objective c init in protocol - objective-c

yesterday a colleague asked, why we should not declare an init method (initWith...:(...)) in a protocol to force implementing classes to supply such an initializer. I was quite suprised about that question and in my understanding, this is nonsense. But I could not find a definitive reason but that declaring an init method in a protocol leads to less flexibility for the implementations.
Could you please tell me a good reason, why there should or should not be an init method in a protocol?

You define methods in protocols so that your code could call methods implemented by others. The "contract" between you and developers implementing your protocol looks like this:
You define the protocol,
Someone else implements your protocol,
Someone else creates an object implementing your protocol, and gives it to you, so
You can call methods of your protocol without knowing their implementation.
In order to call methods of your protocol, you need to have an instance of an object implementing it. The whole point of defining protocols is removing from your code any knowledge about the class implementing your protocol: if you know which class you are going to get, you might as well skip the protocol, and program to the class directly. However, if you want to call your init, you have to either know the class, or someone else must pass you an alloc-ed object on which the init has not been called yet. Neither alternative is a good idea - the first one kills the purpose of having protocols, and the second forces your callers deal in partially initialized objects.
Note that it does not prevent you from having non-init configuration methods in a protocol: if all objects must be configured using certain bits of information, let your users implement whatever init that they want, and add a configureWith:... method to your protocol, letting you control the process of configuring the object without knowing about its init method.

I know some protocols in iOS SDK which has init... methods. For example NSCoding Protocol has – initWithCoder: required method. I think it is normal practice.


Delegation in iOS without a protocol?

The Apple docs for Delegation state:
In both Swift and Objective-C delegation is often expressed with
a protocol that defines the interaction and a conforming delegate
I'm not sure of any other way to create delegates that don't "have to" involve a protocol. Is there another way of expressing delegation in Swift or Objective-C that doesn't involve a protocol?
A delegate doesn't have to conform to a protocol. You can code to an implementation, but that is bad practice.
I think apple are saying that this is the way things are normally done. You don't have to use protocols...but you should if you want to keep things flexible.
Delegation is in essence asking someone else to do something for you. If you enforce a contract, then its more likely they will do it for you.
I Completely agree with the above answer, protocols guarantee the contract between the two objects. If there was no protocol, you cannot make sure that delegate methods are implemented in a way you require them to be.
Even if you use a class instead of a protocol, there can be problems regarding multiple inheritance and the implementation becomes difficult. This also leads to tight coupling between the objects and memory management becomes difficult.
However, in my point of view you can implement delegation without a protocol this way :
Forget the protocol, one delegate and one delegating object.
Its is developer's responsibility to implement all the required methods in the delegate object.
The variable 'delegate' will be of type class instead of protocol.
Call the appropriate methods directly whenever required.

NSProxy vs NSObject

I was using method swizzling to wrap all method invocations in a class with some extra functionality. Specifically I was:
Checking if the required object for this method call was in the cache
If the cache had that object return it.
If not, dispatch to the original implementation, populate the cache and return that.
For each method, I would reroute to an advised method. And implement the new method using + (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel and IMP_implementationWithBlock.
It worked fine, but the code didn't read nicely. It seems NSProxy will provide a neater way to implement this functionality.
But still another alternative, would be to simply have an NSObject subclass stand-in and intercept method calls around my target object's methods. By overriding forwardInvocation and methodSignatureForSelector, I can get the required outcome.
So what does NSProxy give me? Why should I use this instead?
The point of NSProxy is that it doesn't implement most methods. That's necessary to be sure that the Objective-C forwarding machinery gets invoked to begin with. If you start with NSObject, there are a lot of methods which will just be directly dispatched without you having an opportunity to forward them.

