Creating an Excel Macro to delete rows if a column value repeats consecutively less than 3 times - vba

The data I have can be simplified to this:
In this example, I would like to delete the data associated with track 2, since it has only 3 frames associated with it. All data with more than 3 associated frames can stay.
The frame number does not always start from 1, as I've tried to demonstrate. The track number will always be the same number consecutively for as many frames as are tracked. I was thinking of using a function to append 1 to a variable for every consecutive value in column A, then performing a test to see if this value is equal >= 3. If so, then go onto the next integer in A, if no, then delete all rows marked with that integer (2, in this case).
Is this possible with Visual Basic in an Excel Macro, and can anyone give me some starting tips on what functions I might be able to use? Complete novice here. I haven't found anything similar for VBA, only for R.

I assume you understand the code by reading it.
Option Explicit
Public Function GetCountOfRowsForEachTrack(ByVal sourceColumn As Range) As _
Dim cell As Range
Dim trackValue As String
Dim groupedData As Scripting.Dictionary
Set groupedData = New Scripting.Dictionary
For Each cell In sourceColumn
trackValue = cell.Value
If groupedData.Exists(trackValue) Then
groupedData(trackValue) = cell.Address(False, False) + "," + groupedData(trackValue)
groupedData(trackValue) = cell.Address(False, False)
End If
Set GetCountOfRowsForEachTrack = groupedData
End Function
Public Sub DeleteRowsWhereTrackLTE3()
Dim groupedData As Scripting.Dictionary
Set groupedData = GetCountOfRowsForEachTrack(Range("A2:A15"))
Dim cellsToBeDeleted As String
Dim item
For Each item In groupedData.Items
If UBound(Split(item, ",")) <= 2 Then
cellsToBeDeleted = item + IIf(cellsToBeDeleted <> "", "," + cellsToBeDeleted, "")
End If
End Sub
GetCountOfRowsForEachTrack is a function returning a dictionary (which stores track number as key, cell address associated with that track as string)
DeleteRowsWhereTrackLTE3 is the procedure which uses GetCountOfRowsForEachTrack to get the aggregated info of Track numbers and cells associated with it. This method loops through the dictionary and checks if the number of cells associated with track is <=2 (because splitting the string returns an array which starts from 0). It builds a string of address of such cells and deletes it all at once towards the end.
Add the following code in a bas module (or a specific sheet where
you have the data).
Add reference to "Microsoft Scripting.Runtime" library. Inside VBA, click on "Tools" -> "References" menu. Tick the "Microsoft Scripting.Runtime" and click on OK.
I have used A2:A15 as an example. Please modify it as per your cell range.
The assumption is that you don't have thousands of cells to be deleted, in which case the method could fail.
Make a call to DeleteRowsWhereTrackLTE3 to remove such rows.


