What is a tuple module in Erlang? - module

http://www.erlang.org/news/35 mentioned that this will be documented, but I can't find it in the documentation.

A "tuple module" is a tuple with two elements, the name of a module and a list of extra arguments. For example:
{my_module, [foo, bar]}
Such a tuple can be used instead of a module name in function calls. In this case, the function being called will get the tuple in question as an additional argument at the end of the argument list:
3> Module = {lists, [[foo]]}.
4> Module:append([bar]).
This call is equivalent to:
7> lists:append([bar], {lists, [[foo]]}).
Tuple modules are kept for backwards compatibility, as they were the implementation mechanism for parameterised modules, which were removed from the language in R16.


Understanding how Julia modules can be extended

I'm struggling to understand how exactly modules can be extended in Julia. Specifically, I'd like to create my own LinearAlgebra matrix whose parent class is AbstractMatrix{T} and implement its functionality similar to how the Diagonal or UpperTriangular matrices are implemented in the actual LA package. If I could literally add my matrix to the original package, then I would, but for now I am content creating my own MyLinearAlgebra package that simply imports the original and extends it. Here's what I've got so far in MyLinearAlgebra.jl:
module MyLinearAlgebra
import LinearAlgebra
import Base: getindex, setindex!, size
# Types
# Functions
# Operators
# Constants
Focusing solely on LocalMatrix.jl now, I have:
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
Block diagonal structure for local matrix. `A[:,:,s,iK]` is a block matrix for
state s and element iK
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function LocalMatrix{T}(data) where {T}
[... implement size, getindex, setindex! ... all working perfectly]
Tests whether a LocalMatrix is symmetric
function issymmetric(A::LocalMatrix)
println("my issymmetric")
all(LinearAlgebra.issymmetric, [#view A.data[:,:,i,j] for i=1:size(A.data,3), j=1:size(A.data,4)])
Tests whether a LocalMatrix is diagonal
function isdiag(A::LocalMatrix)
println("my isdiag")
all(LinearAlgebra.isdiag, [#view A.data[:,:,i,j] for i=1:size(A.data,3), j=1:size(A.data,4)])
When I try and run this however, I get
error in method definition: function LinearAlgebra.isdiag must be explicitly imported to be extended
OK not a problem, I can change the definition to function LinearAlgebra.isdiag() instead and it works. But if I also change the definition of the other function to function LinearAlgebra.issymmetric() and run a simple test I now get the error
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching issymmetric(::MyLinearAlgebra.LocalMatrix{Float64})
So I'm stumped. Obviously I have a workaround that lets me continue working for now, but I must be simply misunderstanding how Julia modules work because I can't seem to distinguish between the two functions. Why does one needs to be explicitly extended? Why can the other not? What even is the difference between them in this situation? What is the correct way here to extend a package's module? Thanks for any help.
You need to explicitly state that you are adding new methods to existing functions so it should be:
function LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A::LocalMatrix)
function LinearAlgebra.isdiag(A::LocalMatrix)
The reason that you are getting the error most likely is because you forgot to import LinearAlgebra in the code that is testing your package.
Note that your constructor also should be corrected:
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function LocalMatrix(data::Array{T,4}) where {T}
With the current constructor you need to write LocalMatrix{Float64}(some_arr) instead of simply LocalMatrix(some_arr). Even worse, if you provide your constructor with a 3-d array you will get a type conversion error, while when you used the syntax that I am proposing one gets no method matching LocalMatrix(::Array{Int64,3}) which is much more readable for users of your library.

Elixir Testing: Ensure a module defines a callback

I'm trying write a test that verifies that a behaviour defines the callbacks it's supposed to. How should I do this?
I have a module that defines a callback, for example:
defmodule MyModule do
#callback my_callback(arg :: binary) :: any
I want to ensure that my_callback/1 is defined by MyModule.
Since #callback is an attribute, I tried calling MyModule.__info__(:attributes), but the callback was not present in the response.
Although it wasn't documented except in a deprecated module at the time the question was asked, this is now documented in Typespecs:
Inspecting behaviours
The #callback and #optional_callback attributes are used to create
a behaviour_info/1 function available on the defining module. This
function can be used to retrieve the callbacks and optional callbacks
defined by that module.
For example, for the MyBehaviour module defined in "Optional
callbacks" above:
#=> [vital_fun: 0, "MACRO-non_vital_macro": 2, non_vital_fun: 0]
#=> ["MACRO-non_vital_macro": 2, non_vital_fun: 0]
When using iex, the IEx.Helpers.b/1 helper is also available.
For unknown reason it’s mentioned only in docs for deprecated Behaviour module.
Beware that this function is exported if and only the module does indeed define a behaviour.
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Integer.behaviour_info/1
is undefined or private
Fancy discovery: one might also define the behaviour manually.

