Java EE/SQL: Is there a significant performance lag between primary key types? - sql

Currently I am involved in learning some basics of the Java EE technology. I encountered a particular project and took a deeper look into the underlying database structure.
On server-side I investigated a Java function that creates a primary key with a length of 32 characters (based on concatenating the time, a random hash, and an additional cryptographic nonce).
I am interested in a estimation about the performance loss caused by using such a primary key. If there is no security reason to create such kind of unique IDs wouldn't it be much better to let the underlying database create new increasing primaries, starting at 0?
Wouldn't a SQL/JQL search be much faster when using numbers instead of strings?

Using numbers will probably be faster, but you should measure it with a test case if you need the performance ratio between both options.
I don't think number comparison vs string comparison will give a big performance advantage by itself. However:
larger fields typically means less data per table block, so you have to read more blocks from DB in case of a full scan (it will be slower)
accordingly, larger keys typically means less keys per index block, so you have to read more index blocks in case of index scans (it will be slower)
larger fields are, well, larger, so by definition they are less space-efficient.
Note that we are talking about data size and not data type: most likely a 8-byte integer will not be significantly more efficient than a 8-byte string.
Note also that using random IDs is usually more "clusterable" than sequence numbers, as sequences / autonumerics need to be administered centrally (although this can be mitigated using techniques such as the Hi-Lo algorithm. Most curent persistence frameworks support this technique).


Are there any downsides to using nanoid for primary key?

I know that UUIDs and incrementing integers are often used for primary keys.
I'm thinking of nanoids instead because those are URL friendly without being guessable / brute-force scrapeable (like incrementing integers).
Would there be any reason not to use nanoids as primary keys in a database like Postgres? (For example: Maybe they drastically increase query time since they aren't ... aligned or something?)
Most databases use incrementing id's because it's more efficient to insert a new value onto the end of a B-tree based index.
If you insert a new value into a random place in the middle of a B-tree, it may have to split the B-tree nonterminal node, and that could cause the node at the next higher level to split, and so on up to the top of the B-tree.
This also has a greater risk of causing fragmentation, which means the index takes more space for the same number of values.
Read for a great visualization about the tradeoff between using an auto-increment versus UUID in a primary key.
That blog is about MySQL, but the same issue applies to any B-tree based data structure.
I'm not sure if there is a disadvantage to using nanoids, but they are often unnecessary. While UUIDs are long, they can be translated to a shorter format without losing entropy.
See the NPM package (
UUIDs are standardized by the Open Software Foundation (OSF) and described by the RFC 4122. That means that there will be far more chances for other tools to give you some perks around it.
Some examples:
MongoDB has a special type to optimize the storage of UUIDs. Not only a NanoID string will take more space, but even the binary takes more bits (126 in Nano ID and 122 in UUID)
Once saw a logging tool extracting the timestamp from the uids, can't remember which, but is is available
Also the long, non reduced version of UUIDs are very easy to identify visually. When the end user is a developer, it might help to understand the nature/source of the ID (like clearly not a database auto-increment key)

How to implement a scalable, unordered collection in DynamoDB?

I am looking into implementing a scalable unordered collection of objects on top of Amazon DynamoDB. So far the following options have been considered:
Use DynamoDB document data types (map, list) and use document path to access stand-alone items. This has one obvious drawback for collection being limited to 400KB of data, meaning perhaps 1..10K objects depending on their size. Less obvious drawback is that cost of insertion of a new object into such collection is going to be huge: Amazon specifies that the write capacity will be deducted based on the total item size, not just newly added object -- therefore ~400 capacity units for inserting 1KB object when approaching the size limit. So considering this ruled out?
Using composite primary hash + range key, where primary hash remains the same for all objects in the collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Obvious drawback is that having identical hash key results in bad key distribution -- cardinality is low when there are collections with large number of objects. This means bad partitioning, and having a scale issue with all reads/writes on the same collection being stuck to one shard, becoming subject to 3000 reads / 1000 writes per second limitation of DynamoDB partition.
Using global secondary index with secondary hash + range key, where hash key remains the same for all objects belonging to the same collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Similar to above, partitioning becomes poor for the GSI, and it will become a bottleneck with too many identical hashes draining all the provisioned capacity to the index rapidly. I didn't find how the GSI is implemented exactly, thus not sure how badly it suffers from low cardinality.
Question is, whether I could live with (2) or (3) and suffer from non-ideal key distribution, or is there another way of implementing collection that was overlooked, or perhaps I should at all consider looking into another nosql database engine.
This is a "shooting from the hip" answer, what you end up doing may depend on how much and what type of reading and writing you do.
Two things the dynamo docs encourage you to avoid are hot keys and, in general, scans. You noted that in cases (2) and (3), you end up with a hot key. If you expect this to scale (large collections), the hot key will probably hurt more and more, especially if this is a write-intensive application.
The docs on Query and Scan operations ( say that, for a query, "you must specify the hash key attribute name and value as an equality condition." So if you want to avoid scans, this might still force your hand and put you back into that hot key situation.
Maybe one route would be to embrace doing a scan operation, but just have one table devoted to your collection. Then you could just have a fully random (well distributed) hash key and do a scan every time. This assumes you always want everything from the collection (you didn't say). This will still hurt if you scale up to a large collection, but if you always want the full set back, you'll have to deal with that pain regardless. If you just want a subset, you can add a limit parameter. This would help performance, but you will always get back the same subset (or you can use the last evaluated key and keep going). The docs also mention parallel scans.
If you are using AWS, elasticache/redis might be another route to try? The first pass might code up a lot faster/cleaner than situation (1) that you mentioned.

