VB.Net TreeView NodeMouseClick middle mouse button - vb.net

I have been using the NodeMouseClick event to handle left and right clicks on my TreeNodes for a while. Now I want to add an effect to middle clicking as well, but the NodeMouseClick event doesn't seem to fire on a middle click. Is this a known bug, or should it work fine and I'm just doing something wrong? If it is a bug (or just intended to function this way), how can I make a middle click on a TreeNode do something specific with that node?
Here's a bit of my code:
Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
Call nodeLeft(e.Node)
ElseIf e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle Then
Call nodeMiddle(e.Node)
ElseIf e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
Call nodeRight(e.Node)
End If
End Sub

You can try this version:
Public Class MyTreeView
Inherits TreeView
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &H207
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Dim p As Point = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)
Dim mouseNode As TreeNode = Me.GetNodeAt(p)
If mouseNode IsNot Nothing Then
Me.OnNodeMouseClick(New TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs(mouseNode, MouseButtons.Middle, 1, p.X, p.Y))
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
It will fire the NodeMouseClick event with the middle value set for the Button property. It won't select the node though. To do that, add the line Me.SelectedNode = mouseNode above the OnNodeMouseClick call.


How to stop a timer when mouse is scrolling or on top of scrollbar in listbox

I'm looking for a way to detect and switch off a timer when the mouse cursor is scrolling a listbox.
There is an easy way despite to create a new class like this one?link
Would be possible to check rectangle location of listbox 1 scroll bar and say: if mouse is in this range then timer1.stop?
In order to create a rectangle I'm using
If e.X >= 364 AndAlso e.X <= 446 AndAlso e.Y >= 86 AndAlso e.Y <= 144 Then
MessageBox.Show("Clicked within the rectangle")
MessageBox.Show("Clicked outside the rectangle")
End If
449-359 are the Top left corner location of the rectangle
while the rectangle size is x30 y156
The problem is I don't know in which event let it run!
Listbox click event doesn't recognize scrollbar as "inside of listbox"
Form_mouse click event doesn't recognize listbox scroll bar as a click in the form.
There is an event that despite the control you are on, it will let you play with this workaround?
Here is what I posted on MSDN using this C# code. There is no code presented below that will restart the Timer.
Public Class BetterListBox
Inherits ListBox
' Event declaration
Public Delegate Sub BetterListBoxScrollDelegate(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As BetterListBoxScrollArgs)
Public Event Scroll As BetterListBoxScrollDelegate
' WM_VSCROLL message constants
Private Const WM_VSCROLL As Integer = &H115
Private Const SB_THUMBTRACK As Integer = 5
Private Const SB_ENDSCROLL As Integer = 8
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
' Trap the WM_VSCROLL message to generate the Scroll event
If m.Msg = WM_VSCROLL Then
Dim nfy As Integer = m.WParam.ToInt32() And &HFFFF
If (nfy = SB_THUMBTRACK OrElse nfy = SB_ENDSCROLL) Then
RaiseEvent Scroll(Me, New BetterListBoxScrollArgs(Me.TopIndex, nfy = SB_THUMBTRACK))
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Class BetterListBoxScrollArgs
' Scroll event argument
Private mTop As Integer
Private mTracking As Boolean
Public Sub New(ByVal top As Integer, ByVal tracking As Boolean)
mTop = top
mTracking = tracking
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Top() As Integer
Return mTop
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Tracking() As Boolean
Return mTracking
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Class
Then in your form subscribe to the Scroll event. Requires the ListBox above in your project, one Timer enabled and a Label.
Private Sub BetterListBox1_Scroll(Sender As Object, e As BetterListBox.BetterListBoxScrollArgs) _
Handles BetterListBox1.Scroll
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Label1.Text = Now.ToString()
End Sub

