Updated SQL Field based on Conditions in a Related Table - sql

I am new to SQL and despite hours of searching, cannot figure out the SQL query to update records in my members table, based on conditions in my payments table. I'm very confused whether I use a JOIN (and if so what kind) or a Subquery?
Here's what I have so far:
UPDATE wp_mcra_members
SET wp_mcra_members.dues_paid = 1
JOIN wp_mcra_payments ON wp_mcra_payments.member = wp_mcra_members.ID
WHERE wp_mcra_payments.year_paid = '2013' and wp_mcra_payments.reason = 'Dues';
I want the databased to search for any records in the Payments table that meet my conditions of being year 2013 and labeled Dues. Then I want the Members table to update the field dues_paid based on any found records matching those conditions, where the Member ID = Payments Member

The syntax for an update with a join varies by database. Here is generic syntax using a subquery in the where clause:
UPDATE wp_mcra_members
SET dues_paid = 1
where wp_mcra_members.id in (select wp_mcra_payments.member
from wp_mcra_payments
WHERE wp_mcra_payments.year_paid = '2013' and
wp_mcra_payments.reason = 'Dues'
) ;

The syntax you supplied looks like it would work if you are using SQL Server. Oracle does not support JOINs with UPDATE, instead look into using MERGE or Gordon's answer would also work there.
Assuming however you are using MySQL, a JOIN in the UPDATE statement would probably have a better performance than using IN:
UPDATE wp_mcra_members
JOIN wp_mcra_payments ON wp_mcra_payments.member = wp_mcra_members.ID
SET wp_mcra_members.dues_paid = 1
WHERE wp_mcra_payments.year_paid = '2013'
and wp_mcra_payments.reason = 'Dues';


Update query based on two conditions

I have the following table based on this query:
repName.repID, repName.Rep_Name, repName.Job_Code, GenItems.Item_Name,
ON GenItems.Job_Code = repName.Job_Code
I want to add an update routine to it. I want to update the entered field if the user entry matches the rep.ID and the Item Name. and finally return the Max value for the Entered field. Can I add this to this query or is it better to write another.
I just started working with sql, so if my questions seems basic, please forgive me. I am self taught and stumbling greatly.
Thank you
I don't understand fully your question.
You are showing us a SELECT statement. It can only be used to return a table-like result. If you want to upate a table you must use an UPDATE query. For the SQL-Server (and SQL CE) the query looks like this:
UPDATE repName
SET repName.Entered = x
ON GenItems.Job_Code = repName.Job_Code
repName.repID = x AND GenItems.Item_Name = 'y'
The difficulty is that tables have to be joined in the UPDATE statement. This not supported in Oracle for instance, where you have to do it with sub-selects.

Oracle Update using a join in the select statement

I am attempting to update a field based upon data in a joined table. I've read that the Update command will not work with a table joins in the where clause. However, I cannot use the Exists command workaround as my condition is not the existence of a linked record, but rather a value in that linked record.
update stock S
set stm_auto_key=186086
STOCK Left Join
S.QTY_OH > 0 And
S.STM_LOT = 128729 And
The select statement works fine stand alone. However using it in an update command yields "SQL command not properly ended."
Thanks in advance...
I guess, you need something like this, because there might be no FROM clause in UPDATE statement:
update stock S
set stm_auto_key=186086
S.QTY_OH > 0 And
S.STM_LOT = 128729 And

Oracle SQL - How do I update from an Outer Joined Table?

The Problem
I need to write an Update query where my SET references an outer joined table.
I can do this fairly easily with SQL Server but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the syntax in Oracle as I'm only allow a single table in an update query.
I have written the following Oracle query:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
AND tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
This takes care of the intersection but I need to deal with values in SalesExt_tmp that do not have equivalent matches in dw_sls_rep_conv (I plan to add a case statement to set null values to a default value). To do this I need to set up dw_sls_rep_conv as an outer joined table. But this is where I get stuck.
SQL Server Example
In SQL Server the solution is a piece of cake as you can have multiple tables in an Update Query:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
LEFT JOIN dw_sls_rep_conv sls ON sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep
SET tmp.slsrep = sls.three_dig_rep
WHERE tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this in Oracle. I understand that this query will allow my slsrep field to be set to NULL in some occasions which causes me to fear that this operation may not be allowed.
1) Firstly is this possible in Oracle? (It's got to be, right?)
2) How do I need to restructure my query to pull this off? I'm guessing my WHERE EXISTS clause needs to go... but I'm still stuck as to where to place my JOIN.
If I understood you correctly, you want to set the value to NULL if there is no match in the dw_sls_rep_conv table? If so, just drop your EXISTS condition and all the rows will be updated:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
WHERE tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
If there is a match in the dw_sls_rep_conv table, then the slsrep column will be updated with selected value, otherwise, with NULL.
Have you considered using a subquery in your where clause that performs the outer join as you stated like this:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
tmp.rowid in
(SELECT tmp1.rowid
FROM SalesExt_tmp tmp1,
dw_sls_rep_conv sls
tmp1.slsrep = sls.aims_rep (+)
AND tmp1.sysind = 'AIM' );

Multiple Query Writing in Single Query

I have two tables in Database , I need to select a field from one table and update it in another table with a condition where id is same .. Is it Possible to write in single query ???
This should work for you:
update storage
set storage.email = (select register.email
from register
where register.id = storage.id)
Yeah it is, you could do this for example:
UPDATE Origin SET DesiredColumn = NewValue
FROM Origin
JOIN NewTable ON Origin.Id = NewTable.Id
And guess the column names were like DesiredColumn in the updating table and NewValue in the table that holds the new value.
Yes, this is possible, although the syntax depends on the type of SQL you are using.
Here is an example for T-SQL (for Microsoft SQL Server)
Email = R.Email
dbo.Register R
INNER JOIN dbo.Storage S
ON S.RegisterID = R.RegisterID

Update Query from a Lookup Query

I have a spreadsheet that I am converting to an Access DB. I have a column of typed out customer names that I want to replace with the appropriate customer number from our accounting system.
I have created a table with the customer info, and a query that shows what ID needs to be inserted into the source data. What I'm looking for is:
UPDATE tblStarting_Data
SET CustomerID=x
WHERE TEMPCustomer=y
Where X and Y come from qryIDPerCustomer.
Can I use a loop? How do I reference another query?
Another possibility in MS Access (object names borrowed from Tomalak answer):
UPDATE tblStarting_Data, qryIDPerCustomer
SET tblStarting_Data.CustomerID=qryIDPerCustomer.CustomerID
WHERE tblStarting_Data.TEMPCustomer=qryIDPerCustomer.CustomerName
I think a JOIN will help you:
tblStarting_Data AS sd
INNER JOIN qryIDPerCustomer AS qc ON sd.TEMPCustomer = qc.CustomerName
sd.CustomerID = qc.CustomerID;
This can be expressed as a correlated sub-query as well (though the join syntax is preferable):
CustomerID = (
FROM qryIDPerCustomer
WHERE CustomerName = tblStarting_Data.TEMPCustomer
No need for a loop, both statements will update all records in tblStarting_Data in one step.