instead of accessing a field compute a value when you change representation.
When you need to extend the getter/setter behavior of a class, it is useful have encapsulated fields (getters/setters instead of direct member access).
Yet in inheritance, it is conceptualy interesting to preserve the inners of your class, if its subclasses shouldn't be aware of its private stuff. So, sometimes the field is private to the implementation of a class, so that even the subclasses aren't aware of it.
I find that I do that at times - specifically when I require, or strongly anticipate that I'll require, some login around getting or setting (and the validation around them) of members.
I find that having private/internal properties does help in these cases.
But I certainly not do it for any memeber.
Latest .NET/VS really helps here as you can declare a property as such:
public string SomeProperty
and it effectively creates the memebr behind the scene. I know that doesn't help you, but I thought it might be of some interest :-)
If you want for this member to be databindable by either Winform or WPF, I believe that you need to declare it as a property. I'm about 95 percent positive that databinding requires a property (getter/setting syntax). I have a small wpf solution that demonstrates this, but I don't see a way to attach it here.
Here's the code: (built with VS 2008 SP1, targeting .net 3.5 - I used a WPF Project).
There are 2 items in the WPF project, the main window (window1), and the object that we are testing (DataObject)
There is a label on the window that is databound to the Name property in an instance of data object. If you convert the Name property to a field (remove the getter/setter), the databinding will stop working.
<Window x:Class="WpfDatabinding.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<Label Name ="Label1" Height="28" Margin="12,24,37,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Content="{Binding Name}"></Label>
using System;
using System.Windows;
namespace WpfDatabinding
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Window1 : Window
private DataObject ADataObject;
public Window1()
this.ADataObject = new DataObject();
this.ADataObject.Name = "Hello!";
this.DataContext = this.ADataObject;
namespace WpfDatabinding
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Window1 : Window
private DataObject ADataObject;
public Window1()
this.ADataObject = new DataObject();
this.ADataObject.Name = "Hello!";
this.DataContext = this.ADataObject;
namespace WpfDatabinding
public class DataObject
// convert this to a field, and databinding will stop working
public string Name