How to raise click event of a panel by clicking on its controls in Vb.net

I've a custom TableLayoutPanel:
Public Class CustomTLP
Inherits TableLayoutPanel
Private labelText As Label = New Label()
Public Sub New([variousParam])
labelText.Text = "Hello Dolly!"
Me.Controls.Add(labelText, 0, 0)
End Sub
End Class
And, in another class, I create a new CustomTLP and its mouse click handler
Dim w As CustomTLP = New CustomTLP (Me, dName)
AddHandler w.MouseClick, AddressOf Me.ABeautifulOperation
The problem is that when i click on the CustomTLP label, the handler doesn't detect the event.
The only solution that came to my mind is to set ABeautifulOperation as public and call it from a label-click handler, but I don't think is an elegant solution... Is there a way to raise the clickevent of the panel? Something like this ( in CustomTLP):
AddHandler labelText.Click, AddressOf labelClicked
Private Sub labelClicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
' Raise Me.MouseClick
End Sub
As suggested by GSerg, just call the base OnClick() method when your Label is clicked:
Private Sub labelClicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Here's a VB version of the Custom Label that will ignore mouse events, thus allowing the parent control to handle them:
Public Class CustomLabel
Inherits Label
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
Const HTTRANSPARENT As Integer = (-1)
If m.Msg = WM_NCHITTEST Then
m.Result = New IntPtr(HTTRANSPARENT)
End If
End Sub
End Class

Enable other event while dragging an object

I'm developing a console where I want to drag a button to a grid:
To drag the button, I use the following procedure:
Public drag As Boolean = False
Public ptX As Integer = 0
Public ptY As Integer = 0
Public btn As Button
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseDown
drag = True
btn = CType(sender, Button)
ptX = e.X : ptY = e.Y
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseMove
If drag Then
btn.Location = New Point(btn.Location.X + e.X - ptX, btn.Location.Y + e.Y - ptY)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseUp
drag = False
End Sub
So far, so good! This works fine for that matter.
However, I'm trying to highlight the cell while hoovering the button on it like this:
To do so, I tried to do the following:
Private Sub CellA1_MouseHover(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CellA1.MouseHover
If drag Then
CellA1.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
End Sub
Of course I can't do that, unless I, somehow, enable the CellA1.MouseHover event while dragging the MoveButton.
Can anyone help me with this?
If, however, you're having a struggling will to help me further, my last goal is to place the MoveButton on the red cell place:
But feel free to don't help me at all with this part of the procedure since I have no code to perform this yet.
Any help will be very appreciated. And, as always, thank you all in advance.
Since your mouse is not actually on the PictureBox when you drag the button it will never raise any mouse events. What you can do instead is to call the GetChildAtPoint() method of your form to get the control behind the button. Once you have that just verify that the name starts with "Cell" and change the back color.
To snap to the cell's location you'll need to indicate to MouseUp which cell we're currently at. Simply store the cell control in a variable and you can then just set yourButton.Location = currentCell.Location
Here are the changes I've made to your code, commented for clarity:
Public drag As Boolean = False
Public ptX As Integer = 0
Public ptY As Integer = 0
Public btn As Button
Public prevCtrl As Control = Nothing 'Store the previous Cell the button was dragged over.
' We need this to be able to reset the BackColor of the Cell,
' and also so that you can snap to its location once you drop the button.
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseDown
'No changes made here.
drag = True
btn = CType(sender, Button)
ptX = e.X : ptY = e.Y
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseMove
If drag Then
btn.Location = New Point(btn.Location.X + e.X - ptX, btn.Location.Y + e.Y - ptY)
'Go 1 pixel up, or else GetChildAtPoint() will return the button instead of the control behind it.
Dim LookPoint As Point = Point.Subtract(btn.Location, New Size(0, 1))
'Get the control located below/behind the button.
Dim ControlBelow As Control = Me.GetChildAtPoint(LookPoint, GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible Or GetChildAtPointSkip.Disabled) 'Ignore invisible or disabled controls.
'Check so that the previous cell is not also the current cell. If they're the same then we won't change anything.
If prevCtrl IsNot ControlBelow Then
'Ok, the current cell and the previous cell are not the same.
'Now check if there was any previous cell at all.
If prevCtrl IsNot Nothing Then
'There was a previous cell, but since the button
'is no longer hovering over it we reset its BackColor.
prevCtrl.BackColor = Color.White
prevCtrl = Nothing
End If
'Check that there infact is a control behind the button,
'and also check that its name starts with "Cell".
If ControlBelow IsNot Nothing AndAlso ControlBelow.Name.StartsWith("Cell", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
'The control behind the button is a valid Cell. Change its BackColor.
ControlBelow.BackColor = Color.Red
prevCtrl = ControlBelow 'The previous cell is now the current cell.
End If
End If
'Me.Refresh() - this is a very unnecessary call, it will just eat CPU. The form does not need to be redrawn at this point.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MoveButton_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MoveButton.MouseUp
'Check if we dragged the button. At this point prevCtrl is the current cell (if it's not Nothing).
If drag = True AndAlso prevCtrl IsNot Nothing Then
btn.Location = prevCtrl.Location 'Snap to the cell's location.
prevCtrl.BackColor = Color.White 'Reset the cell's BackColor.
prevCtrl = Nothing 'Reset this since we're no longer dragging the button.
End If
drag = False
End Sub
And it works like a charm!

