How do I use CMake ExternalProject_Add or alternatives in a cross-platform way? - cmake

I would like to build a third-party project that already has CMake as part of my project's CMake strips. ExternalProject_Add is for this purpose, but I have found it can only be made to work with a specific generator, and I wanted it to work on many platforms easily.
For example, here is my external project with an added script for zlib, which has its own CMakeLists.txt:
ExternalProject_Add_Step(ZLIB installInternally
COMMAND cd <BINARY_DIR> && make install
ExternalProject_Get_Property(ZLIB install_dir)
set(ZLIB_NAME libz)
set(ZLIB_NAME zlib)
add_library(zlib UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET zlib PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/${ZLIB_NAME}.a)
set(ZLIB_DIR ${install_dir} CACHE INTERNAL "zlib ROOT dir")
set(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${install_dir}/include CACHE INTERNAL "zlib include dirs")
set(ZLIB_DEFINES "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse" CACHE INTERNAL "zlib defines")
The problem with this is that it works with make, but not with Xcode or Visual Studio. Perhaps there is some way to take the CMake build commands passed to my project and forward them to ExternalProject_Add.
How can I write ExternalProject_Add calls in a cross-platform way with minimal code complexity, or is there a better alternative?

This is enough for single-configuration projects. But for Xcode and Visual Studio, you need to set CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES plus call build . --config at the build stage. See my answer.
COMMAND cd <BINARY_DIR> && make install
This will work only for Makefile generators of course. To be cross-platform you can use:
--build . --target install --config inside INSTALL_COMMAND of ExternalProject_Add.
Take a look at this template file, and in particular the following lines:
# Not used, just avoid creating Install/<name> empty directory
# This command is empty because all necessary targets will
# be built on install stage
--build .
--target install
--config ${configuration}
or is there a better alternative?
Have you seen Hunter?
You can add zlib just like this:
target_link_libraries(... ZLIB::zlib)
This code works everywhere. Third party dependencies will be downloaded automatically in the configuration step. Example of building with different generator/toolchains ( is just a CMake wrapper that sets CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and -G/-B): --toolchain mingw --config Release # MinGW Makefiles --toolchain vs-12-2013 --config Debug # Visual Studio 12 2013 --toolchain xcode --config Release # Xcode --toolchain libcxx --config Release # Makefile with -stdlib=libc++ toolchain --toolchain ios-8-2 --config Release # Xcode with iOS SDK 8.2 toolchain
You got full control what options, build types or number of jobs you want to have while building third-party packages. For instance, this is how you can build four types, Debug, Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDebInfo for zlib and link MinSizeRel to the current project:
> --toolchain xcode --verbose --config MinSizeRel --fwd "HUNTER_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release;Debug;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo"
/.../clang /.../lib/libz-MinSizeRel.a ... -o /.../_builds/xcode/MinSizeRel/foo
> ls -la /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz*
99056 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz-MinSizeRel.a
307872 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz-RelWithDebInfo.a
109536 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz.a
258904 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libzd.a

CMake ExternalProject_Add calls work cross-platform by default and will only fail to do so if one uses particular commands that are only available on a subset of operating systems.
Typically, CMAKE_ARGS is used to pass information to each superbuild unit within an external project build. The CMakeLists.txt files that control each miniature part of the overall build use CMake's declarative syntax (e.g., "add_library(library_name SHARED filename1.hpp filename1.cpp). CMake will convert such syntax to the commands that are specific to the particular build system you wish to use (e.g., make and Ninja).
The sample above re: zlib fails to be cross-platform in part because the ExternalProject_Add_Step contains "COMMAND cd && make install", which necessarily only works in situations where invoking "cd" is actually the correct way to change directories, and where invoking "make" is actually the correct way to build software.
CMake's -E option provides a way to invoke basic operations like changing/copying/making/removing directories without making such assumptions.
(By the way, if you're using IDEs such as Visual Studio or Xcode, you'll likely want to invoke one or more IDE generators when using CMake. For instance, setting
will cause Eclipse projects to be generated in each build area, and also in the source code area that is shared for all builds. Of course, if you are using Xcode or Visual Studio, you'll have to substitute the appropriate flag for those IDEs. Alternatively, you could consider using Eclipse with Ninja on all platforms, though at the time of writing, I am not completely certain that Ninja is ready for prime-time on non-Linux, non-Windows operating systems.)


