We have built an open-source, free Google Reader Alternative and have live users using the platform. It is hosted at http://reader.pykih.com and code is at http://github.com/pykih/reader
Until, last night my app was working fine and today morning it is down due to timeout.
We use DelayedJobs for all feed imports
This timeout is occurring on the homepage where there is no external service call, emails being set, etc. except may be push to GA
Heroku Support (as per them) is asleep right now and we will get an answer only on Monday. :-(
We went through a lot of past questions on Stack over flow about this issue but none seem to answer our issue.
Can someone please advice?
2013-06-08T04:25:32.596864+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:b0f05380-0265-49de-b2c1-df13df269cd6 pid:2)] Starting job worker
2013-06-08T04:25:34.225938+00:00 app[web.1]: Disconnected from ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:34.225544+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:25:34.225214 #2] INFO -- : listening on addr= fd=7
2013-06-08T04:25:34.250988+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to up
2013-06-08T04:25:35.246195+00:00 app[web.1]: Disconnected from ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:35.254585+00:00 app[web.1]: Connected to ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:35.375559+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:25:35.375194 #5] INFO -- : worker=0 ready
2013-06-08T04:25:36.263576+00:00 app[web.1]: Disconnected from ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:36.273848+00:00 app[web.1]: Connected to ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:36.390283+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:25:36.389861 #8] INFO -- : worker=1 ready
2013-06-08T04:25:37.281171+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:25:37.280925 #2] INFO -- : master process ready
2013-06-08T04:25:37.291365+00:00 app[web.1]: Connected to ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:25:37.416442+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:25:37.415844 #11] INFO -- : worker=2 ready
2013-06-08T04:25:46.993985+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/" for at 2013-06-08 04:25:46 +0000
2013-06-08T04:26:16.919340+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=GET path=/ host=reader.pykih.com fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=2ms service=30000ms status=503 bytes=0
2013-06-08T04:26:23.974357+00:00 app[web.1]: E, [2013-06-08T04:26:17.347459 #2] ERROR -- : worker=0 PID:5 timeout (31s > 30s), killing
2013-06-08T04:26:23.975290+00:00 app[web.1]: E, [2013-06-08T04:26:17.376903 #2] ERROR -- : reaped #<Process::Status: pid 5 SIGKILL (signal 9)> worker=0
2013-06-08T04:26:23.975290+00:00 app[web.1]: Disconnected from ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:26:23.975611+00:00 app[web.1]: Connected to ActiveRecord
2013-06-08T04:26:23.975611+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2013-06-08T04:26:18.524590 #14] INFO -- : worker=0 ready
Heroku fixed itself 11 hours later. V annoying.
My Ruby on Rails app works fine in development on cloud9. When I push to Heroku, the application crashes immediately. 'heroku logs' shows:
2015-03-15T17:11:11.909831+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting
2015-03-15T17:11:16.291267+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bin/rails server -p 42991 -e production`
2015-03-15T17:11:20.262015+00:00 app[web.1]: => Booting Puma
2015-03-15T17:11:20.262090+00:00 app[web.1]: => Rails 4.2.0 application starting in production on
2015-03-15T17:11:20.264853+00:00 app[web.1]: Abort testing: Your Rails environment is running in production mode!
2015-03-15T17:11:20.264972+00:00 app[web.1]: Exiting
2015-03-15T17:11:20.262130+00:00 app[web.1]: => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
2015-03-15T17:11:20.262170+00:00 app[web.1]: => Ctrl-C to shutdown server
2015-03-15T17:11:21.206693+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
2015-03-15T17:11:21.193413+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1
2015-03-15T17:11:22.003251+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/" host=agile-plateau-9101.herokuapp.com request_id=2889a78c-9ccf-4583-ac2b-978683cab62e fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes=
2015-03-15T17:11:22.536224+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/favicon.ico" host=agile-plateau-9101.herokuapp.com request_id=355eeb91-1fb6-410c-a169-3407d7c2af67 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes=
I've tried using unicorn and puma, both with the .rb files Heroku provides, with no luck. I can't even get a console to run on Heroku. 'heroku run rails console' in the IDE shows 'Running rails console attached to terminal... up, run.9870' then brings me back to the IDE console, rather than Heroku's. The Heroku logs for the console command are:
2015-03-15T17:16:48.811613+00:00 heroku[api]: Starting process with command `rails console` by msandford#gmail.com
2015-03-15T17:16:54.386969+00:00 heroku[run.9870]: Awaiting client
2015-03-15T17:16:54.550213+00:00 heroku[run.9870]: Starting process with command `rails console`
2015-03-15T17:16:54.772282+00:00 heroku[run.9870]: State changed from starting to up
2015-03-15T17:17:01.220393+00:00 heroku[run.9870]: State changed from up to complete
2015-03-15T17:17:01.207230+00:00 heroku[run.9870]: Process exited with status 1
Any suggestions on where to begin troubleshooting this?
