SQL Query - Don't grab this unless this - sql

I'm modifying a query I have that pulls news items from my database. These news items have tags, which, in the database, is stored in a single column as a string separated by commas.
For example:
'content,video,featured video,foo'
What I'm trying to do is grab all the items in the table but not the items that contain 'video' in the tags string, unless the tag string also contains 'featured video'
What is the best way to do this?
Here is my query:
FROM posts
WHERE status = 2
ORDER BY postDate

I'm offering horrible thing, but if you want to stick to your table structure, you may try following:
INSTR(tags,'featured video')>0
At least use FULLTEXT index on that field, so it won't be this painful to use.

Probably not the best way to do it...
Select *
FROM posts
where status = 2
(SELECT postID FROM posts
WHERE tag LIKE '%Video%'
AND tag NOT like '%Featured Video%')
I am assuming PostId to be the PK from the posts table btw...

I would use a query like this:
status = 2
AND (CONCAT(',', tags, ',') LIKE '%,featured video,%'
OR CONCAT(',', tags, ',') NOT LIKE '%,video,%')


How do I select one row in SQL when another row has same id but a different value in a column?

I am creating a website where you can share posts with multiple tags, now I encountered the problem that a post is shown multiple times, each one with one tag. In my database I have a table posts and a table tags where you link the post_id. Now my question is: how can I get only one post but multiple tags on this one post?
screenshot of query in database
This should work, edit column names if needed:
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tag) FROM tags WHERE post_id = posts.id)
FROM posts
You can use GROUP_CONCAT() in MySQL and string_agg() in MS SQL Server
SELECT posts.id,GROUP_CONCAT(tags.tag)
FROM posts
Left JOIN tags on tags.post_id = posts.id
GROUP BY posts.id


I have a very large database with about 120 Million records in one table.I have clean up the data in this table first before I divide it into several tables(possibly normalizing it). The columns of this table is as follows: "id(Primary Key), userId, Url, Tag " . This is basically a subset of the dataset from delicious website. As I said, each row has an id, userID a url and only "one" tag. So for example a bookmark in delicious website is composed of several tags for a single url, this corresponds to several lines of my database. for example:
"id"; "user" ;"url" ;"tag"
I need a query to count the number of times that a tag is used for a url.
Thank you for you help
This query should work for you:
SELECT tag, url, count(tag) FROM table GROUP BY tag, url
Haven't tested it for you though.
Is this what you are looking for?
WHERE tag='sometag'
I think it's actually more like SELECT tag, COUNT(tag) FROM TABLENAME WHERE URL='someurl' GROUP BY tag

Fetch last item in a category that fits specific criteria

Let's assume I have a database with two tables: categories and articles. Every article belongs to a category.
Now, let's assume I want to fetch the latest article of each category that fits a specific criteria (read: the article does). If it weren't for that extra criteria, I could just add a column called last_article_id or something similar to the categories table - even though that wouldn't be properly normalized.
How can I do this though? I assume there's something using GROUP BY and HAVING?
Try with:
FROM categories AS c
ON c.id = a.id_category
AND /criterias about joining/
WHERE /more criterias/
If you provide us with the Tables schemas, we could be a little more specific, but you could try something like ( EXISTS and NOT EXISTS, SELECT Syntax for LIMIT)
FROM articles a
FROM articles
where category_id = a.category_id
AND <YourCriteria Here>
ORDER BY <Order Required : ID DESC, LastDate DESC or something?
Assuming the id's in the articles table represent always increasing numbers, this should work. Using the id is not semantically correct IMHO, you should actually use a time/date tamp field if one is available.
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_id IN
WHERE [your filters here]

Full text search involving 2 tables

I'm very noob in relation to Full Text search and I was told to do a full text search over 2 tables and sort results by relevance.
I will look on table "Posts" and table "PostComments". I must look for the search term (let's say "AnyWord") on Posts.Description, Posts.Title and PostComments.Comments.
I have to return Posts order by relevance but since I'm looking on Posts AND PostComments I don't know if this make sense. I'd say I need all the information on the same table in order to sort by relevance.
Could you help me to figure out if this make sense and if it does how to achieve it?
I'll try to explain a little better what I need.
A Post is relevant for the search if the searched term is present on the title, on the description or on any of the related PostComments.
But on the front end I will show a list of post. The title of the post on this list is a link to the post itself. The post comments are visible there but not on the search result list, although they are involved on the search process.
So you could have posts on the search result that matched JUST because the search term is present on one or more comments
Only ContainsTable returns an evaluation of relevance. You did not mention what needed to be returned so I simply returned the name of the table from where the value is stored along with the given table's primary key (you would replace "PrimaryKey" with your actual primary key column name e.g. PostId or PostCommentsId), the value and its rank.
Select Z.TableName, Z.PK, Z.Value, Z.Rank
From (
Select 'Posts' As TableName, Posts.PrimaryKey As PK, Posts.Description As Value, CT.Rank
From Posts
Join ContainsTable( Posts, Description, 'Anyword' ) As CT
On CT.Key = Posts.PrimaryKey
Union All
Select 'PostComments', PostComments.PrimaryKey, PostComments.Comments, CT.Rank
From PostComments
Join ContainsTable( PostComments, Comments, 'Anyword' ) As CT
On CT.Key = PostComments.PrimaryKey
) As Z
Order By Z.Rank Desc
EDIT Given the additional information, it is much clearer. First, it would appear that the ranking of the search has no bearing on the results. So, all that is necessary is to use an OR between the search on post information and the search on PostComments:
Select ...
From Posts
Where Contains( Posts.Description, Posts.Title, 'searchterm' )
Or Exists (
Select 1
From PostComments
Where PostComments.PostId = Posts.Id
And Contains( PostComments.Comments, 'searchterm' )

