How to make button invisible but it's content should be visible in xaml - xaml

Below is code for my button, so what properties should I add to make button invisible but content must be visible.
<Button x:Name="PART_PreviousButton"
Opacity="0" />

You need to edit the button Template to have this kind of result.
This link explains it pretty well, the easiest way is to do it with blend:


How can you keep focus when pressing a disabled button in a scrolviewer in xaml?

When creating a default C++ xaml blank app for UWP from visual studio add the following code in the xaml page.
<TextBox Height="20"></TextBox>
<TextBox Height="800"></TextBox>
<Button Content="Enabled" IsEnabled="True"></Button>
<Button Content="Disabled" IsEnabled="False"></Button>
If I put the focus on the Enabled button and after that I press the disabled button the focus shifts to the first TextBox.
I found a workaround, to add a 0 dimension focusable element as the first element of the stack panel. <Button Width="0" Height="0"></Button>
But this will affect the other children. ( The id will be changed by 1 )
Do you know a more elegant way of keeping the focus on the previous element after pressing a disabled button in a panel from a scollviewer?
The behavior is not present if the stackpanel is not in a scrollviewer.
You can programmatically change the app's focus in the ScrollViewer's Tapped event.
In the xaml:
<ScrollViewer Tapped="ScrollViewer_Tapped">
<TextBox Height="20"></TextBox>
<TextBox Height="200"></TextBox>
<Button Content="Enabled" x:Name="EnableButton"></Button>
<Button Content="Disabled" IsEnabled="False"></Button>
In the xaml.cpp, handle the ScrollViewer_Tapped event to make the EnableButton get focus.
void CApp::MainPage::ScrollViewer_Tapped(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
If you have any other Controls who can get focus, you should also handle their similar event to assign the focus.
Found a solution. On PointerPressed get the current focused element as an UIElement^ and capture the pointer

Button template is masking the clickable area of a button

I have the following UWP XAML:
<Button Content="Scan"
Command="{Binding CommandScan}" ToolTipService.ToolTip="Scan"
Style="{StaticResource ButtonIconStyle}">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<resources:ScanIcon />
ScanIcon is a user control that contains a vector image. What seems to be happening is that the icon is masking the clickable button area - that is, I can click in the drawn area of the icon only, the background of the button (whilst still within the border of the button) is not clickable.
So, my questions are: What is causing this behaviour, and how can I override it?
You can try to leave Button ControlTemplate alone and insert your image into Background of Button. I mean - you don't have to shoot big guns when you simple want to override style. If you need the Button to be exactly the shape of the image you can try DrawingBrush as described here: Painting with Images, Drawings, and Visuals

Difference between Button with Image as ControlTemplate and Image with PointerPressed Event

What is the difference between a button with an Image as its ControlTemplate, and an Image with a PointerPressed event handler?
You can set up event handlers for both for when you click on them, so what is the difference, or pros/cons for each?
Here's the Button code:
<Button Click="Button_Click">
<Image Source="pic.jpg"/>
Here's the Image code:
<Image Source="pic.jpg" PointerPressed="Image_PointerPressed"/>
A Button has states, whereas an image can have event handlers but was not specifically designed to be an input. See also different images for enable and disable states of a button in WPF

How do I format/style a Tooltip in Silverlight?

Basically I have an image in my application that I want to add hover text (or tool tip) too. This is easy to do using the ToolTipService.ToolTip attribute on the Image tag. The problem I have is that I require some words in the text to have a font-weight of bold.
i.e. This is a test tooltip.
My image tag looks something like this:
<Image Name="HelpIcon" Height="16" Width="16" Source="component/Assets/help.png" Stretch="Uniform" ToolTipService.ToolTip="This is a test tooltip.">
So given this example, how do I make the word test appear bold in the tooltip?
For the tooltip to have rich content you need to define the ToolTip contents as FrameworkElements rather than text.
<Image Source="component/Assets/help.png">
This is a <Bold>test</Bold> tooltip.

right dockpanel

i a newbie in xaml and i need your help about tabcontrol
i want to make a tab control with tab panel or dock panel in right..
if we follow this :
<TabItem Header="first" />
<TabItem Header="Second" />
will automatically create left top dockpanel or tabpanel, how to make itu top right..
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but have you tried setting the TabStripPlacement property?
<TabControl TabStripPlacement="Right">
<TabItem Header="first" />