Edit: I've set up an Ubuntu server on EC2, and I'm getting exactly the same thing when running in development and in production. I'm using pg for both. rails s -e development runs fine, rails s -e production crashes immediately, and nothing is logged (that I can find)
I've resolved the issue: I had to comment out "require 'rails/test_help'" in environment.rd then everything ran along nicely.
Although read many articles about this problem, I still couldn't solve those error,
Here is a part of the heroku logs, if it's less-information, I would update others code of the red mine source code.
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: Plugins in vendor/plugins (/app/vendor/plugins) are no longer allowed. Please, put your Redmine plugins in the `plugins` directory at the root of your Redmine directory (/app/plugins)
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: => Booting WEBrick
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: => Rails 3.2.8 application starting in production on
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: => Call with -d to detach
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: => Ctrl-C to shutdown server
2012-11-05T14:02:54+00:00 app[web.1]: Exiting
2012-11-05T14:02:55+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1
2012-11-05T14:02:55+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
2012-11-05T14:02:56+00:00 heroku[router]: Error H10 (App crashed) -> GET ceciits.herokuapp.com/ dyno= queue= wait= service= status=503 bytes=
2012-11-05T14:06:04+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to down
2012-11-05T14:06:04+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Unidling
2012-11-05T14:06:04+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from down to starting
2012-11-05T14:06:07+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec rails server -p 3103`
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: Plugins in vendor/plugins (/app/vendor/plugins) are no longer allowed. Please, put your Redmine plugins in the `plugins` directory at the root of your Redmine directory (/app/plugins)
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: => Booting WEBrick
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: => Rails 3.2.8 application starting in production on
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: => Call with -d to detach
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: => Ctrl -C to shutdown server
2012-11-05T14:06:12+00:00 app[web.1]: Exiting
2012-11-05T14:06:13+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1
2012-11-05T14:06:13+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
I can't figure where is the reason that leads app crashed actually,
Thanks for answering...
Just out of curiosity, did you happen to generate your secret key?
Try running:
heroku run rake generate_secret_token
Not sure if it will help, but I know I've had an issue with this before.
I am facing this problem upon pushing my app to Heroku:
500 internal server error
ActionView::Template::Error...application.css isn't precompiled (see attached Heroku logs)
Also, ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/rails.png"
I am using Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.1 and Rails 3.1.1 (see Gemfile below)
Any guidance would be much appreciated!