how do i display all the tags related to all the feedbacks in one query

I am trying to write a sql query which fetches all the tags related to every topic being displayed on the page.
like this
TITLE: feedback1
CATEGORY: category1
TAGS: tag1, tag2, tag3
TITLE: feedback2
CATEGORY: category2
TAGS: tag2, tag5, tag7,tag8
TITLE: feedback3
CATEGORY: category3
TAGS: tag1, tag5, tag6, tag3
The relationship of tags to topics is many to many.
Right now I am first fetching all the topics from the "topics" table and to fetch the related tags of every topic I loop over the returned topics array for fetching tags.
But this method is very expensive in terms of speed and not efficient too.
Please help me write this sql query.
Query for fetching all the topics and its information is as follows:
tbl_feedbacks.pk_feedbackid as feedbackId,
tbl_feedbacks.type as feedbackType,
DATE_FORMAT(tbl_feedbacks.createdon,'%M %D, %Y') as postedOn,
tbl_feedbacks.description as description,
tbl_feedbacks.upvotecount as upvotecount,
tbl_feedbacks.downvotecount as downvotecount,
(tbl_feedbacks.upvotecount)-(tbl_feedbacks.downvotecount) as totalvotecount,
tbl_feedbacks.viewcount as viewcount,
tbl_feedbacks.title as feedbackTitle,
tbl_users.email as userEmail,
tbl_users.name as postedBy,
tbl_categories.pk_categoryid as categoryId,
tbl_clients.pk_clientid as clientId
LEFT JOIN tbl_users
ON ( tbl_users.pk_userid = tbl_feedbacks.fk_tbl_users_userid )
LEFT JOIN tbl_categories
ON ( tbl_categories.pk_categoryid = tbl_feedbacks.fk_tbl_categories_categoryid )
LEFT JOIN tbl_clients
ON ( tbl_clients.pk_clientid = tbl_feedbacks.fk_tbl_clients_clientid )
tbl_clients.pk_clientid = '1'
What is the best practice that should be followed in such cases when you need to display all the tags related to every topic being displayed on a single page.
How do I alter the above sql query, so that all the tags plus related information of topics is fetched using a single query.
For a demo of what I am trying to achieve is similar to the'questions' page of stackoverflow.
All the information (tags + information of every topic being displayed) is properly displayed.
To do this, I would have three tables:
[whatever else you need to know for a topic]
select t.[whatever], tag.[whatever]
from topics t
join map m on t.topic_id = m.topic_id
join tags tag on tag.tag_id = m.tag_id
where [conditionals]
Set up partitions and/or indexes on the map table to maximize the speed of your query. For example, if you have many more topics than tags, partition the table on topics. Then, each time you grab all the tags for a topic, it will be 1 read from 1 area, no seeking needed. Make sure to have both topics and tags indexed on their _id.
Use your 'explain plan' tool. (I am not familiar with mysql, but I assume there is some tool that can tell you how a query will be run, so you can optimize it)
So you have the following tables:
The query you provide as a starting point shows how feedback, users, categories and clients relate to each other.
I assume that tbl_topics_tags contains FKs to tags and topics, showing which topic has which tag. Is this correct?
What of (feedbacks, users, categories, and clients) has a FK to topics or tags? Or, do either topics or tags have a FK to any of the initial 4?
Once I know this, I'll be able to show how to modify the query.
There are two different ways to go about this:
The easy way is the just join on your FK. This will give you one row for each tag. It is much easier and more flexible to put together the SQL to do it this way. If you are using some other language to take the results of the query and translate them to present them to the user, this method is better. If nothing else, it will be far more obvious what is going on, and will be easier to debug and maintain.
However, you may want each row of the query results to contain one feedback (and the tags that go with it).
SQL joining question <- this is a question I posted on how to do this. The answer I accepted is an oracle-only answer AFAIK, but there are other non-oracle answers.
Adapting Kevin's answer (which is supposed to work in SQL92 compliant systems):
[other stuff: same as in your post],
(select tag
from tbl_tag tt
join tbl_feedbacks_tags tft on tft.tag_id = tt.tag_id
where tft.fk_feedbackid = tbl_feedbacks.pk_feedbackid
order by tag_id
limit 1
offset 0 ) as tag1,
(select tag
from tbl_tag tt
join tbl_feedbacks_tags tft on tft.tag_id = tt.tag_id
where tft.fk_feedbackid = tbl_feedbacks.pk_feedbackid
order by tag_id
limit 1
offset 1 ) as tag2,
(select tag
from tbl_tag tt
join tbl_feedbacks_tags tft on tft.tag_id = tt.tag_id
where tft.fk_feedbackid = tbl_feedbacks.pk_feedbackid
order by tag_id
limit 1
offset 2 ) as tag3
from [same as in the OP]
This should do the trick.
This will pull the first three tags. AFAIK, there isn't a way to have an arbitrary number of tags. You can expand the number of tags shown by copying and pasting more of those parts of the query. Make sure to increase the offset setting.
If this does not work, you'll probably have to write up another question, focusing on how to do the pivot in mysql. I've never used mysql, so I'm only guessing that this will work based on what others have told me.
One tip: you'll usually get more attention to your question if you strip away all the extra details. In the question I linked to above, I was really joining between 4 or 5 different tables, with many different fields. But I stripped it down to just the part I didn't know (how to get oracle to aggregate my results into one row). I know some stuff, but you can usually do far better than just one person if you trim your question down to the essentials.