Methods required to be implemented when subclassing in Objective C

I am new at programming in general (though I have had a C class many, many years ago) and am learning Objective-C for programming on the iPhone. I have what I think is a simple question, but after looking for a while (days, off and on) I can't find the answer that I'm looking for explicitly.
I know that when subclassing an Objective-C class I should implement the initialize method along with the deallocate method (unless using ARC for the latter, if I am correct?). The questions are:
Are these the only two to worry about, or will other classes potentially have additional methods that can be required to be implemented?
If other classes might have methods that I am required to implement when subclassing them, where is that documentation typically found? (I don't seem to see that in the Apple framework docs, though that kind of information is there for protocols it appears)
Thanks for your help!
Technically, you are not required to implement even the init and dealloc if the inherited versions are sufficient. Also, ARC does not free you from having to write dealloc in all cases (but it certainly covers the overwhelming majority). For example, if you allocate memory for your object using malloc, you need to free it in the dealloc.
When you add instance variables to your class, you need to initialize them. Typically, you do that in a designated initializer. Again, if you do not to initialize anything, you do not have to code your own initializer; same goes for deinitializer.
The only case when you need to implement a method is when you adopt a protocol with one or more methods marked #requried. These methods are marked in the protocol reference. For example, tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: are marked with the "required method" tag in Apple's documentation.
No methods are required when subclassing an NSObject (or any of their subclasses, such as UIViewController, UIView, etc. etc.).
If you create a new, let's say UIViewController, it's generally a good idea to keep the methods you find in the newly created file as a guideline/template, but you're not really required to keep any of the methods. The super class will always call the methods on itself.
Be aware, though, some methods you have to call super, like viewWillAppear, etc.

Can an ObjC class object conform to a protocol?

Is there a way to indicate to the compiler that a class object conforms to a protocol?
As I understand, by creating +(void)foo class methods, an instance of that class object will have those methods as instance methods. So, as long as I create +(void)foo methods for all required protocol methods, I can have a class object act as a delegate.
My problem of course is that in the class's header file, I only know how to indicate that instances of the class conform to the protocol (as is typically the case). So, the best I've figured out is to cast the class object like so:
something.delegate = (id<SomethingDelegate>)[self class]
Any ideas?
Related, but different:
ObjC: is there such a thing as a "class protocol"?
What you're doing now is correct as it will silence warnings which is your goal. You will be sending the class object messages defined in the protocol for instances which is a bit confusing, but the runtime doesn't care.
Think about it this way: you want to set a delegate to an object that responds to the messages defined in the protocol. Your class does this, and your class is also an object. Therefore, you should treat your class like an object that conforms to that protocol. Therefore, what you've written is completely correct (based on what you're trying to do).
One thing to note, though, is this class will not properly respond to conformsToProtocol:. This is generally okay for a delegate setup anyway (delegates don't usually check if the class conforms — they just check if it can respond to a selector).
As a side note, one thing you can do syntactically is:
Class<SomethingDelegate> variable = (Class<SomethingDelegate>)[self class];
The difference here is that the compiler will use the class methods from the protocol instead of instance messages. This is not what you want in your case, though.
There is no Objective-C syntax to indicate that a metaclass conforms to a protocol.
I think you can do it at runtime, by using class_addProtocol on the metaclass. But I haven't tried it.
I guess you could also write a +conformsToProtocol: method on your class, and lie about your conformance. This could have unexpected side-effects, since there's already a +conformsToProtocol: on NSObject (in addition to -conformsToProtocol:).
Neither of these will eliminate the need for a cast to shut the compiler up. Just use a singleton.

MacRuby: conforming to protocols

I'm new to MacRuby (and Objective-C). Reading through some of the Cocoa documentation, I keep coming across parts that mention delegates conforming to protocols. So far, I keep setting my AppDelegate as the protocol for anything that talks about a delegate, but I'm not sure whether or not I'm conforming to the necessary protocols.
What do I need to know about Protocols and how do I conform to them in my application?
You need to understand what an [formal] Objective-C protocol is, including that it defines mandatory and/or optional methods. See Apple's Objective-C documentation. Protocols are a limited form of multiple inheritance whereby only behavior, but not state, is inherited. Other languages may call that interface or mix-in.
To conform to a protocol means that your class implements all mandatory methods, and possibly none, some or all optional methods.
Typically, protocol are used for delegates. It's a means to formalize the API that a class requires from its delegate. For a given delegate protocol, you need to understand that API. Refer to Apple's documentation regarding that specific protocol.
Finally, there is neither a way nor a need for you to declare that your MacRuby class conforms to any protocol. You can directly assign your class instance to the client object delegate. You are still required to conform to the protocol, but there won't be any compile-time checking. If you fail conforming, you can expect a run-time exception. Or some odd behavior. Or something.
That's my understanding anyway.