CMake build types make no difference

I've worked in c++ for many years but I am new to CMake.
I build my app with
cmake --build build_dir --config Debug --target all -- -j 1
This works fine and builds the Debug version.
If I change the --config to anything else, for example Release with the following command:
cmake --build build_dir --config Release --target all -- -j 1
ninja says "no work to do" and exits. Running the compiled app it is clearly not optimised. There are two other options in this Cmake Project, RelWithDebug and MinSizeRel, and they act the same.
In CmakeLists.txt there is:
set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Release;Debug;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo")
There are a lot of other mentions of the various types, but it's all slightly greek to me at this time.
What can I do to work out where the issue is?
I'm going to give you the full in depth answer. Just in case someone else has this confusion.
What is a generator?
Essentially a generator is the build system CMake creates. CMake doesn't directly build your project. Because CMake is a meta-build system. IE CMake is a build system that 'generates' your true build system. That's why it is called a 'generator'.
"Visual Studio 16 2019" was designed to handles multiple configurations in 1 build.
Which is why when you open a Visual Studio project created by CMake you can easily change between Debug, Release, etc.
Where as "Unix Makefiles" and "Ninja" can only handle 1 config type at a time.
This difference in build system abilities leads to slightly different CLI when running CMake.
Visual Studio 16 2019 (Multi-Config)
As mentioned before Visual Studio supports multiple config types in the build.
cmake -S . -B build/vs -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
cmake --build build/vs --config Debug
cmake --build build/vs --config Release
In the first command you are creating the Visual Studio 2019 project.
In the second command you are actually building the binaries. And since Visual Studio projects are multi-config you don't need a different build folder for each type. Since Visual Studio handles it for you!
Ninja (Single Config)
cmake -S . -B build/ninja/ -G "Ninja" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build/ninja/
# Now I've updated the project to make Release binaries
cmake -S . -B build/ninja/ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/ninja/
In the example above you create a Ninja project for a debug build. Then you build it.
Then you create a Ninja project for a release build. Then you build it.
Notice how you have to manually specify 2 build folders for each type yourself.
Ninja Multi-Config (new in CMake 3.17)
Thanks to advances in Ninja and CMake you can create avoid the hassle of specifying the build type at project creation time. So now it's just like Visual Studio.
So now you can create a "Ninja Multi-Config" project instead of just a "Ninja" project.
cmake -S . -B build/nin -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
cmake --build build/nin --config Debug
cmake --build build/nin --config Release
Further Elaboration
Single Config Vs Multi-Config
How can you tell if your generator is Multi vs Single?
Read the docs. Or if you need to in your scripts you can check it programmatically.
You can query the global property GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG
A minor thing to mention is that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE doesn't do anything on multi-config generators. So avoid using it in your CMake code.
See this answer: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not being used in CMakeLists.txt

cmake building in source directory, not PWD

The question
Debug vs Release in CMake
indicates that
cd ~/codebase
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Will create the Makefile in release, and build the binary there. The intermediate .o files will be in a subdirectory of this.
However, when I do this with my project, CMake ignores the PWD that it is started from. The final target is always the directory ~/codebase/ which contains CMakeList.txt.
In the cmake-gui tool, I specified the source and build directories to be the same directory, the FQN to codebase
I'm new to CMake, and don't know how to get this to work as I expect. What should I modify to get this work as expected?
If you are using a single configuration generator (Ninja/Unix-Makefiles)
Then you need a build folder for each configuration.
Like this:
# Configure the build
cmake -S . -B build/Debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# Actually build the binaries
cmake --build build/Debug
For multi-configuration generators it's slightly different (Ninja Multi-Config, Visual Studio)
# Configure the build
cmake -S . -B build
# Actually build the binaries
cmake --build build --config Debug
If you are wondering why this is necessary it's because cmake isn't a build system. It's a meta-build system (IE a build system that creates build systems). This is basically the result of handling build systems that support multiple-configurations in 1 build. If you'd like a deeper understanding I'd suggest reading a bit about cmake in Craig Scott's book "Professional CMake: A Practical Guide
My examples use newer cmake cli practices.
That question you linked to has dangerously out of date answers...

How can I run cmake from within cmake?

