Serving local, pregenerated JSON to my javascript passenger, rails - ruby-on-rails-3

I am pre-generating data points for graphing with highcharts.js, and storing them in my public folder. I seem to be having issues in passing them efficiently to my JS code, so right now, I'm reading them in my view and pasting them into the function call within the HTML. This doesn't feel right. Ideally, I think I should be serving them from Apache, AJAX style, to my JS function, but the current method is what seemed to work...
var generate_plot = function(str) {
var t_test = str[3];
var kdes = str[2];
var new_vals = str[0];
var old_vals = str[1];
var chart_number = str[4] + 1;
In my view (haml) I'm doing:
- txt = ['public', (comparison_path(params[:id]) + graph).split('/').uniq.delete_if{|a| a.empty? }].join('/')
%div.bean{:id => "bean#{i+1}" }
%div.time{:id => "time#{i+1}" }
generate_plot(#{File.readlines(txt).first[0...-1] + ','+ i.to_s + ']'})
This ends up generating some pretty clunky and atrocious html. I know there is a better way!
What is the proper way to serve local JSON data to the client for rendering? I was trying to do this before, but my server didn't find the local JSON files directly, so I started using the Rails app to read them in.
Is there a reason my server wouldn't find the JSON? Should I use AJAX to speed it up, or should I push it into the HTML (is it equally fast?)
Any direction here would be helpful, as I'm not ever sure what to look for.

In case when you have two different servers, one with highcharts, second with JSON, probably you come across cross-domain problem. So you can use JSONP, which reduce it.


Loopback 4: Authorization decoration of CRUDRestController - is it in anyway possible?

Wondering if anybody in the community has any experience or guidance on how one could use
Authorization decorators (or any custom decoration?)( on CrudRestController endpoints? (
Looked at the src for crud-rest.controller.ts and it just seems like there is no way to really do it.
It seems like it's not easily possible to use any decoration of endpoints in a CrudRestController without taking a very hacky approach and/or wholesale duplicating the code in crud-rest.controller.ts and that we'll have to basically write every endpoint for every model by hand.
Maybe someone has come up with something or has some guidance on an approach? Is the only way to use auth with CrudRestController with the AuthorizationComponent as of now to use Authorizer functions (
Seems like one part lies in this :
* Allow access only to model owners, using route as source of truth
* eg. #post('/users/{userId}/orders', ...) returns `userId` as args[0]
if (currentUser[securityId] === authorizationCtx.invocationContext.args[0]) {
return AuthorizationDecision.ALLOW;
So I ended up doing :
async authorize(
context: AuthorizationContext,
metadata: AuthorizationMetadata,
) {
const parent = context.invocationContext?.parent
const request = parent?.getBinding("rest.http.request").getValue(parent)
const givenUserId = request?.body?.userId
// next line finds out the user id in the JWT payload
const jwtUserId = context?.principals[0]?.payload?.sub
if (!jwtUserId || (givenUserId && givenUserId != jwtUserId)) {
return AuthorizationDecision.DENY;
} else {
return AuthorizationDecision.ALLOW;
as my userId is provided in the http parameters (post form or get parameters)
I also use a custom JTWService to read the payload and make it available in the UserProfile.
This may not be the best way to do it, but so far it works. I am still working on finding out how to deal with read requests and add a filter on all of them by userId too using decorators I will post my finding here, if nothing better show up first here.

What's the difference between var User = require('models/users') and var User = mongoose.model('User')?

