How to share a Data object among a set of delegates? - objective-c

Following the MVC pattern stressed in various Objective-C programming guides, when I use Model with Controller, I should set the Controller as the delegate of the given Model. Now I have a huge Data object that's very expensive to create, and there're a few Controllers that need to work with this Data object. As long as the delegate property is set to the right Controller the Data object will work fine for THAT controller. Is there a way to share this model among these controllers?
I've brainstormed for a while, but haven't thought of any especially good solutions. A few things that I've come up
use notification center (but it seems expensive to set up such a relationship just for this specific case)
make each method of the Data object take a delegate argument: this is what I'm currently using now, but it is clunky and is reaching its limit
Thanks for people who have suggested to me using an NSArray. I think I forget to include this subtlty:
For my case say one of the delegates, A, wants to query the Data object by using one of its specific methods. The result would be correct if the delegate field of the Data object is set to A. But from what I understand using an array and calling the method on every delegate wouldn't give me the answer I want.
In fact since my Data object couldn't know which delegate is calling it, it can't give back the correct result even if it knows about all the delegates it should be associated with
Any thought on this?

You could make an NSArray with delegates and then just call the method on every delegate in your array. (Watch out for retain cycles).

If you don't want to use notifications you can try using a multicast delegate approach. In this you would keep an NSMutableArray of delegates instead of a single one. So instead of setting the delegate you would add and remove delegates from your delegate array. When calling a delegate you would then call that delegate method on each delegate in the array, checking each one if it response to that particular callback.
You can also control the order the delegates are called in if you so wish since you create and manage the delegate array yourself.

What I ended up doing is setting up another level of indirection - each Controller will be communicating with a 'middleware' object, which in turn communicates with the Data object. In this way, the common delegate-delegatee approach is preserved while the Data object only needs to be created once - at the expense of added 'middleman' object for each Controller.
In my example, the 'middleware' object will have a Controller set as its delegate property, and when that Controller wants to know information about the Data object, the 'middleware' object will then use its delegate property to query information from the Data object.


iOS singleton with static data

I'm working with game center and wanted to have a singleton class for accessing the GK functionality which I've setup, but I then introduced a couple of methods which needed a delegate. Obviously delegates can't really work properly with a singleton, but I want/need the data loaded in this class to be loaded once and be there all the time.
Is there a nice way that I'm missing of keeping the data there all the time, but having the class instantiated as and when it's needed?
Yoy say "singleton class", and by that I assume you mean that this class only has class methods. That's fine, you can still use it, since class objects are still objects. That said, you will probably need to maintain state. Each delegate call will include some parameter that allows the object to identify the sender.
What I would probably do myself is create a NSMutableDictionary in an "initialize" method, then have objects register themselves before sending delegate methods, and when they register create another mutableDictionary, and save that in the first one with the sending object as the key (or some other unique identifier).
Every delegate call has to include the sender, and with that you can retrieve the dictionary associated with that object.