My project depends on mariadb-connector-c and I'm trying to automate the download, build and link process with cmake.
I currently download the project into a directory, I then try to execute generate ninja files and run them but I cannot run cmake at all:
execute_process(COMMAND "cmake -GNinja ." WORKING_DIRECTORY ${mariadb-connector-c_SOURCE_DIR})
I know this doesn't work because the next step, running ninja, fails:
execute_process(COMMAND "ninja" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${mariadb-connector-c_SOURCE_DIR})
cmake runs fine in CLI, I've tried using the full path to the cmake executable and replacing the dot with the variable with the full directory (which is also a valid variable, if you're wondering.)
How can I tell cmake to run cmake on that external project?
You can organize your project to a top-level CMakeLists.txt build your subprojects as ExternalProject.
This approach requires more work and maintenance of more CMake modules but it has its own benefits. I download Google Test as follows:
# Create download URL derived from version number.
# Download and build the Google Test library and add its properties to the third party arguments.
INSTALL_COMMAND make install
The code abowe is inside my ExternalGoogleTest.cmake module which is included by CMakeLists.txt of third-party libraries:
set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES EP_BASE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ThirdParty)
get_directory_property(THIRDPARTY_BASE_PATH EP_BASE)
set(GTEST_VERSION 1.8.0)
Your own project which depends on an external library will need a CMake module to build it as ExternalProject too. It can looks like:
DEPENDS gtest whatever
You can found more tips about this pattern here.

How to setup make options with cmake

I would like to setup commands like make debug, make test, etc... What is the best way to do this with cmake, so that I run cmake .. one time (it takes a while) and then be able to choose the build type with make?
I couldn't find any resources on this.
As #Tsyvarev has commented this needs a little extra work for single-configuration environments (respectively CMake's Makefile generators) since the build type is chosen during CMake's configuration and finalized during the build environment generation step.
So here is what I've done:
First you run - e.g. in a script - CMake for all configurations you want to support and choose respective sub-folders for the output:
> cmake -H"." -B"Debug" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
> cmake -H"." -B"Release" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Note: -H (for "home directory") and -B (for "binary output directory") are undocumented options, but very useful in those cases. And they work with all CMake releases so far. Just be careful not to put spaces between the option and the their values.
Then you can use again CMake to build from/in those sub-folders:
> cmake --build "Debug"
> cmake --build "Release"
And if you want to run the tests you can:
> cmake --build "Debug" --target "test"
> cmake --build "Release" --target "test"
Changing CMake files standard location
Does CMake always generate configurations for all possible project configurations?
cmake build multiple targets in different build directories
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE not being used in CMakeLists.txt

How can I distribute/install 3rd-party libraries with CMake?

I'm building and distributing an executable which relies on several 3rd-party libraries, most of which are built outside of CMake's buildsystem (though, if it helps, I can add and build them as custom targets in my CMake file).
Here's how I include the libs:
I'd like to include a CMake directive which installs my executable along with its dependencies. Is there a better way to do this other than calling the install command for every single dependency?
Is there maybe a way to do this via the add_library command?
This is possible in nowadays with CMake 3.21, which allows you to get a set of dependent libraries via parameter RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET in the install command. Keep in mind, that it will gather all dependent libraries including system, you will need to filter them.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
# Install your app or library
# Install third-party libraries (exclude system libraries Windows/Unix)
LIST(APPEND pre_exclude_regexes "api-ms-.*")
LIST(APPEND pre_exclude_regexes "ext-ms-.*")
LIST(APPEND post_exclude_regexes ".*WINDOWS[\\/]system32.*")
LIST(APPEND post_exclude_regexes "^/lib" "^/usr" "^/bin")
install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET runtime_deps
PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES ${pre_exclude_regexes}
POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES ${post_exclude_regexes}
Sorry, no. The add_library command serves the purpose of creating a target in your makefile to build a library. target_link_dependencies just passes the various -L ... -l ... flags to the compiler for a target.
The normal CMake approach is to test for the presence of other libraries or executables on which yours depends, and fail if they are not available.
Handling dependencies is normally left to a package manage such as apt, rpm, etc. It is unwise to build your dependent components as part of your own makefile for a number of reasons:
Your clients might want to use a slightly different version
Any change in how those dependencies build requires you to modify your own build scripts
Your program may work with multiple versions of a dependency, all of which build in different ways.
As someone who uses CMake to build large parts of an entire embedded Linux distribution (see Open webOS), I advise you to keep your scripts focused very tightly on building just one thing.
I am also finding a way to deal this problem today.
and I found :
does it!
here is my sample CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
PREFIX libuuid-prefix
# DOWNLOAD_DIR libuuid-download
# SOURCE_DIR libuuid-source
# DOWNLOAD_COMMAND wget && tar zxf xxx.tar.gz
DOWNLOAD_COMMAND tar zxf ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/libuuid-1.0.3.tar.gz
CONFIGURE_COMMAND <DOWNLOAD_DIR>/libuuid-1.0.3/configure
INSTALL_COMMAND mkdir -p ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/ && cp <SOURCE_DIR>/.libs/libuuid.a <SOURCE_DIR>/.libs/ <SOURCE_DIR>/.libs/ <SOURCE_DIR>/.libs/ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/