I've read the docs and I understand that I'm not passing an instance of the schema and checked around stackoverflow for duplicates and I did not find an adequate example explaining the differences, use cases and pros and cons for both.
I've been using both these methods almost interchangeably to access a model in a controller file and so I'm wondering what is the difference under the hood between both and what is generally "best practice". It seems more convenient to use mongoose.model() when you are in a heavily nested file structure but i noticed it errors out when there is no data stored in the collection. Here is an example using both methods that works fine as far as I can tell.
var Slideshow = require('../models/mongoose/Slideshow');
var Events = mongoose.model('Events');
Slideshow.find(function (err, slides) {
Events.find(function (err, events) {
res.render('demo', {
slideshow : slides,
events : events
If I understand the first correctly, it's just using require to get the user.js mongoose model which defines the schema eventually runs var User = module.exports = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema); where as the second is directly calling mongoose and asking for the model. But aside from that is there any performance differences or use case differences? Is there anything I missed?

Kendo grid server side grouping

I am using Asp net 5, NHibernate 3.3 and Kendo UI MVC wrapper for grid to render the table of client orders. There are lots of orders in database already and the number is constantly growing. So I decided to use server side paging to avoid fetching all orders from database. As far as I know you can't do paging manually and delegate filtering, sorting and grouping to ToDataSourceResult method. It's either all or nothing. Therefore I made an attempt to implement so called 'custom binding'. No problem until I get to grouping. I need to group first, then sort inside of a group, then extract data for specific page and all that without loading all data to memory. My code is something like this (I put it all in one piece to simplify reading):
var orderList = CurrentSession.QueryOver<Order>();
// Filtering. Filter is a search string obtained from DataSourceRequest
var disjunction = new Disjunction();
disjunction.Add(Restrictions.On<Order>(e => e.Number).IsLike("%" + filter + "%"));
disjunction.Add(Restrictions.On<Order>(e => e.Customer).IsLike("%" + filter + "%"));
orderList = orderList.Where(disjunction);
// Sorting. sortColumn is also from DataSourceRequest
switch (sortColumn)
case "Number":
orderList = orderList.OrderBy(x => x.Number).Desc;
case "GeneralInfo.LastChangeDate":
orderList = orderList.OrderBy(x => x.LastChangeDate).Desc;
orderList = orderList.OrderBy(x => x.Number).Desc;
// Total is required for kendo grid when you do paging manually
var total = orderList.RowCount();
var orders = orderList
.Fetch(x => x.OrderGoods).Eager
.Fetch(x => x.OrderComments).Eager
.Fetch(x => x.Documents).Eager
.Fetch(x => x.Partner).Eager
.Skip((request.Page - 1)*request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize).List();
I will be glad to have any advice on how to add grouping here.
I worked for literally months to figure out server-side grouping using the Kendo DataSource with a Kendo Grid. Paging, sorting and filtering were fairly easy. But for whatever reason, Telerik did not offer sufficient support documentation for such a critical LOB process as grouping. I’m glad you posted this question so I’d have an opportunity to share my code.
The Solution
Basically, the solution comes down to knowing 2 key parts, and they can be viewed in the following sample project:
There is a single web application project in the Visual Studio (2012 | 2013) solution you’re downloading, which contains a reference to the Kendo.Mvc library. You can download the latest UI for ASP.NET binaries from Telerik's Control Panel installation program. The binaries will be located in the following Windows directory after install: C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\UI for ASP.NET MVC [Telerik Release Version]\wrappers\aspnetmvc\Binaries\ [Your Version of MVC]\Kendo.Mvc.dll.
Note: My solution uses Telerik’s MVC transport mechanism, which provides full-fledged server-side paging, filtering, sorting and, most notably, grouping. However, I use pure JavaScript to configure the Kendo DataSource and not the MVC wrappers. Still, I've recently found a link in Telerik's documentation that shows the MVC wrapper declaration in Razor/ASPX.
