VBA Timeout DoCmd.RunSQL Insert - sql

Having a problem with a MS Access application that is throwing an ODBC connection timeout error on a DoCmd.RunSQL with an insert on a MS SQL Server linked table.
I've tried using:
Dim Mydb As Database
Set Mydb = CurrentDb
Mydb.QueryTimeout = 900
per the closest MSDN I could find, but did not work. I can insert into that SQL DB with less than 3-seconds query run time from SQL Management Studio, but from Access it gives this timeout.
Anyone else ran into the issue and/or found a remedy?

I would suggest creating a pass through query for this. With the pass through query you can set the timeout option on the property sheet. It is listed as
ODBC Timeout
If you set this to 0 it will wait until the query returns records. The other great thing about the pass through query is the SQL Server is what is doing the actual work and then it returns all of the records back to Access so it runs more efficient.

When you open the query in design view, there is a property ODBC Timeout. (Right click in blank -> Properties)
Have you tried setting it to 0 (infinite) or to a higher value?
It works for me!


OLE DB or ODBC error. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed

OLE DB or ODBC error.
An error occurred while processing table 'Query 1'.
The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
Out of line object 'DataSourceView', referring to ID(s) 'Temp_DSV', has been specified but has not been used.
I got the above error when i ran a query in Power Pivot for excel. Can somebody tell me , what might be the reason?
i got this message error too in mylast 7 days.
My solution is running first in example select top 10 * in sql server management studio, then go to excel, running query in power pivot again.
I dont know why this is solve, but it save me, in many times.
Maybe your query exceeds the memory limitations of 32bit Excel. Try to limit your query with a WHERE clause.
Also see this related question:
How to debug OLE DB or ODBC error (import data from MySql to Excel)

"Select data source" popping-up when executing a SQL writed query

I try to create a pretty complex database on ms Access 2013, so I wanted to type it directly in SQL. It has no errors, as other DBMS can fully build the database from the script I wrote (for example, phpmyadmin imports it with no difficulty).
On this tutorial, it is showed how to write a SQL query in order to build tables. I thought this way matched well with my goal as I could copy-paste my script in the query and run it to create the whole thing.
But when I tried to open/double-click on the query a pop-up appears saying "Select data source", waiting for me to select an ODBC, either from a file or a host, before continuing and executing the query.
I tried other types of queries (creating only one table at time, trying on a blank file, or even SELECT * FROM *), bt this message keeps showing up and I really don't know how to deal with it as I don't want to connect to anything but the infile database.
Does anyone got a hint about what to do in this case?
Or, even better, how could Access import my SQL script in order to create the database?
You should configure the database connection in the ODBC and check whether the connection is established or not. Once the connection is established, you can run the query to fetch the data or create tables as per your requirement.

Measuring MS Access SQL query duration

I'm trying to compare MS Access SQL queries for local table vs linked table
(it is linked to an Oracle and to a SQL Server database).
I can get query duration when running the SQL command directly on Oracle or SQL Server, but when running the SQL in MS Access, I don't know how to capture the query duration.
Is there a way to get the query duration when running a SQL command inside MS Access?
Thanks. :-)
Yes, it is.
Record in a variable the actual time.
Create a recordset with data source pointing to your query/view/table
Open the recordset (eventually you may check the recordcount)
Record in another variable the actual time
DateDiff between 1. amd 4.
Access does not provide that sort of information, unlike server databases.
You could use a Form Timer and get an idea of the duration, but with linked tables a lot of that depends on the network, server overhead, etc.

How to prevent 'query timeout expired'? (SQLNCLI11 error '80040e31')