Remove duplicate values and cells from one column

I have tried so many methods from the removeduplicates, selections and scripting dictionaries and I cannot get this to work. I do understand there are multiple ways to do this but if any of you can help, that would be great.
I have one list of values that I am pulling through from another sheet (up to approx 80k rows) into cell B13 downwards. I am then trying to remove the duplicate values and cells so I am left with unique values which I can then use to perform lookups on other sheets.
Sub Address_Sage()
Dim dataBook As Workbook
Dim dict As Object
Dim Sage_Data As Worksheet, Address As Worksheet
Dim dataSource As Range, dataDest As Range
Dim sourceDataRowCount As Integer, index As Integer
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim strVal As String
Set dataBook = Application.ThisWorkbook
Set sheetSource = dataBook.Sheets("Sage_Data")
Set sheetDest = dataBook.Sheets("Address")
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dataSource = sheetSource.Range("A3", _
sourceDataRowCount = dataSource.Rows.Count
Set dataDest = sheetDest.Range("B13", "B" & _
For index = 1 To sourceDataRowCount
dataDest(index, 1).Value = dataSource(index, 1).Value
Next index
rowCount = ActiveSheet.Range("B13").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Do While rowCount > 0
strVal = Address.Cells(rowCount, 1).Value2
If dict.exists(strVal) Then
dict.Add strVal, 0
End If
rowCount = rowCount - 1
'Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
It always gets stuck on strVal line. I have tried changing value2 to value1 as I only have column but no luck.
thank you
Not super experienced in VBA so I can't speak to exactly what you're doing and what your code is saying but I thought I'd share this with you. Last week I had to create a macrobook that returned the unique entries of electrical defects that different crews observed while on the job. I made a dictionary that read all of the entries in the spreadsheet and then later printed all of the unique entries. I'll post the code and try to walk you through it.
If .Range("A" & i) <> "" Then
If dict.Exists(data) Then
dict(data) = dict(data) + 1
dict.Add Key:=Data, Item:="1"
End If
End If
So the code basically says if column A (i is simply an incrementer) is not empty, then we're going to read the entries of column A. Data is simply a variable and you would set it equal to the range of values you'd like read in the dictionary. Obviously dictionary keys are unique and cannot repeat, so the code asks if the key already exists in the dictionary. If so, we will add one to it's count or value. And if not we will add that key to the dictionary. At the end of your loop, your dictionary will have stored all unique entries and the number of times they appeared.
Now we can reference them or print them.
For r = 0 To dict.Count
Sheets("Results").Range("B" & iResults) = dict.Keys(r)
Sheets("Results").Range("C" & iResults) = dict(dict.Keys(r))
This second piece of code is a loop from 0 to the number of entries in your dictionary. It starts at zero because the dictionary is stored like an array and VBA arrays are base zero. The first statement will print the unique keys for every r until there are no more entries in the dictionary. The second statement will print the value or items associated with them. It will be an integer value equal to the number of times that unique entry showed up in your data.
You can use this same method for other purposes as well, not just printing the data but referencing it and using it somewhere else. But I am sure you will find that the For-loop with dict.Keys(r) is the easiest way to run through your dictionary entries. Took me a few days to figure it out and it revolutionized my program. Hope this helps you out.

Macro query spread over multiple-sheets

Wording my question is slightly tricky so I've included screen-shots to make this easier. I have 2 separate spreadsheets which are currently not linked together in anyway. What I've been asked to do is:
For the drop-downs which have a * next to them, have this * drop-down get converted into a acronym (I.e. If it's Home Visit *, then this will be converted to HV), and have it automatically entered into Cell Position X. Please refer to Image 1 then Image 2)
So the user would click on Sheet one, select the relevant drop-down field and then assign how much time that task took. The second sheet would then update itself with this information - it would insert the users name, program and activities. This is where it gets very tricky. Based off the drop-down selection, if it is asterisked (*), then based off the field-type it will convert it into a set acronym which would then be placed in one of the data fields based off the entry date that has been provided.
I designed both spread-sheets and they have macros in the background, but I can't seem to work out how to best perform this. Would you suggest a transpose function which checks firstly the date criteria and then an INDEX(MATCH) function to match the criteria against a pre-defined name-range which converts Home Visit etc. to HV automatically? I'm also unsure of how to insert delimiters for each new entry that is read. If anyone can provide help I would be very grateful.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but here goes:
What about adding a Worksheet_Change event to look for changes in the drop-down's cell, and then converting it to an acronym?
Place the following code inside the sheet of interest:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'If Cell A1 is changed, put the acronym into A2
If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
Cells(2, 1) = GetAcronym(Target.Value)
End If
End Sub
Function GetAcronym(TheText As String) As String
Dim result As String
Dim x As Long
'Always grab the first letter
result = Mid(TheText, 1, 1)
'Get the other letters
For x = 2 To Len(TheText) - 1
If Mid(TheText, x, 1) = " " Then result = result & Mid(TheText, x + 1, 1)
Next x
GetAcronym = UCase(result)
End Function

