Restricting the windows 8 app to view in portrait mode(WinRT) - windows-8

In my application, the landing view only support portrait view all the other views support both portrait and landscape views. So here my requirement is i need to restrict my landing page to display only in portrait view and all the other views support both. How i can achieve this in windows 8 / WinRT.

Disable or prevent a Page from Portrait Mode in Windows 8
see this, it may be helpful. It is for disabling portrait mode in specific pages.


Using iOS 8 size class to design different UI for iPad portrait and landscape mode

I'm trying to design different UI for iPad landscape and portrait mode. Is there any way to implement it using iOS 8 size classes.
Varun Mehta
For iPad both orientations are defined as regular-regular so no, size classes alone can not specify different layouts.

How to do a portrait and landscape OSX app

Hi I have to develop a Cocoa app for OSX with both orientations (landscape and portrait). My first idea is when the app finish launch to check the screen resolution to see if it is portrait or landscape and then show the landscape view or the portrait view. The views have the same elements, the only difference is the position of them. How do you think is the best way of accomplish this? Two views with two controllers? one controller with two views? Any advise would be appreciated

Orientation on ios 8

I have 6 tabs in my iPad application, all of the controllers have a single baseViewController. In my first tab there is a collection view and different layouts for landscape and portrait mode. When I launch the application and rotate for the first time, all tabs' controllers are loaded simultaneously. Every time I rotate the device it calls orientation methods for all controllers. Before iOS 8 everything was working fine but this issue occurs only in iOS 8.
Can anyone suggest a solution?

lock a view to launch initially in landscape (ONLY landscape) objective-C

I want to initially launch one of the View controllers in JUST landscape mode, while the other views and the whole app can work in both portrait and landscape. How can I do it in iOS 7? Thank you.
So your whole app may supports all orientations but one view controller needs to be landscape only.
You can easily stop your landscape view controller to rotate from landscape to portrait but when the app is in portrait already then it is difficult to force the deivce to rotate as this contradicts the iPhone manufacturers priciple.
In fact, it is not really difficult when you know the trick. See my answer to this similar question.
Force controllers to Change their orientation in Either Portrait or Landscape

Is it mandatory to support filled, snapped and portrait views in Windows 8 Apps?

Do I have to support all these views in Windows 8 Apps? Or could I also develop applications only in Horizontal?
The same question I am having few days back, after some googling I found that
Windows 8 App Certification Section 3.6 they mention that " Your app must support a snapped layout. In landscape orientation, your app’s functions must be fully accessible when the app’s display size is 1024 x 768. Your app must remain functional when the customer snaps and unsnaps the app "
So I think all this views are compulsory but you can do one thing like
use a simple splash screen as your snap view (same like the default Windows 8 Store app)
and for other views like Fill, Portrait and Landscape you'll define the liquid design layout.
so that you'll don't have to worry for all the views.