The Server Magic
Basically, the first part of the magic is the following server side code, residing in the sample WebApi controller in the KendoServerGrouping.Web\Controllers directory:
[System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs("GET", "ASPNETMVC-AJAX")]
public Kendo.Mvc.UI.DataSourceResult GetAllAccounts([System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.ModelBinder(typeof(WebApiDataSourceRequestModelBinder))] Kendo.Mvc.UI.DataSourceRequest request)
var kendoRequest = new Kendo.Mvc.UI.DataSourceRequest
Page = request.Page,
PageSize = request.PageSize,
Filters = request.Filters,
Sorts = request.Sorts,
Groups = request.Groups,
Aggregates = request.Aggregates
// Set this to your ORM or other data source
IQueryable accounts = dbContext.Accounts;
The data source can even be a MongoDB collection using the
.AsQueryable() extension and the MongoDB C# driver
var accounts = collection.FindAllAs<Account>().AsQueryable();
var data = accounts.ToDataSourceResult(kendoRequest);
var result = new DataSourceResult()
AggregateResults = data.AggregateResults,
Data = data.Data,
Errors = data.Errors,
Total = data.Total
return result;
This is all you’ll need for any of the four server-side actions that the grid will handle auto-magically when the user interacts with it. Pay special attention to the AcceptVerbs attribute above the method; it must include the “ASPNETMVC-AJAX” attribute for the DataSourceRequest input parameter to work properly. ToDataSourceResult() is an extension provided by recent versions of the Kendo.Mvc.dll library, which I pointed to earlier.
The code above will (to my knowledge) work with any IQueryable data source, such as those from ORMs (I've tested Entity Framework and Telerik Data Access/Open Access). I've also been able to group a MongoDB collection using the MongoDB C# driver. However, this is meant as a proof-of-concept, and it has not been tested for performance.
For the purposes of this example, there is static data source in the WebAPI controller to fake an IQueryable collection. Naturally, you can delete the static data from lines 45-57 when you've swapped in your own data source.
The Client Magic
The Kendo DataSource automatically passes in a specialized DataSourceRequest object from the grid containing all the parameters for server-side paging, filtering, sorting and grouping, provided you wrap your DataSource schema inside the following JavaScript:
schema: $.extend(true, {},["aspnetmvc-ajax"], {
This was perhaps the single most elusive line of code I’ve ever tracked down. It took about a dozen exchanges with Telerik over several months to get them to cough it up. And even then, it was by pure chance that it was revealed. Why such a critical nuance was absent in their documentation is beyond me.
Carefully review each of the Kendo DataSource configuration settings toward the bottom half of index.html file. Most importantly, pay attention to what isn’t there, such as the batch and mvcTransport options. Including the latter option somehow negates the above “aspnetmvc-ajax” schema attribute.
In the DataSource's parmaterMap function, make note that when – and only when - performing a read operation, the following line must be present:
return mvcTransport.parameterMap(options, operation);
You will also want to be sure to include this in your HTML, before the DataSource executes:
<script src="//[Version]/js/kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js"></script>
The End Result
Run the KendoServerGrouping.Web project (index.html) and, if all goes well, a grid will be populated with 5 records containing AccountId, AccountName, AccountTypeCode and CreatedOn fields. If you set the number of visible grid rows to 2 and group by AccountTypeCode or CreatedOn, you’ll see that the grouping traverses the paging, which I believe is the end result you are looking for.
I hope the sample project works and is a good fit for your situation. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best to help.
P.S. This is my first post to SO, so please go easy on me if something isn’t up to SO standards. Good luck!
I would like to add onto #aaron-jessen answer with this jewel I found on Telerik's forums:
dataSource: {
type: "aspnetmvc-ajax", // If missing may cause NULL values in ApiController

