sub domain to act as proxy for another sub domain? apache / htaccess [closed] - apache

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a subdomain:
On my site are 5 images taken from a table which are links from another site:
If i rename the links in the table to change the domain from to
Can I then setup some sort of reverse proxy which means any url from that table will show as: - but is actually showing the content from

You can actually achieve that by setting up a CNAME through your DNS from to . The domain will be essentially masked and all your users see is


Two virtual hosts to one single directory root was created, but I need to pass variable/params from virtualhosts for accessing two different pages [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I created two Virtual Hosts, and targeting to a single web root direcoty.
But I need to access two different profiles with passing of variables from Virtual Hosting.
it is possible using routing technique...
Just we need to get the domain name and check the condition and then route accordingly.

Apache - Rewrite /#!/ back to URL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm hoping this is possible with htaccess rewrite. I googled around but had no luck.
Apache receives this request:
Everytime it receives a link with '', I need it to rewrite to look like this.!/item/foo/bar/
What's the best way to achieve this with apache? Thanks!
That is not possible the hash is normally not transmitted to the server so you cannot handle this on the server side.
The hash or anchor is used only on the client side to jump to a position in place of the document or for some old JavaScript/Flash applications.

.htaccess how to make more than one variable to a simple url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello i want to make a friendly url from the url which is really complex.
My current url is:
When a user go on the url I wanna to make it as:
is it possible?
Is not. I would need as:
Visit Apache document
Here you will find how to rewrite .htaccess mod rewrite.

Google Analytics Tracking a sub-directory which itself is pointed to by a separate domain in DNS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an existing website pointed to by the domain . We are now creating a new sub-site to this We have another regional domain purchased and we want to point this domain to the /ab/ sub-folder.
The queries are:
If I want to do this at the DNS level is it going to be an issue in terms of SEO?
If I do so how can I add Google tracking to it? I want to continue using my existing tracking for and provide reports separately for

Terminal/SSH : How can i track how many people are accessing my site at the moment live? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to connect to ssh and type in a command that will show me live updates such as their ip address as they enter my site. is that possible? simply see what page an ip address entered or just the ip of a person that connected to the site.
Live meaning i see the list updated as it happens.
tail -f /path/to/your/access.log
Usually reading the log is pretty useless though.