Autolisp user function overloading

You can read this on AutoCAD knowledge website:
"Note: You can define multiple user functions with the same name, but have each definition accept a different number or type of arguments."
Has anybody using this feature? I tried but does not work at all.
I can call only the latest defined function.If I call like this (file::AppendFile arg1) then autocad said I give too less argument
I'm not at a computer with AutoCAD installed, so I can't check if AutoLISP works the way the documentation says it should, but I do know I've seen a workaround to pass a variable number of arguments into a function.
The trick is to pass all your arguments as a single list, and then process that list in the body of the function. For example:
(defun myFunction (argsList / path header)
(setq path (car argsList))
(setq header (cadr argsList))
(someFunction path "a" header)
... and then you'd call your function with (myFunction '("arg1")) or with (myFunction '("arg1" "arg2")).
Note that in my examples above I'm using the list constructor literal, so it will pass in the actual strings "arg1" and "arg2". If you want to pass in the contents of variables, you'd need to use the form (myFunction (list var1 var2)) instead, because (myfunction '(var1 var2)) would pass in the symbols 'var1 and 'var2 instead of their values.
It's a little bit ugly, but it's an option.
"Note: You can define multiple user functions with the same name, but have each definition accept a different number or type of arguments."
This is not possible in AutoLISP: the last defun expression evaluated will overwrite all previous definitions of the symbol in the namespace - hence, in your example the file:AppendFile function would require two arguments, as the second defun expression will immediately redefine the function.
The only way to supply two arguments (other than supplying a list of arguments of varying length) would be to evaluate the file:AppendFile function prior to the evaluation of the second defun expression.

Comment inheritance in Doxygen fortran documentation

I am trying to write documentation for a fortran model using Doxygen. Some variables are defined in a specific module and then used in many other different modules using the use statement. That is I may have a f90 with the first module
module my_first_module
subroutine my_first_subroutine (foo, bar)
use my_second_module , only : param
... DO STUFF ...
end subroutine my_first_subroutine
end module my_first_module
and then a second f90 with the second module
module my_second_module
real(kind=8), parameter :: param = 1.
end module my_second_module
My question is can I produce a Doxy documentation that allow me to comment the variable param where I have defined it and that is inherited by the calling functions or subroutines.
The goal is to have the param descriptor comment in the html page that contains the documentation of my_first_module.
The use my_second_module, only : param and the actual usage of param in the function my_first_subroutine of my_first_module module will automatically create a link to the source code that defines param.
If you want an explicit link to the doc of the variable param, you can add something like #see my_second_module::param in the documentation of my_first_subroutine. This will create an actual link to the doc of your variable.

How to see docstrings and other symbol information in Common Lisp REPL?

I'm completely new to CL, and I'd like to learn how to read documentation strings and get other help information from the REPL. Something like help(symbol) in Python, or symbol? in iPython, or :t and :i in Haskell's GHCi.
So, given a symbol name, I'd like to be able to know:
what kind of value it is bound to, if any (a function, a variable, none at all)
if it is a function or a macro, then what are its positional arguments
if it has a docstring, show it
what package or file it is coming from or when it was defined
I found there is (documentation '_symbol_ '_type_), but it is not exactly what I need. I need to know the type of value the symbol is bound to ('function, 'variable, 'compiler-macro, etc.) before I can use documentation. Then it returns only the docstring, it may be missing or not sufficient to use the symbol.
For example, in Lisp, the help for mapcar is not very useful (CLisp's REPL):
> (documentation 'mapcar 'function)
I'd like to be able to see something like this instead:
>>> map?
Type: builtin_function_or_method
Base Class: <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
String Form: <built-in function map>
Namespace: Python builtin
map(function, sequence[, sequence, ...]) -> list
Return a list of the results of applying the function to the items of
the argument sequence(s). If more than one sequence is given, the
function is called with an argument list consisting of the corresponding
item of each sequence, substituting None for missing values when not all
sequences have the same length. If the function is None, return a list of
the items of the sequence (or a list of tuples if more than one sequence).
As mentioned Common Lisp has standard functions: DESCRIBE, INSPECT and DOCUMENTATION. Typical Lisp IDEs also have these bound to keys and menus.
For standard Common Lisp functionality most IDEs directly link to the Common Lisp HyperSpec documentation with a keystroke.
Most IDEs also have keystrokes to show the arglist and the documentation. There is also the 'arglist on space' functionality.
LispWorks specific examples: LispWorks Argument list information and LispWorks Expressions menu
I can recommend to read the IDE manual for Slime, LispWorks Editor, Allegro CL's ELI, or whatever IDE you are using.
Regarding your question about getting the type of symbol: there is no such thing. Or, more precisely, symbols are not just names of other objects, but themselves objects of the type SYMBOL. Each symbol can have both a variable value and a function value. To check if it has a variable value, use BOUNDP, and to check for a function value FBOUNDP.