What's the database performance improvement from storing as numbers rather than text?

Suppose I have text such as "Win", "Lose", "Incomplete", "Forfeit" etc. I can directly store the text in the database. Instead if use numbers such as 0 = Win, 1 = Lose etc would I get a material improvement in database performance? Specifically on queries where the field is part of my WHERE clause
At the CPU level, comparing two fixed-size integers takes just one instruction, whereas comparing variable-length strings usually involves looping through each character. So for a very large dataset there should be a significant performance gain with using integers.
Moreover, a fixed-size integer will generally take less space and can allow the database engine to perform faster algorithms based on random seeking.
Most database systems however have an enum type which is meant for cases like yours - in the query you can compare the field value against a fixed set of literals while it is internally stored as an integer.
There might be significant performance gains if the column is used in an index.
It could range anywhere from negligible to extremely beneficial depending on the table size, the number of possible values being enumerated and the database engine / configuration.
That said, it almost certainly will never perform worse to use a number to represent an enumerated type.
Don't guess. Measure.
Performance depends on how selective the index is (how many distinct values are in it), whether critical information is available in the natural key, how long the natural key is, and so on. You really need to test with representative data.
When I was designing the database for my employer's operational data store, I built a testbed with tables designed around natural keys and with tables designed around id numbers. Both those schemas have more than 13 million rows of computer-generated sample data. In a few cases, queries on the id number schema outperformed the natural key schema by 50%. (So a complex query that took 20 seconds with id numbers took 30 seconds with natural keys.) But 80% of the test queries had faster SELECT performance against the natural key schema. And sometimes it was staggeringly faster--a difference of 30 to 1.
The reason, of course, is that lots of the queries on the natural key schema need no joins at all--the most commonly needed information is naturally carried in the natural key. (I know that sounds odd, but it happens surprisingly often. How often is probably application-dependent.) But zero joins is often going to be faster than three joins, even if you join on integers.
Clearly if your data structures are shorter, they are faster to compare AND faster to store and retrieve.
How much faster 1, 2, 1000. It all depends on the size of the table and so on.
For example: say you have a table with a productId and a varchar text column.
Each row will roughly take 4 bytes for the int and then another 3-> 24 bytes for the text in your example (depending on if the column is nullable or is unicode)
Compare that to 5 bytes per row for the same data with a byte status column.
This huge space saving means more rows fit in a page, more data fits in the cache, less writes happen when you load store data, and so on.
Also, comparing strings at the best case is as fast as comparing bytes and worst case much slower.
There is a second huge issue with storing text where you intended to have a enum. What happens when people start storing Incompete as opposed to Incomplete?
having a skinner column means that you can fit more rows per page.
it is a HUGE difference between a varchar(20) and an integer.