Objective-C Cocoa Touch: Delegates - I almost get it. Last steps

OK I alllmost get it. I've done a bunch of reading in objective-c and I really want to understand delegation because it seems super important for cocoa-touch and I want to design an iPhone app.
So, a delegate is an object that can be given a certain task. It is said to follow a 'protocol' if it implements certain functions. So a view-controller, for example, can say "hey, I'm not sure where to get this data from..or hey, I'm not sure how to format this thing...can you do it for me?" and the delegate is like "sure I got you covered".
OK that makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me is how I get the delegate to return stuff to a view controller. Like say my delegate can go to a URL and read a sports score or something. So I say "delegate get me this score" do I get the view controller to say "got it, here it is" and then have it inside the view controller. There might be a gap in my understanding here. Would I have to instantiate the view controller inside the delegate? That doesn't make sense to me...because then I'd have two view controllers...Feel free to change my analogy if you can make it clearer.
I think you're confused because a similar pattern is used for (but is not limited to!) two common tasks, both of which apply to your situation.
The patterns
Having an external object provide data for you (this is usually called a data source). See, for example, the UITableViewDataSource protocol.
This is implemented by a return value from the method: such as - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
The object implementing the protocol returns some value (in this case, a cell) to the caller.
The thing I'll mention about data sources: the data source itself (the object implementing the protocol) usually contains more of your application's custom logic, while the controller which requires a data source can be more generic. For example, UITableView is a generic view controller that displays a table view, while a class implementing the UITableViewDataSource protocol needs to know the details of your application's database.
(However, to be thorough, you do often subclass UITableView for custom logic, but this is most often presentation logic and not business logic.)
These methods call in to your application logic, and are expected to return immediately.
Providing callbacks once you've finished loading data.
For example, the NSURLConnection class has the corresponding NSURLConnectionDelegate protocol. The most common use pattern is:
Your object creates a NSURLConnection, with itself as the delegate.
You configure and start the connection.
You receive progress and data via the delegate methods you implement.
In this case the object which requires a delegate is an auxiliary object that knows how to load data from a URL in the background. The delegate methods are callbacks to your application logic, and are called at any time after the object is told to start loading data (or whatever it's designed to do).
Delegation is also used for other things on iOS, such as the UI-related tasks performed by objects conforming to UITableViewDelegate.
Your situation
This all depends on what your application is, and what your view controller is responsible for — but it sounds like you want the view controller to delegate the loading of data — basically, it needs a data source. (You should also consider if the built-in UITableView & UITableViewDataSource might suit your needs.) But if your data source is going to asynchronously load data from the internet, it might need to implement some data-loading callbacks via something such as NSURLConnection.
These two methods don't necessarily go together well, because the view controller will expect its data source to immediately return data, but the data source might need to wait for data to load.
This is why UITableView has a method -reloadData, so the object which serves as the data source can tell it when data is available. You might want to use a pattern like this in your application.
(But again, in all likelihood you won't need to implement a fully custom stack — either you can combine some classes to reduce your use of delegation, or you can use more built-in classes to suit your needs.)
Define your protocol's methods with return values.
That said, getting a URL is a bad example, since waiting for a delegate to return the results would block the calling thread. In this case, you would have to have a way for the delegate to call back with the results when done. This can be achieved either by passing a delegate to the delegate, or passing one or more Objective-C blocks to the delegate (onSuccess, onError, …).
On that subject, blocks are much easier to code than delegates and protocols, and are gradually supplanting them in Apple's and third-party APIs.

How do I observe the creation/destruction of an object instance?

I am smitten by KVC/KVO. Super powerful. There is one problem though. I'm trying to be true the the MVC etho but I see no way to use an observation pattern to monitor the allocation or deallocation of an Objective-C class instance.
This is actually important as I have a model with fine-grained internal messaging that I want to observe from a controller (or delegate). The stumbling block for me is I don't see how, external to the model, I can remove an observer for a sub-component that is about to be deallocated without the controller knowing about the internal logic of the model which would compromise encapsulation.
Can someone suggest an approach for this scenario.
Doug - there really isn't enough information in your description to know what it is you are doing and how to best (or if it is appropriate at all) apply KVO to the problem.
KVO is all about observing properties on objects. You typically shouldn't care when they are created or destroyed except insofar as you must stop observing them before they are destroyed.
You should instead start and stop observing objects when those objects become interesting to you. Consider a graphics drawing package where a document has an ordered array of shapes, and you are interested in observing the backgroundColor property of each shape.
We wouldn't try to observe the instantiation and deallocation of the Shape instance, but instead we observe the "shapes" property on the document. Through that observer, we can determine when a shape is added to, or removed from, the document. When a shape is added to the document, we start observing it. When it is removed from the document, we stop observing it. (Note that it may be removed from the document but not deallocated, if it is on the undo stack, etc.)
In the object graph for your model, to use KVO you'll want to add and remove the objects from your object graph in a KVO compliant way so you can observe the relationship mutations, and in that observer, start and stop property observers on the related objects.
I think you'll have to post the notifications yourself, unless you use something like CoreData. If you're using CoreData, NSManagedObject (the root class of all stored CoreData objects) has an -awakeFromInsert method that gets called after the object has been created and inserted into the ManagedObjectContext.
As for destruction, you could probably just post a notification right as you enter the -dealloc method.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve, so a little more explanation would be good.
If you just want to remove an observer before the observed object gets deallocated, then don't worry, because KVO will handle it. Even if you're using notifications it won't cause a problem, you just won't receive any notifications from the object.
If you're trying to observe multiple objects (e.g. an array of Widgets), and would like to know when an object is added or deleted, KVO can handle that too. You just have to make the array a key on your model object, and observe it with KVO. You also have to modify the array in a KVO compliant way (e.g. mutableArrayForKey:, or use your own willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey).

