Robot Framework - Case sensitive - testing

I need to know if there is a workaround on this error:
When I use Keywords like:
Location Should Be
Location Should Contain
(Which are both part of the Selenium2Library.)
I get this error:
"Location should have been '' but was 'http://WwW.GooGLe.Pt'
I think that is because robot framework is natively case sensitive when comparing strings.
Any help?
Question edited to clarify some subjects.

Luckily Robot Framework allows for keywords to be written in python.
def Compare_Ignore_Case(s1, s2):
if s1.lower() != s2.lower():
return False
return True
def Convert_to_Lowercase(s1):
return s1.lower()
| *Setting* | *Value* |
| Library | ./ |
| *Test Case* | *Action* | *Argument*
| T100 | [Documentation] | Compare two strings ignoring case.
| | Compare Ignore Case | foo | FOO
| T101 | [Documentation] | Compare two strings where one is a variable.
# Should be Get Location in your case.
| | ${temp}= | MyKeyword that Returns a String
| | Compare Ignore Case | foo | ${temp}
I have not used the Selenium library, but the example in T101 should work for you.

Just in case someone else wants this:
Location should be '${expectedUrl}' disregard case
${currUrl} get location
${currUrl} evaluate "${currUrl}".lower()
${expectedUrl} evaluate "${expectedUrl}".lower()
should be equal ${currUrl} ${expectedurl}
Location should contain '${expected}' disregard case
${currUrl} get location
${currUrl} evaluate "${currUrl}".lower()
${expected} evaluate "${expected}".lower()
should contain ${currUrl} ${expected}


how to have one itempointer serialize from 1 to n across the selected rows

as shown in the example below, the output of the query contains blockid startds from 324 and it ends at 127, hence, the itempointer or the row index within the block starts from one for each new block id. in otherwords, as shown below
for the blockid 324 it has only itempointer with index 10
for the blockid 325 it has itempointers starts with 1 and ends with 9
i want to have a single blockid so that the itempointer or the row index starts from 1 and ends with 25
plese let me know how to achive that and
why i have three different blockids?
select ctid
from awanti_grid_cell_data agcd
where selectedsiteid = '202230060950'
and centerPointsOfWindowAsGeoJSONInEPSG4326ForCellsInTreatment IS NOT NULL
and centerPointsOfWindowAsGeoJSONInEPSG4326ForCellsInTreatment <> 'None'
|ctid |
|(325,1) |
|(325,2) |
|(325,3) |
|(325,4) |
|(325,5) |
|(325,6) |
|(325,7) |
|(325,8) |
|(325,9) |
|(326,1) |
|(326,2) |
|(326,3) |
|(326,4) |
|(326,5) |
|(326,6) |
|(326,7) |
|(326,8) |
|(326,9) |
|(327,1) |
|(327,2) |
|(327,3) |
|(327,4) |
|(327,5) |
|(327,6) |
You are missing the point. The ctid is the physical address of a row in the table, and it is none of your business. The database is free to choose whatever place it thinks fit for a table row. As a comparison, you cannot go to the authorities and request that your social security number should be 12345678 - it is simply assigned to you, and you have no say. That's how it is with the physical location of tuples.
Very likely you are not asking this question out of pure curiosity, but because you want to solve some problem. You should instead ask a question about your real problem, and there may be a good answer to that. But whatever problem you are trying to solve, using the ctid is probably not the correct answer, in particular if you want to control it.

Confusing matching behaviour of pandas extract(all)