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/" for at 2012-04-06 09:49:38 -0700
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by PostsController#new as HTML
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (1.4ms)
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/new.html.erb within layouts/application (1.8ms)
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled):
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 6: <title>Weddoo!</title>
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 7: <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 8:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 9: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 10:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 11: <link href="images/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon">
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: 12: <link href="images/apple-touch-icon.png" rel="apple-touch-icon">
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:9:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__819333137240276330_18641900'
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:24:in `new'
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /] miss
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 heroku[router]: GET weddoo.heroku.com/ dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=11ms status=500 bytes=728
2012-04-06T16:49:38+00:00 heroku[nginx]: - - [06/Apr/2012:16:49:38 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 728 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7" weddoo.heroku.com
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/" for at 2012-04-06 09:49:39 -0700
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by PostsController#new as HTML
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/new.html.erb within layouts/application (1.6ms)
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (1.4ms)
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled):
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 6: <title>Weddoo!</title>
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 9: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 10:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 11: <link href="images/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon">
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 7: <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 8:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: 12: <link href="images/apple-touch-icon.png" rel="apple-touch-icon">
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:9:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__819333137240276330_18641900'
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:24:in `new'
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /] miss
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 heroku[router]: GET weddoo.heroku.com/ dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=10ms status=500 bytes=728
2012-04-06T16:49:39+00:00 heroku[nginx]: - - [06/Apr/2012:16:49:39 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 728 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7" weddoo.heroku.com
2012-04-06T16:51:32+00:00 heroku[slugc]: Slug compilation started
2012-04-06T16:51:46+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v8 created by postkhalid#yahoo.com
2012-04-06T16:51:46+00:00 heroku[api]: Deploy db6820d by postkhalid#yahoo.com
2012-04-06T16:51:46+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from up to bouncing
2012-04-06T16:51:46+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from bouncing to created
2012-04-06T16:51:46+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from created to starting
2012-04-06T16:51:47+00:00 heroku[slugc]: Slug compilation finished
2012-04-06T16:51:48+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGTERM
2012-04-06T16:51:48+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Stopping ...
2012-04-06T16:51:50+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 0
2012-04-06T16:51:51+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `thin -p 30481 -e production -R /home/heroku_rack/heroku.ru start`
2012-04-06T16:51:55+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Thin web server (v1.2.6 codename Crazy Delicious)
2012-04-06T16:51:55+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Maximum connections set to 1024
2012-04-06T16:51:55+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
2012-04-06T16:51:56+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to up
2012-04-06T16:51:56+00:00 heroku[rake.1]: State changed from created to starting
2012-04-06T16:52:02+00:00 app[rake.1]: Awaiting client
2012-04-06T16:52:02+00:00 heroku[rake.1]: State changed from starting to up
2012-04-06T16:52:02+00:00 app[rake.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
2012-04-06T16:52:07+00:00 heroku[rake.1]: Process exited with status 0
2012-04-06T16:52:07+00:00 heroku[rake.1]: State changed from up to complete
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/assets/rails.png" for at 2012-04-06 09:52:20 -0700
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 heroku[router]: GET weddoo.heroku.com/assets/rails.png dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=80ms status=404 bytes=728
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/rails.png"):
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:20+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /assets/rails.png] miss
2012-04-06T16:52:21+00:00 heroku[nginx]: - - [06/Apr/2012:16:52:21 +0000] "GET /assets/rails.png HTTP/1.1" 404 728 "http://weddoo.heroku.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7" weddoo.heroku.com
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/" for at 2012-04-06 09:52:23 -0700
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by PostsController#new as HTML
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (25.6ms)
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: Rendered posts/new.html.erb within layouts/application (53.8ms)
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled):
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 150ms
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 6: <title>Weddoo!</title>
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 7: <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 8:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 10:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 9: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 11: <link href="images/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon">
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 heroku[router]: GET weddoo.heroku.com/ dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=206ms status=500 bytes=728
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: 12: <link href="images/apple-touch-icon.png" rel="apple-touch-icon">
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:9:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb___37461260917978840_28780360'
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:24:in `new'
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]:
2012-04-06T16:52:23+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /] miss
2012-04-06T16:52:24+00:00 heroku[nginx]: - - [06/Apr/2012:16:52:24 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 728 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7" weddoo.heroku.com
source 'http://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '3.1.1'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'pg'
gem 'json'
gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails", "~>"