Is it bad practice for a delegate to have a reference to the object for which it is the delegate?

I'm using the delegate pattern for one of my objects. My idea is that I will be able to swap the delegate out later for a different delegate implementing a different strategy. I suppose this is just as much the strategy pattern as the delegate pattern.
My question is, is it bad practice for my delegate to have a reference back to the object for which it is the delegate? There are a couple properties of that object that I need to have access to regardless of which delegate/strategy I use. If this is bad form, how should I get access to the properties?
Not necessarily. For example, it's quite common for a "controller"-type object to create data objects and views and make itself the delegate of some of those objects in order to properly control things.
It is not at all bad practice. The delegate pattern allows for a class to have a generic way to talk to any number of objects as long as the implement the same protocol. But the class on which you set the delegate also will usually have a number of public properties or methods that allow you to query or alter what the class is doing, in response to which the class may in turn trigger a number of the delegate calls. So you need a reference of the class to which you are the delegate, in order to tell the object to do something different than it is already, and of course to release it when you are through with it!
This is also why it's important to always have any delegate properties as assign, and not retain, properties. That way when the originating class is released it will actually be released, instead of having delegate objects it is holding onto causing a retain loop that keeps both around.
It's also why whenever you are being released, you should set the delegate reference to nil in anything you may have a delegate reference set. This way a class will not have an invalid delegate reference if the delegate is released before the class that uses a delegate.
Generally a dependency should not have a reference back to the dependent object, as this would be a classical circle reference. To avoid having a back-reference you can supply the needed properties as arguments in a delegate method, or you move the properties themselves into the delegate.
I'd say yes, it's bad practice. The idea behind a delegate is that it's effectively a standalone object that receives messages about the object for which it is the delegate (the "delegator"). The delegator should have a reference to the delegate, not the other way around, otherwise it's not a true delegation relationship anymore.
A preferred way to accomplish what you're asking is to provide the sending object along with whatever message your delegate receives. For example, on your delegate, instead of having a delegator property and then receiving, for example, a didDoSomething:(id)anObject method, you could remove the delegator property and send the message delegator:(id)anObject didDoSomething:(id)anotherObject. This way, you keep the delegate distinct from the delegator, but still get access to the delegator's properties when you need them.
This way also has the advantage of not providing access to the delegator in methods when you don't truly need it; for example, your delegate could have a didDoSomething method that takes no arguments, not even a delegator, and is just used for logging, as well as a delegator:(id)anObject didSomethingElse:(id)anotherObject method that calls some properties on the delegator and is much more involved.
Finally, this method allows you to use the same delegate for multiple delegators, since you don't need to update a delegator property for each delegate object.
For a good example of how this works, take a look at the NSURLConnection documentation, specifically its delegate methods - a lot of them take the form connection:didDoSomething:, where the first argument is the connection calling the delegator. Developers commonly define a single connection delegate for multiple connections, implementing their delegate methods to do different things depending on properties of the NSURLConnection object passed in.