I have a strange problem. But first, I want to match a hierarchy-based string onto the value of a column in a pandas data frame and count the occurrence of the current node and all of its children.
| index | hierarchystr |
| ----- | --------------------- |
| 0 | level0level00level000|
| 1 | level0level01 |
| 2 | level0level02level021|
| 3 | level0level02level021|
| 4 | level0level02level020|
| 5 | level0level02level021|
| 6 | level1level02level021|
| 7 | level1level02level021|
| 8 | level1level02level021|
| 9 | level2level02level021|
Assume that there are 300k lines. Each node can have multiple children with again multiple children so on and so forth (here represented by level0-2 strings). Now I have a separate hierarchy where I extract the hierarchy strings from. Now to the problem:
#hstrs = ["level0", "level1", "level0level01", "level0level02", "level0level02level021"]
pat = "|".join(hstrs)
s = df.hierarchystr.str.extract('(' + pat + ')', expand=True)[0]
df1 = df.groupby(s).size().reset_index(name='Count')
df1 = df1[df1 > 200]
size = len(df1)
The size of the found matched substrings with occurrence greater than 200 differ every RUN! "level0" should match every row where the hierarchy str level0 is included and should build a group with all its subchildren and that size needs to be greater than 200.
Edit:// levelX is just an example, i have thousands of nodes, with different names and again thousands of different subchilds. The hstrs strings do not include each other, besides the parent nodes. (E.g. "parent1" is included in "parent1subchild1" and "parent1subchild2")
I traced it back to a different order of the hierarchy strings in the array hstrs. So I changed the code and compare each substring individually:
for hstr in hstrs:
s = df.hierarchystr.str.extract('(' + hstr + ')', expand=True)
s2 = s.count()
s3 = s2.values[0]
if s3 > 200:
This is slow as hell, but the result sticks the same, no matter which order hstrs has. But for efficiency is it possible to do the same with only one regex matching group, all at once for all hstrs?
expected output would be:
|index| 0 | Count |
|0 |level0 | 5 |
|1 |level1 | 3 |
|2 |level0level01 | 1 |
|3 |level0level02 | 4 |
|4 |level0level02level021| 3 |
it has something to do with the ordering of hstrs. I think with the match and stop after the first match the behavior of the extract method. If the ordering is different the hierarchy strings in the pat will be matched differently which results in different sizes of each group. A high hierarchy (short str) will be matched first, the lower hierarchy levels in the same pat won't be matched again. But IDK what to do against this behavior.
an alternative would be, but is also slow as hell:
for hstr in hstrs:
s = df[df.hierarchystr.str.contains(fqn)]
s2 = s.count()
s3 = s2.values[0]
if s3 > 200:
I think what I am searching for is the opportunity to do a "group_by" with "contains" or "is in" for the hstrs. I am glad for every Idea. :)
Found a simple, but not satisfying alternative (but faster than the previous tries):
containing =[item for hierarchystr in df.hierarchystr for item in hstrs if item in hierarchystr]
containing = Counter(containing)
df1 = pd.DataFrame([containing]).T
nodeNamesWithOver200 = df1[df1 > 200].dropna().index.values

ID Extracted from string not useable for connecting to bound form - "expression ... too complex"

I have a linked table to a Outlook Mailitem folder in my Access Database. This is handy in that it keeps itself constantly updated, but I can't add an extra field to relate these records to a parent table.
My workaround was to put an automatically generated/added ID String into the Subject so I could work from there. In order to make my form work the way I need it to, I'm trying to create a query that takes the fields I need from the linked table and adds a calculated field with the extracted ID so it can be referenced for relating records in the form.
The query works fine (I get all the records and their IDs extracted) but when I try to filter records from this query by the calculated field I get:
This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.
I tried separating the calculated field out into three fields so it's easier to read, hoping that would make it easier to evaluate for Access, but I still get the same error. My base query is currently:
SELECT InStr(Subject,"Support Project #CS")+19 AS StartID,
InStr(StartID,Subject," ") AS EndID,
Int(Mid(Subject,StartID,EndID-StartID)) AS ID,
FROM ProjectEmails
WHERE (((ProjectEmails.[Subject]) Like "*Support Project [#]CS*"));
I've tried to bind a subform to this query on qryProjectEmailWithID.ID = SupportProject.ID where the main form is bound to SupportProject, and I get the above error. I tried building a query that selects all records from that query where the ID = a given parameter and I still get the same error.
The working query that adds Support Project IDs would look like:
| ID | Subject | To | From | Received | Contents |
| 1 | RE: Support Project #CS1 ID Extra... | | | 2019-03-11 | Trying to work out how to add... |
| 1 | RE: Support Project #CS1 ID Extra... | | | 2019-03-11 | Thanks for your question. The... |
| 1 | RE: Support Project #CS1 ID Extra... | | | 2019-03-11 | You should use a different me... |
| 2 | RE: Support Project #CS2 IT issue... | | | 2019-02-21 | I really need some help with ... |
| 2 | RE: Support Project #CS2 IT issue... | | | 2019-02-21 | Thanks for your question. The... |
| 2 | RE: Support Project #CS2 IT issue... | | | 2019-02-21 | Have you tried turning it off... |
| 3 | RE: Support Project #CS3 email br... | | | 2019-02-12 | my email server is malfunccti... |
| 3 | RE: Support Project #CS3 email br... | | | 2019-02-12 | Thanks for your question. The... |
| 3 | RE: Support Project #CS3 email br... | | | 2019-02-13 | I've just re-started the nece... |
The view in question would populate a datasheet that looks the same with just the items whos ID matches the ID of the current SupportProject record, updating when a new record is selected. A separate text box should show the full content of whichever record is selected in that grid, like this:
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
On: 21/02/2019
Thanks for your question. The matter has been assigned to Support Project #CS2, and a support staff member will be in touch shortly to help you out. As it is considered of medium priority, you should expect daily updates.
From: someone#company
On: 21/02/2019
I really need some help with my computer. It seems really slow and I can't do my work efficiently.
Neither of these things happens as when I try to use the calculated number to relate to the PK of the SupportProject table...
I don't know if this is a part of the problem, but whether I use Int(Mid(Subject... or Val(Mid(Subject... I still apparently get a Double, where the ID field (as an autoincrement ID) is a Long. I can't work out how to force it to return a Long, so I can't test whether that's the problem.
So that is output resulting from posted SQL? I really wanted raw data but close enough. If requirement is to extract number after ...CS, calculate in query and save query:
Then build another query to join first query to table.
SELECT qryProjectEmailWithID.*, SupportProject.tst
FROM qryProjectEmailWithID
INNER JOIN SupportProject ON qryProjectEmailWithID.ID = SupportProject.ID;
Filter criteria can be applied to either ID field.
A subform can display the related child records synchronized with SupportProject records on main form.
I tested the ID calc with your data and then with a link to my Inbox. No issue with query join.

