How to improve JProfiler accounting for natives - jprofiler

We build a product which adds various features (transactions, shared memory based object persistence, indexing and queries, cluster based high availability and replication) to Java via annotations and a custom class loader. The bulk of the implementation for these features is in C++ libraries which are accessed via native calls inserted by our class loader. Our natives can be characterized as using CPU, blocking via mutex or condvar acquisition, blocking on network I/O, or some combination of all three. The native entry points themselves do not know whether or not they will block.
JProfiler reports time spent in our natives as CPU time, and shows any thread inside our natives as running. Is there someway to make JProfiler aware of the actual combination of running and blocking that occurs?

Add a method trigger for all native methods that should be excluded from the "Runnable" thread state. On the "Actions" step of the trigger configuration, add a "Override thread status for current method" trigger action. You can set the thread status to "Waiting", "Blocking" or "Net I/O".


How to debug a freeRTOS application?

How do you debug an RTOS application? I am using KEIL µVision and when I hit debug, the program steps through the main function until the function that initializes the RTOS kernel and then you can't step any further. The code itself works though. It is not mine btw, but I have to work on it. Is this normal behavior with RTOS applications or is this related to the program?
Yes, this is normal. You need to set breakpoints in the source code for the tasks that were created in main(): the only purpose of main() in a FreeRTOS application is to :
initialize the hardware,
create the resources (timers, semaphores...) and tasks your application will need,
start the scheduler
The application should never return from vTaskStartScheduler() if they were enough resources available.
Put break-points at the entry point of each task you need to debug. When you step the over the scheduler start (or simply run) the debugger will halts at the first task that runs. When that task blocks, some other task will be selected to run according to the scheduling rules.
Generally when debugging and you reach a blocking call, step-over it, other tasks may run and the debugger will stop at the next line only when the task becomes ready (depending on the nature of the blocking call). Often you will want to predict what task will run as a result of the call, and put a breakpoint in that task. For example if you issue a message send, you might place a breakpoint after the message receive call of the receiving task.
The point is you cannot "step-through" a context switch unless you have the RTOS source or do it at the assembler level, which is seldom useful or productive, and will not work for preemption.
You get a somewhat better RTOS debug experience and tool support in Keil if you use Keil's own RTX5 RTOS rather then FreeRTOS, but all of the above remains true.
Yes, this is an expected behaviour. The best way to debug a RTOS application is to place breakpoints at all tasks, key function entry points and step debug.
The debugger supports various methods of single-stepping through an application as in below link.
Typical challenges in debugging RTOS application can be dealing with interrupt handling, synchronization issues and register/memory corruption.
Keil µVision's System Analyzer enables one to view the program execution time frame, status of each thread. It shall also help in viewing interrupts, exceptions if tracer is enabled.

C++ | Adding workload to a existing thread from a injected DLL

in my project i injected a DLL(64-bit Windows 10) in to a external process with Manual-map & Thread-hijacking and i do some stuff in there.
In current state i use "RtlCreateUserThread" to create a new thread and do some extra workload in there to distribute it for better performance.
My question is now... Is it possible to access other threads from the current process (hijack it) and add your own workload/code there. Without creating a new thread?
I didn't found anything helpful yet in the internet and the code i used and modified for Thread-hijacking seems to only work for a DLL file. Because i am pretty new to C++ i am still learning i am already thankful for any help.
(If you want to see the source for injector Google GHInjector your find the library on github.)
It is possible, but so complicated and may not work in all cases.
You need to splice existing thread's machine codes, so you will need write access to code page memory.
find thread id and thread handle, then suspend thread with SuspendThread WINAPI call
suspended thread can be in wait state or in system DLL call now, so you need to analyze current execution stack, backtrace it and find execution address from application space. You need API functions StackWalk, and PDB files in some cases. Also it depends on running architecture (x86, amd64, ...). Walk through stack until your EIP/RIP will not be in application memory address space
decode machine instruction (it will be 'call') and splice next instructions to your function call. You need to use __declspec(naked) declared function or ASM implemented one for execute your code and replaced instructions.
This method may work only once because no guarantees that application code is executed in loop.

