Change Hippo repository path - hippocms

Help me please!
My web application running on the server with Ubunta. Jenkins takes the code shown on Bitbucket, and then sets it and manually loads the war files in the Tomcat, that's not deployed by cargo. The problem is in the fact that when I manually brush my folder with the web application, then the next time when i install, all data from the repository( settings, users) disappear. I tried to configure auto export in the console, but the button is not active and press on the checkbox in the Configuration/ Modules/Autoexport also does not help. On the local machine everything works, button is active and data exported to the folder 'bootstrap' to the folder with the project. But on the server is no folders with the project, it on the Bitbucket. And the inclusion of auto exports to the configuration pom.xml file in the plugin too does not fit, that's Jenkins not deployed through the cargo, and loads the war files in the Tomcat. Is there another way to change the Hippo repository path?

You can use -Drepo.path startup option. For more options please see this link:
Repository Deployment Settings

Automatic export functionality is there to help you during development, so on your local machine. It is started when configuring it in the profile. This profile is typically not used on production servers.
More info on Automatic Export can be found here:

-Drepo.path = /path
-Drepo.Config = /repository.xml -> for database config


unable to include external files in a project

I have created the default play application in IntelliJ in directory P. I have over-written the default index.scala.html with my own html code. The html code refers to some css and js files which are outside the directory P. To include these external files, I added the directory of these files using project configuration settings.
My webpage doesn't load properly as the server returns 404 for the css and js files. What am I doing wrong?
When you added your directory using project structure, you only say:
Hey, IDEA, please consider this folder part of my project, consider
its contents source code and display it when I open my project.
However, when you deploy or run your app, you only deploy the usual folders to the server, which contain the resources which will be available for clients to access.
The external directory is not part of these directories and will not be deployed.
What you can do is to copy the file from the external directory as a part of your build process before deploying the application.
EDIT: Detailed answer here: What is intellij's build process for play applications

PyCharm - Send directory to run configuration from right-click menu?

I have a run configuration in PyCharm with script parameters that take in a directory. Then, I have several directories (a changing number) in my project which I would like to easily be able to run this configuration on. Is there anyway to add an option to the right-click menu of directories to run the configuration passing that directory to the configuration? Or some other method which provides similar accessibility to running the configuration on a directory?
For my specific problem, I have many log directories for TensorBoard (from TensorFlow) and I would like to selectively and easily be able to start up an instance of TensorBoard running on a given directory.
Basically if you would run it in pycharm You can write your own plugin to add some functionality to the IDE. There is a great documentation on how to create plugins in idea/pycharm:
We have done it before and it was a successful plugin, it really sped up the development processs. :)

IIS 8.5 Batch Update Folder Paths

We currently have a web farm of three servers and the application code is held on a fileshare on a separate device. We are running a project to migrate the applications to a separate storage device which will ultimately have a different root UNC file path.
We previously managed a similar operation on IIS 6 by simply modifying the metabase.xml file, however I don't believe this is a possibility in IIS 8.5
What is the best way to manage this migration considering that the web farm is running 200+ applications? Is there a convenient migration tool or configuration file?
After a bit more digging and running some tests on a Dev server, I found a fairly straightforward solution:
Run cmd
Navigate to the inetsrv folder: cd %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv
Run the following command to output a list of directories: appcmd list vdir /config /xml > C:\VDirOutput.xml
You can now edit the C:\VDirOutput.xml file manually using your favourite text editor to change the directory paths as required.
Import the new settings by running this command in cmd: appcmd set vdir /in < C:\VDirOutput.xml

Modules not loading in platform

Despite a successful build, no modules will load. The Browse menu is empty (except for Assets) and custom modules in the Configuration menu are missing.
After downloading the most recent build from our repository, I followed all steps in the "Source Code Getting Started" page. It has been a few months since looking at the VC documentation, and it looks like it has been updated. I recall an extra step after creating the Assets virtual folder in IIS that isn't there now. Is there perhaps a step here that is missing since the docs update?
Fwiw, the build deployed in our QA environment is fine. This is the same code, but I am trying to run locally and am having no luck with modules.
Virtual folder for Modules is optional in IIS and this step was skipped in the updated docs. But adjusting permissions in needed: "Open properties for vc-platform\VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\Modules (create this folder if not exsist) folder and give permission Modify to IIS_IUSRS user group as shown above."

can I install wamp twice in different folders?

I'm facing a problem due to the folder name "Program Files" in which my wamp is installed.
I'm using Yii Framework to create a web app.
While running a command
yiic webapp c:\Program Files\wamp\www\YiiApp
it gives error due to the white space in the folder name.
The error is as below:
C:\Program Files\wamp\www\yii-1.1.13.e9e4a0\framework>yiic webapp c:\Program Fil
Error: Unsupported VCS specified. Currently only git and hg supported.
yiic webapp <app-path> [<vcs>]
This command generates an Yii Web Application at the specified location.
* app-path: required, the directory where the new application will be created.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created. After the application
is created, please make sure the directory can be accessed by Web users.
* vcs: optional, version control system you're going to use in the new project.
Application generator will create all needed files to the specified VCS
(such as .gitignore, .gitkeep, etc.). Possible values: git, hg. Do not
use this argument if you're going to create VCS files yourself.
What should I do? Please suggest me something.
The second install will have superceeded the first. In other words Wampmanager and Apache and MySQL will be being started out of the new folder.
As per your question on wamp forum, copy wwww/subfolders into the new location and then copy ONLY YOUR databases from mysqlx.y.z/data into the same place in the new location.
Then delete the folders from program files.
You only need one wamp ( Apache/MySQL) per system.
I tried something else:
Without moving the previously installed wamp's content just read the
"uninstall_services.bat" file
just uninstall these services from that wamp directory which you want to disable.
Still the another wamp's services won't start. So install those services mentioned in "uninstall_services.bat" file manually from respective directories.
Now Restart All Services from the tray icon. The required wamp will be enabled.
If won't, try it again. No need to reinstall wamp.