Runtime error 91: object variable or with block variable not set

I'm running a macro in Word which, among other things, adds a line to the bottom of a table already existing in the document and fills certain cells. The odd thing is that for the majority of the documents it Works, however there are a couple of documents for which I receive the Run Time error 91.
'Update the document properties, updates the header, updates the table of contents,
' and adds a file to the Version History table.
Sub zzAddVersionHistory(strUsuario As String, strDescripcion As String)
Dim newDate As String
Dim rowNumber As Integer
Dim rowNew As Row
Dim strIssue As String
Dim ascIssue As Integer
'Updates the Date property
newDate = Format(Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("Date").Value = newDate
'Finds the version from the Issue property and updates the version
If DocPropertyExists("Issue") = True Then
strIssue = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("Issue").Value
ascIssue = (Asc(strIssue)) + 1 'Convierte el Issue en ascii y le suma uno
strIssue = Chr(ascIssue) 'Convierte el ascii en caracter
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("Issue").Value = strIssue
End If
'Updates Header and footer
'Updates Fields
'Accepts changes in header y footer
'Adds a row to the table
rowNumber = Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Count
Set rowNew = Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Add
'Inserts KTC Issue In first cell of the new row
rowNew.Cells(1).Range.InsertAfter (strIssue) ''' Runtime-error here
'Inserts Issued By in the third cell of the new row
rowNew.Cells(3).Range.InsertAfter (strUsuario)
'Inserts the Date in the fourth cell of the new row
rowNew.Cells(4).Range.InsertAfter (newDate)
'Inserts Description of Changes in the fifth cell of the new row
rowNew.Cells(5).Range.InsertAfter (strDescripcion)
'Updates the Table of Contents
End Sub
If needed I can provide the subs and functions called by the macro, but I don't think they have anything to do with the issue.
I believe the problem is somewhere in those documents, in the table format, but I could not find an explanation anywhere nor I can find any difference with the tables in other documents.
Nested tables mess up the cells collection. Once you manually merge/split cells on the last row and then add a new row, things become... different. Save as rtf, look at the code, and scratch your head.
Use one (the first? second?) "standard" row to count the columns and adjust the code in case the column count / cells count of the last row differs from that "norm". Use "Selection" and a breakpoint to investigate the troublesome table to learn how to handle these special cases.

VBA: Syntax for dynamic CountIf Ranges

I'll do my best to try and explain my problem, but it's still a bit fuzzy in my mind so this might not be as clear as it should be, for which I apologize in advance.
Here's the part of my code I'm having trouble with:
If Application.WorksheetFunction.countif(Range("D:D"), Cells(x, firstcolumn).Value) _
And Application.WorksheetFunction.countif(Range("F:F"), Cells(x, firstcolumn).Value) _
And Application.WorksheetFunction.countif(Range("H:H"), Cells(x, firstcolumn).Value) Then
The idea behind this project is to check if the values in "Cells(x, firstcolumn)" are present in columns D, F and H at the same time, and then paste the values somewhere else.
However the number of columns to check for the "Cells(x, firstcolumn)" values could be changed, so values would need to be checked in any number of columns (2, 10 etc). My code works perfectly for the specified Ranges but if one is missing or more are added then it stops working.
The columns to check against are always offset by 2 from the firstcolumn and firstcolumn is always B, it will be checked against D, F, H and so on while columns C,E,G etc have other data not relevant for this part.
My best guess is to have the countif Ranges changed dynamically but I'm at a loss of when and how this should be done...
Could anyone point me towards the right direction in order to achieve this? I can post the full code if needed.
You need to extract a function here. Something like this:
Private Function IsPresentInRange(ByVal source As Range, ByVal value As Variant) As Boolean
IsPresentInRange = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(source, value) > 0
End Function
And then you need a way to figure out what ranges you need to give it for a source parameter - that can be a function of its own, or you can hard-code them somewhere; basically you want to have a concept of a group of ranges to call that function with - this would be the simplest:
Private Function GetSourceRanges() As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
result.Add Range("D:D")
result.Add Range("F:F")
result.Add Range("H:H")
'maintain this list here
Set GetSourceRanges = result
End Function
Ideally you would have some logic coded there, so that you don't need to manually add ranges to that collection every time.
And then you can just iterate these ranges and determine if you get a count > 0 for all of them:
Dim sources As Collection
Set sources = GetSourceRanges
Dim result As Boolean
result = True
Dim sourceRange As Range
For Each sourceRange In sources
result = result And IsPresentInRange(sourceRange, Cells(x, firstcolumn).Value)
If result Then
' whatever you had in that If block
End If