# Gems used only for assets and not required
# in production environments by default.
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.1.4'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.1.1'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
gem 'jquery-rails'
# To use ActiveModel has_secure_password
# gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0'
# Use unicorn as the web server
# gem 'unicorn'
# Deploy with Capistrano
# gem 'capistrano'
# To use debugger
# gem 'ruby-debug'
#!/usr/bin/env rake
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
=== weddoo
Addons: Shared Database 5MB
Database Size: 64k
Dynos: 1
Git URL: git#heroku.com:weddoo.git
Owner: postkhalid#yahoo.com
Repo Size: 11M
Slug Size: 11M
Stack: bamboo-mri-1.9.2
Web URL: http://weddoo.heroku.com/
Workers: 0
So based upon the heroku info that you provided I see that you are on the bamboo stack and that stack does not support Rails 3.1+. Only the cedar stack supports Rails 3.1+. You'll need to use the following command to create a new app on the cedar stack:
heroku create --stack cedar
This is the result of your stylesheets not being compiled. Heroku will attempt to run
rake assets:precompile
before deploying your app. If the precompile command fails it will fail silently for now. I actually have an open issue for this on Heroku
The most likely cause is that the Rakefile is trying to load (or access) a gem. Heroku buildpacks attempt to compile the stylesheets before they have access to the gemset so any requires will fail. The best way to avoid this is to wrap those requires in your Rakefile in environment specific conditionals:
if Rails.env == 'development' || Rails.env == 'test'
require 'somegem1'
require 'somegem2'
# whatever code is being used by those gems goes in this block
I'm using the Spawn gem in a rails 3 app - it's the rails3-adapted fork at https://github.com/rfc2822/spawn
My app is deployed on heroku, and when i tried to spawn i get this failure:
app[web.1]: ### ../controllers/messages_controller.rb:10:in `create_message': About to spawn
app[web.1]: spawn> parent PID = 1
app[web.1]: spawn> child PID = 49
app[web.1]: ### ../controllers/messages_controller.rb:17:in `create_message': After spawn
app[web.1]: Task Load (1.2ms) SELECT "tasks".* FROM "tasks" WHERE "tasks"."id" = 80 LIMIT 1
app[web.1]: PGError: server closed the connection unexpectedly
app[web.1]: This probably means the server terminated abnormally
app[web.1]: before or while processing the request.
I have this option in my config/database.yml, following the recommendation of the spawn documentation:
reconnect: true
Is it connected to this do you think?
Bit at a loss with this... before i go investigating, does anyone know what's causing this?
cheers, max
I ended up using the girl_friday gem instead, which is a simple forked-queue system. It worked great for me.
Having problems with some asset caching, using Dalli on Heroku with Rails 3.1. These are the errors in my logs:
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/assets/bg.png" for at 2011-09-12 16:37:52 +0000
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /assets/bg.png] miss, store
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: !! Rack application returned nil body. Probably you wanted it to be an empty string?
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: !! Unexpected error while processing request: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /assets/screenshots/2-76481ad827eb34e33208c68196c57401.png] miss
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 heroku[router]: Error H13 (Connection closed without response) -> GET countr.boxfirepress.com/assets/bg.png dyno=web.1 queue= wait= service= status=503 bytes=
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 heroku[router]: GET countr.boxfirepress.com/assets/screenshots/2-76481ad827eb34e33208c68196c57401.png dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=5ms status=200 bytes=48355
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [GET /assets/screenshots/3-4fd3fe37a5915dec391663720fcbb7d4.png] miss
2011-09-12T16:37:52+00:00 heroku[router]: GET countr.boxfirepress.com/assets/screenshots/3-4fd3fe37a5915dec391663720fcbb7d4.png dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=8ms status=200 bytes=26464
And, in the console:
irb(main):001:0> Rails.cache.clear
localhost:11211 failed (count: 0)
Dalli::NetworkError: localhost:11211 is down:
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/server.rb:43:in `request'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/options.rb:18:in `block in request'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/monitor.rb:201:in `mon_synchronize'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/options.rb:17:in `request'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/client.rb:159:in `block in flush'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/client.rb:159:in `map'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/dalli/client.rb:159:in `flush'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dalli-1.0.5/lib/active_support/cache/dalli_store.rb:103:in `clear'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.0/lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache.rb:88:in `clear'
from (irb):1
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.1.0/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:45:in `start'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.1.0/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:8:in `start'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.1.0/lib/rails/commands.rb:40:in `<top (required)>'
from script/rails:6:in `require'
from script/rails:6:in `<main>'
Any thoughts about what's going on?
It looks like Dalli is not connection to a Memcache server? Have you enabled the Heroku Memcache addon (or otherwise configured a Memcache server)?