non cpu profiled classes incrementing in the JProfiler

when I profiled one of our running JVMs, I found non profiled CPU classes count is growing constantly. Even though these non profiled CPU classes are not included in the filter settings, does increase in count alarm some kind of leak? We are using some third party libraries also in our application. Right now I see the classes count is increasing in this third party library. May be we are not handling code properly? I'm not sure. Can you someone please advise if this is some kind of leak? Attached classes screenshot and related information with the third party class.
You can use the "Class loaders" probe in the "JEE & Probes" section to see which classes are loaded and what triggers the loading of those classes. The "Events" tab of that probe will show you single class loading events with stack traces.

What happens if an MPI process crashes?

I am evaluating different multiprocessing libraries for a fault tolerant application. I basically need any process to be allowed to crash without stopping the whole application.
I can do it using the fork() system call. The limit here is that the process can be created on the same machine, only.
Can I do the same with MPI? If a process created with MPI crashes, can the parent process keep running and eventually create a new process?
Is there any alternative (possibly multiplatform and open source) library to get the same result?
As reported here, MPI 4.0 will have support for fault tolerance.
If you want collectives, you're going to have to wait for MPI-3.something (as High Performance Mark and Hristo Illev suggest)
If you can live with point-to-point, and you are a patient person willing to raise a bunch of bug reports against your MPI implementation, you can try the following:
disable the default MPI error handler
carefully check every single return code from your MPI programs
keep track in your application which ranks are up and which are down. Oh, and when they go down they can never get back. but you're unable to use collectives anyway (see my opening statement), so that's not a huge deal, right?
Here's an old paper (back when Bill still worked at Argonne. I think it's from 2003): . It lays out the kinds of fault tolerant things one can do in MPI. Perhaps such a "constrained MPI" might still work for your needs.
If you're willing to go for something research quality, there's two implementations of a potential fault tolerance chapter for a future version of MPI (MPI-4?). The proposal is called User Level Failure Mitigation. There's an experimental version in MPICH 3.2a2 and a branch of Open MPI that also provides the interfaces. Both are far from production quality, but you're welcome to try them out. Just know that since this isn't in the MPI Standard, the function prefixes are not MPI_*. For MPICH, they're MPIX_*, for the Open MPI branch, they're OMPI_* (though I believe they'll be changing theirs to be MPIX_* soon as well.
As Rob Latham mentioned, there will be lots of work you'll need to do within your app to handle failures, though you don't necessarily have to check all of your return codes. You can/should use MPI error handlers as a callback function to simplify things. There's information/examples in the spec available along with the Open MPI branch.

Loader lock detected twain

I am using a TwainPro4.dll for scanning purposes in my application framework v3.5.
When i run my application i get the below exception, Please advise
LoaderLock was detected
Message: DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\PegasusImaging.WinForms.TwainPro4\\PegasusImaging.WinForms.TwainPro4.dll' is attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can cause the application to hang.
I am assuming you mean when you debug your application you get this message. This message is important to understand. From MSDN:
"The loaderLock managed debugging assistant (MDA) detects attempts to execute managed code on a thread that holds the Microsoft Windows operating system loader lock. Any such execution is illegal because it can lead to deadlocks and to use of DLLs before they have been initialized by the operating system's loader. "
Now, to get the application to run in debug mode you can disabled the LoaderLock MDA in Debug Exceptions interface by Pressing (Ctrl+D, E) then open Managed Debugging Assistants tree and uncheck Loader Lock.
However! This is indicative of the DLL being initialized or written improperly. As such, again from MSDN,:
Typically, several threads inside the process will deadlock. One of those threads is likely to be a thread responsible for performing a garbage collection, so this deadlock can have a major impact on the entire process. Furthermore, it will prevent any additional operations that require the operating system's loader lock, like loading and unloading assemblies or DLLs and starting or stopping threads.
In some unusual cases, it is also possible for access violations or similar problems to be triggered in DLLs which are called before they have been initialized.
You may want to go back to the developer of the DLL and see what their approved resolution is.