Representing Sparse Data in PostgreSQL

What's the best way to represent a sparse data matrix in PostgreSQL? The two obvious methods I see are:
Store data in a single a table with a separate column for every conceivable feature (potentially millions), but with a default value of NULL for unused features. This is conceptually very simple, but I know that with most RDMS implementations, that this is typically very inefficient, since the NULL values ususually takes up some space. However, I read an article (can't find its link unfortunately) that claimed PG doesn't take up data for NULL values, making it better suited for storing sparse data.
Create separate "row" and "column" tables, as well as an intermediate table to link them and store the value for the column at that row. I believe this is the more traditional RDMS solution, but there's more complexity and overhead associated with it.
I also found PostgreDynamic, which claims to better support sparse data, but I don't want to switch my entire database server to a PG fork just for this feature.
Are there any other solutions? Which one should I use?
I'm assuming you're thinking of sparse matrices from mathematical context: (The storing techniques described there are for memory storage (fast arithmetic operation), not persistent storage (low disk usage).)
Since one usually do operate on this matrices on client side rather than on server side a SQL-ARRAY[] is the best choice!
The question is how to take advantage of the sparsity of the matrix? Here the results from some investigations.
Postgres 8.4
Matrices w/ 400*400 elements in double precision (8 Bytes) --> 1.28MiB raw size per matrix
33% non-zero elements --> 427kiB effective size per matrix
averaged using ~1000 different random populated matrices
Competing methods:
Rely on the automatic server side compression of columns with SET STORAGE MAIN or EXTENDED.
Only store the non-zero elements plus a bitmap (bit varying(xx)) describing where to locate the non-zero elements in the matrix. (One double precision is 64 times bigger than one bit. In theory (ignoring overheads) this method should be an improvement if <=98% are non-zero ;-).) Server side compression is activated.
Replace the zeros in the matrix with NULL. (The RDBMSs are very effective in storing NULLs.) Server side compression is activated.
(Indexing of non-zero elements using a 2nd index-ARRAY[] is not very promising and therefor not tested.)
Automatic compression
no extra implementation efforts
no reduced network traffic
minimal compression overhead
persistent storage = 39% of the raw size
acceptable implementation effort
network traffic slightly decreased; dependent on sparsity
persistent storage = 33.9% of the raw size
Replace zeros with NULLs
some implementation effort (API needs to know where and how to set the NULLs in the ARRAY[] while constructing the INSERT query)
no change in network traffic
persistent storage = 35% of the raw size
Start with the EXTENDED/MAIN storage parameter. If you have some free time investigate your data and use my test setup with your sparsity level. But the effect may be lower than you expect.
I suggest always to use the matrix serialization (e.g. Row-major order) plus two integer columns for the matrix dimensions NxM. Since most APIs use textual SQL you are saving a lot of network traffic and client memory for nested "ARRAY[ARRAY[..], ARRAY[..], ARRAY[..], ARRAY[..], ..]" !!!
CREATE TABLE _testschema.matrix_dense
matdata double precision[]
ALTER TABLE _testschema.matrix_dense ALTER COLUMN matdata SET STORAGE EXTERN;
CREATE TABLE _testschema.matrix_sparse_autocompressed
matdata double precision[]
CREATE TABLE _testschema.matrix_sparse_bitmap
matdata double precision[]
bitmap bit varying(8000000)
Insert the same matrices into all tables. The concrete data depends on the certain table.
Do not change the data on server side due to unused but allocated pages. Or do a VACUUM.
pg_total_relation_size('_testschema.matrix_dense') AS dense,
pg_total_relation_size('_testschema.matrix_sparse_autocompressed') AS autocompressed,
pg_total_relation_size('_testschema.matrix_sparse_bitmap') AS bitmap;
A few solutions spring to mind,
1) Separate your features into groups that are usually set together, create a table for each group with a one-to-one foreign key relationship to the main data, only join on tables you need when querying
2) Use the EAV anti-pattern, create a 'feature' table with a foreign key field from your primary table as well as a fieldname and a value column, and store the features as rows in that table instead of as attributes in your primary table
3) Similarly to how PostgreDynamic does it, create a table for each 'column' in your primary table (they use a separate namespace for those tables), and create functions to simplify (as well as efficiently index) accessing and updating the data in those tables
4) create a column in your primary data using XML, or VARCHAR, and store some structured text format within it representing your data, create indexes over the data with functional indexes, write functions to update the data (or use the XML functions if you are using that format)
5) use the contrib/hstore module to create a column of type hstore that can hold key-value pairs, and can be indexed and updated
6) live with lots of empty fields
A NULL value will take up no space when it's NULL. It'll take up one bit in a bitmap in the tuple header, but that will be there regardless.
However, the system can't deal with millions of columns, period. There is a theoretical max of a bit over a thousand, IIRC, but you really don't want to go that far.
If you really need that many, in a single table, you need to go the EAV method, which is basically what you're saying in (2).
If each entry has only a relatively few keys, I suggest you look at the "hstore" contrib modules which lets you store this type of data very efficiently, as a third option. It's been enhanced further in the upcoming 9.0 version, so if you are a bit away from production deployment, you might want to look directly at that one. However, it's well worth it in 8.4 as well. And it does support some pretty efficient index based lookups. Definitely worth looking into.
I know this is an old thread, but MadLib provides a sparse vector type for Postgres, along with several machine learning and statistical methods.

