BB10 Cascades SystemDialog - qml

I have a question about SystemDialogs? I need to implement one in QML, but the sample project (“dialogs”) available on Github appears as containing errors when built with the 10.1 SDK. They do however run normally.
The code of interest is as follows:
SystemDialog {
id: dialog
title: qsTr("DIALOG")
body: qsTr("Dialog body")
confirmButton.label: qsTr("Okay button")
confirmButton.enabled: true
cancelButton.label: qsTr("Cancel button")
cancelButton.enabled: true
buttons: [
SystemUiButton {
id: random
label: qsTr("RANDOM")
enabled: true
SystemUiButton {
id: random2
label: qsTr("RANDOM2")
enabled: true
The “error” properties are the label and enabled properties of the confirm and cancel buttons and the buttons array property of the SystemDialog. As mentioned, although the IDE highlights them as errors, the code appears to work as expected.
My question is, is there a way to do something similar in SDK10.1? I need to set the text on the buttons in the dialog.

The names 'label' and 'enabled' are correct.
You can check bbndk-10.1/target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6/usr/include/bb/system/SystemUiButton.hpp
I think the IDE is not correct in regarding those names as an error.


jQuery datatables buttons defaults

I have some styles that I need to apply to all DataTables buttons so that they match the rest of the buttons on my site. I can add that using the className option as below, but I'd like not to have to supply the same thing every time.
Manual example
buttons: [
text: 'I look like a button',
className: 'icanhazdefalt'
I see in the docs that the default value is undefined. I couldn't find anywhere in the docs that you could override the default for this or other options. Is this possible? Something like:
className: 'icanhazdefalt'
What I need is to be able to set the default for the plugin itself (rather than for a specific instance). Then all instances I create on the page from then on would have the default I specified. I can include the script that sets the default right after the plugin script (perhaps in a layout file) so that I never have to manually do anything to get all subsequent instances to have the default className (but still be able to override it by explicitly providing it as shown in the 'manual example' above).
$('#myTable').DataTable( {
buttons: {
buttons: [
{ extend: 'copy', className: 'copyButton' },
{ extend: 'excel', className: 'excelButton' }
} );
EDIT: There might be a better and simpler way of doing this but, this is what I came up at the moment.
var table= $("#myTable").DataTable( {
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
text: 'I look like a button'
text: 'I dont'
} );
//Add class to all buttons
You can also change your button selection by giving a parameter for buttons().
See this link for that.

ExtJS How to modify the textfield parameter autocomplete="off"

Some modern (Safari, chrom, firefox) browser records informations and allows you to autocomplete some textfields when you come back.
I want to do it in ExtJS. I have a piece of answer here :
How to get Chrome to remember login on forms?
But in ExtJS, I can not access to the parameter autocomplete. It is always hard coded autocomplete="off". In the doc, I do not found how to modify it :!/api/Ext.form.field.Text
Is someone has a simple answer to modify this parameter ?
You want to add an afterrender listener to the textfield, get a reference to the input element, and set its autocomplete attribute to "on". You probably also want to set its name (as that is how the browser remembers the value).
fieldLabel:'some field',
Note that to make LastPass work you might need to remove size attribute from textfields. For some weird reasons Sencha is setting size=1 which is weird (was that because of IE6? maybe even IE5.5?).
Anyway this makes LastPass work. I guess you might want to remove autocomplete attribute as well for other password managers. Tested with ExtJS 6.5.
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'username',
fieldLabel: 'Username',

Sencha Touch 2.0: Universal Ext.TitleBar title not changing

I am trying to create a universal titlebar with a back button for my application. I am including it in the various views by using {xclass:mUserStories.view.titlebar}.
Here is the code for the titlebar:
Ext.define('mUserStories.view.titlebar', {
extend: 'Ext.TitleBar',
id: 'narwhal',
config: {
docked: 'top',
// id: 'narwhal',
title: 'CHW Module',
items: [{
ui: 'back',
text: 'Back',
id: 'backButton'
// hidden: true
However, when I try to dynamically change the toolbar when switching to different pages, the console.log of the titlebar says the _title has changed but the text on the titlebar and the "hidden" property of the button does not change.
Here is the code for the logic that occurs when the button is pressed to switch the page:
toPage: function (arg) {
var t = Ext.getCmp('narwhal');
var b = Ext.getCmp('backButton');
if (arg === PAGES.PATIENT_LIST) {
t.setTitle('Patient List');
I have also tried to include a ref at the top for Narwhal : '#narwhal' and use var t = this.getNarwhal(), but this does not work either.
I am not sure if the problem lies with where the id is being kept, how the id is being called, or because the page is not refreshing properly. Any advice would help!
Thank you for your time :)
I have had the same situation in my project.
I managed to get everything to work like you want it by having a controller owning a reference to the title bar and listening to activeItemChange on my tabPanel.

creating a tab panel in extjs4 with different stores that loads only upon the particular tab is selected

I'm using extjs4 and I'm trying to create a tab panel, that each tab has a different grid that loads data from a store. (each grid different store)
I would like to load the particular store only when the user clicks on the respective tab.
I don't see how I can catch the user click on the panel.
How I can do that?
I had a similar performance loading issue and failed to solve it with deferredRender. You have to add the event activate for the tab you want to load when the tab is activated :
title: 'tab2',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'activate' : function(){
Worked fine for me even if it's a temporary solution. Extjs 4.1 should improve loading/rendering performances. We'll see.
You can activate the panel by placing setActiveItem() in tab handler.
Ok, I figured out, I just needed to have deferredRender=true and to add the respective store.load() on the beforerender event on every tab:
var lowerTabPanel = Ext.create('', {
deferredRender: true,
items: [
title: 'tab1',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'beforerender' : function(){
title: 'tab2',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'beforerender' : function(){
Ext.TabPanel has config option deferredRender. May be it helps you.
true by default to defer the rendering of child items to the browsers DOM until a tab is activated. false will render all contained items as soon as the layout is rendered. If there is a significant amount of content or a lot of heavy controls being rendered into panels that are not displayed by default, setting this to true might improve performance.
Update: Also look at autoLoad config option in, it should be false.

Dojo: create programatically a menu in an enhancedgrid

I'm trying to create programatically an EnahncedGrid with a menu. I've got the grid to work, but I've been unable to use the menu. It just not shows up. The code is as follows:
sMenu = new dijit.Menu({});
sMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: "Delete Record",
iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCancel",
onClick : function(){
* El grid propiamente dicho
var grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id: "grid_"+i,
query: {
idDocument: '*'
plugins: {
nestedSorting: true,
indirectSelection: true,
menus: {rowMenu:sMenu}
onRowDblClick: openFile,
structure: layout
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I haven't used this myself, but I have two possible suggestions:
First, make sure you're dojo.require-ing "dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Menu" and are only instantiating the widgets within a dojo.addOnLoad or dojo.ready.
If you've already done that, the second thing I'd suggest is giving your menu an id, and passing that id to the rowMenu property of the menus object (in other words, pass a string, not the widget itself). Although, the way you're doing it seems like it should work, judging from the code.
You can see a test page with working menus here: