WIX deploy two assemblies to GAC - wix

Using WIX, and trying to install two of the same assemblies, one for .Net35 and the other .Net40. I am using two separate components, however WIX is preventing the project from compiling.
<Directory Id="GAC40" Name="GAC">
<Component Id="MyDllServicesModuleGac40Component" Guid="307675AA-8AEC-473B-A78A-FB362CCEDE2A" Win64="yes">
<File Id="MyDllNet40DllGac" Name="MyDll.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net" Source="..\MyDll\bin\Net40\MyDll.dll" />
<Directory Id="GAC35" Name="GAC">
<Component Id="MyDllServicesModuleGac35Component" Guid="47E6BD1B-25CD-466D-945E-06DCF0F2A269" Win64="yes">
<File Id="MyDllNet35DllGac" Name="MyDll.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net" Source="..\MyDll\bin\Net35\MyDll.dll" />
The error I receive is:
Error 29 ICE30: The target file 'MyDll.dll' is installed in '[TARGETDIR]\GAC\' by two different components on an SFN system: 'MyDllServicesModuleGac40Component.DDD7D974_FE9C_4BA3_BDD3_A1A3A23F8057' and 'MyDllServicesModuleGac35Component.DDD7D974_FE9C_4BA3_BDD3_A1A3A23F8057'. This breaks component reference counting. D:\PROJECTS\MyDll.Experimental.3.0.0\Project\MyDll\MyDll.Wix.Services\MergeModule.wxs 34 1 MyDll.Wix.Services
The installer should be able to detect that the .Net35 dll gets installed to the GAC at C:\Windows\assembly, while the .Net40 dll gets installed to the GAC at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly.
Renaming the DLLs is not an option.
Naturally I came up with a solution just after posting, seem wrapping the components in additional elements allowed me to get this to work. Later I read Tom Blodget's post so that is correct.
<Directory Id="GAC1" Name="GAC">
<Directory Id="GAC40" Name="GAC">
<Component Id="MyDllServicesModuleGac40Component" Guid="307675AA-8AEC-473B-A78A-FB362CCEDE2A" Win64="yes">
<File Id="MyDllNet40DllGac" Name="MyDll.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net" Source="..\MyDll\bin\Net40\MyDll.dll" />
<Directory Id="GAC2">
<Directory Id="GAC35" Name="GAC">
<Component Id="MyDllServicesModuleGac35Component" Guid="FD74504A-6FE9-488E-9086-9DAD3024B35D" Win64="yes">
<File Id="MyDllNet35DllGac" Name="MyDll.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net" Source="..\MyDll\bin\Net35\MyDll.dll" />
Well, hope it helps someone!

As explained by Aaron Stebner,
When you use the attribute Assembly=".net" for a file in WiX, it will
create entries in the MsiAssembly and MsiAssemblyName table for this
component and mark it as a GAC component. That means that the file
will only be installed to the GAC by this component, and it will not
install to the directory that the component is a child of. That
directory will only be used by Windows Installer to stage a copy of
that file when creating an administrative install point.
So the directories for your two components must be different since the file names are the same. If nothing else is targeted for those directories, they won't even be created. I put my GAC components under a subdirectory of my install folder:
<Directory Id="tmp_to_GAC" Name="tmp_to_GAC">
You'd need one for each GAC.


How can I include a dynamic file in .msi in a Wix setup project?

In my project user needs to place .lic file in the target location under License folder. However, each time before an install executed, a new .lic file with a name of Guid created. So, this newly generated .lic file has to be existed in the target install folder in order to be executed. So, how can I include this newly generated.lic file with its new name in .wxs?
In the code below, .lic files are placed statically.
<Directory Id="dir2DD9EA0D815007578196EFA27F567092" Name="Licenses">`enter code here`
<Directory Id="dirD6EBD685D90950A0F304F5EFBC293201" Name="Devices">
<Component Id="cmp1BA173B1588EF11B24651E2C57684F41" Guid="{0AC7B82B-E85A-42B8-8156-3A435DEF7868}">
<File Id="fil1AD590AF499331F0C3BF14DC51B62411" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.GatewayPath)\Licenses\Devices\{7e173bee-e914-4a07-8500-595ee9757047}.lic" />
<Component Id="cmpB1DF42E330453DC4C24E213ED65887EC" Guid="{6B6F5A3E-3DD4-46AB-A35B-E5B0E784756F}">
<File Id="fil61099F899D843C9EC784909DF6C50A19" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.GatewayPath)\Licenses\Devices\{b16e6bfc-c8fb-45b1-be2f-e949446d5415}.lic" />
I have solved my problem as below.
<Directory Id="dirD6EBD685D90950A0F304F5EFBC293201" Name="Devices">
<Component Id="CopyLicensesComponent" Guid="A7C42303-1D77-4C70-8D5C-0FD0F9158EB4" >
<CopyFile Id="LicenseFileCopy" SourceProperty="SOURCEDIRECTORY" DestinationDirectory="dirD6EBD685D90950A0F304F5EFBC293201" SourceName="*.lic" />

Can I use auto-generated GUIDS with a merge module?

I use auto-guids in my <Product> but can't figure out how to use them with <Module>. I only get this error:
The component X has a key file with path 'TARGETDIR\company...'.
Since this path is not rooted in one of the standard directories (like
ProgramFiles Folder), the component does not meet the criteria for
having an automatically generated guid.
Above, company is the value mapped to !(loc.ProductManufacturerFolderName).
The only problem is that's not true. My directories are rooted in ProgramFiles just like my product is and my product works fine:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder">
<Directory Id="MODULEINSTALLLOCATION" Name="!(loc.ProductManufacturerFolderName)">
<Directory Id="Data" Name="Data">
All my component declarations look roughly like this:
<Component Id="DocumentationParty_Business_TestCases_v1xlsx.component" Guid="{YOURGUID-1234-1234-84B3-C595A63428AD}" MultiInstance="yes">
<File Source="../../Development/Integration/SSIS/Documentation/Party_Business_Test Cases_v1.xlsx" KeyPath="yes" Id="DocumentationParty_Business_TestCases_v1xlsx.file" />
Breaking it is easy, you only have to change the GUID to * and the above error results. This is broken:
<Component Id="DocumentationParty_Business_TestCases_v1xlsx.component" Guid="*" MultiInstance="yes">
<File Source="../../Development/ClaimsIntegration/SSIS/Documentation/Party_Business_Test Cases_v1.xlsx" KeyPath="yes" Id="DocumentationParty_Business_TestCases_v1xlsx.file" />
I have a .wxs file for each directory to which components will be installed. All my component-holding .wxs files have the following structure:
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<ComponentGroup Id="DatabasePolicy_Files">
<ComponentRef Id="DatabasePolicyCreateDatabasecmdtemplate.component" />
<DirectoryRef Id="DataPolicy">
<Component Id="DatabasePolicyCreateDatabasecmdtemplate.component" Guid="*" MultiInstance="yes">
<File Source="../../Development/Database/Policy/CreateDatabase.cmd.template" KeyPath="yes" Id="DatabasePolicyCreateDatabasecmdtemplate.file" />
Each <ComponentGroup> is included in my master .wxs file through a <ComponentGroupRef>. This works in all my MSI projects and breaks only now that I've started working with merge modules. Also, I've tried commenting out all components except for which matches the above definition and it still breaks on the same error.
What is the problem?
I've had this similar issue myself and based on your error message it's probably the same.
Try adding a ComponentGuidGenerationSeed, that should solve your issue. The ComponentGuidGenerationSeed acts on all subfolders as well so a single one at the top-level is sufficient for all folders.
<Directory Id="DOCUMENTATIONFOLDER" Name="Documentation" ComponentGuidGenerationSeed="a9f690d3-22b3-488f-bdac-bb665c25933c"/>
The Component Guid Generation Seed is a guid that must be used when a
Component with the generate guid directive ("*") is not rooted in a
standard Windows Installer directory (for example, ProgramFilesFolder
or CommonFilesFolder).

WiX: FileSource confusion

Just trying to setup an installer for the first time, bit confusing.
This code;
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="FTSM" Name="FTSM">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="FCP" FileSource="..\FCP\bin\Debug\">
<Component Id="MainExecutable">
<File Id="FCPEXE" Name="FCP.exe" Source="FCP.exe" KeyPath="yes"/>
<Shortcut Id="startMenuFCP" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" Name="FCP" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Icon="FCP.exe" IconIndex="0" Advertise="yes"/>
Doesn't give me any success, I always get System cannot find the file 'FCP.exe'
If I take the FileSource variable and put it into the source variable, like so;
<File Id="FCPEXE" Name="FCP.exe" Source="..\FCP\bin\Debug\FCP.exe" KeyPath="yes"/>
Then everything works perfectly. I can build the WiX project without errors and it generates an installer that works as expected.
The file structure is as follows;
-> FCP (Main Project)
--> bin
---> Debug
----> FCP.exe
-> Installer (WiX Project)
--> Product.wxs
Obviously not a big issue for this Project, but when I run into multiple components, it's going to be a lot handier to specify the FileSource once.
From Bob Arnson's blog-entry Choosing your payloads:
When you use the File/#Name attribute and don’t use the File/#Source
attribute, the compiler constructs an implicit path to the file based
on the file’s parent component directory plus the name you supply.
Thus when File/#Source is present WiX will use it regardless of any Directory/#FileSource, if it is not then the source path is constructed by combining Directory/#FileSource and File/#Name.
So, a bit of a lucky find really, but it turns out if you use the references folder from within the WiX project you can then do some neat referencing in the wxs file.
I referenced my project and could then do the following;
<File Id="FCPEXE" Name="FCP.exe" Source="$(var.FCP.TargetDir)\FCP.exe" KeyPath="yes"/>