INT vs Unique-Identifier for ID field in database

I am creating a new database for a web site using SQL Server 2005 (possibly SQL Server 2008 in the near future). As an application developer, I've seen many databases that use an integer (or bigint, etc.) for an ID field of a table that will be used for relationships. But lately I've also seen databases that use the unique identifier (GUID) for an ID field.
My question is whether one has an advantage over the other? Will integer fields be faster for querying and joining, etc.?
UPDATE: To make it clear, this is for a primary key in the tables.
GUIDs are problematic as clustered keys because of the high randomness. This issue was addressed by Paul Randal in the last Technet Magazine Q&A column: I'd like to use a GUID as the clustered index key, but the others are arguing that it can lead to performance issues with indexes. Is this true and, if so, can you explain why?
Now bear in mind that the discussion is specifically about clustered indexes. You say you want to use the column as 'ID', that is unclear if you mean it as clustered key or just primary key. Typically the two overlap, so I'll assume you want to use it as clustered index. The reasons why that is a poor choice are explained in the link to the article I mentioned above.
For non clustered indexes GUIDs still have some issues, but not nearly as big as when they are the leftmost clustered key of the table. Again, the randomness of GUIDs introduces page splits and fragmentation, be it at the non-clustered index level only (a much smaller problem).
There are many urban legends surrounding the GUID usage that condemn them based on their size (16 bytes) compared to an int (4 bytes) and promise horrible performance doom if they are used. This is slightly exaggerated. A key of size 16 can be a very peformant key still, on a properly designed data model. While is true that being 4 times as big as a int results in more a lower density non-leaf pages in indexes, this is not a real concern for the vast majority of tables. The b-tree structure is a naturally well balanced tree and the depth of tree traversal is seldom an issue, so seeking a value based on GUID key as opposed to a INT key is similar in performance. A leaf-page traversal (ie. a table scan) does not look at the non-leaf pages, and the impact of GUID size on the page size is typically quite small, as the record itself is significantly larger than the extra 12 bytes introduced by the GUID. So I'd take the hear-say advice based on 'is 16 bytes vs. 4' with a, rather large, grain of salt. Analyze on individual case by case and decide if the size impact makes a real difference: how many other columns are in the table (ie. how much impact has the GUID size on the leaf pages) and how many references are using it (ie. how many other tables will increase because of the fact they need to store a larger foreign key).
I'm calling out all these details in a sort of makeshift defense of GUIDs because they been getting a lot of bad press lately and some is undeserved. They have their merits and are indispensable in any distributed system (the moment you're talking data movement, be it via replication or sync framework or whatever). I've seen bad decisions being made out based on the GUID bad reputation when they were shun without proper consideration. But is true, if you have to use a GUID as clustered key, make sure you address the randomness issue: use sequential guids when possible.
And finally, to answer your question: if you don't have a specific reason to use GUIDs, use INTs.
The GUID is going to take up more space and be slower than an int - even if you use the newsequentialid() function. If you are going to do replication or use the sync framework you pretty much have to use a guid.
INTs are 4 bytes, BIGINTs ar 8 bytes, and GUIDS are 16 bytes. The more space required to represent the data, the more resources required to process it -- disk space, memory, etc. So (a) they're slower, but (b) this probably only matters if volume is an issue (millions of rows, or thousands of transactions in very, very little time.)
The advantage of GUIDs is that they are (pretty much) Globally Unique. Generate a guid using the proper algorithm (and SQL Server xxxx will use the proper algorithm), and no two guids will ever be alike--no matter how many computers you have generating them, no matter how frequently. (This does not apply after 72 years of usage--I forget the details.)
If you need unique identifiers generated across multiple servers, GUIDs may be useful. If you need mondo perforance and under 2 billion values, ints are probably fine. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, if your data has natural keys, stick with them and forget the surrogate values.
if you positively, absolutely have to have a unique ID, then GUID. Meaning if you're ever gonna merge, sync, replicate, you probably should use a GUID.
For less robust things, an int, should suffice depending upon how large the table will grow.
As in most cases, the proper answer is, it depends.
Use them for replication etc, not as primary keys.
Kimberly L Tripp article
Against: Space, not strictly monotonic, page splits, bookmark/RIDs etc
For: er...
Fully agreed with JBrooks.
I want to say that when your table is large, and you use selects with JOINS, especially with derived tables, using GUIDs can significally decrease performance.