VBA Macro: Trying to code "if two cells are the same, then nothing, else shift rows down"

My Goal: To get all data about the same subject from multiple reports (already in the same spreadsheet) in the same row.
Rambling Backstory: Every month I get a new datadump Excel spreadsheet with several reports of variable lengths side-by-side (across columns). Most of these reports have overlapping subjects, but not entirely. Fortunately, when they are talking about the same subject, it is noted by a number. This number tag is always the first column at the beginning of each report. However, because of the variable lengths of reports, the same subjects are not in the same rows. The columns with the numbers never shift (report1's numbers are always column A, report2's are always column G, etc) and numbers are always in ascending order.
My Goal Solution: Since the columns with the ascending numbers do not change, I've been trying to write VBA code for a Macro that compares (for example) the number of the active datarow with from column A with Column G. If the number is the same, do nothing, else move all the data in that row (and under it) from columns G:J down a line. Then move on to the next datarow.
I've tried: I've written several "For Each"s and a few loops with DataRow + 1 to and calling what I thought would make the comparisons, but they've all failed miserably. I can't tell if I'm just getting the syntax wrong or its a faulty concept. Also, none of my searches have turned up this problem or even parts of it I can maraud and cobble together. Although that may be more of a reflection of my googling skill :)
Any and all help would be appreciated!
Note: In case it's important, the columns have headers. I've just been using DataRow = Found.Row + 1 to circumvent. Additionally, I'm very new at this and self-taught, so please feel free to explain in great detail
I think I understand your objective and this should work. It doesn't use any of the methodology you were using as reading your explanation I had a good idea how to proceed. If it isn't what you are looking for my apologies.
It starts at a predefined column (see FIRST_ROW constant) and goes row by row comparing the two cells (MAIN_COLUMN & CHILD_COLUMN). If MAIN_COLUMN < CHILD_COLUMN it pushes everything between SHIFT_START & SHIFT_END down one row. It continues until it hits an empty row.
Sub AlignData()
Const FIRST_ROW As Long = 2 ' So you can skip a header row, or multiple rows
Const MAIN_COLUMN As Long = 1 ' this is your primary ID field
Const CHILD_COLUMN As Long = 7 ' this is your alternate ID field (the one we want to push down)
Const SHIFT_START As String = "G" ' the first column to push
Const SHIFT_END As String = "O" ' the last column to push
Dim row As Long
Dim xs As Worksheet
Set xs = ActiveSheet
Dim im_done As Boolean
im_done = False
Do Until im_done
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(xs.Rows(row)) = 0 Then
im_done = True
If xs.Cells(row, MAIN_COLUMN).Value < xs.Cells(row, CHILD_COLUMN).Value Then
xs.Range(Cells(row, SHIFT_START), Cells(row, SHIFT_END)).Insert Shift:=xlDown
Debug.Print "Pushed row: " & row & " down!"
End If
row = row + 1
End If
End Sub
I modified the code to work as a macro. You should be able to create it right from the macro dialog and run it from there also. Just paste the code right in and make sure the Sub and End Sub lines don't get duplicated. It no longer accepts a worksheet name but instead runs against the currently active worksheet.