Right way to dynamically update view in Angular

What is the right way to updated the Model in the view, say after a successful API POST. I've a textarea, something like in a Twitter, where a user can enter text and post. The entered text must show up soon after it is posted successfully.
How to achieve this? Should I make another call to get the posts separately or is there any other way to do this?
My Code looks like
$scope.feeds = feeds;
where feedsResolve is a service returning a promise
$scope.postFeed = function(){
var postObj = Restangular.all('posts'); $scope.feed.text ).then(function(res){
//res contains only the new feed id
How do I update the $scope.feeds in the view?
I assume you are posting a new post and that generally posts look like:
id: 42,
text: 'This is my text'
In this case you can do something like:
$scope.postFeed = function(){
var postObj = Restangular.all('posts');
var feedText = $scope.feed.text; feedText ).then(function(res){
$scope.feeds.push({ id:, text: feedText});
A better practice when writing restful service though is to just have your POST return an actual JSON object with the new feed that was added (not just the id). If that were the case you could just add it to your feeds array.
If your JSON object is complex, this practice is the most common an easiest way to handle this without needing extra requests to the server. Since you already are on the server, and you've likely already created the object (in order to be able to insert it into the database), all you have to do is serialize it back out to the HTTP response. This adds little to no overhead and gives the client all the information it needs to effortlessly update.

Using Magento API to get Products

I'm using the Magento API to get product data for products from a certain category from another domain. I have made the API call etc... The code I'm currently using to get the product data looks like this:
$productList = $client->call($session, 'catalog_category.assignedProducts', 7);
foreach ($productList as $product){
$theProduct = array();
$theProduct['info'] = $client->call($session, '', $product['sku']);
$allProducts[] = $theProduct;
The code works fine, but it goes extremely slow. When I add the image call to the loop it takes about 50 seconds for the page to load, and that's for a site with only 5 products. What I want to know is the following:
Is the code above correct and it's just Magento's API script is very slow?
Is the code above not the best way of doing what I need?
Could there be any other factors making this go so slow?
Any help would be much appreciated. At least if I know I'm using the code right I can look at other avenues.
Thanks in advance!
================= EDIT =================
Using multicall suggested by Matthias Zeis, the data arrives much quicker. Here's the code I used:
$apicalls = array();
$i = 0;
$productList = $client->call($session, 'catalog_category.assignedProducts', 7);
foreach ($productList as $product){
$apicalls[$i] = array('', $product['product_id']);
$list = $client->multiCall($session, $apicalls);
This now works much quicker than before! The next issue I've found is that the catalog_product_attribute_media.list call doesn't seem to work in the same way, even though the products all have images set.
The error I'm getting in the var_dump is:
Requested image not exists in product images' gallery.
Anybody know why this may now be happening? Thanks again in advance.
1. Is the code above correct and it's just Magento's API script is very slow?
Your code is correct, but the script is slow because (a) the SOAP API is not blazingly fast and (b) you are doing seperate calls for every single product.
2. Is the code above not the best way of doing what I need?
If you use the SOAP v1 API or XML-RPC, you can test multiCall. At first, call catalog_category.assignedProducts to fetch the product ids. Collect the product ids and execute a multiCall call. That should cut the waiting time down quite a bit.
Unfortunately, Magento doesn't provide a nice solution out of the box to deliver the data like you need it. I recommend that you implement your own custom API call.
Use a product collection model:
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
This will get you a Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Collection object which can be used to filter, sort, paginate, ... your product list. Iterate over the collection and build an array containing the data you need. You also can generate thumbnails for your products directly while building the data array:
foreach ($products as $product) {
$data[$product->getSku()] = array(
/* the attributes no need ... */
'small_image' => Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($product, 'image')
/* some more attributes ... */
This should give you quite a performance improvement.
But of course this only is the tip of the iceberg. If this solution is not fast enough for you, avoid SOAP and bypass a part of the Magento stack by building your own API. This doesn't have to be a complex solution: it could be a simple PHP script with HTTP Basic Authentication which parses the URL for filter criteria etc., includes app/Mage.php and calls Mage::app() to initialise the Magento framework. The benefit is that you have the comfort of using Magento classes but you don't have to go through the whole routing process.
Not to forget, you may cache the results because I could imagine that you will show the same products to quite a few visitors on the other domain. Even caching for a few minutes may help your server.
3. Could there be any other factors making this go so slow?
There may be some reasons why the calls are that slow on your server - but without knowing the volume of your data, your server hardware and the customisations you have done, even a best guess won't be that good.