Button Array - how to pass a parameter to shared handler

I have a bit of code where i have a dynamically created array or buttons with staff pictures on them, as well as the staff's name. I've added one handler to handle any button click from any of the buttons. where i am stuck is, if you look at the code below, it all works fine, and if you click any of the buttons you get the "aha" test message. but i want the name of the staff clicked on (so btnArray(i).Text) to be passed to the handler for further processing. I tried adding a ByVal parameter to the handler but that caused an error. what's the correct way to do this? As i said, the code below works for me, i just am at a loss as to how to add the extra functionality.
Dim btnArray(staffcount) As System.Windows.Forms.Button
For i As Integer = 1 To staffcount - 1
btnArray(i) = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
btnArray(i).Visible = True
btnArray(i).Width = 80
btnArray(i).Height = 101
btnArray(i).BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(picloc(i))
btnArray(i).BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
btnArray(i).Text = staffname(i)
Dim who As String
who = btnArray(i).Text
AddHandler btnArray(i).Click, AddressOf Me.theButton_Click
btnArray(i).ForeColor = Color.White
btnArray(i).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
Dim fnt As Font
fnt = btnArray(i).Font
btnArray(i).Font = New Font(fnt.Name, 10, FontStyle.Bold)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub theButton_Click()
End Sub
First, correct the signature of your shared handler.
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Once that is done getting the text of the button clicked is a simple matter.
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim textOfButtonClicked As String = DirectCast(sender, Button).Text
End Sub
The sender is the button that was clicked. Since signatures use objects for the sender the DirectCast 'changes' it to button and you then can access the .Text property of the button.
If there are more manipulations you want to perform on the clicked button you could do it this way
Private Sub theButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim whBtn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button) ' get reference to button clicked
Dim textOfButtonClicked As String = whBtn.Text
'e.g. change the color
whBtn.BackColor = Color.LightYellow
End Sub

Mimic Disabled Focus Behaviour in WinForms

In accordance to this Post I'm trying to mimic the behavior of
Enabled = False
without actually disable the Control. (In my case a multiline TextBox)
The next I'm trying to accomplish is to mimic the focus behavior by mouse of a disabled control. If I click on a disabled control it won't get the focus and the control that previously had focus won't loose the focus.
What I came up with so far: I can intercept the WM_SETFOCUS message in WndProc so my control won't recieve focus.
Private Const WM_SETFOCUS = &H7
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If Me.ReadOnly AndAlso (m.Msg = WM_SETFOCUS) Then Exit Sub
End Sub
The problem with that is, that the previous contol lost the focus, which isn't intended. How do I prevent that even the click by mouse will do anything in the focus behaviour? Is there any way to do this?
Update: 06.08.12
As suggested by Justin I solved the problem by changing it to a label in an autoscroll panel. A minimal code example is as followed:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class ScrollableDisabledTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private xLabel As Label
Private xPanel As Panel
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Private Sub InizializeComponent()
xPanel = New Panel
xPanel.AutoScroll = True
xPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
xLabel = New Label
xLabel.Enabled = False
xLabel.AutoSize = True
End Sub
Private Sub Me_EnabledChanged() Handles Me.EnabledChanged
If Me.Enabled Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Me_TextChanged() Handles Me.TextChanged
xLabel.Text = Me.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Me_SizeChanged() Handles Me.SizeChanged
xPanel.Size = Me.Size
xLabel.MaximumSize = New System.Drawing.Size(xPanel.Size.Width, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub Me_ParentChanged() Handles Me.ParentChanged
xPanel.Location = Me.Location
'If parent changed multiple times, remember to remove panel from old parent!
If Not Me.Parent.Controls.Contains(xPanel) Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
I do not believe what you want to do is possible. If you do not have focus, then the scrolling will not work.
However, I posit that you should rethink your original problem. Why not use an AutoSize = true, MaximumSize.Width = ParentWidth label (which could be disabled) inside of a panel that will autoscroll. This sounds like what you are really looking for.