What describes objective-C and Cocoa Bindings best?

I have trouble understanding Cocoa Bindings. Can someone explain me what this is all about, in an way that is humanly perceivable?
Bindings is a system for connecting your views to your controllers without writing a lot of glue code to make them explicitly talk to each other. All you have to do is set up properties in both classes* and hook up the binding in IB.
The traditional approach is that the view has one or more outlets to talk to the controller (the most generic examples being delegate and target) and the controller has outlets to talk to the views. When the controller updates the model, it sends (for example) [view modelChange:newModelObject]. When the view wants to update the model, it sends some delegate message to its delegate (the controller), such as NSText's textDidChange:.
With Bindings, all you have to do in code is implement properties on the view and properties on the controller, then expose one or more properties of the view as bindings*. Then you only need to hook up the binding. If it's a Cocoa class, this is cake: just set it up in IB. If it's a custom class of your own, you'll probably write the bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: message yourself (not much harder).
Let me restate that: With Bindings, your entire glue code (most of the time) is [view bind:#"viewProperty" toObject:self withKeyPath:#"controllerProperty.modelProperty" options:options]; in the controller. Everything else is handled by the Bindings and KVO systems behind the scenes, and by your properties' accessors.
The disadvantage is that you must strictly conform to Cocoa Bindings' requirements. These are simple, but a lot of older applications are designed in a way that doesn't fit Cocoa Bindings.
You must create real model objects, not just pass primitive objects (e.g., arrays of dictionaries) around. If you're using Core Data, this is easy: your managed objects are model objects.
You must either write your accessors correctly or synthesize the correct accessors. For example, an NSString property should always be #property(copy), never #property(retain) (because otherwise, you will find yourself retaining someone else's mutable string, which they will then mutate while you're holding it).
You must only change properties of your model objects by their properties ( = bar) or by accessor messages ([model setFoo:bar]), never by direct instance variable access. (Obvious exception for accessor methods themselves, if you've written your own, because they must access the instance variable directly.)
There are two advantages:
You can write a brand new view class without having to rip out a lot of glue code. The most you'll have to delete is some bind:::: messages for the old view's properties. If, a couple of years down the road, you decide that your current view just can't scale to your application's forthcoming capabilities, this gives you the flexibility to rip it out and start afresh with the minimum of pain.
More importantly, the less code you have to read, the easier it is to read it.
*And, according to the documentation, implement a KVO observation method in the view class, but I've never actually had to do this. I filed a documentation bug.
Added 2009-03-07: Ah, found a citation. “NSView subclasses can expose additional key-value-coding/key-value-observing compliant properties as bindings by calling the class method exposeBinding: for each of the properties.” —NSKeyValueBindingCreation So you shouldn't need to implement a KVO observation method.
Previous answer is very comperhensive and good, I'd just thought I'd add an answer explains what it is at its core without involving Cocoa or Objective-C specifically. That is because the concept itself is language agnostic although dynamic languages like Objective-C makes it a lot easier than more static language like C++.
Say you have two objects M and V. M has methods:
setX(int x);
setY(int y);
int getX();
int getY();
While V has methods:
setA(int x);
setB(int y);
int getA();
int getB();
One way of looking at this is that M has properties x and y and V has properties a and b. You want a change of property x to cause a change in property b and a change in y to cause a change in a.
By change in property x we mean e.g.:
where previously
M.getX() != 10
So we want a call of setX on M to cause a call to setA on V.
What bindings allow you to say is that property b on object V is bound to property x on object M. And then this updating is handled automatically. You as a coder don't have to write code that checks if x is changed and then call setB on V. Bindings takes care of this automatically.
Bindings allows you to bind two properties together that exist on two different objects, so that changing the value of one of the properties causes the dependant property in the other object to change to the same value.