Multiple Font Style Combinations in

If I want to create a font with multiple style combinations, like bold AND underline, I have to place the 'or' statement between it, like in the example below:
lblArt.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 18, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Underline)
If you place bold 'and' underline, it won't work, and you only get 1 of the 2 (like how the or statement should be working), while that would be the logically way to do it. What is the reason behind this?
Boolean logic works a bit differently than the way we use the terms in English. What's happening here is that the enumerated FontStyle values are actually bit flags, and in order to manipulate bit flags, you use bitwise operations.
To combine two bit flags, you OR them together. An OR operation combines the two values. So imagine that FontStyle.Bold was 2 and FontStyle.Underline was 4. When you OR them together, you get 6—you've combined them together. In Boolean logic, you can think of an OR operation as returning "true" (i.e., setting that bit in the result) if either of the bits in the two operands are set, and "false" if neither of the bits in the two operands are set.
You can write a truth table for such an operation as follows:
| A | B | A OR B |
| 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
Notice that the results more closely mirror what we, in informal English, would call "and". If either one has it set, then the result has it set, too.
In contrast to OR, a bitwise AND operation only returns "true" (i.e., sets that bit in the result) if both of the bits in the two operands are set. Otherwise, the result is "false". Again, a truth table can be written:
| A | B | A AND B |
| 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
Assuming again that FontStyle.Bold has the value 2 and FontStyle.Underline has the value 4, if you AND them together, you get 0. This is because the values effectively cancel each other out. The net result is that you don't get any font styles—precisely why it doesn't work when you write FontStyle.Bold And FontStyle.Underline.
In VB, a bitwise OR operation is performed using the Or operator. The And operator performs a bitwise AND operation. So in order to do a bitwise inclusion of values, which is how you combine bit flags, you use the Or operator.
try this:
lblArt.Font = New Drawing.Font("Tahoma", _
18, _
FontStyle.Bold or FontStyle.Italic)
use "New Drawing.Font" instead of Font alone

SQLAlchemy getting label names out from columns

I want to use the same labels from a SQLAlchemy table, to re-aggregate some data (e.g. I want to iterate through mytable.c to get the column names exactly).
I have some spending data that looks like the following:
| name | region | date | spending |
| John | A | .... | 123 |
| Jack | A | .... | 20 |
| Jill | B | .... | 240 |
I'm then passing it to an existing function we have, that aggregates spending over 2 periods (using a case statement) and groups by region:
grouped table:
| Region | Total (this period) | Total (last period) |
| A | 3048 | 1034 |
| B | 2058 | 900 |
The function returns a SQLAlchemy query object that I can then use subquery() on to re-query e.g.:
subquery = get_aggregated_data(original_table)
region_A_results = session.query(subquery).filter(subquery.c.region = 'A')
I want to then re-aggregate this subquery (summing every column that can be summed, replacing the region column with a string 'other'.
The problem is, if I iterate through subquery.c, I get labels that look like:
Is there a way to get the textual label from a set of column objects, without the anon_1. prefix? Especially since I feel that the prefix may change depending on how SQLAlchemy decides to generate the query.
Split the name string and take the second part, and if you want to prepare for the chance that the name is not prefixed by the table name, put the code in a try - except block:
for col in subquery.c:
except IndexError:
Also, the result proxy (region_A_results) has a method keys which returns an a list of column names. Again, if you don't need the table names, you can easily get rid of them.