WiX - How to change name of a directory after installation

Pretty simple question, suppose my app will be installed as
+-- bin
+-- lib
I'd like to rename "lib" to "plugins" after installation, how can i do that?
There is a MoveFiles Element that might help, but no idea how to use it.
The problem here is, in my case, source files could be installed into different paths, this scenario described in here.
The only way I can figure out is to create two component groups and install them conditionally. However, using heat to harvest same subdir twice will cause ID conflicting, so I'm thinking to use different paths(e.g. lib and another-lib), and then rename one of the path back after installation, so this question arised...
Don't. Install the files correctly up front. The way that the Windows Installer tracks things will fight you every step of the way. Just install the files in the correct folder from the beginning. Probably not the answer you wanted.
I finally wrote a C++ program to extend heat generated wxs with another directory structure. So we can decide which path to install under different situations. It worked just like changing name during installation.
Here is the wxs file patched by my program. Basically it creates another directory WEBIDR and different subdirs, then adds another component group webGroup for later reference by condition element.
You can do the same thing manually, but if there are thousands of files awaiting, and if they are frequently updating, maybe a program(or script) is a better choice.
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="dirA5528701EE26FFBF346CCE20EE8ACE99" Name="bin">
<Component Id="cmpEBA9C2A32D81BA8646BD1A64DBB39DB1" Guid="{142C531A-C71C-4890-9318-0FC42026C8FC}">
<File Id="filDB56E052EC783676CEF361C0C5AA71F3" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.runDir)\bin\boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_47.dll" />
<Directory Id="dir3279BEF4E08D9A00D2F205F325F00A81" Name="modules">
<Component Id="cmpDECCAE13F8937500E4AC367A8EAC95F4" Guid="{85CC0C94-1BFB-4062-BC4E-FBF143921301}">
<File Id="filDD3B40D68D0437B18B1108FBA49ABC1B" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.runDir)\modules\HelloAPI.dll" />
<DirectoryRef Id="WEBDIR">
<Component Id="webcmpEBA9C2A32D81BA8646BD1A64DBB39DB1" Guid="{fec110c5-a1a0-4b07-8a35-50f1af84001a}">
<File Id="webfilDB56E052EC783676CEF361C0C5AA71F3" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.runDir)\bin\boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_47.dll" />
<Directory Id="webdirpluginF4E08D9A00D2F205F325F00A81" Name="plugins">
<Component Id="webcmpDECCAE13F8937500E4AC367A8EAC95F4" Guid="{3ef79a47-7681-4991-9726-02db38c22f6d}">
<File Id="webfilDD3B40D68D0437B18B1108FBA49ABC1B" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.runDir)\modules\HelloAPI.dll" />
<ComponentGroup Id="runGroup">
<ComponentRef Id="cmpEBA9C2A32D81BA8646BD1A64DBB39DB1" />
<ComponentRef Id="cmpDECCAE13F8937500E4AC367A8EAC95F4" />
<ComponentGroup Id="webGroup">
<ComponentRef Id="webcmpEBA9C2A32D81BA8646BD1A64DBB39DB1" />
<ComponentRef Id="webcmpDECCAE13F8937500E4AC367A8EAC95F4" />

Which would be the proper way to install one publisher policy in to the GAC using WIX?

Which would be the proper way to install one publisher policy in to the GAC using WIX 3.5?
I tried to do this:
Source="..\ClassLibrary1\bin\Release\ClassLibrary1.dll" >
<Component Id="Config" Guid="F089B1AA-B593-4662-9DF4-F47EB9FBA1F4" >
Source="..\ClassLibrary1\policy.1.0.ClassLibrary1.dll" >
When compiling with VS2008 appears this error:
policy.1.0.ClassLibrary1.dll appears to be invalid. Please ensure this is a valid assembly file and that the user has the appropriate access rights to this file. More information: HRESULT: 0x8013101b
And lastly, when compiling with VS2010 doesn´t appear to be any problem. But
at finalizing the installation process, the DLL is well installed and the
publisher policy didn´t. Also I read the log generated during the installation and I wasn´t able to find a cause.
Thanks for reading.
I've been doing something similar and works well using Visual Studio 2010 and in a Build Server with MsBuild:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="Gac" Name="Gac">
<!-- The component with the assembly -->
<Component Id="MiClassDLL" Guid="*">
<File Id="MiClass.dll" Assembly=".net" KeyPath="yes"
Source="$(var.MiClass.TargetPath)" />
<!-- The component with the policy -->
<Component Id="PolicyMiClassDLL" Guid="{YOUR_GUID_HERE}">
<File Id="PolicyMiClass.dll" KeyPath="yes"
Source="$(var.MiClass.TargetDir)Policy.1.0.MiClass.dll" />
<File Id="PolicyMiClass.config" KeyPath="no"
Source="$(var.MiClass.ProjectDir)Policy.1.0.MiClass.config" />
In my case I have the policy.config file in the same project directory and I build the policy dll in the same output to make easier the installer script.
I noticed that the policy component must have a guid and for some reason it requires internally that policy dll and config files in the same directory/component.
I build the policy assembly in the Post-Build event of MiClass project with this command:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\al.exe"
/comp:"My Company"
/prod:"My Product"
I hope this works for you.
I did some work with policy dlls, and the only difference I can see is that your file naming convention is a little different than ours was.
Instead of
We used
instead of /link switch use /embed to compile the xml-config into publisher policy. then you can install the resulting assembly into GAC without problems