I have a connection to a MS SQL Server 2012 database in classic ASP (VBScript). This is my connection string:
Provider=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=localhost;
When I execute this SQL command:
UPDATE [info] SET [stamp]='2014-03-18 01:00:02',
[data]='12533 characters goes here',
[saved]='2014-03-18 01:00:00',
WHERE [ID]=193246;
I get the following error:
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
error '80040e31'
Query timeout expired
/functions.asp, line 476
The SQL query is pretty long, the data field is updated with 12533 characters. The ID column is indexed so finding the post with ID 193246 should be fast.
When I execute the exact same SQL expression (copied and pasted) on SQL Server Management Studio it completes successfully in no time. No problem what so ever. So there isn't a problem with the SQL itself. I've even tried using a ADODB.Recordset object and update via that (no self-written SQL) but I still get the same timeout error.
If I go to Tools > Options > Query Execution in the Management Studio I see that execution time-out is set to 0 (infinite). Under Tools > Options > Designers I see that transaction time-out is set to 30 seconds, which should be plenty enough since the script and database is on the same computer ("localhost" is in the connection string).
What is going on here? Why can I execute the SQL in the Management Studio but not in my ASP code?
Edit: Tried setting the 30 sec timeout in the Designers tab to 600 sec just to make sure, but I still get the same error (happens after 30 sec of page loading btw).
Here is the code that I use to execute the SQL on the ASP page:
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;
Conn.Execute "UPDATE [info] SET [stamp]='2014-03-18 01:00:02',
[data]='12533 characters goes here',[saved]='2014-03-18 01:00:00',
WHERE [ID]=193246;"
Edit 2: Using Conn.CommandTimeout = 0 to give infinite execution time for the query does nothing, it just makes the query execute forever. Waited 25 min and it was still executing.
I then tried to separate the SQL into two SQL statements, the long data update in one and the other updates in the other. It still wouldn't update the long data field, just got timeout.
I tried this with two additional connection strings:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=databank;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypassword;
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost;Database=databank;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypassword;
Didn't work. I even tried changing the data to 12533 A's just to see if the actual data was causing the problem. Nope, same problem.
Then I found out something interesting: I tried to execute the short SQL first, before the long update of the data field. It ALSO got query timeout exception...
But why? It has so little stuff to update in it (the whole SQL statement is less than 200 characters). Will investigate further.
Edit 3: I thought it might have been something to do with the login but I didn't find anything that looked wrong. I even tried changing the connection string to use the sa-account but even that didn't work, still getting "Query timeout expired".
This is driving me mad. There is no solution, no workaround and worst of all no ideas!
Edit 4: Went to Tools > Options > Designers in the Management Studio and ticked off the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation". It did nothing.
Tried changing the "data" column data type from "nvarchar(MAX)" to the inferior "ntext" type (I'm getting desperate). It didn't work.
Tried executing the smallest change on the post I could think of:
UPDATE [info] SET [confirmed]=0 WHERE [ID]=193246;
That would set a bit column to false. Didn't work. I tried executing the exact same query in the Management Studio and it worked flawlessly.
Throw me some ideas if you have got them because I'm running out for real now.
Edit 5: Have now also tried the following connection string:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=mypassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Initial Catalog=databank;Data Source=localhost
Didn't work. Only tried to set confirmed to false but still got a time out.
Edit 6: Have now attempted to update a different post in the same table:
UPDATE [info] SET [confirmed]=0 WHERE [ID]=1;
It also gave the timeout error. So now we know it isn't post specific.
I am able to update posts in other tables in the same "databank" database via ASP. I can also update tables in other databases on localhost.
Could there be something broken with the [info] table? I used the MS Access wizard to auto move data from Access to MS SQL Server 2012, it created columns of data type "ntext" and I manually went and changed that to "nvarchar(MAX)" since ntext is deprecated. Could something have broken down? It did require me to re-create the table when I changed the data type.
I have to get some sleep but I will be sure to check back tomorrow if anybody has responded to me. Please do, even if you only have something encouraging to say.
Edit 7: Quick edit before bed. Tried to define the provider as "SQLNCLI11" in the connection string as well (using the DLL name instead of the actual provider name). It makes no difference. Connection is created just as fine but the timeout still happens.
Also I'm not using MS SQL Server 2012 Express (as far as I know, "Express" wasn't mentioned anywhere during installation). It's the full thing.
If it helps, here's the "Help" > "About..." info that is given by the Management Studio:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: 11.0.2100.60
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools: 11.0.2100.60
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC): 6.3.9600.16384
Microsoft MSXML: 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.16521
Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.34011
Operating System: 6.3.9600
Edit 8 (also known as the "programmers never sleep" edit):
After trying some things I eventually tried to close the database connection and reopening it right before executing the SQL statements. It worked all of a sudden. What the...?
I have had my code inside a subroutine and it turns out that outside of it the post that I was trying to update was already opened! So the reason for the timeout was that the post or the whole table was locked by the very same connection that tried to update it. So the connection (or CPU thread) was waiting for a lock that would never unlock.
Hate it when it turns out to be so simple after trying so hard.
The post had been opened outside the subroutine by this simple code:
Set RecSet = Conn.Execute("SELECT etc")
I just added the following before calling the subroutine.
Set RecSet = Nothing
The reason why this never crossed my mind is simply because this was allowed in MS Access but now I have changed to MS SQL Server and it wasn't so kind (or sloppy, rather). The created RecSet by Conn.Execute() had never created a locked post in the database before but now all of a sudden it did. Not too strange since the connection string and the actual database had changed.
I hope this post saves someone else some headache if you are migrating from MS Access to MS SQL Server. Though I can't imagine there are that many Access users left in the world nowadays.
Turns out that the post (or rather the whole table) was locked by the very same connection that I tried to update the post with.
I had a opened record set of the post that was created by:
Set RecSet = Conn.Execute()
This type of recordset is supposed to be read-only and when I was using MS Access as database it did not lock anything. But apparently this type of record set did lock something on MS SQL Server 2012 because when I added these lines of code before executing the UPDATE SQL statement...
Set RecSet = Nothing
...everything worked just fine.
So bottom line is to be careful with opened record sets - even if they are read-only they could lock your table from updates.

Convert t-SQL query with Cursor to Microsoft Access

One of my managers created a Access database and is working on some data analysis - what if scenarios. Based on different conditions, he produces a report in Access.
He asked me to do some data manipulation, so I imported the database into SQL and wrote a routine with a cursor that'll do what he wants. I then export the results back into Access. Before I get any heat for using a cursor, this was supposed to be a one time only deal, so that was the fastest way for me to get it done.
As you'd expect, now he wants me to run it all the time and asked me to convert my routine to Access so he can just run it. Before you tell me to just use SQL, he's very set on Access and is often traveling and off line.
So, my question is: is there a "easy" way to convert a T-SQL query with a cursor into Access? It's been a long time since I worked with Access, but I suspect it'd have to be re-written in VBA. I'm thinking that maybe another solution would be to call the query from Access and run it in SQL, but I don't know if that can be done or if it'd work on my case because of him being off line (maybe install SQL express in his laptop?)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This is how I got around it:
1.Downloaded and install SQL server express in the user's machine.
2.uploaded Access database structure and data to the local SQL.
3.created the stored procedure that I wanted to run in the local SQL server.
4.back in Access, deleted all the tables and recreated them as linked tables to SQL
5.Create a form in Access with a big button that executes the stored procedure
`Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")
qdf.Connect = CurrentDb.TableDefs("ANY TABLE").Connect
qdf.SQL = "EXEC dbo.[stored procedure name]"
qdf.ReturnsRecords = False
Set qdf = Nothing`
The stored procedure truncates one re-populates one of the tables. So after executing it I can open up the table in Access and see the changes. My manager can continue to use Access and SQL server is used in the back-end. Happy Ending! :)