Can anyone explain more detail than the link?
I have hippo project import to the eclipse.
and i know the first step is setting up our own REST service is to create an HST mount.
but I don't know where do I configure the following code?
<sv:node sv:name="restapi">
<sv:property sv:name="jcr:primaryType" sv:type="Name">
<sv:property sv:name="hst:alias" sv:type="String">
<sv:property sv:name="hst:isSite" sv:type="Boolean">
<sv:property sv:name="hst:namedpipeline" sv:type="String">
it is configured somewhere at
(you may have more site nodes in here)
You can configure your endpoint using the essential tools:
The site's node is generated by rebuilding the project.
It is usually found in the repository at this location:
I hope it helps.
I have a TYPO3 10.4.1 installation (composer mode) on ubuntu 20.04 with php 7.4 and a mariadb database and installed the extension "Extension Builder" (v10-compatibility). When I create a new extension with domain model using the Extension Builder and save it there appears no errors, also when I add it to the composer.json and run the composer require command. However, there are no tables created in the database.
Does anyone has an idea where to start looking for the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You can add the extension "typo3_console" (composer req helhum/typo3-console) and then add this section in your composer.json :
"scripts": {
"install-updateschema": [
"typo3cms database:updateschema"
This will automatically update database schema with a composer install/update.
More information here :
I have the following href with php tag. It works on 1.x, i need to migrate to 2.x version.
how to change to work on 2.x version?
You should just be able to do this:
<a :href="'/report/message/compose/' + student.StudentID">test</a>
Can do it in this way.
<a v-bind:href=" '<?=base_url('report/message/compose/')?>' + student.StudentID">test</a>
I developed a new module and I want to add it to my odoo on the server but when I access to my files I don't find addons file in order to put the module. I tried a lot of paths but I didn't find it even my opt file is empty any suggestions or ideas please ? odoo is installed on ubuntu 14.0
I used to find my addons on opt/odoo/odoo
This code I added it just to be able to publish my question because I could not publish it without code
<record id="view_order_product_graph" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name"></field>
<field name="model"></field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<graph string="Sales Analysis" type="pivot" stacked="True">
<field name="section_id" type="row"/>
<field name="date" interval="month" type="col"/>
<field name="price_total" type="measure"/>
You can put your modules on the system where ever you want. What you have to know is, where to find the server config file. If you've installed Odoo by package installer, it should be in /etc/odoo/*.conf.
In this file you can add paths to the line addons_path=.... Save the config and restart the Odoo instance. Reload the Modules in Odoo and you will find the custom modules.
You can use Python interpreter:
>>> import openerp
>>> openerp.addons.__path__
I am trying to add jUCMNav to eclipse, and I am getting this error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: jUCMNav: URN Editor (UCM and GRL) 6.0.0 ( 6.0.0)
Missing requirement: jUCMNav 6.0.0 (seg.jUCMNav 6.0.0) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts 1.3.1' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: jUCMNav: URN Editor (UCM and GRL) 6.0.0 ( 6.0.0)
To: seg.jUCMNav [6.0.0]
what should I do to complete the installation ? any help is much appreciated
PS: the link that I added for the installation is :
I had the same problem when i was using eclipse Indigo.
I took the latest version of eclipse and it worked fine.
Does anyone know if a list of known (and working) Maven Central Repository ( mirrors?
If not, what mirrors do you use when the central repository is down?
This is taken from #rvxnet's answer and an example of why link-only answer are not desirable. I've taken this from the 2015-05-20 WaybackMachine version of their link:
Official, but not browseable:
Also, there are official instructions for configuring to use mirrors. Essentially, you add to you settings.xml the something like the following:
<name>PlanetMirror Australia</name>
I just found this:
<name>Google Maven Central</name>
That worked great for me
credit: Failed to get the server archetype by maven
From Using Mirrors for Repositories:
The official Maven 2 repository is at: hosted in the US, or hosted in the UK.
A list of known mirrors is available in the Repository Metadata. These mirrors may not have the same contents and we don't support them in any way.
The size of the central repository is increasing steadily. To save us bandwidth and you time, mirroring the entire central repository is not allowed (doing so will get you automatically banned). Instead, we suggest you setup a repository manager as a proxy.
Here you can see the following list:
</mirror -->
This worked for me!